When To Fear The Living

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When To Fear The Living Page 35

by B. L. Brunnemer

  "Isn't your Mom going to be pissed?" I asked Isaac and Ethan. They both chuckled.

  "Once Ma hears about the bird, she'll go after Mrs. Weaver for suspending you," Ethan said. I snorted at that. When we reached the parking lot, we stopped.

  "I'll take Lexie to get her clothes, Hades, and the Blazer," Zeke said.

  "We'll pick up some stuff from our house, Ma will let us hang for the afternoon," Ethan spoke for him and Isaac.

  "I'll pick up some groceries for tonight, " Miles announced.

  "I'll go with you," Asher said. "I'll have enough time to actually make curry from scratch."

  "So, everyone meets back at Miles'?" I asked. Everyone agreed then we scattered.

  After we picked up Zeke's clothes and Hades, we were talking about a video game marathon when Zeke pulled up to my house. Dylan was sitting on the front step waiting. Oh, come on, was the universe bored lately?

  "What the hell is he doing here?" I grumbled.

  "Want me to get rid of him?" Zeke asked, his voice deeper than usual.

  "No, I'm done being nice," I told him as he shut off the truck. "I'll meet you inside."

  Zeke's gaze ran over my face before nodded. He didn't like it, but he'd let me handle Dylan.

  We both got out of the truck, Zeke took Hades' leash. When he met me on this side of the truck, I handed him my keys so he could get inside. Dylan got to his feet and met me halfway across the lawn, Zeke walked past him without a word.

  "Dylan, what are you doing here?" I asked, my voice sounding tired even to me.

  "I wanted to talk, but I also needed to see for myself that you were okay," He said as he reached out to touch my chin. I backed up out of his reach before he could touch me. "I heard about the locker thing from one of my friends. You don't answer my calls anymore so I figured I'd wait until you got home," He added.

  "I don't want to talk, that's why I'm not answering my phone," I pointed out before I went to walk around him. He grabbed my arm and pulled me to a stop. Zeke straightened in the doorway, I shook my head at him, I could handle Dylan. Zeke's jaw clenched.

  "Lexie, I really think we need to talk," Dylan said. I was so sick of hearing him say that, I was so done. I turned to him and jerked my arm out of his hand.

  "About what?" I snapped. His eyes widened. "About you dumping me? About you using what I confided in you to hurt me?" I asked. Dylan ran his hand through his hair. I kept going, my voice getting louder. "I don't want to talk about it, I don't want to get back together with you, I just want everyone to leave me the fuck alone." I went to walk into the house again, he pulled me to a stop again. I slipped his hold and turned on him.

  "Lexie, we can be something great-"

  "Stop touching her or I'm going to step in whether she likes it or not," Zeke warned in a growl. Dylan glared at Zeke then looked back at me.

  "Lexie, this is between you and me, tell Zeke to go away," Dylan demanded. I scoffed.

  "Dylan, a lot of shit has been going on around here. Right now, I don't feel safe with anyone except the guys, and Rory. So, no, I'm not telling Zeke to go away," I told him bluntly.


  "If you call me that one more fucking time I'll deck you!" I snapped at him, anger boiling in my gut. "See if I'm joking."

  "I know I hurt you-"

  "Yeah, Dylan you did. You hurt me, and every time you called, texted, or showed up, you kept doing it." I looked at him exasperated. I didn't know how else to say it. "And you don't care if you hurt me. You only care that you get to say what you want to say."

  "That's not-"

  "I can recite your speech backwards by now," I snapped. I took a deep breath and gave him a smile. "But I'll admit, you've made it a whole lot easier to get over you." I met his eyes and felt nothing except frustration. "Now, I look at you, and I don't see the guy I cared about, the guy who made me laugh, or even the guy who made me feel beautiful. I see the guy you were that night and have been since. You're the guy who hurt me on purpose, you're the guy who won't fucking listen to a word I'm saying when I tell him it's not going to happen." His face was stricken, and I didn't care. I’ve had enough.

  "I hurt you that much?" He asked.

  "Yeah, you did," I said directly. I gave him a small smile. "But not anymore, now you're just pissing me off." I turned away to walk into the house.

  "Lexie," He grabbed my arm again. Zeke came out of the doorway. I slipped Dylan's hold and met Zeke before he could reach Dylan. I rested my hand in the middle of his chest and stopped Zeke from passing me

  "Move, Baby," Zeke growled, his hands going to my shoulders. He tried to step around me, but I wouldn't let him.

  "Zeke, stop," I snapped. He stopped trying to get by me. His eyes were boiling when they met mine.

  "I've got it," I assured him, he took a deep breath and let it out slowly.

  "Baby?" Dylan's voice was suspicious. Zeke's shoulders grew rigid. "You two?" Dylan asked, his voice filled with laughter. That just pissed me off. I turned and gave him an 'are you kidding me' look.

  "It's her nickname," Zeke growled at him. "Since before she even met you." Dylan started laughing, that just pissed me off more.

  "Even if we were together, it's none of your fucking business," I growled. Dylan looked at me again, his face amused. "If you ever touch me or show up here again. I won't stop him next time." I warned him. "Good-bye, Dylan." Zeke waited until I was behind him and in the house before following. I couldn't blame him, I was about to deck Dylan myself. I walked into the kitchen for... I don't know for what, but I ended up leaning against the counter as I tried to calm down. Zeke shut the front door then came over to stand across from me.

  "You okay?" He asked gently, well, gently for Zeke.

  "Why doesn't he listen?" I asked, my voice quiet. Zeke took a deep breath.

  "He cares about you," He said bluntly. "He was chicken-shit and threw you away, then he realized what an idiot he was." I nodded. That sounded about right.

  "Thanks, Tough Guy." He pulled me in for a hug.

  "No one messes with," He took a breath. "Our Lexie." I smiled into his chest and relaxed. Hades' whining had me pulling back, he was at the back-door pacing. "Go pack, I'll let him out," Zeke offered. I smiled my thanks and ran upstairs, I picked up everything I would need for a few days at Miles’ house. I even packed my laptop hoping Miles will be able to figure out what was wrong with it. I put Dylan out of my mind, got my stuff together, and headed downstairs. Zeke was playing tug a war with Hades, I giggled quietly as I watch Zeke make faces at Hades as they fought over the rope, the guy really was a big teddy bear... with big teeth and claws... okay maybe he was more of a wolf after all. I came downstairs, and we headed out to Miles' house.

  I drove my Blazer over, though Hades was determined to stand on me with his nose against the glass the whole way. It was so cute that I was laughing by the time I reached Miles'. Zeke pulled in directly behind me, he had been on my butt the whole way there and I didn't even want to complain about it.

  Once we were inside, I let Hades off his leash, he ran straight for the guys in the living room. I took off my coat and hung it over the bannister as usual then picked up my book bag and took a seat next to Miles. Everyone had their homework out, I figured I might as well finish the rest of my work for the week since I had the time now. I put my laptop on the coffee table and started going through my notes on Pride and Prejudice. The twins were talking about going to the training center early since we weren't in school. They had just gone to change when I looked up to find my computer had powered up on its own, again, I sighed and looked at Miles.

  "Miles, my computer keeps turning itself on. Why does it do that?" I asked, exasperated. Miles' head snapped up, his gaze went to my computer. His brow drew down.

  "Lexie," he said in his calm voice, "Did you turn on your webcam?"

  "I have a webcam?" I asked lamely. Miles looked at me then reached out and shut my laptop.

  "I'm going to need my computer," Miles annou
nced as he picked up my laptop. "Come on up with me, Lexie." Miles got to his feet and headed for the stairs. I followed him upstairs and down the hall on the right side of the house where he opened the third door on the left, I walked in assuming it was a study only to find it wasn't, it was Miles' bedroom. It was huge, though you wouldn't know it. The walls and ceiling were painted black, I didn't expect that. Miles walked over to a huge L shaped desk with several monitors, near the bed. My painting of the Andromeda galaxy was hanging above his desk, he actually had put it there. I smiled to myself as Miles sat down at his desk.

  "Lexie, do you mind if I go poking around your computer?" He asked with his back to me.

  "Not as long as you don't mind me nosing around your bedroom," I countered. He chuckled.

  "Look to your heart's content," He said, his voice told me he was smiling. I looked at his floor to ceiling ebony bookcases across from his bed. It took up most of the wall. He had books on everything having to do with Astronomy or Physics, he even had a whole book case dedicated to NASA alone. I was grinning when I turned around and looked at his bed. It was a queen in a Cherrywood sleigh bed, it was beautiful. Then I saw his comforter and bit back a laugh. His comforter looked like a photo from outer space, complete with stars and gasses, it had lots of blues, greens, whites, and oranges across it. I loved it. On a matching cherry-wood nightstand was a photo of all of us in a simple dark wood frame. We had taken it on New Year's Eve, we were out at a party and Zeke was being a pain about getting a photo with all of us. So, Miles and Asher sat on the couch surrounding him. The twins jumped on the back of the sofa while I hopped into Miles' lap and snuggled into him. Miles had wrapped an arm around my back and over my legs to keep me from falling off the couch. Most of us were a bit tipsy since Riley was the sober driver for the night. Everyone's face was flushed, including mine as I laid my head against Miles' shoulder and smiled. After that photo, it degenerated into a 'pull Lexie down the couch and tickle the crap out of her fight.' Miles ended up saving me from Zeke and Asher by picking me up and getting to his feet, the twins thought it was so hysterical they fell off the back of the couch laughing. It was a great picture. I looked out the window at the snow blanketed backyard still thinking about it, that was the night I realized I had feelings for Miles.

  "Son of a...." Miles bit out, jerking me back to the present.

  "What?" I walked over to Miles to see the screen. Miles turned and blocked my view.

  "Lexie, sit down," He said in his silky-smooth voice. That can't be good. I went to his bed a couple feet away and sat down cross legged. Miles rolled his chair over to me, his face was serious as he met my eyes.

  "This guy has been watching you through your webcam," He said. My stomach knotted.

  "Anytime the computer turned on by itself, he was the one turning it on," He explained gently. I wrapped my arms around my stomach feeling gross all over again, but Miles wasn't done. "There are a lot more photos than he printed out. I found a hidden cache on your hard drive, full of them." I looked into his emerald eyes.

  "Am I naked in those too?" I asked quietly. His jaw clenched as his eyes grew colder.

  "From what I can tell from the thumbnails, in some of them, yes," He said gently. I hid my face in my hands, this couldn't fucking be happening. Miles moved closer, his hands resting on my knees. "Lexie, I might be able to find him through the photos." I dropped my hands and looked at him. His face was struggling for blank, but it came out strained. "If he sent these pictures to himself, then I might be able to find his IP address. But I'll have to... look at a few of the pictures. Well, have them on a screen." His thumbs rubbed over my jeans in a comforting way, he continued, "And at least one of them will need to be..."

  "A naked one," I finished for him. He nodded, I covered my face and dropped onto my back on his bed. I didn't want anyone looking at those photos, I wanted those pictures not to exist. But if Miles could find this guy... If he could get him in jail... I growled in frustration.

  "Fuck it, go ahead," I groaned.

  "Are you sure?" He asked softly. I dropped my hands and looked at him down the line of my body.

  "Miles, if there is anyone I can trust with those photos, it's you," I said as I met his eyes.

  "Find this fucker." Miles immediately turned and rolled over to his computers. He opened a photo of me dressed first then moved it to the right monitor, so it wasn't in his face and started typing. I rolled over so I could watch him and lay down at the same time. Miles went through several photos of me dressed, then he hesitated.

  "I'm sorry, Lexie," He said, his voice full of suppressed emotion.

  "Just get it over with, sweetie," I said. He took a deep breath then opened a naked picture of me. He immediately moved it over to the other screen and made a point to use the other monitors, his ears were turning pink.

  "Miles, would it be easier for you if I left?" I asked gently. He shook his head.

  "Actually, that would make it worse. Then I'd be the guy, in his room, alone, looking at naked photos of the beautiful girl he's friends with," He pointed out. I smiled, he really was sweet. I finally looked at the picture, I had just taken off my towel after a shower. My body was toned, but still had the little cushion I needed. No six pack for me, but at least there was a hint of one, I didn't look too bad.

  "At least I have a nice body," I thought out loud. Miles stopped typing.

  "Lexie, are you critiquing these photos?" He asked, incredulous. My face warmed.

  "I'm trying to look on the bright side here, Miles," I admitted. "I just realized I have a nicer body than in October."

  He shook his head. "How do I respond to that without insulting you or sounding like a pervert?" He asked, at a loss, I smiled.

  "Just say 'yes, Lexie."

  "Yes, Lexie," He repeated before he started typing again. I giggled as he got back to work. He closed that photo and hesitated to open another one. I got up and started opening his desk drawers. "What are you looking for?" He asked, his voice curious.

  "Tape and a piece of paper," I told him. Miles' eyes lit up.

  "Great idea," He declared as he got into the right drawer and taped a piece of paper to the right screen.

  "I do have them on occasion," I teased. His ears went back to their normal color as I laid back down on the bed. I snagged one of his pillows, got comfy, and watched him work. He opened a picture and move it immediately to the right screen under the paper. Then he did whatever it was he was doing, his typing got harder and louder as he went. He started mumbling under his breath. He stopped typing to absently reached into a drawer and popped a couple pieces of gum into his mouth then he began working again. This time deleting photos by groups. When he was done, he opened another screen on the left bank of monitors and turned to it. I watched his profile as he put another window on another screen. His fingers flew over the keys, screens popped up, and disappeared in a blink. I could only see them because of the reflection in his glasses.

  "Did you download anything in the last couple of months?" He asked absently.

  "Some music but that's about it, I think," I said. He nodded.

  "Anything from your email?" He asked.

  "I think so," I admitted.

  "Can I have your password, please?" He asked. I sighed. I knew this day would come.

  "Pikachu, I choose you," I mumbled. He stopped typing and looked over at me.

  "Pardon?" He asked, his voice strained. My face caught fire.

  "Pikachu, I choose you. The you is the letter, not the word," I said again, hating that I had to tell him. Miles fought it off as long as he could, but he started laughing. He laughed so long it made me start to laugh so I grabbed a pillow and threw it at him which Miles caught it and began to calm down.

  "When... when did you make this account?" He asked as he finally stopped laughing.

  "Right after Pokemon Go came out," I admitted. "It kept me away from home, and it was free."

  He gave me a bright smile. "Valor, Mystic or Instinct?" H
e asked.

  "Instinct, I love underdogs," I answered instantly. He smiled and went back to work.

  "We might have to go Pokemon hunting sometime," He mumbled as he started typing again. It wasn't long before the bedroom door opened all the way, Asher walked in frowning.

  "What are you guys doing?" Asher asked.

  "Her stalker has been accessing her computer, that's how he got those photos. I'm hunting him down," Miles said absently.


  "Yes, if I can find the Trojan program he's using to get in." Miles kept typing without missing a beat. "I can at least track him to his IP address, and possibly figure out who he is."

  "How long will that take?" Asher asked.

  "How many interruptions?"

  "Gotcha," Asher said then looked at me. "Ally, do you want to come downstairs? We're starting a video game tournament."

  "I'm gonna watch Miles work," I said. Asher gave me a smile before he left the bedroom. I watched Miles' face as he worked. He got this little wrinkle between his eyebrows, his emerald eyes were sharp and bright as they ran over the screens. I watched as his fingers flew over the keyboard. He was cute until he smiled, then you could see how handsome he really was. It felt like the world's biggest secret, and I was the only one who knew about it. His intelligence glowed in his eyes whenever he talked about astronomy. He always got excited when he talked about tracking planets, or their moons. Just watching him work had warmth spreading through me until I was wondering what kissing him would be like, again. Damn it, Lexie! What are you doing? You're drooling over one of your best friends! I closed my eyes, and I was feeling the same way around Asher, and now Zeke! I really needed to get over these stupid crushes. But there was a nagging feeling in the back of my mind that was telling me this was something different. I pushed it away. No, it's not. It's the same, just some hormonal crush that will go away. I opened my eyes to find his soft eyes running over my face slowly, before meeting mine. He opened his mouth a bit as if he was going to say something, then he blinked and swallowed hard.


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