Pretend I'm YoursA Single Dad Romance

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Pretend I'm YoursA Single Dad Romance Page 12

by Vivian Wood

  I nod slowly, my gaze wandering to Larkin. “Yeah, that works.”

  “I just bet,” my dad says, clapping me on the shoulder. “I’ll let Rosa know.”

  Soon enough, I head over to Larkin’s side. “You about ready?”

  “Yep!” she says. Without dropping her cheerful affectation, she leans in to whisper, “I can’t listen to any more details about macular degeneration.”

  I grin. “Okay. Let me say bye to my dad and Rosa, then we can blow this popsicle stand.”

  After handing over a diaper bag that I keep in my car, complete with two changes of clothing, I say bye to everyone. Larkin and I step out into the dusky evening. The sun has definitely started to set.

  I see Larkin shiver as we slide into my car. “I will turn up the heat,” I promise.

  A few droplets of rain hit my windshield, a promise of the weather to come. I turn on my car and peel off my hoodie.

  “Here,” I say, passing it to her.

  She blushes and puts it on, sticking her hands through the arm holes. She looks adorably small in my jacket. “Thanks. And aside from the talk of macular degeneration, the party was nice.”

  I grin. “You’re too nice for your own good.”

  I pull out, heading home. As we drive, the weather gets worse and worse.

  “It’s been a while since it really stormed here,” Larkin says, peering out the window.

  “Well, we’re getting it all now. I wouldn’t be surprised if we got some flash flooding.”

  “Maybe on some of the lower areas outside town. Nothing for us to be worried about.”

  She’s visibly shaking now, despite the fact that the heat is on.

  “Are you going to be okay?” I ask, glancing at her.

  “Totally.” Her cheerful tone is belied by the fact that she shrinks down inside my hoodie, trying to get warm.

  I pull the car up outside our apartments and turn the engine off.

  “I’m going to have to run for it,” she says, looking mournfully at the house. She starts to take the hoodie off, but I shake my head. “Wear it inside.”

  “Okay,” she agrees. She hesitates, perhaps realizing that when she opens the door, she’ll have to run into her house, and I’ll have to go into mine. “Do you um… do you want a drink?”

  I take a breath. Somehow, I know that she’s asking me in for more than a drink. And yet, I can’t bring myself to say no.

  “Yeah,” I say with a nod. “Are you ready?”

  She bites her lip, making eye contact with me. A chill runs down my spine.

  “Yes,” she says quietly.

  “Alright. On three?” I suggest. She nods. “One… two… three…”

  I step out into the icy rain, slamming my car door and running toward Larkin’s porch.

  Chapter Seventeen


  I race through the driving, stinging rain, desperately clinging to Charlie’s hoodie. It protected me at first, but it is quickly becoming sodden and heavy.

  Charlie gets to my porch first, his heavy footsteps audible. I follow him, my heart going far too fast. I push the hood of Charlie’s jacket off my head and get the keys out.

  “That was ridiculous,” Charlie mumbles. “It was practically biblical.”

  I try not to look at him for too long. With his shirt soaking wet and his hair slicked, he looks like a friggin sex god. I get the door open, though I am trembling. Partially from the fact that I’m freezing… but part of it is nerves, I’m sure.

  After all, Charlie is here. And he’s wet. And he’s looking at me with a very intent expression…

  I open the door, and the dogs all come tumbling out. I let them run up and sniff Charlie’s hands, looking for treats and pets.

  “Come on,” I say, nodding my head inside. “I’ve got some towels and blankets.”

  “Are you always so self-sacrificing?” he asks, herding the dogs inside.

  I rush int the back of the house, shivering.

  “What do you mean?” I call over my shoulder, heading to the downstairs closet. “Just wait a second here in the living room, the towels are right here…”

  I open the closet and pull down a human-sized stack of towels, then hurry back to the living room. Charlie is standing there, soaking wet, dripping water onto the living room floor. I approach him, slowing as I get within a pace of him. He fixes me with his green-eyed stare, looking brooding and sexy and just… ugh.

  I want him, I think. I want him bad.

  I miss a step somehow, tripping and dropping half the towels, sprawling towards him. He reaches out to keep me from falling, grabbing me by the shoulders.

  “Ooh!” I say, my breath coming out in a whoosh.

  “Easy,” he says, steadying me. I shiver again as I stand up straight, and he looks at me with a very serious expression. “We should get you out of these wet clothes.”

  I let my head fall back, looking up at him. He stares down at me, bringing his hand up to push back a couple pieces of hair that are plastered to my forehead.

  I don’t dare to breathe. I don’t dare to speak. I’m frozen under his beautiful green gaze, waiting for him to make a move.

  Charlie cups my cheek, running his thumb roughly along the outline of my lips. He bites his bottom lip; for the first time since I’ve met him, I know without a doubt what he is thinking.

  He wants me.

  Suddenly I push up onto my tiptoes, bringing my lips a fraction of an inch from his. I gaze into his eyes, asking him a wordless question. Is it worth it?

  Almost begging. His gaze flickers down to my lips. I can feel his breath against my mouth, his warm breath fanning across my skin.

  Then he closes the distance, his expressive eyes closing. His mouth presses against mine, warm and soft. He kisses me with no trace of the hesitation he must feel. No, his kiss is hard and dominant and full of passion reawakened.

  He slides up a hand around me, pulling me the last step toward him, my soft body hitting his hardened frame. My hands come up to his chest, clutching his shirt.

  His free hand begins unzipping the hoodie, peeling it off along with my cardigan. I shiver, from nerves and from being cold, and he senses it.

  Without a word, he sweeps me off of my feet, carrying me up the stairs to my bedroom. I wrap my arms around his neck, feeling so small and delicate in his grasp.

  He automatically goes to the master bedroom, which is the same one I use. Inside, the room is very girly. The bed is made of cedar wood, four posters with white lace curtains and an ivory coverlet.

  But he ignores the bed, heading to the en suite bathroom. With only its clawfoot tub, I don’t see what he wants with the bathroom, but he carries me over to the tub anyway.

  Charlie sets me down, turning on the taps. Then he proceeds to undress me, pulling at the strings of my wrap dress. I step out of my shoes and help him with my dress; soon it falls to the floor, and I am left shivering in my matching white lace bra and panties.

  The steam starts to fill the room, its heat very welcome. Charlie kneels to take off his Converse, then looks up at me.

  “I’ve imagined this a hundred times,” he admits, his voice thick with emotion. “I’ve thought of a thousand different scenarios, different positions. Imagined which ones would give you the most pleasure.”

  I shiver again, but this time it’s not from the cold. I bite my lip, afraid that if I speak, I will break the spell.

  “You know what I want, more than anything right now?” he says, reaching out and caressing my hip.

  “What?” I say, my voice barely more than a whisper.

  “Take off your bra and panties, and sit on the side of the tub for me.”

  I turn bright pink, but I know I have to do it. I slowly take off my bra, exposing my breasts to him, my pink nipples pebbling in the steamy air. I see him suck in a breath and then bite his lip. It’s so sexy when he does that, I don’t think that it’s fair.

  I’m aware of my pounding heart as I shimmy out of my
panties, leaving me completely naked. Vulnerable.

  “Sit,” he commands, his eyes roving over my naked skin. He may be kneeling still, but his order leaves no doubt of who is in charge here.

  I step backwards and sit on the ledge, overwhelmed with self-doubt. Here I am, completely naked, and he’s still fully dressed. What if I don’t live up to his fantasy?

  Charlie moves forward, reaching up to tug my mouth down to his. I bury my fingers in his short, dark hair as he invades my mouth, our tongues dancing together.

  I feel his hands on my knees, pushing them open wide. I resist at first, until he stops for a second and murmurs, “Relax, Larkin”. I let him part my knees, baring my pussy.

  I expect him to go right for it, but he doesn’t. Instead he moves closer, kissing my jaw, my neck, my shoulder. I run my hands along his strong shoulders, feeling the muscles in his upper back as they move.

  He kisses my right breast, cupping my bare flesh and closing his lips over my nipple. I throw my head back and groan as he sucks and licks at it, using his teeth to draw my nipple to a hardened point.

  “Fuck,” I gasp, beginning to writhe against him. I feel my pussy growing wet, and I am just brazen enough to press my mound against his chest.

  He releases my breast from his mouth with a loud pop, kissing his way down to the top of my mound. I hazily hear a voice in the back of my head saying that Charlie is really here, in my bathroom, and he’s about to eat my pussy. Is this real?

  I push the voice aside as Charlie runs the tip of his tongue up and down my slit, teasing me. “Charlie…” I implore. “Please.”

  He kisses my thigh instead. “Please what?”

  “Just… please,” I say, scooting forward an inch. “I’ve already waited for two months. Don’t make me wait any longer.”

  He considers me idly, kissing my inner thigh a bit more. When he withdraws, I can’t help it.

  “Charlie!” I whine.

  But he surprises me again by pulling me by the hand toward the bedroom. “We need more space,” he says simply.

  I head toward the bed, and he lets me go. I sit down again,

  He starts to strip, first his clingy dark shirt, showing off his pecs and biceps and abs in a stunning display. Then his black jeans, his legs long but powerful, each nearly the size of my body. Soon he’s left wearing only damp, black boxer briefs…

  And I might be drooling a bit. Charlie moves toward me, as sinuous and powerful as a jungle cat. I move back on the bed, but he grabs me by the ankle.

  “Stay,” he orders.

  My eyes go wide; he can give me commands anytime, I swear. He climbs on the bed and lays beside me, his eyes burning like twin firebrands. I roll onto my side, using my knee to try to hide my nudity a little, but he won’t have it.

  “Uh uh,” he says, pushing my knee back. “There’s no reason to hide from me. You are gorgeous, every inch of you.”

  I flush, nodding a little. He trails his hand from my collarbone to my breast, and down to my hip, giving it a squeeze.

  “You’re so fucking pretty, Larkin,” he tells me, meeting my eyes. “You drive me crazy, almost every day, just by being yourself. I can hardly stand it.”

  I don’t respond right away. I wouldn’t even know how to begin answering that kind of compliment. Finally, I manage, “I feel that way about you, too.”

  Charlie isn’t listening, though. Instead, he pushes himself onto his knees, bending down to kiss my collarbone, the top of my breast. He kisses my nipple, then sucks the nipple into his mouth. His mouth is so hot and wet, and my hips raise of the own accord.

  My mouth opens, a mewling cry coming out. He laves my nipple with his tongue, then releases it. I make a disappointed noise, but Charlie has other concerns. He kisses his way down to my navel, pushing my knees apart to make room for himself.

  He pushes me up the bed as far as possible, then finds a comfortable spot between my legs. He pushes one knee up, trailing kisses along the inner thigh.

  I squirm a little, although I know that what is coming will be incredibly hot. Still, I’m distantly uncomfortable in my own skin, worrying again that I can’t live up to his fantasy.

  He uses two fingers to find my seam, tracing it lazily up and down, up and down. His fingers get a bit of my juices on them; he stops and pops his fingers in his mouth, making a contented sound as if that’s normal.

  I blush and lock up, my knees pulling together a little. But then he parts my lower lips with those same two fingers and leans in close, kissing my clit.

  “Oh god!” I say, panicked. It feels so good, so wet and so hot, I don’t know if I can take much of his teasing. When he kisses my clit again, swirling his tongue around it this time, making loud sucking noises, I bury my fingers in his hair.

  He does figure eights with his devilish tongue for a minute, while I moan and try not to buck my hips against his face. After he closes his lips around my clit and sucks, though, I can’t help it.

  “Oh god, oh god,” I repeat over and over again. “I… I’m close, Charlie.”

  He shifts a little, teasing the entrance to my core with one single finger. I shiver with excitement and buck against his mouth when he introduces a second thick digit.

  And with the third, I think I’m about to boil over. He’s sucking on my clit and gently moving his fingers in and out of my pussy, and it’s all too much.

  I make a throaty sound, almost there…

  He slows down, though, and withdraws his fingers. I crack open my eyes, glaring at him.

  “What are you doing?” I ask, uncertain.

  “Can you come from penetration?” he asks, licking his fingers idly.

  “Yes…” I say.

  “Good. Then I think we should both come together,” he says, rising to his knees. “I just wanted to get you most of the way there, because… it’s been a while for me. And because I’ve been dreaming about eating that pussy.”

  I go red at his words, even though he just got done doing that very thing. I bite my lip and beckon him. He backs off the bed, stripping of his boxer briefs, laying himself bare. His cock juts proudly out, long and thick and quite beautiful.

  He’s got a tattoo on his hip, but I don’t have much time to examine it. He pauses.

  “Are you… do we need a condom?” he asks.

  I shake my head. “I have an IUD, and I’m clean.”

  “I am too,” he says, crawling on top of my body, until our hips press together. He’s heavy, almost too heavy for me, but his big frame makes up for it. He balances himself on his elbows, taking some of the weight off.

  My lips find his, and my hand finds his cock, stroking it gently. He breaks the kiss with a low, needy groan. That sound breaks any plans I had to draw this out.

  I position his cock at my entrance, moving my hips a little to encourage him. He doesn’t thrust right away, though. He takes a second to look down at me, brushing some of my still damp hair from my face.

  “You’re beautiful,” he tells me. The earnestness in his gaze shines through.

  “You’re gorgeous too,” I say.

  He kisses me again, his lips warm and wonderful. Then he slowly sinks in, inch by inch.

  “Ahhhh,” I say, feeling the stretch deep inside to accommodate his size.

  He looks pained. “Are you okay? Should I stop?”

  I shake my head. “No. Go faster.”

  Charlie withdraws, then thrusts, withdraws, then thrusts. A little deeper, a little faster every time. He sets a rhythm, slow at first. I meet him thrust for thrust, feeling my body warming up, remembering the pleasure that it felt just a few minutes ago.

  I wrap my legs around him as he increases the pace. There’s a smooth kind of friction happening; it feels amazing, like there is something deep inside me that is on fire, and only he can put it out.

  With each thrust I am getting a little closer to ecstasy. I feel a spring winding a little tighter and a little tighter. I just need something a little… more… to be set of

  “Charlie,” I say, breathless. “I am going to need you to fuck me harder. Don’t hold back.”

  He smirks for a second, then he gives me exactly what I want. He leans over me, fucking me like a jackhammer, sweat beginning to drip from his face and chest. All I can do is hold on, that inner spring growing tighter by the second.

  “Fuck,” he whispers, his tone reverent. His voice is nearly lost in the melee between us.

  “Yes,” I urge him, my hips clashing with his over and over again. “Yes! Don’t stop. Don’t you dare…”

  I’m wound so tight that when I start to come, I grip Charlie’s back with my nails, leaving a set of nail marks. Then it’s like I see fireworks, everything in my world going black except for a few bright splashes of color.

  I topple over a cliff I didn’t see coming, and plummet down into the abyss of my own pleasure. A second after I come, I feel Charlie start to come. I hear his rugged shout, I feel the hot pulse of his seed deep within me. I feel him slow down, and then stop.

  He rests his forehead against the pillow to my left, breathing openmouthed for a long second. My racing heart begins to slow.

  Charlie kisses me then, long and languorous. He tastes like his sweat, but I don’t mind it one bit. I sigh into the kiss, bringing my hands up to cup his face.

  When at last he pulls out of my body and goes to the bathroom to clean off, I lie still. Appreciate this moment, I tell myself. You got what you’ve wanted for so long. Who knows when it will happen again?

  He comes out of the bathroom with a washcloth. I raise a brow, but he starts to clean me off in gentle swipes of the cloth. He disappears again, then comes back and sinks on the bed beside me.

  I’m honestly shocked. I was expecting him to throw his clothes on, say that this was a mistake, and leave.

  But he wraps an arm around me, pulling me close and kissing my shoulder. “I’m sorry that was so short. Next time I won’t be so trigger happy.”

  “Next time?” I ask, turning my head towards him. Also, he wasn’t too short. He just has crazy-high standards, I guess.

  …I can live with that.

  “Yeah. Give me… I don’t know, twenty minutes to reset? Of course, if you’re ready, I can always eat your pussy again…”


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