Savage Lies: Savage Angels MC #7

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Savage Lies: Savage Angels MC #7 Page 2

by Kathleen Kelly

  “How about we strip the bed, we shower together, and we make the bed? We’re a team, right?”

  I chuckle. “Okay, petal, let’s do that.”

  I roll off her, and we both sit up. Walking into the bathroom together, she inspects my marks on her body in the mirror.

  “You okay?” I ask.

  “Yeah, I like them. They’ll remind me of you when you aren’t around.” A small smile plays on her lips as she traces the mark on her hip.

  “That’s the idea, petal, so I’m the first and last thing you think about.”


  I stalk through the clubhouse doors, not paying attention to who’s in the room, which is my first mistake. The next thing I know I’m sprawled out on my stomach with someone on top of me, sticking their wet finger in my ear.

  “What the fuck!” I roar.

  “Zeke, my man, that was too fucking easy. Since you’ve been seeing Cass, you’ve gone soft and don’t spend time with us anymore.” Rebel laughs.

  “Get. Off. Me.”

  Still laughing to himself, Rebel gets up and quickly moves behind the bar. I stand, dust myself off, and use the bottom of my t-shirt to clean my ear.

  “Rebel, one day soon I’m going to get you back for that,” I say threateningly.

  He winks, blows me a kiss, and puts a beer on the bar for me. “Calm down, princess.”

  The clubhouse is full of members and the odd female who are either laughing or grinning at me. I grab my beer, take a swig, and look around the room.

  “Yeah, laugh it up, people. Payback’s a bitch.”

  “Called Zeke, ‘cause you’ve gone soft,” retorts Rebel.

  “Fuck you.”

  “What’s that line you like to use? You’re not my type. Vaginas, I like vaginas!” Rebel smirks.

  “Right now, Rebel, you’re one big vagina,” I grumble.

  Rebel winks at me and moves further down the bar. With my pride hurt, I walk toward the pool tables.

  “Anyone seen Kade or Dane?” I ask.

  Keg approaches me. “They’re both in the garage working on one of the school buses. Reb’s right, you know, not about going soft, only that we don’t see you as much now that you’ve taken up with Gerald Lee’s daughter.”


  “She’s not exactly the type to hang out with us. She seems to keep you pretty busy.” Keg frowns and leans up against the pool table.

  “Cassia is shy, is all. She’ll come around.”

  “You sure that’s all?” asks Keg.

  “Yeah, man, that’s all. I need to talk to Kade. Check back in with you later?”

  Keg nods, and with my beer in hand, I walk toward the garage. There are a few people in the compound, some I recognize, giving them a nod and wave. I open the office door, and Addy, Jonas’ woman, is sitting behind the desk with a mountain of paperwork in front of her.

  “What’s up, Addy?”

  “Do you lot even know how to keep good records? I’m amazed the IRS doesn’t camp out in the compound.”

  I chuckle at her. “I’d offer to help, but let’s face it, I’d be useless. You seen Kade?”

  Addy nods and motions toward the workshop. “He’s in there working.”

  “Cool. Have fun.”

  “Yeah, fun, that’s what I’m having.”

  I wink at her and keep going. Dane and Kade are standing beside the school bus, and Dane doesn’t look happy.

  I walk up and punch Kade in the arm. “What’s up, brother?”

  “The fucking bus is toast. It’d be kinder to torch it than try and fix it again.”

  Dane nods and throws a rag at the engine. “Yeah, you’re right. The school was hoping it’d last the year before they needed a new one.”

  “Want me to take a look?” I ask.

  Both men look at me. Dane smirks.

  “You think you can fix something that I can’t?” asks Dane.

  “No, Prez,” I say, hands help up, taking a step back. “Just thought a fresh pair of eyes might help.”

  “Have at it,” replies Dane with a grunt as he saunters away.

  I look at Kade who’s shaking his head at me. “Brother, have you got a fucking death wish? I’ve been working on the piece of shit, too, you know?”

  “Stop being a princess. I was only offering to help.”

  Kade quirks an eyebrow at me. “Whatever. What do you want?”

  “I’m not feeling the love.”

  “Fuck you, Zeke. What do you want?”

  “Cassia’s father is having a party tomorrow night, and I’ve been invited.”

  “Yeah, so?”

  I look at the ground, embarrassed. “Ahh, what do I wear?”

  Kade laughs, but he soon stops when he sees how serious I am. “Cassia knows who you are. She won’t care.”

  “It’s not Cassia I’m trying to impress but her old man.”

  Kade walks toward the hand basin. “You trying to fuck him, too?” he teases. “What type of party?”

  “All the businesses in town are going. So, a fancy one?”

  “Sounds more like a nice shirt and jacket. You could wear jeans.” I nod and once again look down. “What is it?” asks Kade.

  “I don’t own a nice shirt or jacket.”

  “Fuck, man, is that it?” Kade starts washing his hands. “Let’s go shopping.”

  “We’ll have to go to Pearl County. I don’t want her old man knowing I had to buy something.”

  Kade nods and dries his hands. “Let’s get going. It’ll be good to clear my head with a ride.”


  Gerald Lee is standing in the center of the room, surrounded by people. He’s a tall man, and all those around him seem enthralled by whatever it is he’s saying. He and I don’t get along. He doesn’t approve of me for his daughter, but I admire a man who can command a room as he does. Only other men I’ve seen do that are my father and Dane Reynolds, President of my MC.

  Gerald casts a look in my direction and raises his glass. I give him a two-fingered wave, he smiles at me, but even from this distance, I can tell it doesn’t reach his eyes.

  “Hey, handsome.”

  I turn around to find Cassia smiling up at me. She’s wearing a tight, black dress with a low ‘V’ at the front and three-quarter length sleeves. Like all little black dresses, it finishes just above the knee, and she’s paired it with fuck-me six-inch red stilettos and a choker necklace. My dick goes hard at the sight of her. Reaching down, I pull on the choker, exposing one of my marks.

  “Damn, petal, you look good enough to eat,” I say as I kiss her chastely on the lips.

  “You don’t look so bad yourself.” Cassia grins and looks around the room. “Is everyone playing nice? Are they making you feel welcome?”

  In truth, no one has said hello, and those who have managed to make eye contact with me soon scurry away. It’s expected. They all know I’m in the MC, and although many in town like and respect us, no one wants to be associated with us, unless of course, they need help or money, then we are deemed civilized.

  “Yes, Cass. I’d rather talk about where you and I can get five minutes alone with those shoes digging into my back.”

  “Only five minutes? Surely, I’m worth more than that?” teases Cass while smiling smugly at me.

  “The first time is just for me. You’ll get your turn later.”

  Cass grabs my hand and pushes up against me, resting her other hand on my chest.

  “You sure know how to turn a girl on.”

  I lean down, my mouth almost touching hers. “Not any girl, my girl.”

  Cass’ eyes are glued to my mouth, and I’m about to close the gap when a hand clamps down on my shoulder.

  “Zeke! Enjoying the party?” asks Gerald Lee.

  Cassia takes a step back and smooths out her dress. I give Gerald a tight smile and wrap an arm around her waist.

  “You put on an impressive gathering.”

  Gerald looks displeased at my arm around his da
ughter, then smiles broadly at me.

  “Come, let’s introduce you to our friends.”

  Cassia beams at him, but I hear the inflection in his voice, our meaning I’m not wanted. I give him my best grin, take Cassia by the hand, and let him lead the way.

  Gerald Lee didn’t leave Cassia and me alone for the rest of the night. I felt like the prized horse being shown to the town to see if they approved. I have a sick taste in my mouth, and I want to leave, but he’s invited me into his study to have a chat.

  Gerald is pouring both of us a drink, he lights a cigar and walks toward me, drink outstretched.

  “So, what did you think of our little shindig, son?”

  “You put on a fine gathering,” I reply as a take a swig of whiskey.

  “It’s a twenty-five-year-old single malt, a good drop.”

  Gerald walks toward a chair behind his desk and motions for me to sit opposite him. As I sit down, the leather creaks, and the chair groans—probably an antique and another reminder that I don’t belong in this world.

  The study door opens, and Cassia’s brother, Jeremiah, pokes his head into the room.

  “Hey, Dad,” Jeremiah glances at me. “Everything okay?”

  “Yes, son. We’re just getting to know each other.”

  “Okay.” Jeremiah nods at me. “Zeke.”

  “Jeremiah,” I reply with the same amount of disapproval in my voice.

  Jeremiah frowns at me and looks back to his father.

  “Well, when you’re done in here, Judge Ackerman wants a word.”

  “I won’t be long,” says Gerald.

  The door closes, and we sit across from each other, his large oak desk spanning the distance between us. Neither of us talk until Gerald reaches into his pocket and pulls out an envelope.

  “I know you’re fond of my girl, and I know she cares for you but, son, you have to know you’re batting above your belt.” Gerald frowns, turns the envelope over then holds it out to me. “Maybe this can soften the blow?”

  Confused, I take the envelope from him, open it, and find a check inside for five hundred and seventy-five thousand dollars.

  “Are you trying to pay me to get rid of me?” I ask incredulously.

  Gerald leans forward, his face hardens. “I’ve done some digging on you and your family. That preacher daddy of yours is sure in a whole world of trouble. That right there,” Gerald points to the check, “could save him and yours a very bad time, and all you have to do is walk away from my Cassia. What can someone like you offer her anyway?”

  I nod, smile, and finish my drink. “Thanks for the whiskey, it was a fine drop.” I stand and rip the check in two. “As for this, I don’t need it, and Cassia is old enough to make up her own mind who she wants to be with. I’m not going to tell her about this. It’d break her heart.”

  Gerald stands. “Now you wait a goddamned minute! Either you take that check and leave, or I’ll make sure you leave, and trust me, son, you ain’t going to like the second option.”

  I rip the check up some more, crumple it up in my fist and let it fall to the floor, then I laugh.

  “Bring it.” I step up to his desk, and the old guy doesn’t back down. He stands his ground. “You can’t buy me.”

  I stalk out of the room and run into Cassia. I grab her by her upper arm and drag her toward the front of the house.

  “Zeke! What are you doing?”

  “I’m leaving and taking you with me.”

  We get outside, and Cassia struggles against me, and I only let her go when we get to my bike. Picking up the helmet off my seat, I thrust it at her.

  “Put this on.”

  “No! What the hell is going on?”

  “Cassia! Is that man hurting you?” yells one of Gerald’s friends.

  “What? No!” yells Cassia.

  “Get on the bike,” I demand.

  “You sure?” asks the nosey friend.

  “Yes!” Cassia turns to him. “I’m fine. We’re just having a private chat. Please go back to the party.”

  “I’m gettin’ your daddy.” The man turns and strides into the house.

  “Great!” Cassia throws her hands up in the air and turns around. “What’s going on?”

  “I want to leave,” I ground out.

  Cassia places a hand on my chest. “Okay, love, I get that, but I can’t. Daddy will expect me to stay. You get that, right?”

  I nod. “Yeah.”

  “Cassia! Is he hurting you?” demands Gerald as he thunders toward us.

  Cassia turns to talk to her father, “Daddy… what happened to your face?”

  I look at the man, and he’s got a cut above his eye and a split lip.

  “Why don’t you ask him?” yells Gerald, pointing at me.

  “What?” asks Cassia turning around to face me.

  “You lying sack of shit.” I take a step toward him, and Cassia steps in front of me.

  “Zeke, you better go.”

  I lock eyes with her. “You’re not believing this bullshit, are you?”

  Cassia looks down, shakes her head. “I don’t know what to believe right now, but one thing I do know is you came out of that room angry, and now my father looks like this.”

  “Right. So, of course, the big bad biker hit an old man. I didn’t do it, but I’ll be damned, Cassia, if I’m going to be blamed for something I didn’t do.”

  I push Cassia out of the way. She trips and falls, then I raise my fist and smash it into Gerald Lee’s smug face. He goes down, my rings splitting his lip further.

  Looking down at Cassia, I hold up my bloody fist. “See, petal, if I had hit him, there’d be blood on me and see that lip?” I ask, pointing at her father. “If I’d hit him the first time with these rings that’s what it would look like.”

  I don’t look at Cassia or her father. Anger runs through my veins as I mount my bike and head for the compound. Fuck it. I don’t need the goddamn hassle of some small-town girl and her uppity father.

  When I arrive at the compound, I see Kade’s bike parked out front. I dismount, take the stairs two at a time, and head for the bar. I’m greeted with wolf whistles by the guys inside.

  Slamming my fist on the counter, I demand, “Whiskey!”

  Rebel comes toward me, bottle in hand. “What’s up your ass?”

  I glare at him as he pours me a drink, and I swipe the bottle off him. “I’m good for it.”

  Rebel gives me a hard look and walks away.

  “I’m guessing the party didn’t go well?” asks Kade as he takes the bottle from me and drinks out of it.

  “Her fucking old man,” I growl shaking my head.

  “That his blood on your hand?” I look down at it and nod. “What the fuck did you do, Zeke?”

  “He told Cassia I hit him.”

  “So, to prove you didn’t, you did?” I glance at Kade and nod. “Wow, what a fucking idiot.”

  “You know, man, if I needed my ass chewed out, I’d go back to that fucking party.”

  “He played you, and you let him.” Kade slaps me on the back and walks away with my bottle.

  I stand at the bar with my one fucking drink, and I want so badly to hit something or someone. Bear, our road captain, stands next to me.

  “Brother, I need some help.”

  I stare up at the big man. Since he’s been seeing Shaz, he’s lost thirty pounds, and he’s looking good.

  “What can I help you with, Bear?”

  “I need someone to hold onto the punching bag outside but none of the guys will. Can you spot me?”

  “Only if you hold it for me later.”

  “You right to work out in your fancy clothes?”

  Taking off my jacket, I roll up my sleeves. “Is this better?”

  “You still look like a princess, but yeah, it’s better.”

  “Change of plans, you hold the bag first.”

  Bear lets me punch out my frustrations for an hour and only stops when Shaz asks him to take her home. The m
an is devoted to her.

  I’m sitting on the front steps, sweat trickling down my back, and I’m beat, emotionally and physically.

  “Feel better?” asks Dane.

  “Not really, Prez.”

  “You know Kade asked him to wear you out?”

  “Yeah, I figured.”

  “Gerald Lee is highly respected in town. It’s spread like wildfire that you beat him. The old fucker is going to use that against you.”

  “I hit him once. I figured if I was going to be blamed for it, then I was going to do it.”

  Dane chuckles. “Yeah, I get it. What about Cassia?”

  My head drops, and I stare at the ground. “I fucked up,” I admit.

  “Yeah, brother, you did.”

  I hear Dane walk away, and I ponder my options. The best course of action is to find Cassia and apologize to her if she’ll see me.

  I stand and walk toward my bike. I need to see her to see if I can make this right.

  The lights are on in Cassia’s lounge room and bedroom when I pull up. The sound of my Harley must alert her that I’m here and the porch light comes on. I turn off my bike and quickly go to her front door. Before I can knock, it’s opened. Cassia is standing there with red and swollen eyes and makeup smudged. I instantly feel like a fool.

  “I’m sorry,” I whisper.

  Cassia shakes her head, sending fresh tears down her face. I close the gap between us, crushing her to my chest.

  “I shouldn’t have hit him, but I swear it was only once.”

  I look down at Cassia. She’s clutching my shirt, her eyes wide with emotion.

  “I swear it, petal, only once. Your old man doesn’t approve of me. You know that, yeah?”

  Cassia pushes away from me, shaking her head. “You hit him.”

  “Cass, baby, I’m so sorry.”

  “You hit him!” Cassia yells at me.

  “I know.” I hold up my hands. “Tell me how to fix this, and I’ll do it.”

  “You can’t,” Cassia whispers.

  I take a step back as more tears fall down her face. “Cassia, please.”

  “Goodbye, Zeke.”

  She shuts the door, and I’m left standing outside alone, wishing I could take it all back.


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