by Frank Carey
"Kress, you are charged with the murder of this Noru. I find you guilty. The sentence is immediate execution." She brushed her hands clean on her tunic as she turned to face Reton and the blaster he had leveled at her. She saw it set to kill. "Really?"
The gun wavered, then lowered. "What the plark are you?"
"I'm Maddy, your friend. Who do you think I am, silly?"
He looked down at the pile ash, then looked back at her.
"Oh, that. I have a knack for solving problems and Kress was a problem, but enough of that. We need to find the crew."
"What about Myriam and Joshua? Are they dead?"
"It depends on how long they've been merged. We'll see. Come on." She opened the door and peeked out. "Coast is clear, she said as she walked out into the hallway.
"You can wake-up from the nightmare, now, Reton," he said as he gingerly stepped over the pile of ash and followed Maddy down the corridor.
Nana and Marcus scanned the sphere around them using their built-in scanners. Being cyborgs meant you never have to hold a scanner in one hand while holding a gun in the other. We're talking a real time saver.
"I see it," Marcus said while swinging around to scan a large door. Being permanently twin-linked with your partner meant having conversations which sounded weird to those standing around you.
"Got something?" King asked as he raised his fist. The team stopped, then fanned out in a defensive ring around King, Kalana, and the two GELFs.
"Yes, sir. Small freighter-class ship. Engines are at standby. A number of life signs, though."
"All human."
The Weck scout ran up. "Sir!"
"Get that door open, quiet like."
"Aye, sir!" Since joining the team, Glean had proved himself a master of picking locks; any kind and any type.
The Weck knelt and went to work. He finished in less than a minute. "Door's unlocked, sir. Just hit the blue button."
King looked at Kalana with a raised eyebrow. "Is he getting faster?"
She looked over at Mersa with her own raised eyebrow. Mersa blushed and self-consciously fluttered her wings. "Wouldn't know, Captain," she said.
"Team 1, breach protocol. Go! Go! Go!" the colonel said as he slapped the blue button. The team moved in and took positions behind objects as they ran into what turned out to be a hangar. "Strykers! Glean! Move up and get inside. Team 1, defensive positions. Trent, seal that door and keep a scanner on it."
"Aye, sir!” the Alue said as the others fanned out to defensive positions around the ship.
Glean ran up to the hatch, found the control pad, and was about to get to work when the hatch opened. A human male wearing captain's stripes stepped out and pointed a blaster at Glean. Seeing this, the equinoid stood up, raised his hands above his head and smiled his best smile. "I surrender."
"What the hell are you?" Captain Ceta demanded.
"He's a Weck and a scout for my team," Colonel King said while stepping between the gun and Glean. "Elf Marine Expeditionary Force Colonel Titus King at your service Captain Ceta. We got a call that you needed a lift."
Ceta looked around and saw three strykers lowering their weapons. "Sorry about that, Colonel. We've had a long day," he said as he disarmed his weapon. "Any idea what the hell is going on?"
"Yeah, but we don't have time to talk about it. We understand several of your crew aren’t with you?"
Ceta nodded. "We were investigating some weird life signs when we were jumped by two dozen creatures. We nailed two of them before they overwhelmed us. We were able to send our AI into the derelict's network before they captured us."
"What about Reton?"
"Wait, you're Team 1. Damn, Reton couldn't stop talking about you. Something about you being his clan."
"Ah, my son the mechanoid. Where has that boy gotten off to?"
"Right. The creatures that attacked us ignored him, so I ordered him to find a place to get the hell out of the area before they changed their minds. Haven't seen him since."
Kalana walked over and returned to elf-form, much to the surprise of the captain and the crew standing in the hatchway. "Captain Ceta, this is my first officer, Captain Kalana Grenor."
"Sir!" Kalana said as she saluted. He returned the salute. "Is that a new kind of suit?" the astounded captain asked.
"No, sir," my two friends and I are cyborgs. Sir, did something happen to your two missing crew persons?"
"Yes, dammit, and we were powerless to stop it. During our short fire fight, two creatures where dealt mortal blows. Several of the creatures grabbed my navigator, Myriam, and helm officer, Sean, and dragged them over to the two dying aliens. The next thing we knew, the two aliens were dead while Myriam and Sean were suddenly sporting huge eyes and mottled skin. Never saw anything like it."
"OK, we'll take care of the creatures and your missing crew. Trent! Nova! Parker! Front and center!"
The Alue sergeant and two Minotaurs ran up to where King was standing. "Sir!"
"Get the crew of the Ricerca back to the Mugwump. You can return via the derelict's network, but leave your suits behind to guard the Wump. When you get back here, you two can join up with Marcus and Nana. Sarge, just get your ass back here ASAP."
"Yes, sir,"
"You two are AIs?" Ceta asked Nova and Parker.
"Yes, sir," Parker said.
"Your team rates two AIs?" Ceta asked in shock. "I was barely able to persuade Maddy to join us."
"Actually, there are three of us," Nova said while nodding toward Murph who smiled and gave a little wave.
"Captain, we'll talk later. For now, get your crew back to the Wump. Wait there until the Mekla and Horatio arrive."
"Yes, sir. Good luck to you and your team. People, let's get the plark out of here!"
Led by Nova with Trent and Parker bringing up the rear, the crew of the Ricerca headed down the corridor to the waiting Mugwump.
"Sir!" she replied as she exited the ship.
"Get any cooperation from the ship's computer?"
"I've dumped its memory banks for later analysis, but I was able to decipher the last log entry. It seems they were transporting the containment unit and a number of weapons systems to a buyer when someone dropped the unit. Suddenly, over a dozen creatures--their words, not mine--appeared and merged with any crew member they could find. The description the captain gave of the creatures sounds very similar to what Murph and the other AIs look like in their natural form. The problem is that Murph, Nova, and Parker can't take over living beings, only electronic systems."
The Colonel raised his hand and snapped his fingers. "Listen up! Captain Cena and the alien ship's log confirms we are dealing with beings which can jump bodies, so button up. Glean!"
"Colonel, sir!"
"Seal the ship. I want no trace of anyone left for our friends to find."
"Sir, what about the crew not being here?" Marcus asked.
"Ya gotta love a mystery. Son, always keep 'em guessing. Let's go find some missing crew members."
After a quick policing of the area, the team went back out into the corridor where they headed toward the center of the ship.
Reton stood behind a rack of equipment and watched Myriam, Sean, and several aliens attempt to access the colony ship's computer system. The frustration the necrue-possessed beings were experiencing was palpable.
"This can't be that difficult!" Myriam yelled while kicking the console. "We are millions of years more advanced, yet this simple computer system is thwarting our every attempt."
"Perhaps you should have recruited some normal necrue," Sean said. "You know, the ones who could enter a computer system."
"Silence! Better yet, go find some help and get back to work breaking into the stasis chamber sphere."
He glared at her before turning on his heel and storming out of the room.
"Wuss!" she mutt
ered while turning back to the recalcitrant piece of equipment.
Carefully, Reton followed Sean out of the room.
"What the plark are you doing?" Maddy asked over his internal comm system.
"Can you separate the necrue in Sean from Sean without killing him?"
"Maybe. It depends on who it is and how long they’ve been merged."
"How did you separate Kress?"
"Fear. He was afraid I would kill him and the merged person."
"Well, that ship sailed."
"Are you mad at me for killing him?"
"No, but I am curious. You're some kind of peace officer, aren't you?" he asked.
"My official title is Peacekeeper. I'm a cop, judge, and executioner."
"I used to be a guard. I was supposed to terminate my cousin when she refused to return to prison. It took a lot to get me to the emotional place where I could do such a thing. Is it difficult for you to execute someone, even if they earned a death sentence?"
"Yeah, it's tough, but then you look at the carnage in the perps’ wake, and it becomes a much simpler decision. I'm glad you're not mad at me."
"I'm glad you're still here, especially after I pulled my weapon on you."
"Can I tell you a secret?"
"Don't bother shooting my kind with one of those popguns. We're impervious."
"Good to know."
He stopped and watched as Sean walked over to a wall panel and hit it. "That necrue has anger issues. How long has it been in storage?"
"From what I know about his gang, I'd say he was put in cold storage around a million years ago. Why?"
"He's never heard of a mechanoid, has he?"
"Probably not. I know I didn't until I met you."
"Which means he's never seen one either."
"You know, we should really address his ignorance."
"Yes, lets."
Sean continued to beat on the wall, accenting the blows with expletives in a language unfamiliar to Reton. So intent was he on destroying the wall with his bare hands, he didn't notice the mechanoid had walked over and stood behind him.
Reton made a coughing noise. Abandoning his demolition efforts, Sean turned around to see Reton with a demon face and all his access panels open for the world to see.
Reton screamed and waved his arms.
Sean crumbled into Reton's waiting arms as the necrue materialized outside his body and slammed backward into the wall. There it stood, frozen in fear as Maddy walked up to it. The merger looked at her and became even more afraid.
"Who are you?" she asked.
"Walmb, I am second in command."
She continued to stare at him. "Reton, how is Sean doing?"
"He's alive, but barely. We need to get him to a medical bed, stat."
"Where's the ship he and the other humans arrived in?"
"What ship?"
Maddy said nothing. She just grabbed Walmb's arm and stared at him. Reton's olfactory sensors detected the odor of burning cloth. He looked up and saw wisps of smoke coming from several places on Walmb’s body.
"Let's try that again. Where is the ship?"
"Starboard sphere, leading side, first bay. The engines are scrammed beyond repair. The humans are frighteningly efficient for dumb animals..." He stopped and screamed before turning to a pile of ash.
"Will you stop doing that, Maddy? We might have needed him..."
She turned and glared at him with eyes like burning coals. "Excuse me?" she said.
He waved his palm at her. "Do not go all spontaneous combustion on me, young lady. My body is comprised of a silicon-iron composite which melts at temperatures in excess of 2000 degrees Celsius, so unless you're packing a nuke in that petite body of yours, your heat vision isn't going to do diddly-squat to me."
Her eyes went normal while a smile formed on her face. She reached down and picked up Sean as if he were as light as a feather. "You know, Robot Boy, I like you. Why don’t we go get this young man a nice medical bed to lie down in while we take care of some desperadoes?"
"Robot Boy? My, aren't we getting all familiar like." She headed down the corridor with him following close behind.
Tenshen/Myriam paced the control room of the sleeper ship. She glanced at the chronometer above the main control panel. Where is that idiot, Walmb? I gave him one job to do--one job, dammit--and he hasn't reported back. Sissel!"
"Ma'am," a merged Noru replied.
"Call the team working on accessing the sleep chamber sphere. I want to talk to Walmb!"
"Yes, ma'am!" the underling ran off only to return moments later. "Ma'am! Walmb never made it to the area outside the sleep chamber. The team is still waiting for him."
"Kress has also gone missing!"
"Dammit! We're running out of people! Has anyone figured out how to get the rest of our people out of containment?"
"No, ma'am. It looks like it was a one-in-a-million malfunction. The two merged assigned to reproducing it have been unsuccessful."
"What else can go wrong?"
"This ship's computer is showing an alarm."
"What kind of alarm?"
"We may be on a collision course with the planet."
"Kill me now. We're trapped aboard a ship hurtling towards destruction with no way off. Bring me the human captain. Perhaps he can help us."
"Yes, ma'am." Sissel hurried off while Tenshen stared at the ceiling as if beseeching the gods for divine help.
Team one was half-way through the sphere when King had a thought. "Murph, a moment of your time."
"Sir?" he said as he caught up with the Colonel.
"Something about this whole merger thing is bothering me. If you and your species can take physical form, what do the others need bodies for?"
Murph looked down and saw Kalana giving him the "Yeah, why Murphy?" look. He sighed. They're addicts. Unlike those of us who enter computers and computer networks, the mergers get a rush when they're inside a living being."
"They get high?" Kalana asked, shocked at the thought of something like that even being possible.
Murph nodded. The more they do it, the more they need to do it. Like drug addicts, they will suffer withdrawal symptoms if they stay out of a body for too long."
"How bad do the symptoms get?"
"They can be fatal, and before you ask, yes, the necrue can die. We may have excessively long lives, and blasters may not affect us in our natural form, but we can and do die."
"So, how did this group stay alive? Are their life paths strewn with bodies?" King asked.
"Virtual containment. Think of it as a computer system isolated from the rest of the universe. When they are inside, they have no need to merge."
"So, our friends may have a prison laying around that we could use to trap them?"
"It stands to reason, sir. Either that or they've been hitching a lot of rides."
"What do you mean?"
"Prolonged merging leads to the death of the host. The body only continues as long as the necrue is present. They leave and the body dies."
"Lovely..." He stopped when he saw Mersa raise her fist, then three fingers, then all five splayed. He repeated the splayed fingers, signaling the team to spread out and take cover.
Ahead, three merged Noru appeared. They walked past the team as they continued on to their destination. Once they were out of sight, the colonel signaled the all-clear. "We may have a problem," he said.
"Yes, sir. They're heading toward the alien ship, the one which contained the crew of the Ricerca," Kalana said.
"Let's get moving. Marcus and Nana, watch our six, carefully. We may have visitors shortly," King ordered.
"Yes, sir," they replied.
The team continued making their way to the center of the ship while keeping watch for visitors.
Shortly, Mersa raised her fist again, but this time she signaled something interesting was behind the do
ors to her right. King and Kalana walked up to where she was standing. "What is it, Gunny?" he asked.
"Another hangar bay, but this one has a League ship, two merged life signs, and an odd energy signature."
"Murphy, get up here," King ordered.
"Sir?" the AI said as it ran up to join them.
"Recognize this?" He handed Murph Mersa's scanner.
"It's a containment device."
"How big is it?"
Murph held his hands about a foot apart. "Not big. Physical size doesn't matter when it comes to prisons."
"Got it. Can you operate one of these doohickeys?"
"Yes, sir."
"Then we should go get it."
A few minutes later, Murphy was making adjustments while sitting on a crate. Off to one side, Glean and Mersa were guarding two merged Noru while Kalana and King confabbed. Behind them sat the Ricerca, intact but with its FTL drive irreparably damaged.
"What do you think, Doctor?" King asked. He looked over her shoulder and tried to make sense of the data displayed on the scanner.
"Brainwave activity is totally necrue. The Noru are brain dead. Those two are walking corpses."
"Can you fix them?"
"Only the Creator can fix them. They're long dead."
"That's what I was afraid of."
"Did Trent find anything useful in the Ricerca's memory banks?" Trent, Nova, and Parker had arrived shortly after the team had entered the hanger. They reported that the Survey team broke the seal and were sitting off the starboard sphere waiting for a pickup signal from us."
King nodded. "Good. Murph, what's the containment unit's status?"
"Fully functional. I've repaired the flaw and recharged its power unit, so it should be good to run for another million or more years."
King looked at him. "I can't get my watch to run for more than a week on a charge. Can we get the remaining necrue back inside this thing?"
"Let's see," Murph said as he aimed the unit at the two merged beings and pushed a button. Both creatures dropped to the ground in crumpled heaps while Mersa and Glean stared in horror. "Yep. The retrieval system looks like it’s working fine."