Winds of Torsham (The Kohrinju Tai Saga Book 2)

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Winds of Torsham (The Kohrinju Tai Saga Book 2) Page 5

by J P Nelson

  It was then Jann Raul saw another bandit about to enter the fracas, one he was sure Albri could not possibly see and was coming to bear from behind. Like a catapult, the boy launched himself from a point of safety to aid Albri … only to hear a surprised grunt from just behind him.

  Seized by the neck with a hand of incredible strength, he felt himself lifted before his adversary. Held at eye level, Jann Raul peered into a face of utter cruelty. The eyes were narrow and the bearded jaw was round and ugly. A smear of blood covered his cheek and his breath was as a dog which had just eaten rotten flesh.

  Instant realization came to Jann Raul, as he had seen this man before … a not so pleasant man who often hired out his services to any who would require them at the Bazaar. The man asked a question which he did not understand, then the man smiled an evil smile. The boy, however, was not indulged to find humor.

  One of the first things Albri taught him about Tai’Jhi was each movement had a specific purpose, and that by harnessing one’s natural energy, a thing called jhi, a person could strike with power most would not believe the body capable of.

  “Flow and follow through are two of the important laws of martial movement,” Albri said, “and four of the most important hand movements are the Ward-Off, Heel-Palm-Strike, Palm-Press and White-Crane-Punch.”

  Jann Raul had only been practicing for something more than two weeks, but he was told these things were important, so he practiced them diligently. The Ward-Off was complex and he still hadn’t gotten it down smoothly, but the Heel-Palm-Strike he had solid.

  With no further thought or deliberation, Jann Raul targeted one of the primary points taught him by Albri, and put the heel of his left hand between the base of the bandit’s nose and top of his teeth … following through with all the strength he could channel. The bandit’s head snapped back hard and he dropped his intended victim. Landing on his feet, Jann Raul saw another of those important targets, and placing his right hand in front of his chest with palm inward, he cupped the left hand just behind the other and imagined holding a small ball of fire in between his hands, then he rammed forward into the hollow just below the brigand’s belt line, called by Albri the upper groin, and as before he followed through as if trying to reach in toward the enemy’s spine.

  The brigand doubled over and staggered for just a moment as Jann Raul remembered yet another lesson. Feila had shown him some of the most important things to do with a blade. Seeing the brigand’s fallen sword, Jann Raul determined instantly the weapon too big for him to wield … but he saw something else. In the space of time from his Palm-Press to the bandit’s folding forward the boy made these observations.

  Reaching to the staggered man’s belt, Jann Raul drew a dagger. With one of the two thrusts taught him by Feila, he drove the dagger home to the hilt inside of the bandit’s throat.

  He watched the bandit stagger and spin about, once gazing at the boy in disbelief, then falling to the ground clutching the blade secured deep into his neck.

  A quick glance revealed the engagement was done. From his left side Albri was running his way, anxiety in his motion. Jann Raul looked directly at him, was that anger on Albri’s face? The boy’s first concern was the blood on Albri’s clothing, but Albri, seeming exasperated dropped his blade and took Jann Raul by the shoulders, “Did I not direct you to stay where you were? You were safe …”

  “He …” Jann Raul pointed to the brigand still squirming upon the ground, “… he was goin’ to huht you …”

  Albri bent his head and shook it, heart-felt emotion rising in his chest. This boy he barely knew was going to … was trying to …”

  Gordi walked up, Jann Raul noticed he held his two-foot-long stick in his hand, and declared with some humor in his voice, “I think you got a warrior on your hands, me bucko. Look at ‘im. He ain’t even quivering.”

  Placing a firm hand on Jann Raul’s shoulder and giving it a squeeze, Gordi said, “You done good, kid, you done real good.” Then, with a slap to the shoulder, he left to check the goings on among the Eayahn Entourage.

  Albri stared intently at his ward and affirmed, “Yes, my boy, you did very well indeed. I am most proud.” After several moments of pause, he then added sternly and with a finger of embellishment, “But …” he pursed his lips in thought, “… we have rules of engagement. We work together in a team fashion. If you are to fight with us, you must learn these rules, our stratagems, and the language we speak. Do we have understanding?”

  Jann Raul nodded his head.

  With a smirk Albri continued, “Perhaps it is incorrect to call you a boy. Out here, and in combat, a man or woman is determined by their actions, not age. Here-forth, you shall be referred to as a young man. For young you may be, but a child, you most certainly are not.

  “Come, let us report to Logan and give aid to those who require it.” Albri passed a glance to Jann Raul, “For duty requires we care for those in our charge … even those without a brain.”

  Jann Raul found it almost humorous to see Rh’Tosh paled and sitting on a rock, an arrow through the tall headdress of his priestly station which he insisted on wearing.

  Logan had just walked up, a bloodied mace in one hand. Jann Raul watched as an amber flame engulfed the head of the mace for a moment, then dissipated leaving the weapon clean.

  Logan asked, “Are you well?”

  “Y-yes,” Rh’Tosh replied. Gazing at the mace in hand, he began, “If I may …”

  “I know, I know … a high priest elect shouldn’t be dressed as me, and engaged in combat.”

  “But … Your Excellency …”

  Almost with a negligent casualness Logan made the comment, “Drop it, Rh’Tosh.” Glancing to Albri he indicated, “I’m going back to help in a couple of severe matters. Would you be so kind as to direct affairs here to the front?”

  Albri nodded and turned to inspect the men. Jann Raul turned to go with him and heard Gordi address Rh’Tosh, “They thought you was Logan, you know?”

  “What do you mean … you are to address His Excellency with proper deferment.” Suddenly Rh’Tosh seemed startled he was communicating with a commoner.

  With a grunt of humor Gordi pointed at the priestly headdress, “These weren’t bandits, this was an assassination attempt. Poorly thought out, but that’s what it was. Keep wearing that thing.”

  Jann Raul noticed the next time he saw Rh’Tosh, the headdress was missing.


  Jann Raul’s daily training now included fundamentals of grappling and blade-work, both short and long. Albri’s instruction also included combat strategy, glory and ego verses efficiency, and the importance of teamwork … when you have a teammate, that is.

  Gordi took pleasure in working with Jann Raul in the field of grappling, as he was a master of the craft. Logan was an excellent archer and Kaurl knew well how to maximize his strength and height advantage. Albri, however, fascinated Jann Raul the most. It was the use of that dao-sword and the smoothness of his movement.

  ‘One day,’ thought the youth, ‘one day I shall make Albri proud.’

  The caravan was but an estimated day’s travel from the Devil’s Crown, when entering a brief but straight stretch of road the first of several bodies lying upon the ground could be seen.

  Albri and Jann Raul were at the point when Albri gave the signal for the wagons behind to stop. A guardsman and Logan were up front in no time with Gordi following. Logan slowly waved his hand from left to right before him as his face took a vague appearance of animation.

  Suddenly he turned his horse to Albri and said with urgency, “Umbertijei …”

  The guardsman was alarmed and exclaimed a query to no one in particular, “Umbertijei? What are they doing so far south?”

  Logan continued and addressed the guardsman, “Harven, ride back and inform all, box-wall defense; crossbows top and bottom.”

  Harven turned his horse and galloped back, down the line to communicate the instructions.
  Handing his horse’s reins to Gordi, Logan told him and Albri, “Head for Lena’s Clearing, it should be about two miles ahead. Poinsettia beyindess …” Then, before Jann Raul’s startled eyes, Logan turned to smoke and drifted up. Jann Raul was tempted to watch where the smoke went when Albri commanded him, “Go with Gordi, do as he tells you.”

  Gordi quickly reined around and with Logan’s horse and Jann Raul behind, galloped to the back of the first wagon. Jann Raul thought of what he had heard of the Umbertijei; large biped creatures with a face like unto a rat, cruel teeth for grinding, body not unlike a well-muscled man, lower extremities similar to a lion, and a long tail void of hair. The rest of the body is covered in a short, coarse fur.

  The Umbertijei were intelligent and versed in weaponry and lived in tribes run by a shaman. This warlike species pretty much ruled the northern Sahrjiun Mountains in the high up regions. As Harven asked, why would they have come so far south?

  In back of the wagon, Gordi made quick time of dismounting and tying both horses to the tailgate as he instructed Jann Raul, “This one will be a battle … if it happens … and Logan’s hunches are usually right on. You get inside and stay there, this is going to be the safest place anywhere.”

  Gordi saw the disappointed look on Jann Raul’s face and he added, “Listen … you are fast and coordinated. When we come to stop and are readied, you’ll know what I mean when it happens, you get those crossbows to hand and keep them loaded for whoever is shooting. It is critical you keep them loaded, you understand?”

  Jann Raul breathed in deep and nodded vigorously.

  “Good man!”

  Without another look, Gordi vaulted to the inside of the wagon with Jann Raul close on his heel. Gordi sped through the wagon to the driving bench where Kaurl was seated, then he stood up. Jann Raul was intrigued, what was Gordi going to do, and what was Albri doing?

  He was tossed backward as suddenly Kaurl snapped the reins and the horses lurched into an all out run. Getting into a position where he could watch, Jann Raul saw Albri out front leading the way … but what was he doing? He was pointing his sword forward, but why?

  Gordi stretched his hands forward with his palms facing up, then with a powerful expulsion of breath, he forcefully rolled his hands over as if pushing against something heavy … Miu’Ganté, thought, Jann Raul, using a northern expression, as dead bodies directly in front of Albri were pushed to either side to make way for the wagons.

  Over and over Gordi did his hands thing as a trail was made through the dead lying on the road. Albri was pointing the way, and none too soon, as Jann Raul peeked around the wagon tailgate to observe tall figures emerging from the distant high up tree line, and began to give chase.

  Chapter 4

  WITH LESS THAN a mile to go, Jann Raul felt the pulse of his heart inside of his throat as he found no less than eight crossbows and several bundles of bolts. Albri had trained him in just how to fast-load for a firing partner. He would remain seated with a bundle beside him, and if his partner was team-trained, the partner would aim, fire, place the empty to his left, pick up the loaded weapon to his right, aim, fire, and so on.

  The reload partner would drag the empty back, put a foot in the stirrup, drawback with both hands, insert a bolt, then place the loaded weapon to the shooter’s right side. Several weapons would be loaded in advance, just on the in-case emergency.

  The box-wall defense was a military strategy made popular by General Tyorrin Val’Ihrus, who Gordi knew and had spent some time with. Wagons would square off, unhitch teams and place stock in center if possible. If the wagons were of box design, as all of these were, defenders would take positions on top and underneath with missile weapons.

  By Albri’s direction was the box-wall made ready, even as the first wave of attackers launched their assault.

  Guardsmen were already in place, one above Logan’s wagon with all eight crossbows at the ready and Jann Raul behind him. The wall of five wagons facing the initial onslaught included Logan’s, Albri’s and three of the Eayahnite Entourage. Jann Raul couldn’t help but wonder with humor how Rh’Tosh liked that.

  The guardsman on Logan’s wagon was a young man named Caroll, born and raised on the continent of Lh’Gohria, attended the Dahruban Military Academy, and had just completed four years of service in the Dahruban army. He was looking for something to do as he contemplated what direction to pursue in life, when he signed on for this venture. Well over six feet tall, but not as tall as Kaurl, he rippled with muscles and looked as if he could bite his two-handed sword in half. When the assassins attacked days before, he had been the dominant guardsman defending the rear of the caravan.

  As powerful as he was, however, he often quoted poetry and philosophy and was teaching three of the caravan members to read.

  It was rumored Caroll was a member of the Tak’Omengehd Sect, the highest order of educated folk in all Lh’Gohria. Their skin was nearly black in color and said to have come over from another world, where they were the keepers of knowledge and science. While it was not an automatic given, he was really dark and definitely an intellect. Nearly black skin was as uncommon as blonde elves around the Alburin Sea, and well, people like to have things to talk about.

  Although an exceptional sharpshooter, it was Albri’s idea to have Caroll in direct proximity of his ward during this engagement. If anything went wrong, Caroll knew his true purpose was to protect Jann Raul; his magnificent blade within easy reach atop the wagon.

  As both positioned themselves for the rapidly upcoming battle, the poetic warrior flashed his young partner a reassuring grin as he said in a deep voice with perfect articulation, “We twain shall display jointed skill upon these villains, shall we not?”

  Jann Raul responded with a grin of his own and nod of his head, he determined his partner would need not to reach for an extra weapon … he would have readied crossbow as soon as he emptied the other.

  Resolved to make Albri proud, by in turn performing well for his new friend and partner, Jann Raul knew he would not be able to witness much of the upcoming engagement, but much he did indeed witness after all.

  Ordered to hold fire until the given signal, the guardsmen waited as the Umbertijei made a formation and charged in five rows of shielded warriors armed with spears. In the far background could be seen a solitary figure holding a glowing spear or staff of some kind over their head. There was no doubt the defenders were easily outnumbered perhaps as much as four to one.

  As they were well within crossbow range, but not quite within javelin range, suddenly Jann Raul saw Gordi vault up, over, and clear of the center wagon with a loud yell. Landing on the ground between the box-wall and the charging enemy, he did a roll, then came up on his feet and thrust his fists down to the ground, paused, then crossed his hands in a double spinning movement over his head, down the outside of his body, then up to his armpits, then stomped forward as he pressed both fists in a punching manner toward the foe …

  An entire third of the front line were knocked backward, taking out two more rows of warriors behind them and some of the fourth. As Gordi let loose his effect, the command to fire crossbows was let loose. All those on top of the wagons aimed in the direction of the first wave of Umbertijei.

  Then Gordi scooped his hands down and lifted them up quickly, followed by many more of the front line flying up into the air and backward.

  Caroll fired his weapons as quickly as he could line a target, and as quickly as he fired a fresh weapon was to hand. In between shots he yelled back to Jann Raul, “Your belief should be measured …”

  Aim, fire, switch weapons.

  “… Don’Syre Logan …

  Aim, fire, switch weapons.

  “… has made appearance …

  Aim, fire, switch weapons.

  “… of the smoke …

  Aim, fire, switch weapons.

  “… and laid to ground …

  Aim, fire, switch weapons.

  “… the shaman!”r />
  As Jann Raul got the details later, Logan appeared out of the smoke behind the tribal leader, wrapped his arm around her neck, and ran her through with his seven-inch serrated dagger blade. Tossing her body to the side, he then brushed his right hand over the field of combat and swarms of bugs came up from the ground, infesting the Umbertijeis fur.

  Some of the rat-faced warriors noticed their fallen shaman and lost heart, leaving the engagement. Others, however, continued.

  Gordi took his stick from belt and held it over his head with a challenging yell. The stick grew into a six-foot staff, then with a whip and spin of his weapon he engaged in closed-quarter combat, all the while hurling taunts and defilements.

  From beneath the wagons Albri led a charge of guardsmen, attempting to press the advantage while they held it. As Gordi was fighting three foes, Albri timed it so he jumped upon a falling Umbertijei and vaulted high into the air, appearing for a moment like an attacking raptor with wings spread, he landed with sword point down into a warrior about to strike Gordi.

  Rolling from his target, Albri ducked the swing of an enemy spear as Gordi deflected the weapon with his own. Albri slashed the swinger’s thighs and Gordi thrust the same with his staff into the chest … the creature was dead before hitting ground thirty feet away.

  With dao-sword gliding from one movement to the next, Albri gave marvel to those who witnessed as he incorporated use of his feet into the combat, something not common on the battlefield of the day, and made war with the grace and beauty of a soaring eagle.

  But it was Kaurl, once combat at arms began, who sent the most souls to their end. Standing a foot above the adversary, he utilized his halberd with amazing effectiveness. That weapon provided a seven-foot reach and whatever it touched was delivered a blow to give a bull pause.


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