Hard as Steel

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Hard as Steel Page 3

by Jenika Snow

  “I know what you want, baby.” He kissed a path along her jaw at the same time he moved his hand behind her head. “You want me to take control, to make it so you don’t have to think, right?” He phrased it like a question, but it didn’t sound like he really expected her to answer. “I can see it in the reserve you wrap around yourself, the fact you try to be the one in control. You’ve got that written like a damn flashing sign around you.” He had his mouth at her throat, licking, sucking at her pulse point. “Fuck, maybe I’m the one that wants all of that, wants to have you tied to my bed, your body on display, there for the taking.”

  Wetness coated her pussy, saturated her panties, and she heard this mewling little noise escape her.

  “That’s it, baby, give it to me, just let go and let me take control,” he murmured against her mouth, and she opened wider, let him lead, because he really knew what she liked, the things he’d described. She wanted to be tied up, wanted to be able to relinquish her control to someone she could trust. He kissed her harder, more determined in the way he stroked his tongue along hers, and just as she wanted to tell him everything, she pushed Steel away, her breathing coming in short pants.

  “I just can’t. This is too fast, it’s too much.” She touched her lips, felt them tingling from their kiss, but couldn’t do this. It was too fast, and she felt too unstable right now. She didn’t know why he was coming on so strong, why she was even allowing him to be in her apartment, taking control like this. Turning in her seat, and facing the wall, she still had her fingers on her lips.

  Before either could say anything else, Steel’s cell went off. He stood, and she glanced over at him.

  “Yeah?” he said into the receiver. His back was to her, the skull logo of his club on the back of his black leather vest, watching her, taunting her.

  She scrubbed a hand over her damp hair, looked down at her pajamas, and felt utterly ridiculous that she’d decided to wear these when he was here. Maybe she should have worn two pairs of sweats and a sweater, trying to hide her desires, her body. But she wanted Steel, wanted him with a desperation that startled and confused her. She may have been sexual with other men in her life, but they’d been vanilla, hadn’t been anything in terms of what she’d really wanted.

  “Yeah, I can be there in ten,” he said, and looked over his shoulder at her. “I’m just finishing up with something, but I’m leaving now.” He shut his cell and shoved it in his jeans pocket. When he turned around fully, they stared at each other, the silence stretching, awkwardly. He moved closer to her, got down on his knees, and grabbed her hands. She was stunned, not able to say anything at the sincere expression on his face.

  “Steel…” Eloise didn’t know what to say after that.

  “Listen to me. I am not going to walk away. I’m not going to fucking turn my back on you. I felt the desire in your kiss, felt the fucking heat coming from your body.” He smoothed his fingers over her hand. “I fucking want you, Eloise. I want every part of you, want to devour you, and I know you want that, too.”

  “I don’t think you know what I want.”

  “That’s where you’re wrong, baby, but it doesn’t matter, because whatever you need, I’ll be the one to give it to you.” He cupped her chin, and she found herself nodding, even if it was ludicrous. “Now, I have to leave, which fucking sucks because more than anything, I want to strip you bare and devour you, but that’s for another time.” He leaned in and claimed her mouth, sucked at her lips, and before she knew what was happening he was moving away from her and striding forward to her front door. He stopped right before he left, looked at her, and cocked the corner of his mouth. “We’ll finish this later.” He held her gaze. “And I entered my number into your cell, so if you need me, call me, no matter what, okay?”

  She nodded, her mouth probably hanging open, and her shock filling her. He left, and she sat there, trying to grasp what in the hell had just happened. Standing after a few minutes, she locked her door, went into her room, and sat at her computer desk. She stared at the black screen, but then booted up her laptop and went to the place on the web where she’d always felt comfortable expressing her desires. It was a site that catered to people who liked things like she did, pain and pleasure, being held immobile as she was controlled and brought to heights she only fantasized about. Would Steel want to do those things with her, spank her, leave marks on her body, and really tie her up because that’s what she craved?

  It seemed like she might have found someone who understood her, because he led a hardened, no rules life. It frightened her, but it also aroused her, and she knew she needed to decide how she was going to go forward, but she didn’t need to decide tonight. Steel was the first man that didn’t seem to be giving her a choice if he was walking away. He’d told her he was staying, and she wanted that. She was just afraid. She was frightened of herself and what she desired, but if anyone could accept her and what she wanted, wouldn’t it be a man like Steel?

  “We’re not a fucking hotel for his daughter. He’s got something going on,” Shakes said, growling out the words. Steel found it hard to listen to the conversation as his thoughts were on Eloise. Daniella, Zeke’s daughter had been ordered to stay at the Soldiers of Wrath club and he saw it didn’t bode well with Demon, the Club president. The truth was, Shakes clearly liked Daniella staying at the clubhouse and was simply putting on a front to pretend he didn’t like it.

  “We’re putting her up. He’s entertaining certain men that he doesn’t want his daughter ever to know. It’s not her fault and Zeke may piss me off but I’m not going to blame his daughter,” Demon said.

  “Aw, isn’t that sweet. What he means is he’s dealing with men who probably use and abuse women as if they’re personal toys.” Daniella caught their attention walking down the staircase. She was dressed in a pair of blue jeans that were torn at the knees along with a ratty shirt with a skull on it. She pushed her glasses up her face as she stared at the room. “Believe me, I don’t want to be home and I don’t want to be here. He seems determined to order me around.”

  None of them knew what to do with her. She folded her arms across her breasts.

  “You’re more than welcome to stay here. Shakes also doesn’t have a problem either.” Demon spoke as graciously as he could. Deanna stood beside her man, holding onto his arm. None of the men were fooled by Shakes. They saw the interest he had in Daniella.

  “It must bug you though.” Daniella leaned against the bar looking around the room.

  “What must?” Shakes took a step closer and Steel grabbed his arm. When it came to Daniella, Shakes wasn’t thinking clearly.

  “He thinks a tough biker group is tamer than a group of tubby businessmen. I think it sucks for you,” she shrugged. “Can’t say I don’t mind but I’m getting tired of being ordered around.”

  “Would you like something to eat?” Deanna asked. “I know I’m starved.”

  Deanna took over, leading the young woman out of the room toward the kitchen.

  “Well, Zeke is treating us like a fucking babysitter for his kid,” Shakes said.

  “It’s not what you think. Joker’s with Zeke right now taking care of one of the men while also sending out a message. Zeke didn’t want Daniella near that shit. We’ve already talked about this,” Demon said.

  Steel stared at his President. “Why did you need me here?”

  “We need to talk about this woman you want working at the bar. I figured you’d rather I ask you all the questions than go find her myself.”

  Following his President to his office, he took a seat on one of the leather sofas. He was tired and couldn’t get Eloise out of his mind. The way she’d given herself to him in that kiss alone was playing over and over inside his head.

  “What do you want to know?”

  “We don’t need someone to serve drinks, Steel. We’re not an average fucking club that caters to the general population.”

  Running a hand down his jeans, Steel stared at his boss, the ma
n he’d willingly die for. Demon was one of the Presidents who wasn’t afraid to step in front of a bullet for each of his members. “Eloise is the woman who works in the local supermarket.”

  “The one you’ve been getting a hard on for?”

  “I was there tonight and found her being attacked, nearly raped by her boss. The bastard is still breathing, but Eloise can’t work there anymore. I won’t allow it.”

  “You won’t allow it?”

  “She needs someone to take care of her otherwise she’s a walking, talking disaster, and not a good one. I can keep an eye on her here. It’s not just serving at the bar. She can clean the club or do something.”

  “Are you serious about this woman, Steel?”

  “I don’t know what I’m serious about. I only know that she can’t go back there.”

  “I’ll talk to the boys and get it settled.”

  “If you have to, take her salary out of my cut. I don’t care.”

  “Steel, you’re willing to give money up for this woman. You need to face facts that she could mean more than just another pussy you want to take control of.”

  “Can I go?” Steel asked.

  “Yeah, go.” Demon walked toward his desk and Steel left the room. He didn’t wait around for the pussy to bombard him. Going straight to his room at the clubhouse, he locked himself inside, sitting on the edge of the bed.

  Leaning forward, he rested his elbows on his knees and placed his chin on his hand. The kiss had been the first sign that he was sure of Eloise’s need to submit. She held herself back, and she was a submissive craving control if ever he saw one. He knew what he was looking for since he needed to be the one in control.

  Sitting beside her, he’d noticed a great deal about her. The childish pajamas were the first warning, trying not to show any sign of maturity. He would bet all of his money that underneath her control there was a woman begging to be set free. Her nipples had been rock hard, pressing against the front of her shirt. She’d spent a great deal of time clenching her thighs together. Every part of her world was neat and orderly, yet when he looked into her eyes, he saw the need shining back.

  Given the right person in control, he didn’t have a doubt in his mind that Eloise would open up like a flower in bloom.

  He couldn’t do it. Steel couldn’t sit on his ass waiting to find an answer to his question.

  Standing up, he left his room, making his way downstairs, ignoring the women who were trying to get his attention. He wasn’t interested in any other pussy but the one he was going to see. Climbing on his bike, he rode toward her apartment. He’d either get turned away or embraced.

  Either way, he’d get his answer.

  Eloise thumped her pillow, tossing and turning on the bed. The air was too hot and even though she had the window open, it wasn’t doing anything to stem the heat. When Steel had left she’d put on a shirt and some boy shorts. More of her body was on display, but in the privacy of her bedroom, she didn’t care.

  Staring up at the ceiling, she gritted her teeth. “It didn’t mean anything. It was just a kiss.”

  A demanding, firm kiss that let her know who would be in control. Her pussy was soaking wet, but she refused to touch herself. Nothing would ever come of it. She was one of the few women who couldn’t find release with her own hand. If she could have brought herself to orgasm, she didn’t think she’d have these problems.

  Thumping her pillow again, she scrunched it up under her head, letting out a sigh.

  “Nothing could ever come of it anyway.”

  Closing her eyes, she started to count sheep in the hope of getting to sleep.

  The sudden banging on the door had her sitting up abruptly. Frowning, she started to climb out of bed as the banging kept on going. Rushing toward her door, she opened it up without checking who it was.

  “Did you check to see if it was me before you opened that fucking door?” Steel asked.

  He pushed his way into her apartment, closing and locking the door behind him.

  “You could have woken the neighbors.” She pressed a hand to her neck as her pulse started to beat rapidly.

  “From now on you check who is knocking before you answer the fucking door.” He took a step toward her and Eloise took one back.

  There was something different in the way he spoke and moved toward her. Licking her lips, she stared up the length of his body.

  “Why are you here, Steel?”

  He didn’t answer her.

  She let out a little squeal as her back hit the wall, halting her backward movement.

  “Why didn’t you wear this when I was here?” he asked, pressing a hand to her head as his other hand caressed over her thigh. His touch was electric on her skin.

  “What are you doing?”

  Eloise gasped as he placed his fingers over her mound.

  “Ah, my little baby is soaking wet.”

  Her cheeks heated as he moved the boy shorts out of the way and started to touch her pussy.

  He tutted as he found her pubic hair. “I’m going to have to shave this all off. I like my pussy bare when I eat it.”


  “Open your thighs.”

  She did as he asked without argument, getting more aroused as he teased her pussy. God, she didn’t even know him that well; he’d come in here, touched her, stroked her, talked dirty to her, like he had the right to. Yet she wasn’t stopping him, wasn’t even thinking about doing that. He made her feel good, unbelievably so.

  “You’re very wet, Eloise. Were you thinking about me?”

  Eloise didn’t answer. She closed her eyes, basking in the pleasure coursing through her.

  He pinched her clit, drawing her back to his world. “Answer my question.”

  “Yes, I was thinking about you.”

  Steel eased up the pressure on her clit, stroking down to her entrance, circling her before going back to her clit. “I’ve come to notice some things about you, Eloise.”

  Staring into his eyes, she couldn’t look away, afraid that he’d see more than she wanted him to. “If this pussy was bone dry, I was going to walk away and leave you. You’re soaking wet and from now on I’m going to tell you exactly how this is going to go.”


  “Shut up and listen, because I know you want this, too.”

  His words had her gasping. She’d never been so aroused in all of her life. Biting her lip, she tried with all of her might to fight the arousal, but it was no use. She’d never come across anyone like Steel.

  “Take your shirt off.” He knelt in front of her pushing her shorts down and then off. With shaking fingers she removed her shirt, standing naked before him.

  There was something deeply erotic about being nude in front of Steel; he was still fully dressed.

  He held the fingers that had been playing with her pussy to her lips. “Lick them clean, Eloise.”

  She felt her heart beat wildly. He was breaking through her composure, her control. He made her feel alive, like she couldn’t even breathe unless he had his hands on her. Catching his hand, she drew his fingers into her mouth, tasting herself.

  “Do you taste good?”

  She nodded.

  “Good, because I’m going to be tasting a whole lot of you.”

  He removed his jacket, throwing it onto her sofa. “Go and get on the bed. Spread your legs open and hold your pussy lips apart for me.”

  Eloise knew she should argue or at least question him. This was insane to be taking orders from this rough biker, but she couldn’t stop. Walking into her lonely bedroom, she lay on the bed, opening her thighs wide. Reaching between her thighs, she held the lips of her sex open.

  Staring at the door, she gasped as Steel walked through the door without a shirt on. He was ripped and inked. Two combinations she never anticipated walking through her door.

  “You bite your lip a lot.”

  Releasing her lip, she couldn’t look away as he knelt on the floor. He caught her hi
ps and dragged her toward the end of the bed.

  “From now on this pussy belongs to me. When I want it, where I want it, and how I want it, Eloise. You’ll give it to me and you’ll do it with a smile on your face.”


  He squeezed the flesh on her thighs, the small bite of pain making her cry out.

  Steel knew!

  How did he know what she wanted?

  Staring down at him, Eloise saw his brow rise.

  “It takes one to know one, Eloise.” He ran his hands up and down her thighs. “You’re mine now. I’ve found you, and there’s no more fighting.”

  She didn’t want to fight anymore. All of her life she’d been fighting these desires, ashamed of what she actually wanted.

  Eloise cried out as he leaned down, licking from her hole up to her clit then back down again. He sucked her clit into his mouth, making her scream.

  Steel teased her, showing her without mercy what it was like to have a real man between her thighs. Several times she was almost at the peak of arousal only for him to stop, leaving her shaken.

  All of a sudden he stood, gripping her hips, and had her on her knees on the bed.

  Eloise cried out as he slapped her ass, hard. He did this to both of her ass cheeks before cupping her pussy. Steel slipped a finger inside her, then another, stretching her.

  “It looks like we’re going to have a lot of fun together you and I, Eloise.”

  She didn’t doubt it for a second.

  He turned her around so she was still on her knees, but looking up at him now. How did he know what she wanted, what she craved? His finger under her chin forced her attention on him.

  “I would never hurt you, intentionally or unintentionally. The pain that I think you need, want, is always in a controlled environment and only meant to heighten your pleasure.”

  Her breathing came in short bursts; her body feeling like it was on fire as her arousal and need for this man took control. He leaned forward another inch until she could feel and smell the warm, sweet scent of his breath along her face.


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