The Grandmaster's Legacy (HOT Historical Suspense, Box Set)

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The Grandmaster's Legacy (HOT Historical Suspense, Box Set) Page 10

by Taylor Lee

Wyatt nodded in agreement and headed to his cottage.


  After breakfast, Wyatt took Elena and Alex to the dojo for their morning practice. As they were going in the dojo, Wyatt saw Mouchi. He was about to speak to him, but changed his mind when he saw Mouchi’s face. Someone or, more likely, a hell of a lot of someones, had beaten the crap out of Mouchi. His eyes were black and swollen, his nose was broken. Wyatt saw bruises everywhere his skin was exposed. He was walking with a decided limp and one arm was in a sling. Wyatt nodded to him. “We’ll talk about this later.”

  Alex stared at Mouchi with wide eyes.

  “Daddy, what happened to that student? He looks like he is hurt real bad. Did somebody do that to him sparring?”

  Wyatt face was hard, his lips a thin line.

  “Most of it happened outside of the dojo, I’m sure. In answer to your question, Alex, apparently that’s what happens when you cross the wrong people. As much as I agree in principle with what happened to Mouchi, I won’t allow retribution in my dojo.”

  Alex looked confused, but didn’t ask any other questions.

  Wyatt shook his head as he thought about the implications of the beating Mouchi took. No one was angrier than he was with the way Mouchi attacked Lei. He intended to make his wrath known. But the last thing he would allow was for the goddamn Tongs to use his dojo to fight their ongoing wars. Christ, this is what Lei and Ri have had to deal with all their lives, he thought. They didn’t ask to be born to a father who was the most feared Chinaman in the country. With a shock of recognition, he realized that, like Lei and Ri, Alex and Elena were saddled with his reputation – the good and the bad.

  He went out to the barn to organize his men for the day. Alono and Chief were his right hand men. They participated in every deal he did. In addition, Alono was responsible for his security detail. They had an important meeting in Cheyenne, but he planned to stop on the way to see Jesse and take the sorrel back. It was awkward, but couldn’t be helped.

  When Wyatt told them the plans for the day, Chief shook his head, a frown marring his f6ehead. Alono looked away.

  Chief hesitated. “Thought you might cancel at least some of your plans, given what happened to Lei.”

  Wyatt grimaced. He didn’t hide his annoyance. “Why would I? Joey is here and so is her brother. And, from the looks of Mouchi, we have a goddamn contingent of Sing Leon training at our dojo.”

  Chief said, “That isn’t what I was talking about, Wyatt. You know it.”

  Wyatt glared at him, framing a sharp retort, then shook his head, choosing not to respond.

  “Let’s be ready to leave in twenty minutes. We’ll need three men besides us. Make sure Gage has the money angle down. We need to make a final bid on that land today. Gage and the others can meet us in Cheyenne. You two can come with me to take the sorrel back on our way to Cheyenne.”

  Ignoring the looks they exchanged, he went to say good by to Elena and Alex, who were in the barn with Daniel.

  Elena ran up to him. “Daddy, why can’t you ride with us today? You didn’t ride with us yesterday either.”

  “I know, honey. I wish I could, but I have a couple of things I need to do. You’ll have a great time with Daniel. You know he lets you go faster than I do, don’t you Daniel?”

  Daniel flushed and nodded.

  Wyatt laughed and put an arm around Daniel’s shoulders. “Hey, don’t think I don’t know how persistent these little rascals can be. When you figure out how to say no to them, please let me know. I need all the support I can get!”


  Minutes later, he and Chief, with Alono leading the sorrel, took off for Jesse’s ranch.

  She was waiting for him on the porch. When she saw the three of them, her eager expression flickered with uncertainty.

  Wyatt rode up to the house and dismounted. Jesse glanced from Wyatt to Chief and Alono, a nervous smile tugging at her lips.

  Wyatt tied Master to the hitching rail and said in a hearty voice, ignoring her concern. “Hi, Jesse. Chief and Alono came with me to bring back your mare. She’s looking great, isn’t she, Chief?”

  Chief smiled at Jesse. “It’s sure a good thing we got Wyatt over here to see this mare or you would have put down a beautiful animal.”

  Jesse replied, “I know that. I appreciate it. I loved that mare from the first time I saw her. I would have been devastated if we had to put her down.”

  Jesse looked at the three of them. “Would you…would you like a cup of coffee or…perhaps…something to eat?”

  Wyatt stepped up to the porch.

  “We don’t have that much time, Jesse. We need to get to a meeting in Cheyenne.”

  He turned to Chief and Alono, who were still sitting astride their horses.

  “Go ahead and take the sorrel to the barn. Check in with whoever is going to be responsible for her. We don’t want all our good work to go to waste. I need to talk with Jesse about a couple of things.”

  He took Jesse’s arm and said with a wink, “I might take you up on that coffee, as long as we can have it in the gazebo you were telling me about.”

  Jesse flushed. She peeked up in embarrassment, but Chief and Alono were already headed to the barn, leading the sorrel.

  She turned to Wyatt. Her voice was soft, troubled. “I guess I can assume that Chief and Alono know why you are here.”

  He grinned. “That’s a safe assumption.”

  He saw her embarrassment, her confusion. “Honey, just so we’re clear. You also know why I am here, don’t you?”

  She blushed, then nodded. “I just wish I didn’t have to feel so much like a whore.”

  He smiled through half closed eyes. “Sweetheart, that’s half the fun of it.”

  Ignoring her surprised look, he pulled her up close. “Now where the hell is that gazebo? Oh, and by the way, you can forget the coffee.”

  They walked together around the ranch house to the gazebo. It was nestled in a garden teeming with dozens of varieties of colorful flowers next to a rippling pond. Stunning views of the mountain range gleamed in the distance.

  Wyatt whistled appreciatively. “You’d never know that old codger Frank would have such good taste. Hell, he always was one to surprise. You must be grateful that Martin has such a generous relative to keep you in the style you’re accustomed to.”

  Jesse stepped back, her face white with shock. “That’s a cruel thing to say, Wyatt.”

  “Yeah, you’re right. My apologies. It’s just that I’ve been friends with Frank for years. I hate to see him taken advantage of. And it’s not just Martin, it’s the whole goddamn bunch of them. Feels like a horseshit way to treat an old man.”

  Jesse responded in a shaky voice. “You know it’s not just Frank’s money. Some of it came from Martin’s grandfather.”

  Wyatt smiled a tight smile. “Yeah? Hmm, I knew Morgan as well as I know Frank. Somehow I think he would be as unhappy as Frank is to see what’s happening to the fortune they built. But, hey, that’s for all of you to deal with. That’s not why I’m here.”

  “Why are you here, Wyatt?”

  He lit a cigarette. Taking a deep drag, he coolly appraised her before he answered.

  “I’m here to fuck the hell out of you. If I’m not mistaken, that’s the reason you invited me over. Or did I misunderstand?”

  When she looked down and didn’t answer, he took another drag off his cigarette. His voice was casual, but insistent. “I asked you a question. Why did you invite me?”

  She took a breath and started to say something, then stopped.

  He took a drag on his cigarette, his eyes narrowing. “Uh, uh, honey. I want to hear you say it. Why did you invite me here?”

  She was shaking and her face was red. She bit her lip then peeked up at him shyly. “Because…because I want you to…fuck me.”

  “That’s good to hear. Now that we have that settled, let’s see what you have for me today.”

  He looked her up and down, taking in the elegant
dress she was wearing. He smiled at the ribbon she used to tie back her perfectly coiffed hair in an attempt at seeming indifference. She looked like the golden haired mistress of a wealthy lord -- classically, serenely beautiful. He especially liked the uncertain look in her eyes that marred her air of regal perfection. He gloated, knowing he was the reason for her uncertainty. He also knew it sure as hell wouldn’t take much to overcome it.

  He took another drag off his cigarette.

  “I like the dress. Let’s see what kind of underwear you chose to entice me.”

  He motioned for her to lift her dress and held her gaze when she did.

  Her underwear was trimmed in lace with decorative ribbons matching those on her dress and the one in her hair.

  He smiled, raising an eyebrow. “Honey, I have to ask. Do you do this for Martin and he still isn’t interested—or is this just for me?”

  She sniffed. “It’s just for you. In answer to your question, Martin is not interested.”

  Wyatt shook his head. His lips jerked in disgust. “What an asshole.”

  He took another drag off his cigarette then tossed it to the ground.

  “Don’t think I don’t appreciate the effort, baby. But I want you to take off that sexy underwear. Leave your stockings and shoes on. Then go bend over that table. There is something about taking you from behind where I can see that gorgeous ass of yours that has my dick about ready to break out of my pants.”

  She flushed and took a deep breath. She stood still for a moment, then slipped off her drawers. Holding her dress up above her waist, she went to the table and leaned over the edge.

  He stood back from her, looking at her bottom appraisingly.

  “Higher, honey. Pull your dress higher up where I can see all of you. I wanna see your ass and that sweet pussy. Spread your legs. That’s better. Now bend over a little more. That’s the way. Now I can see all that I want to see.”

  He stepped up next to her. He lifted her hips and pulled them up close to his hard muscular thighs.

  She trembled, gasping for breath. She started to moan before he even touched her.

  “Oh, honey, you need this bad, don’t you? Well, sweetheart, I’m the last person who will disappoint you in this arena.”

  He ran his hands over the pale globes of her ass, then spread her cheeks and slipped his finger up in her tight pucker. She jumped, pulling away in fright. “No, Wyatt, don’t. That scares me!”

  He leaned over and whispered, “It’s okay, honey. Not today. We’ll save that for some other time.

  “Let’s see how wet you are, baby. Christ, honey, I’ve barely touched you and you are already dripping wet. But we wouldn’t want to leave this place without some special loving, now would we, no matter how hot you are?”

  He ran his finger and thumb in lazy circles around the throbbing nub of her clit. A satisfied grin crossed his face at the hot pulses careening through her pussy. She arched her back, pushing her ass up against his fingers, a harsh groan shaking her. “Wyatt, now, I need you now!”

  He kept up the drumbeat on her clit. In a hoarse whisper, he asked, “What do you need, baby? Say it. Tell me what you need.”

  She almost wailed. “I need you to fuck me! Now, hard, please!”

  She was already shuddering, convulsing with waves of passion when Wyatt spread her pussy lips and drove his cock up deep inside her, thrusting high and hard. She met him stroke for stroke, sobbing, “Yes, yes! Harder, harder!”

  After they came, he leaned over her pinning her arms to the table. He nuzzled her ear as her body slowly began to quiet, to stop shaking.

  “Christ, honey, you’re getting hotter and hotter. Soon I’ll just have to nod at you across the room and you’ll start to come. Hmm, could make for an interesting evening, especially if we’re not alone,” he said with a chuckle.

  He helped her stand up and watched with a smile as she used a lace handkerchief to wipe off the inside of her thighs. With a practiced twist, she pulled on her underwear, smoothing her dress.

  Wyatt said with an impish grin, “Good as new?”

  She looked up blushing at the amused twinkle in his eyes. In a casual voice, she said, “Better!”

  Her cheeks were flushed, her eyes were shining. She hesitated. “Wyatt, why are you here? Is it because of me or because of Martin?”

  “Hmm, now that is a loaded question. First of all, you are a beautiful woman. And, hell, yeah, a great fuck. Second, I’ve always thought it’s my business to make up for all the asshole dicks like Martin who couldn’t satisfy a woman if they had a twelve inch dick and a detailed instruction book from me on how to please a woman. This is kinda my way of making the world a happier place,” he said with a cocky grin.

  She persisted. “What is it that you are trying to do, fuck me or “stick it” to Martin?”

  He arched a brow. “To be honest -- probably a little of both. But, honey, don’t underestimate the power of a gorgeous body and the face of a goddess. I’ve never been able to resist either.”

  At that moment they heard voices from the front of the house.

  Jesse paled. “Oh my God, I think that is Martin. I…I thought he went to Cheyenne. Oh, God, Wyatt, I’m scared,” she said grabbing at his arm.

  “Hey, honey. It’s okay. I’m bringing back your horse, remember? And, baby, it would help if you got that terrified look off your face.”

  He held her hand giving it a little squeeze. “It’s gonna be fine, honey. Just follow me. Don’t be afraid of that asshole. Trust me; he won’t do anything to you. I can promise you that.”

  They came around the corner of the house as Martin came from the front porch. His face was purple, swollen with anger. His finance partner, John Thereon, was standing on the porch. His eyes widened when he saw Wyatt with Jesse.

  Chief and Alono were sitting on their horses next to the hitching post. Chief held Master’s reins in his hand. Like Alono, Chief’s hand rested on his thigh, close to his holster. Wyatt acknowledged the warning in Chief’s eyes.

  Martin was shaking with rage. His voice cracked with fury. “What the goddamn fuck are you doing at my ranch, McManus?”

  Wyatt stepped in front of Jesse. His smile didn’t reach his eyes. “My mistake. I thought this was my friend Frank Kendrick’s ranch.”

  Martin reared forward, hesitating only when Chief and Alono pulled their guns.

  Wyatt lit a cigarette and took a drag, an insolent grin tugging at the corners of his mouth.

  “I must say, Martin, you don’t seem grateful. A week ago you were at my ranch begging me to come and look at your mare. Hell, not only did I do that, but I saved her. She’s back in your barn, better than new.”

  Wyatt walked toward Master, his movements lithe, dangerous. He mounted Master and sat for a moment peering at Martin. His smile was casual, taunting.

  “In answer to your question as to why I’m here, I believe you said you are a paying client. Well, I came to pick up my paycheck. You’re not going to renege on that now, are you? Or, tell you what, I’ll settle up with your wife,” he said with a cocky grin.

  Martin launched forward with a roar, pulling back only when he saw that Chief and Alono now had their guns pointed directly at him.

  Wyatt tipped his hat to Jesse, who was trembling, white-faced. He stopped in front of Martin, who looked apoplectic, shaking with rage.

  Wyatt glared at him through half closed eyes. His voice was quiet, menacing. “This is not a minor point, Martin. Please pay careful attention. The best reason I can think of for killing a man, after castrating him, of course, is if I heard that he in any way abused or hurt his wife.”

  He nodded to John and tipped his hat to Jesse. “Good day, all.”

  Wyatt rode off with Chief and Alono at his side. They were quiet for several moments. Chief’s voice was hard, tight with concern. “Christ, Wyatt, you’re going to get us all killed for a piece of ass.”

  “It’s a hell of a lot more than a piece of ass, Chief. I’m going to take
that cheating, thieving bastard for everything he’s worth.”

  “Does that include his wife?”

  “Careful, Chief.”

  As the person who had raised him like a son, Wyatt was forced to listen when Chief said, “No, Wyatt. You are the one who needs to be careful.”


  Chapter 11

  Wyatt returned to the ranch in time to put Alex and Elena to bed. He listened to the eager tales of their busy day. They told him how Daniel let them ride fast and how they swam in the pond by the stream. By far the most exciting part of their day was when Joey let them come to his house to see Lei. Wyatt was startled by this news. He covered his surprise at Joey’s actions and listened to their excited observations.

  “Daddy, you should see Lei’s tummy. It is all black and yellow and ugly. She has a big bandage on her here,” said Elena said, pointing to her chest.

  Alex said, “Joey said she was hurt bad, Daddy, but that you patched her up and are making her better. Are you?”

  Wyatt said, “Well, I am trying to make sure she heals as well and as fast as possible.”

  Elena said, “Joey said she didn’t even cry. Can you believe that? When I get big and get hurt I’m not going to cry either. I’m going to be brave, just like Lei.”

  Wyatt left the children with Teresa, heading over to Joey’s. The thought of Elena being hurt the way that Lei was upset him, heightened his anger at the situation. He thought about Mouchi, about the Sing Leon, but mostly about Lei. Christ, they had to figure out how to train her to defend herself, keep her from getting killed.

  He knocked on the door and opened it to see Ri, Zhi, Lei, and Joey sitting at the table. They were playing GO, an ancient Chinese game of strategy and skill. From the pile of money next to her, it looked like Lei was putting the three men to shame.


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