The Grandmaster's Legacy (HOT Historical Suspense, Box Set)

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The Grandmaster's Legacy (HOT Historical Suspense, Box Set) Page 53

by Taylor Lee

  Wyatt turned on him defensively.

  “Christ, I never thought I’d hear the chippy champion who’s got the record for fucking three women at a time telling me what I’m doing is wrong…”

  Alono shook his head in disbelief.

  “This is not about me, Wyatt. And it’s not about that woman in there. This is about you. You and Lei.”

  He hesitated and then shook his head again.

  “I don’t understand you, Wyatt. I do not understand.”

  Wyatt grew angrier.

  “No, Alono, you don’t understand. I’m so fucking angry with Lei for not marrying me….”

  Alono interrupted him, his face and voice hard.

  “So you do exactly what she’s afraid you’ll do? That is supposed to convince her you’ll be faithful?”

  “Look, Alono, this isn’t any of your goddamn business….”

  Again, Alono broke in, his voice was shaking and he had tears in his eyes. “You have everything, Wyatt. Damn you. You have everything.”

  He looked down, struggling to hold back tears.

  “You have everything in the world and you throw it away with both hands. You have what the rest of us would give our lives to have…. You have the love of the most beautiful woman in the world and you throw it away.”

  He turned and stalked away and then turned back and didn’t try to hide his tears. He said in a soft voice, “You’re so careless, Wyatt. So careless.”

  Wyatt stood for several minutes staring after him. He turned and went back into the hotel and up to his room. He yanked off his boots and threw himself down on the bed. He stared up at the ceiling. He didn’t know who he was angriest with, Alono, Lei, or himself.


  Tom pounded on the door the next morning. When Wyatt opened the door, he strode past him, then turned to face him, his face white with anger.

  “Goddamn it, Wyatt. I leave you alone for one fucking night; one god dammed fucking night and, you…Christ, Wyatt. You fuck Sarah? Sarah? After all of this, all we’ve done, you fuck Sarah?”

  Wyatt turned away and didn’t answer. Instead he lit a cigarette and sunk down in one of the armchairs. He looked up at Tom, sighed, then looked away.

  They were both silent for several minutes, neither trusting himself to speak. Tom could see how upset Wyatt was and didn’t know what to say next.

  Finally, shaking his head, he said, “I’m sending Sarah back today. I’m firing her from the campaign. When I get back to Washington, I will decide if I can stand working with her or if I will fire her permanently.”

  Wyatt shook his head and said in a weary voice, “No, Tom, you’re not. If you want to fire her when you get back to Washington, that is your choice. But she is not to be fired from the campaign.”

  “I’m sorry, Wyatt, this isn’t your decision. I warned her to leave you alone and specifically told her I would send her away if she went after you.”

  “Tom, this is not about Sarah and we both know it. It is about me. And yes, Tom, it is my decision. She stays.”

  He took several drags on his cigarette. He looked at Tom and stood up, his face impassive.

  “Since at least at this point, I have decided not to fire myself from the campaign, let’s get the hell out of here and beat it over to the first of the seven goddamned fucking campaign appearances we have scheduled for me today.”

  He ground out his cigarette in the ashtray on the table, walked out the door and down the hall.

  Tom caught up with him. “Alono asked if I could get someone else to manage security until next week. He’s upset. Said he needs a break.”

  Wyatt nodded, again without expression.

  “That’s his choice.”


  Chapter 22

  When Lei returned from her ride, she met Chief going into the barn. He asked her if she wanted him to get one of the hands to take care of Stealth.

  “That’s okay, Chief. I can handle it. You have your hands full with that mare. I hope she delivers soon.”

  “I do, too. I wish that Wyatt was here. As you know, he is magic with these pregnant mares. Something he does gives them confidence they can do it. I’ve tried to figure out what it is, but it’s his gift. None of the rest of us has it.”

  Lei bit her lip to hide the tremble, remembering Wyatt’s gifted hands. He had saved her life and delivered their baby. Neither she nor Nicolas Deshi would be alive today if it wasn’t for him. He had never done a Caesarian birth, but somehow had the courage and skill to do it. He saved them both. She missed him so much, she ached physically. She had an overwhelming need to see him, to feel his hands on her, to touch his hard body. She wanted to hear his voice whispering to her—bringing her to erotic heights she didn’t believe were possible. She needed him. This was the longest they had been apart and these last six days they had not communicated in any way. Lei felt sick. And she was scared. She walked off to take care of Stealth, trying to keep her tears from falling.

  Chief saw her face and wished that it was next week. Lei and the children would be in Cheyenne. He knew when Wyatt and Lei were together that they would not be able to resist each other.


  Lei finished rubbing down Stealth. She was ready to leave his stall when she heard a couple of the Caballeros laughing and talking on the other side of the barn.

  “Pete, that was some piece of ass you screwed last night. Damn, between you and Armando hitting her from both sides at the same time, I’d be surprised if she can walk today. Sure as hell, she’ll remember you the next time she takes a shit.”

  “Christ, Mannie, not so loud. But what the hell? When that much pussy is there for the taking, who’s gonna sit back and not imbibe? God, those Washington bitches. I thought I had seen it all. Christ, that blond had one in her mouth, one in her cunt and one up her ass. She finished off all three men and walked over to the bar for another beer while they were still cramming their pricks back in their pants. Hell, I haven’t seen a hardened whore take on that much dick without as much as a backward glance.”

  “Speaking of the guy who was in her cunt,” Mannie said, grinning at his friend who had come in from the other end of the barn. “Pete and I were talking about last night and we both wanna know, Cal, how the hell did you and Max and Fred keep from knocking each other out when you were all banging away on that one piece of ass?”

  Cal grinned and said with an appreciative sigh, “Damned if I know. All I can tell you is that she somehow had us all going and coming at the same time. Hell, if I hadn’t been the one inside of one of her holes, I wouldn’t have thought it was possible either.

  “And, hell, after all this time, Wyatt finally gave in. Christ, can you blame him? He’s been going crazy without Lei and it’s obvious she doesn’t give a shit about him. God, a guy like Wyatt is supposed to be a fucking saint? When the woman he’s crazy about could care less?”

  There was a rustle from the far stall. All three men startled then fell back when they heard her voice.

  Lei said, “Excuse me for interrupting.”

  She had walked up behind them and they turned in shock when they heard her.

  Her face was a ghastly white, her voice strained. “I’m glad to know that you all had a chance to unwind after a hard day campaigning. And I’m glad to know that given that ‘I don’t give a shit and could care less about him’ that Wyatt was able to join in the fun.”

  At that moment, Chief turned the corner and came toward them. He frowned when he saw Cal, Pete, and Mannie standing white faced in front of Lei. She was clinging to the stall railing and was as pale as the men.

  She glared at them, her eyes flashing with fury. In a barely controlled voice, she said, “The boys were reliving their orgy from last night. They are pleased that Wyatt finally got some pussy, given that I ‘don’t give a shit about him.’”

  She turned and walked out of the barn toward the cottage.

  As she walked away, Cal stammered, “Jesus God, Chief, I don’t know what
to say.” He was flushed with embarrassment. He could barely speak.

  Mannie and Pete were looking down at the ground, as red-faced as Cal. They were all shaking their heads and mumbling their apologies as Chief glared at them, his expression a mix of surprise and fury.

  Pete squinted at Chief and said with a groan, “It’s bad, Chief. She heard a shitload of crap from all three of us. Christ, you weren’t there, but it was a hell of a party last night.”

  Chief stared at them. He choked back a furious retort, then seemed to gather himself and asked, “What happened?”

  Mannie sighed. “Goddamn, mostly we were talking about that blond bitch from Washington. It was quite a sight. She had Fred in her mouth, Max up her ass, and Cal, here, in her cunt. Christ, she finished them all off and headed to the bar for another beer before they got their dicks back in their pants.”

  Chief’s face was hard, his eyes cold.

  “What did you say about Wyatt?”

  “That he finally got some. That blond bitch sucked him off. I don’t think we said that part, did we Mannie?” Cal asked.

  “No, but she did hear us say that it was obvious that she doesn’t give a shit about him—what can you expect since the woman he’s crazy about could care less about him.”

  Pete was pale. He peered at the floor in shame.

  Chief stood still, glaring at the men. “All three of you ride like hell and find Wyatt. Tell him exactly what happened and tell Tom. Please tell Tom that I specifically ask him to cancel the rest of the appearances today, so that Wyatt can come here.”

  Pete said, “Goddamn, Chief, we are as sorry as hell….”

  The Chief nodded. “Please. Go, now.”


  Lei stood in the doorway of the cottage, her face taut with emotion. She saw Chief coming toward her, but she turned away and ran across the yard to the dojo. He followed her inside. He went to Joey’s office to ask him to help him with Lei.

  “Let her work it out in her own way, Chief,” Joey said, as they both stood in the doorway watching her pound and kick at the punching bag with a flurry of fierce kicks and strikes. “Hell, the only person I’ve seen take out his anger and fear on the bag like that is Wyatt.”

  They turned away and went back into Joey’s office, pain streaking across both their faces.


  Wyatt listened quietly to Cal, Mannie, and Pete as they relayed the tortured tale. Tom stood beside him, his face as white and hard as Wyatt’s.

  “Goddamn, Wyatt, I can’t tell you how sorry we are. Christ, we were a bunch of assholes talking shit. Damn, why we had to add that bit about you… Christ, I’ll never forgive myself,” Pete said, his face red with shame.

  Cal and Mannie added their apologies.

  “Please tell me everything that was said. Don’t leave out anything.”

  The three men retold in excruciating detail the conversation Lei overheard. When they were finished, Wyatt nodded and walked away. Tom followed him to the stable. He waited with him while he saddled up Master. Because Alono had left, Tom had arranged for Clem to take over Wyatt’s security until Chief could pick it up. The four Caballeros who rode with him were waiting outside when Wyatt came out on Master.

  He nodded to Tom and rode off toward the ranch.


  When they arrived at the ranch, it was late afternoon. Wyatt learned that all three children were out riding with Daniel and Alono. He went first to the dojo, assuming Lei was there.

  “She’s not here, Wyatt. I’m surprised if she’s able to walk after three hours on those bags. The only person I’ve seen give them more punishment is you, Wyatt,” Joey said his face tight with emotion.

  “Thanks, Joey.”

  Theresa was in the cottage. She saw Wyatt heading toward their bedroom. “I know she’s not there, Wyatt. I think she went to your retreat room. She is upset, but I guess you know that.”

  “Yes, I know that.”

  “Will you be staying for dinner, Wyatt?”

  “I’ll let you know after I talk with Lei.”

  Theresa nodded. She turned away so he wouldn’t see the tears in her eyes.


  He knocked on the door. When she didn’t open it, he took out his key, unlocked it, and walked in. Lei was sitting in a chair in front of the fire, drinking a glass of bourbon. She didn’t look up when he came in. He walked over and poured himself a glass of bourbon and sat down in the chair across from her.

  “I didn’t know you drank bourbon.”

  “I don’t.”

  “Lei, I’m sorry. Lei, I love you and I want to marry you.”

  “Marry me? You want Me to marry You? You must be joking.”

  “No I’m not. I love you and I know you love me. This means nothing to me, Lei. It was just fucking and not even that. It meant nothing to me, except that I am sorry as hell that I hurt you.”

  “I’m glad it means nothing to you, Wyatt, because it means everything to me.”

  She stood up and moved away from him, turning her back on him.

  “You asked me why I wouldn’t marry you. I will tell you. You are like my father. I don’t want to marry my father and I don’t want to marry you.”

  He stood up and went to her. He turned her around and held her so that she was forced to look at him.

  “Lei, I am not your goddamn, fucking father.”

  She tossed her head and pulled away.

  “You’re close enough. Except that my father never fucked me.”

  “Maybe not physically. Definitions sweetheart—depends on how you define it.

  She stared at him, her face was pale, her voice strained. “Don’t you see, Wyatt, this is what he did to my mother?”

  “Lei, I’ve said it before and I will say it again. I am not your father and you are not your mother. Christ, Lei, it’s as though you’ve been waiting for three years to be able to say that I am like your father. It’s like you were hoping that I would be unfaithful. To give you a reason not to marry me.”

  She stared at him and flushed with anger, her eyes flashing.

  “I made you do it? It’s my fault that you fucked Sarah? Now it’s my fault?”

  “Yeah, Lei, in a way it is.”

  He paced back and forth.

  “Christ, Lei, it was just fucking and not even that!”

  She stared at him in disbelief.

  “Jesus God, Lei, I love you more than anything in the world. Nothing is more precious to me.”

  “I am more precious than anything? How would you feel if someone did this to me?”

  She turned and faced him, white with anger.

  “What if it was me, Wyatt? What if I did that? Would it be ‘just fucking’?”

  He grabbed her arm and shoved her against the wall, his face up next to hers.

  “No Lei, goddamn it! It wouldn’t be. You belong to me. Only to me! Do you understand?”

  She wrenched her arm away and rubbed it where he had held her.

  “Who do you belong to, Wyatt,” she asked, her eyes filled with tears, her voice shaking.

  He walked to the door, then turned to look at her, his face tight with anger.

  “I belong to no one.”

  He opened the door to leave.

  “Lei, I’m done. I told you again and again how much I needed you, loved you and wanted you to be my wife. But you couldn’t, wouldn’t, get over your fears. And now I’ve proved you right.

  He took several steps and then turned back, his voice hard, harsh with anger.

  “Does it feel good to be right, Lei? Is this what you wanted? To prove why we shouldn’t be married? Good for you, Lei. You were right. I was wrong.”

  He walked down the path, then whirled back and looked her in the eye, his face contorted with anger.

  “I’m leaving, Lei. I don’t know when I will be back. I am going to throw myself into the campaign, see if that will help me forget how goddamned angry I am with you.

  “Good bye, Lei.”

sp; ~~~

  He went up to the children’s room and told them that he was able to come home just long enough to kiss them good night. He needed to leave to go back to Cheyenne. They were upset, but he promised them they would be together for three days next week for the rallies. He pledged he would buy them ice cream every day. He promised them he would send them a telegram each day until they were together and he would wait for them to answer.

  He went back out to the barn and told the men that they were going back to Cheyenne.

  Chief and Joey were both horrified. Chief reached out and took his arm.

  “Wyatt, don’t do this. Don’t leave like this. Stay and talk to Lei. Give her a chance to get over her anger. Then talk to her.”

  “Look, Chief, you and I both know it isn’t what happened last night. It is a hell of a lot more than that. She’s been waiting for three years for me to do what I did. I am sorry as hell that I did it, more than anything because I proved her right. She thinks I’m her goddamned father and, Christ, I’m probably worse.

  “I’m done. I did everything I could to convince her to marry me. She wouldn’t. Chief, this isn’t fair and not what you expect me to say after last night, but I despise her for it. I love her more than anything in the world, but right now I am so angry with her I don’t care if I ever see her again. It’s better that I leave.”


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