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The_ORDER_of_SHADDAI Page 19

by Unknown

  Gideon stood on a hill outside of the city walls of Emmanuel. Sarah’s grave lay before him covered in stones. A compliment of soldiers had obediently taken him, along with his wife’s body, to the place of his choosing outside the walls. He couldn’t stand the thought of her being left within the city with Mordred and his vile kind residing there.

  He wept still, though he felt as if his tears had almost run dry. He picked up some fresh earth and squeezed it tightly in his fist. “My love, I will get our son back safely, or die trying,â€� he vowed. “He is all that is left worth living this life for—all that is left of our love.â€� He choked on the words. “Please forgive me for what I must now do.â€�

  He sprinkled the earth across the stones. Gideon wanted to pray, but he felt like a hypocrite for even desiring it. How could he pray unto the Almighty, then turn and hunt down His Deliverer—Gideon’s own friend?

  He tried to cast an eye toward the heavens, but his guilt kept him from it. He turned and walked back to the soldiers Mordred had sent with him. He mounted his horse, while the men got their equipment and cart together. He sat there in the leather saddle on a black stallion more suited to his normal size. The sun gleamed off of his crimson and black uniform—the colors of his enemies.

  Gideon looked out from the hillside toward the city of Emmanuel in the near distance. “My love, one day this city will be free again. I swear it.â€�

  The storyteller paused to take a drink from a wineskin at his side. “I think perhaps that is enough for today, children.â€� He took notice of several of the king’s guards strolling past. “Yes, quite enough for today.â€�

  Being troubled by the words he had spoken this day and those left unsaid, I spoke up. “I’ve never heard these things before.â€�

  The storyteller looked at me curiously. “Stand up, boy.â€� And so I did.

  “What is your name, boy?â€�

  “Phineas, sir,â€� I replied.

  “Phineas?â€� Then, he took notice of my clothing, the colors involved and the style. “Phineas, Prince of Wayland?â€�

  “Yes, sir,â€� I answered.

  The old man smiled. “Then, young prince, I suppose a sound history lesson is very much in need.â€� He stood, took up his staff, and said, “Return again tomorrow and you shall have it.â€�

  About the Author:

  James Somers first novel, The Chronicles of Soone: Heir to the King was published by Variance Publishing in 2006. Since that time, Mr. Somers has published many novels including:

  • Hallowed Be Thy Name

  • Hallowed Ground

  • The Chronicles of Soone: Rise of Lucin

  • The Realm Shift (trilogy)

  • A World Within

  • Percival Strange and the Lonely Manor

  • Perdition’s Gate

  **If you enjoyed the Smashwords Edition of The Order of Shaddai, then visit me at jamessremos(at) and be sure to leave a review at Smashwords! Also look for novel three in this trilogy: The Sword of Gideon, and my latest novel, Percival Strange: The Lonely Manor!




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