Beast Billionaire #2 (Bad Boy Alpha Billionaire Werewolf Shifter Romance)

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Beast Billionaire #2 (Bad Boy Alpha Billionaire Werewolf Shifter Romance) Page 3

by Mac Flynn

  Maggie looked to Adrian. “How are we moving?”

  His usual sly smile slipped onto his lips. “Albert always carries a spare key in case the need should arise.”

  She glared at him. “You tricked me into this car, didn’t you? It was all for my tears, wasn’t it?”

  He shrugged. “I admit I needed your tears, but I would never pass up a chance for your company.”

  She spun around and grabbed the handle. A few pulls told her it was locked. She frantically pressed the unlock button, but there was no familiar click. Maggie glanced over her shoulder to Adrian. “Let me out!”

  He shook his head. “I’m afraid I can’t allow that, at least not yet. You see-” he leaned forward and picked the mirror from off the floor where he dropped it. The remaining bits of broken glass were blackened. “-I have a vested interest in this mirror being repaired. I was told the tears of an innocent maiden-your tears-could repair it. It appears I was misinformed, and I don’t like that.”

  “Then find someone else and leave me out of it!” she snapped.

  Adrian pursed his lips as he studied the broken mirror. “I wish it was that simple, but I’m afraid you’re in the thick of it now. We must go see the good doctor and find out why he lied to me, and what exactly happened to you.”

  The color drained from Maggie’s face. “What do you mean?”

  He held up the mirror so the empty face stared at her. “As you know, this mirror is no ordinary trinket. The light that struck you came from the last bits of its magic that remained. We must find out what side-effects you may experience and how to return the powers to the mirror.”

  Maggie’s pulse quickened. “Side-effects? What kind of side-effects?”

  He lay the mirror on his lap and shook his head. “I couldn’t begin to guess, but the doctor may know. We’ll wait for him to give us the diagnosis.”

  Maggie turned her face toward the window and grasped the handle. Her hand trembled as her mind conjured forth terrifying images of her becoming a monster like the man who sat beside her.

  The car ride was very long for all the occupants, but at last they arrived at the home of Dr. Ficus.

  Albert opened the door and Adrian stepped out with the mirror in his hand. “Stay with the car,” he commanded his servant, and Albert bowed his head. Adrian half-turned to the open door. He stretched out his hand to the small figure that glared at him. “I am trying to help you.”

  Maggie’s eyes narrowed. “Only to help yourself.”

  “The situation has changed. Let us see if you have, as well,” he persisted.

  Maggie pursed her lips but slid out of the car, ignoring his outstretched hand. She followed Adrian up the walk to the split-level door. Adrian raised his hand, but the entrance flew open. Ficus stood in the doorway with a frown on his lips.

  His eyes flickered from Maggie to Adrian. “I told you she was supposed to come alone.”

  Adrian held out the scorched mirror. “The situation has changed.”

  Ficus’s eyes widened. He took the mirror and flipped it over in his hands. His bushy eyebrows crashed down and he stepped to the side. “Get in.”

  Adrian walked inside and Maggie reluctantly followed. She jumped when Ficus slammed the door behind them. He marched up to Adrian and wagged the mirror in the taller man’s face.

  “What the hell have you done now?” Ficus snapped.

  Adrian arched an eyebrow. “I merely followed your instructions and administered a tear of an innocent maiden onto the mirror. The results were shall we say explosive.”

  The doctor narrowed his eyes and jerked his head toward Maggie. “How’d you get the tears from her?”


  “He tricked me into getting into his car and crying,” Maggie spoke up.

  Ficus’s face darkened and he returned his attention to Adrian. “Is that true?”

  Adrian smiled and bowed his head. “I submit to the lady’s wording of the event.”

  Ficus poked the top of the mirror into Adrian’s chest. “Then it’s your fault it’s broken again and-” He paused and turned the mirror so the face stared back at him. His eyes widened and his mouth dropped open. “The magic. What happened to the magic?”

  Adrian nodded at Maggie. “I believe it entered her body.”

  Ficus spun around and surveyed her. Maggie stumbled backward until her back hit the door. He swept up to her and waved his free hand over her body. The doctor straightened and pursed his lips. He glanced over his shoulder at Adrian. “You’re a complete fool. The magic’s in her now, and there’s nothing to do with it but teach her how to keep it from destroying her.”

  Maggie’s eyes widened and she shook her head. “No! Whatever’s in me I don’t want it!”

  Adrian frowned. “Surely it can be removed.”

  Ficus shook his head. “Not this magic. It’s found a soul it likes and has fused with it. The only way to remove the magic now is to kill the girl and transfer the orphan magic back to the mirror.”

  Maggie’s legs shook so hard her knees buckled. Adrian leapt forward and caught her before she reached the ground. He lifted her into his arms and carried her over to a wooden armchair covered in books. Adrian kicked off the books with his foot and lowered her onto the seat. She leaned over and clutched her head in her hands.

  Adrian turned to Ficus. “How will this magic affect her?”

  Ficus shrugged. “How the hell should I know? I’m not the idiot who tried to trick an innocent into doing what he wanted.” Maggie lifted her head and showed off her red eyes.

  Adrian narrowed his eyes and pursed his lips. “My intention was only to-”

  “I don’t give a damn what you meant to do,” Ficus interrupted him. He pointed a finger at Maggie who flinched. “What you did was force energy into the mirror, shattering the fragile glass and forcing the magic to find another container. This young woman.”

  Adrian’s eyes followed the old man’s finger and his gaze settled on Maggie. He studied her tear-stained face for a while before he closed his eyes. His sly smile slipped onto his lips and he chuckled. “I see. Well, in that case, I must make amends for what I’ve done.” He strode over to the seated young woman and smiled down at her as he offered her his hand. “Will you allow me to do this?”

  Maggie blinked up at him. She leaned back and furrowed her brow. “You’ll help my father?”

  He chuckled. “And yourself, an important item you often forget.”

  Maggie glanced past him at Ficus. “There’s nothing you can do?”

  The old man shook his head. “Not a thing. This magic’s too strong for my powers.”

  “All the more reason why you should let me help you find someone able to help you,” Adrian spoke up.

  Maggie looked into his face. His eyes glistened with the sultry yellow of his kind, but they were soft and his smile was true. She took a deep breath and placed her hand in his.

  Adrian grinned and wrapped his fingers around hers. “You won’t regret this.”

  He pulled Maggie to her feet and turned them so they faced Ficus. His eyebrows were pointed downward and met between his narrowed eyes. His gaze lay on Adrian. “You’ll keep care of both of them?”

  Adrian bowed his head. “With all my powers.”

  Ficus stepped aside and gave them a clear path to the door. “Then get out of here.”


  Adrian led Maggie to the car where Albert awaited them. Maggie slipped inside, but Adrian paused and turned to Albert.

  “Home, Albert,” Adrian instructed his servant.

  He slipped inside and the door was shut. Maggie frowned at him. “Your home or mine?”

  “Would you rather go home without your father there?” he pointed out.

  Maggie winced. “No, but-” He grasped her hand and smiled at her.

  “Then allow me to take you where you will have some distractions,” he pleaded.

  The young woman pursed her lips. “My father is in the hospital because of Blake�
��s disappearance.”

  Adrian leaned back and furrowed his brow. “Yes, this will take some time to think of a solution to this problem.”

  Maggie studied his face as she felt the color drain from her own. “Where did you do with him?”

  Adrian flashed her a toothy grin. “We’ll say he’s in a safe place, but one that’s difficult to extract him from. For now I think you could use some food. I’m not too far wrong when I saw you haven’t eaten since this morning?”

  Maggie’s stomach answered with a loud growl. She clapped her hand over her stomach and glared at the traitorous part of her body. “I’m fine.”

  Adrian chuckled. “As fine as I am human, but that’s easily remedied.”

  Maggie turned her face away from him and furrowed her brow. “How did you become a. . .a-”

  “A werewolf?” he finished for her. She faced him and nodded. He shrugged. “The typical fashion. I was bitten by one of them and didn’t know the proper remedies to cure myself before the full moon took me and made me what I am.”

  She frowned. “And that doesn’t bother you?”

  He sat up and a bitter smile slipped onto his lips. “Do you think a man isn’t bothered who locks himself away for so many years with only a servant as his companion?”

  Maggie’s face fell. “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to-” His laugh interrupted her apology.

  Adrian turned to her and grasped their hands together. His playful eyes studied her face as a smile danced across his lips. “How, in this wretched world of selfishness and greed, does a delicate flower like you survive?”

  Maggie blushed and turned her face away, but she couldn’t hide from the warmth in his hands. A wave of lust warmed her body and flushed her cheeks.

  Adrian chuckled and released her hands. “Food first, and then the distraction.”

  Maggie winced. “I’m-”

  “One to whom I owe a great apology,” he reminded her. He leaned back and smiled at her. “And I intend to make amends in every way possible.”

  They arrived at the dreary old house a few minutes later. Adrian helped her out of the car and turned to Albert. “Prepare a heavy lunch. We’ll come down when we’re ready.” Albert pursed his lips, but bowed his head. He turned his attention to his guest and gestured to the staircase. “There’s something I wish to discuss with you first.”

  Maggie furrowed her brow, but nodded. Adrian led her up the stairs to his chambers. The heavy curtains blocked most of the early-afternoon sunlight, but a warm fire kept the chill of the darkness in the corners of the room.

  Adrian shut the door behind them and gestured to the chairs. “If you would have a seat.”

  She shook her head. “I’d rather stand.”

  Adrian stepped up to her and studied her face with his sly smile. “Your stubbornness never ceases to amaze me.”

  “Because your sole companion has been your servant?” she guessed.

  He shook his head. “No, because you know what I am and yet you have no fear of me.” He reached up and brushed the back of his fingers against her cheek. A thrill of heat warmed her body and made her shudder. “Time and again you return here. Why?”

  Maggie turned her back on him and glared at the closed curtains. “I told you, I don’t know why.”

  Adrian grasped her shoulders and turned her so they faced each other. “Do you still deny the connection between us? The mirror has only made that connection stronger.”

  She frowned “How?”

  He grinned. “Let’s just say I have a close association with the powers inside that mirror. But for now-” He leaned down so his lips brushed against her ear. “-I would rather we make ourselves more comfortable before dinner.”

  Maggie started back and blushed. “I-I’m fine as I-” He grasped her chin gently between his fingers and tilted her head back so she looked into his yellow eyes.

  “Don’t fight this.”

  Maggie felt herself fall into the heat of her growing lust. Her breath quickened and her breasts rose and fell with her shallow breathing.

  Adrian stepped close enough that their bodies pressed against one another. His hands unbuttoned her jeans and pulled them over her smooth hips so they dropped to the floor. His deft fingers worked away at the buttons on her shirt. “I want us to enjoy every moment of this.” Her shirt fell open and revealed her heaving chest. He leaned away from her and grinned. “And besides, you won’t win.”

  Maggie opened her eyes and shook her head. “W-we can’t. This isn’t right.”

  He leaned forward and captured her lips in a long, passionate kiss. She was breathless when they parted. His golden eyes danced across her face. “But it feels right, doesn’t it? And I know you want so desperately to feel my touch.”

  His hands massaged her bare hips and his fingers teased the hem of her thin underwear. One of his fingers slipped into her underwear and brushed against her hot, wet folds. Maggie leaned back her head and moaned as he stroked her silky folds.

  He lay his head in the crook of her neck. His voice was a deep, reverberating growl. “Yes. More of that. Tell me how you like it.”

  Maggie groaned as she felt his swollen manhood rub against her hip. Their hips rocked in time with his finger as her legs collapsed beneath her. Her lover swept her into his arms and carried her to the bed. The soft, silky sheets welcomed her as he lay her over them.

  She grasped the sheets in her hands and tried to catch her breath as she gazed up into his illuminated eyes. He tore off his shirt and knelt beside her on the bed. His right hand brushed up her leg and across her trembling body, exploring his possession with a soft, careful touch. Her hot body stoked his own desires and stiffened his resolve to take her again and again.

  She closed her eyes and shuddered. A pulsing heat within her stirred her beast from its slumber. Her muscles tightened and her breasts swelled as she felt its lustful nature penetrate her mind and body. She arched into his touch. Her tongue flicked out to wet her dry lips as she opened her eyes.

  “Please take me. Possess me,” she whispered.

  He grinned and leaned down so their lips brushed against one another. “I already do.”

  She fell into her passions as his hands swept over her, touching and taking in every inch of her pliable, sweat-soaked flesh. Her body was afire as he slipped off the last of their clothes. She welcomed his thick, throbbing manhood with a satisfied groan as he sank deep into her body.

  Her thick, pulsing heat made him clench his lengthening teeth. He pushed and pulled, and sharp grunts escaped his lips. Their slow-lovemaking became a rut of impatient desire as each sought the blessed union of their bodies and souls.

  Maggie grasped his shoulders and gasped as her body tingled with the teasing tones of orgasm. Every one of his penetrations reverberated through her body, sending sweet pleasures through her.

  “Yes. Oh god, yes,” she groaned.

  He pumped faster, so fast she couldn’t follow. His body pulsed with power as he transformed into his beastly form.

  She gasped for breath. Every push brought her closer. Every strain of her muscles told her she was nearer. She craved it. She needed it.

  Then it came. Maggie threw her head back and screamed his name to the quiet room. “Adrian!”

  He tilted back his head and let loose a long, feral howl. The noise echoed in the room even as they collapsed into each others’ arms. They both panted against one another. Maggie leaned her head on his chest and closed her weary eyes.

  Adrian reached up and petted her hair. “Mine.”

  Maggie sighed. She was fine with that, at least for the moment.



  Maggie furrowed her brow and buried her face deeper into her pillow.


  Maggie creaked open her eyes. The glow from the fire spread across the floor and illuminated Adrian’s chambers. She glanced to her left. The other side of the bed was empty.

  “Up here.”

tilted her head so she looked up at the ceiling. Her eyes widened and she gasped. Adrian floated naked above her. He cupped his chin in his palm and grinned down at her.

  “Mind letting me down?” he asked her.

  Maggie wrapped a sheet around her and sat up. Her mouth gaped open as she clutched the sheet around her. “H-how? W-what?”

  He chuckled. “Your powers are manifesting themselves in interesting ways, but I would really like to get down. My-ahem-important body parts don’t like the cold air.”

  Maggie scrambled off the bed with the sheet wrapped around her and gawked at his floating person. “Me? I’m doing that?”

  He nodded at her chest. “Look at your hands.”

  The young woman followed his gaze and saw her hands gave off a faint bluish glow. She raised her shaking hands in front of her and her heart quickened its speed. Instinct took over. Maggie yelped and furiously waved her hands to extinguish the light.

  The light vanished, and so did Adrian. He dropped out of sight on the other side of the bed. Maggie heard a hard thump and a groan.

  “That was rather quicker than I expected,” Adrian muttered.

  “I’m so sorry!” Maggie yelped as she hurried around the foot of the bed.

  Her feet stumbled and tripped over the sheet so badly she didn’t notice her hands glow again. Adrian stood before she made it around to the side. At least, that’s who she expected.

  Who actually came up was her father in all his naked glory. Maggie yelped and spun around to avoid any further mental trauma.

  “D-Dad! I can explain!” she insisted.

  Adrian’s chuckle came from behind her. “Against the common cultural cliche, I’m going to have to tell you I’m not your father.”

  Maggie peaked over her shoulder. Her father stood facing her with a peculiar smile on his lips and a sheet tucked around his waist. She did a brisk inspection of the area for Adrian, but he was nowhere to be found.


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