Where They Both Belong (Corbin's Bend)

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Where They Both Belong (Corbin's Bend) Page 2

by Thianna D

  The next morning, they splurged on a large coffee before heading back up to Corbin’s Bend. Brent was busy with contractors when they arrived, but invited them to look around and come back with any questions. As if by some unspoken agreement, they ended up outside of what Brent had called “Model number two." It was a three-bedroom, wide style with one and three-quarters bathrooms, a nice large kitchen, pantry, laundry, and while the master closet wasn’t as big as some of the others, the backyard would be huge.

  “I want this one,” Julie whispered.

  “I’m sure they have tons of them with this layout.”

  “No. I mean, I want this house. This one right here. It has a wonderful view.”

  Pausing to look behind them, all he saw were the houses across the street. “Out the back window,” she prompted.

  “But they’re building fencing, Jules. It would cut off most of the view.” The house sat right across the street from the dome.

  “The dome’s so big I think even with the fence we’ll see it,” she insisted.

  Confused, he looked at her. “Let me get this straight. You don’t care about the majestic mountains. What you want is the dome.”

  Grinning, she nodded. “Yep. Our children can grow up seeing it every day.”

  Sure he would never understand women, he wrapped his arms around his beautiful wife, hugging her tight. “Should we go apply?” he asked quietly. The application fee wasn’t too bad, but they did have to put down a large down payment and if they were refused, they would get the down payment back. If they chose not to come, they would lose it.

  She nuzzled her nose against the front of his shirt. “I know there’s a chance we won’t get in. We don’t make a lot of money. But, Matt, I want to live here.” He heard all the things she wasn’t saying. That she was scared of moving so far away from home and that she hated the cold. But that even more, she wanted to be somewhere they wouldn’t be ostracized.

  “Let’s go apply.”

  She squeezed him as hard as she could and stepped back, taking his hand as they walked back across the dirt road to the large, imposing dome.

  Brent was in the foyer talking to a tall thin man with brown hair and soft blue eyes as they walked in. He looked up. “Be right with you, Matt and Julie.” Turning back to the other man, Brent handed him a packet of information. “Feel free to look through this. My card’s inside. Call me with any questions you or your partner have. We’d love to have you in Corbin’s Bend, Jonathon.”

  “Thank you, Mr. Carmichael,” Jonathon said, in a reserved tone. “I’ll call Ben and we’ll let you know soon.” After a few more words, he left, giving them a nice smile as he passed.

  “Have any questions for me?” Brent asked.

  “We’d like to apply,” Matt said quickly. “We want to move in as soon as the first home is fit for habitation.”

  Nodding, Brent headed toward the staircase that ran along the wall. “Come with me. My office is upstairs. We won’t hear all the construction noise up there.”

  Chapter 2

  “Damnit!” Julie hissed, running from the bedroom into the kitchen as the smoke alarm went off. Of course, there was no smoke and nothing was on the stove. It was just a mark of this horrible, dingy downtown apartment that the damned thing went off whenever it could, which was usually several times a day. Grabbing one of their kitchen chairs, she dragged it over underneath the alarm and stood up on it, hitting the reset button several times. It usually worked for Matt, but it did no good for her. Screaming loudly as it shrieked even louder, she hopped off the chair and found a hammer. Standing back up, she closed her eyes and slammed the hammer into the box. It blessedly went silent. Sighing with relief to have the sound gone, she hopped off the chair and sat down. Only to open her eyes and see pieces of plastic lying on the floor.

  “Oh, no!” She glanced up, horrified to realize she hadn’t just shut it up, she’d destroyed it. What was left of it, mostly wires, hung from the ceiling. “Shit!” There was no way to hide this. Julie had just killed it. “Matt’s not going to be happy.”

  That was an understatement. They had an agreement that she was to call him whenever her temper got the better of her. Because when it got that bad, something inanimate usually paid the price. The last time she killed something it had been her cell phone and his punishment had been horribly inventive. Just remembering the humiliation of going out shopping with a ginger root up her rear end made her fidget. Dashing to the fridge, she opened it up and went through it. No ginger. Relieved, she closed the door. Maybe he’d just spank her. Of course, their neighbors had complained the last few times they had done so. They really needed to find a quieter implement.

  “Or move to Corbin’s Bend,” she said wistfully. They applied three weeks ago but so far hadn’t heard any news. Matt was picking up day-labor jobs and she had taken a small job at a local convenience store to help with bills. It wasn’t much, but they were getting by. They hadn’t touched the rest of their house fund, even though it had been seriously depleted by the down payment. If they got in, they would need the rest of the money to pack things up and move.

  Grabbing a broom, she swept up the remains of the dead smoke alarm and dumped it on the counter. Matt would ask her where it went if she didn’t. Wishing she were working this evening instead of being here when he got home to see it, she pulled some bread out of the cupboard. Maybe if she made him some French Toast, one of his favorite foods, he would be more amenable to… What was she thinking? She had agreed to this and would have to submit to whatever evilness he decided this particular problem was worth.

  Julie was just glad there was no ginger in sight. Even worse than the overwhelming heat the thing put out was the fact it turned them both on. The discomfort flipped a switch in her and seeing her pussy leak as she squirmed just turned her man on like crazy. That he loved to fuck her ass after he pulled the root out… A low moan left her lips. Damn. Maybe she should go buy some before he got home.

  The opening of the front door startled her. Her eyes flashed to the clock. It was after five. Crap.

  “I’m home,” he called in a tired voice. She trotted around the half wall into the living room and hugged him.

  “Hard day?” she surmised.

  “Yep. But I got a hundred for today, so where are we at with money for next month’s bills?” Kissing her on the forehead, he collapsed onto their old, ratty sofa, a gift from her parents when they got married.

  Mentally she did the math. “Leaves us about three hundred short. But when I get paid…”

  He shook his head. “No. I’ll do this a few more days. That’ll give us the money we need. I can sleep next week.”

  Seeing him so tired, looking a full decade older than he was, she climbed onto the sofa next to him and leaned against him. “What can I do?” she asked.

  “I think we’re going to have to accept that we probably won’t get into Corbin’s Bend,” he said quietly, trying to hide the pain the words brought, but she heard them loud and clear. “I’ve heard there’s a restaurant in Tucson looking for an experienced chef. I made a call today and they want me in on Tuesday to do a demo for them.”

  “I don’t think we’ll get away from our families down in Tucson. They’ll just come find us.”

  “I know, but maybe it will give us enough time to get back on our feet before we look further out.”

  Frowning as she knew he was exhausted, she went back and forth on whether or not to tell him about her anger moment. She didn’t want to stress him out more. But their agreement was total honesty – which was so much harder than it had sounded when she originally agreed to it.

  “I know you’re tired and stressed and probably just want to go crash,” she admitted, “but, um, I kind of have something to confess.”

  “What?” he asked with a yawn.

  “I killed the smoke detector.”

  He blinked at her. “You what?”

  “I killed the smoke detector. It was going off,” she said, s
itting up and waving frantically as if that would help explain everything. “Shrieking for no good reason. I tried to reset it like you do, but it hates me. So I, umm, tried to reset it with the hammer.”

  He opened his mouth twice before he got his next words out. “And I’m assuming the hammer completely reset it.”

  “I didn’t mean to hit that hard. But when I looked, it was everywhere. In pieces,” she added, feeling a little ashamed of herself.

  Clearing his throat, he nodded slowly. “I see. And you didn’t call me because?”

  “It was shrieking and I wasn’t thinking and I, err, well, I wanted it to shut up.” Her cheeks flamed with heat and she knew she was a bright pink.

  “Did you remember any of the hints we’ve talked about to help you calm down?” His voice was gentle, caring, which just made her feel worse.

  “No.” It was hard to get the word out, as all of the things he had worked with her on in the past came back to her. Take a walk. Jog. Meditate. If something was bad right in front of her, turn and walk away.

  “Go get the ginger,” he said calmly.

  “We don’t have any,” she said quickly, both happy and sad about that.

  “We do. It’s in the cupboard with the spices.” Wincing slightly, he stood up. “Strip and go stand in a corner.” His words were firm but tired and she felt retched as she stripped and faced the corner closest to her. “Holy shit,” he said and she winced, knowing he had found the smoke detector.

  A cupboard was opened and the sound of a peeler filled the air. Each zzzzzzzzzzt as the piece of metal peeled the ginger made her fidget back and forth. Her sphincter clenched in reaction to each sound and she hummed softly trying to ignore it. As much as she enjoyed the aftermath, she hated having that root in her ass. But even worse was the worry that he would take her out again while it was in place. That was torture. No matter that the sex they had afterward was the best in their entire marriage so far.

  His footsteps came into the living room and she felt him behind her. “Spread your legs, bend over and pull your cheeks apart.”

  Ugh. She hated doing this. It would be so much easier if he would just do it to her. But no, she was an equal partner in this discipline and this was her part. Besides actually breaking the rule in the first place. Whimpering, she bent over, leaning against the wall for balance as she reached up and pulled her butt cheeks apart. Waiting for the telltale squirt of the lube, she was shocked when he pressed the root up against her hole without it. “Uh, Matt? Lube?”

  “Not tonight. The ginger’s wet enough to slide right in. And technically, the lube cuts down on the experience. Tonight, Julie, you get the full discipline. You’ll wear this and I’ve cut a rather large divot so it’s going to stay in. It will remain in while we eat dinner and until after we’ve watched television. If you’re a good girl and don’t fidget too much, I’ll take it out before bedtime. Otherwise? You’re wearing it all night long.”

  Her mouth dropped open which was a strange feeling while hanging upside down. “Matt, no,” she whined. All night long? It might kill her.

  “Yes,” he insisted. “Every bit of damage you do has consequences, Julie. We’ll have to pay for a new smoke detector and any damage the manager wants to add on for your little temper tantrum. This is the least you can do.”

  Tears pooled in the corners of her eyes as he pressed the root into her bottom. As it seeded itself with an annoying plop that she felt more than heard, he patted her rump. “Stand up.” His hands held her waist, forcing her to stand slower than she would normally. By the time she was up, the heat had started. His arms wrapped around her and he kissed her forehead. “Thank you for your honesty,” he said quietly. “Now let’s go make dinner.”

  It was all she could do not to fidget. She breathed roughly and gripped anything she could to not bounce back and forth from foot to foot while they fixed French Toast. But when he forced her to sit down to eat, she burst into tears. The heat was astounding, horrible, heading quickly to excruciating and as much as she hated it, Julie also knew she deserved it. His hand stroked her hair as they ate, letting her know he was right there. In fact, he didn’t leave her side once the whole evening. That was just his way; whenever he had punished her the entire time she’d known him, he had never once left her alone during discipline. On nights like tonight when the punishment was harsh, he constantly touched her or held her. Sometimes she could swear he was trying to take some of the pain away, even though they knew it wasn’t possible and they both knew she deserved it.

  By the time they did the dishes, she couldn’t not fidget. It was physically impossible with her entire ass going up in flames. “Please, Matt,” she begged, tears falling down her face. “Please! I can’t stand it.”

  “Come on,” he said in a kind voice that just made it worse as he took the last dish out of her hands, put it back on the drying rack and led her into the bedroom.

  “We’re not watching television?’ she asked hesitantly, grimacing at the burn and wanting to reach back and rip the thing out.

  “No. I’m tired. We’re going to bed.” He pressed a kiss to the top of her head and went into the bathroom. She stared at his back, afraid he would actually make her wear the thing all night long. At the moment she was ready to promise anything including things she couldn’t even have pulled out of a hat if he’d just remove it. Turning, he beckoned her forth with a finger and she flew into his arms. A warm chuckle rumbled through his chest. “Come, Baby, let’s see that hot little ass.”

  It seemed impossible that in that moment where she was in unbelievable pain that desire erupted with those few words. Clutching his arms, she stared up into his eyes, wanting nothing more than for him to take her. Reaching up, he trailed the backs of his fingers down her face. “Yes, Baby. I’m going to fuck your smallest hole.”

  Moaning, she nodded, turning to bend over the sink and spreading her legs out. As soon as he could get the offensive piece out of her, he could shove his own cock inside. The ginger had her wet enough, they wouldn’t even need lube.

  His fingers grasped the end and pulled until the thick piece slid out. But instead of just removing it, he pressed it back in, sliding it in and out of her smoothly, moving the juices within her and making her moan as some of it trickled over to her cunt. “If that gets inside your pussy, it’s going to burn.” His breath came in soft pants and she moaned in return.

  Grabbing a wad of toilet paper, he caught the oil before it entered her. Yanking out the root, he threw it and the toilet paper into the garbage. “Get on the bed on all fours. Now.”

  Darting out of the bathroom, she was on the bed and ready for him in seconds. The burn was excruciating, but the desire for what was about to happen eclipsed it…added to it…made it burn hotter. Her cunt clenched as he climbed up behind her.

  “Gorgeous,” he murmured, his hand grasping her waist as his cock lined up with her rosebud and pressed inside. A low wail left her throat as he pushed all the way in. “Fuck!” he hissed, the heat obviously getting to him before he pulled out and thrust back in, grasping onto her hips as he slammed into her over and over. The heat. The friction. The passion. It all wound up until a low keen left her throat and she came. As soon as she clenched around him in several intense spasms, he came, a low cry leaving his lips just before his teeth latched onto her shoulder. His cum filled her up and a low moan left her lips as he pulled out. “Don’t move,” he whispered, his hand drifting down her hair. “I want to clean you up.”

  She lay on the bed, rejoicing in the pain-filled pleasure that filled her as he cleaned his cock and then came back into the room with a warm washrag and washed her backside, digging it in her a little to clean off as much of the ginger as he could. “Shall I do an enema?” he asked quietly. “How deep’s the heat?”

  “Pretty far up,” she hummed softly. “I don’t mind.”

  A low chuckle left his throat. “I need to find a different punishment for you, Jules. You enjoy this aftermath as much as I do.�

  Turning her head, she smiled into his loving eyes. “I love you.”

  Tossing the washcloth into the hamper, he leaned down and kissed her. “I love you, too. And I’m giving you an enema so you aren’t in pain all night. Come on.”

  * * * * *

  Running his fingers through Julie’s shoulder-length, straight reddish-brown hair as she leaned against the wall next to the toilet, Matt couldn’t imagine he could be any luckier than he was. His wife was the most amazing woman on the planet. The first time he got turned on by watching her pussy weep as she put up with the ginger, he was sure she would be horrified by him. That she wasn’t had just proven to him that he had lucked into the right girl early. As her breathing sped up, he leaned in and nipped her shoulder. “Just a couple more minutes, Baby.”

  She nodded, trying not to grimace. An enema wasn’t a comfortable thing, but it would get rid of most of the discomfort left behind from the ginger. Looking down, his eyes fastened on her beautiful derriere. It was her butt that made him first notice her. She had bent over to pick something up and had bent at the waist rather than squatting down. Her mini skirt had risen up showing off the beautiful globes and while other guys nearby had leered and made stupid comments, he walked forward, pulled her skirt down and introduced himself. Their whirlwind six-month courtship had ended in a huge wedding. It was just six months ago that the truth of their relationship leaked out.

  As much as he hated the way people treated him, his biggest fear was how it affected Julie. In fact, her actions tonight told him his fears were well grounded. She rarely struck out anymore, only when her stress level was too high.

  “All right, Jules,” he said, helping her back up to the toilet. “Let it go.” As he spoke, he pulled out the tube and she grabbed onto his arm.

  “I’m sorry,” she whispered and he looked down into her sad brown eyes and tossed the enema supplies into the garbage, pulling her head against his chest.


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