Saol Mates (Primani Book Six)

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Saol Mates (Primani Book Six) Page 3

by Laurie Olerich

  This game they played was a game of layers between the physical plane and the astral plane, superimposing the two worlds and exploring the depths of their subconscious. In the physical world, they lay on the bed, but in this dream she lay sprawled on the thick, green moss of a forest floor, staring up at the magnificent trees soaring above her, their canopy partially screening out the sunlight. Cool air drifted over her bare skin as she listened to the eerie birdsong that always came with sleep. Poignant and hypnotic, the sound fluttered over them as their bond grew tighter. Her muscles were limp, pliant, her senses heightened by the slow coursing of Dec’s saol mingling with her own. The surging energy filled her with peace, with joy . . . with a need for him that would take hours to satisfy.

  “So beautiful.” His seductive voice caressed her as surely as his fingers vibrating across her skin, surrounding her inside and out. “It’s our dream, baby. Relax into it. Let yourself go.” His breath sent shivers racing down her back. “Do you want me?”

  With eyes closed, she pictured his face, his mouth curling into a soft smile, his eyes heavy-lidded with passion. Reaching for him, she murmured, “Kiss me. I need to feel your mouth on me.”

  “Not yet. You’re not ready.” His breath hitched as he shifted position and she shuddered in anticipation. Soon. He would join her soon.

  His fingers still feathered over her skin, but the pace had changed. Moving quickly, he skimmed her belly and teased the tops of her thighs until they dropped open a little bit wider. Using his thumb, he parted her folds with one slow movement that left her spread open and gasping. Still he waited. Not kissing her. Not moving anything besides those clever fingers. In the dream, she lay motionless under the trees, the breeze teasing her skin, the heat of their saols warming her from the inside out. The heat intensified as his fingers danced. She ached to arch against him; to rub her silky skin against the roughness of his; to revel in the differences between them; to use that roughness to shatter in his arms.

  But she didn’t. She remained still and let the flame of desire burn inside until the ache was all she felt. Nothing else existed but the throbbing pulse demanding attention between her thighs. Nothing existed but the want, the need, the absolute demand for Dec that swallowed her whole.

  Groaning as his saol lifted her hips, angling her for his cock, she nearly wept at the pleasure. Her breasts were heavy, swollen, needy. She was ready—more than ready—she was desperate for him. But it wasn’t time; they weren’t where they wanted to be, so he didn’t kiss her; didn’t part her legs and make love to her. His fingers left a trail of heat along the curve of her stomach and over her hip. Her belly went taut as desire coiled low and deep, raising her hips. Sweat trickled between her breasts as her legs trembled; her pelvis twitched. She was nearly there. Nearly ready.

  Nearly . . . Nearly.

  “Shh . . . deeper now.” His voice thrummed across her throat. “To the shadow room.”

  He dragged her down into that place where no one else lived. The dark place she shared with no one but him. A doorway dissolved into an elegant spiral staircase that led to a shadowy room with soaring windows. As they entered the room, her subconscious welcomed him. The physical sensation of his saol coiling around her body was nothing compared to the pleasure of his mind joining with hers inside the dreamscape. Like the purest love, the touch of his mind filled her with such intense need she cried out for him. Among these shadows, he bared himself of all he was and had ever been, and that dark part of her soul threw itself into his arms.

  “Dec, now! I’m dying without you. I need you now!”

  “Shh . . . lay very still.” His hands stopped moving as his mouth brushed hers. Moaning at the teasing contact, she parted her lips, slipping her tongue against his, stroking, demanding more, urging him to take over. With a harsh growl low in his throat, he captured her face between those maddening hands and thrust his tongue deep, using it as he would his cock. Her hips jacked upwards, searching for the real thing. Her sex wept rivers, but it wasn’t time just yet.

  In the dream, the stairs wound downward into a narrow shadowy corridor. Down they went, moving more deeply into their psyches, those secret places that remain hidden from the world—places that would shock and horrify—places where nightmares lived. The stone walls shifted as though they were alive. The black rock was broken by a seam of pure gold that undulated with still more shadows. Fire blazed from the floor. The heat was intense and growing hotter, until the rock glowed red; the gold began to melt . . .

  Oh, God. She couldn’t breathe. Completely at Dec’s mercy now, she shook from head to toe, panting for air. Her chest heaved; her heart pounded . . . It was hot; too hot. The walls were melting. Dec’s hands and mouth set her astral body on fire while the dreamscape overwhelmed her. It was so real that it was all she could do to keep from screaming. Their skin was slick with sweat; overheated and swollen with need.

  Layers. The physical plane. The dreamscape . . .

  And now they’d descended into the darkest places of her mind and each touch burned inside and out. Every cell swelled with joy, nearly bursting with pleasure as Dec’s soul connected more completely, more permanently with hers. Arching her back now, she felt the heavy length of his cock as he draped his body over hers to nudge her thighs open further.

  “Oh, God, Dec! I can’t wait. I can’t wait. Do it now!” Gasping for breath, she clutched his hips, digging her nails into his skin, pulling him closer, nearly exploding as his cock slid home.

  With face taut, eyes gleaming with gold, he rasped, “Hold on, baby.”

  She locked her ankles around his waist as the canopy exploded overhead.

  Leaves and bits of bark rained down. A twig landed in her eye.

  Bursting into shaky laughter, Dec rolled them over to the other side of the bed and leaned his sweaty forehead against Rori’s. “Shit. I’m sorry, love. I was trying to hold the image, but you completely undid my control.” He dropped a kiss on the tip of her nose and dragged shaking fingers through his dripping hair. “Good God, you’re hot. It’s your fault—you feel so damn good—I lose focus every time I bury myself in you.”

  Rori wrapped her slender fingers around the base of his cock and squeezed. Her swollen lips curved into a mischievous smile that promised more pleasure to come. “We’ll just have to finish the old fashioned way—awake.” She dragged her nails along his happy trail with her other hand. “We’re getting better, though. Don’t you think? We almost made it.”

  He leaned back against the pillows and let her work her magic. “It’s unchartered territory. We’ll make it work. One of these days, we’ll be able to take it all the way.”

  Killian and Mica were able to enter into each other’s subconscious without any work at all. It was part of their natural connection. He and Rori were pushing the limits. They’d been trying for months. They wanted to see just how far their psychic and physical connection actually went. As two immortals, they had some special abilities; many that led to the bone-deep, soul shattering orgasms that left them exhausted but higher than any drug could manage. After a lot of experimenting, he’d been able to create an avatar of sorts that allowed him to slip into her mind and explore with her. Once they’d learned to share the same consciousness, they started working to share the dreamscape. Now they were exploring the darkest regions of their minds. It was crazy intense.

  But it wasn’t easy. He’d been able to create the dreams they shared, but so far, every time they tried to have dream sex, it was too intense for one of them and the dream exploded before they got very far. Talk about a mind fuck. It was a hell of a problem to have. Tonight was the farthest they’d gotten before the mulch hit the fan.

  “Pay attention to me or I’m going to stop what I’m doing and you’ll have to finish yourself.” Rori grinned up at him and nipped the inside of his groin.

  Her sharp teeth hurt but the silky brush of her hair soothed the twinge of pain. Threading his fingers through the dark strands, he drew it away from he
r face so he could see her beauty. He stroked his knuckles along her jaw, gently guiding her mouth to the troublemaker between his legs. Mr. Crowley twitched with impatience. Rori’s tongue flicked in and out like a snake’s, and he groaned aloud. “You’re a tease, love.”

  “Mmm hmmm. You’re one to talk. You owe me multiple orgasms.” She grinned into his eyes and licked him like a lollipop starting at the base and ending at the sensitive tip.

  He nearly came in her face. Gripping the sheets with both hands, he willed his ass to stay put and not buck off the bed. Gritting his teeth, letting the pleasure build, he lay back and let her play. If she wanted to tease, who was he to argue?

  Payback was a bitch though.

  Later, much, much later, Rori curled into the curve of Dec’s body as he draped himself around her and tucked her butt against his thighs. After dropping a soft kiss on her shoulder, he nuzzled her hair and collapsed.

  “I love you.”

  His response was a muffled grumble that trailed off into a soft snore.

  She’d worn him out. A soft chuckle of triumph snuck past her lips despite trying to hold it inside. There really was a first time for everything. Dec’s breathing was deep and slow; his arm lay boneless over her waist, protecting her even in his sleep. He was out like a light. As a result, his saol actually glimmered ever-so-faintly in the darkness as its life-giving energy flowed through his veins to rejuvenate his muscles. Hers simmered beneath the surface of her skin, calling to his, softly outlining her corporeal body as it strove to link to Dec’s. She relaxed and let it go.

  The golden strands of light wove in and out of the curves of their bodies, twisting around and through the stronger force of Dec’s until they were one. It never got old—this feeling of completeness, of belonging to someone—of him belonging to her. Their saols were bonded. Their bodies were joined. Soon, their minds would be connected in every possible way. This feeling of pure happiness never got old.

  The question was, how long would it last?

  Chapter 4: Houseguest from Hell

  LOKI TUGGED RORI FORWARD until she was nearly careening down Madison Avenue. Halfway down the block, Dec commandeered the leash and then yanked the pup to a screeching halt with a firm, “Loki, stop!”

  Clutching a stitch in her side, she gasped for air as the battle of wills continued. After a few tense seconds, Loki finally shot his alpha a look of impatience but did as he was told. Grumbling under his breath, he sat at Dec’s side, tongue lolling, rear haunches trembling, ears raised to catch every possible sound the city had to offer at 6:00 a.m. on a Saturday.

  “See, babe? He’ll listen if you give him proper commands and show him who’s in charge. You can’t let him drag you down the street. He’s young now, but he’ll be a big brute in a few months. You could get hurt. Or he could knock someone over.” He reached down to scratch the gangly pup behind his ears. “Good job, little dude. Let’s try this again.”

  Practically bouncing up and down now, Loki swung his head back and forth between them. Whining impatiently, he nudged her hand with a backwards glance at Dec. There was no way to say no to those puppy dog eyes.

  “Hand me the leash. I’ll do it.” Squatting to dog level, she took his furry little face between her palms and looked him in the eye. “I don’t need to break an ankle today, so no dragging me. Do you hear me?”

  He snorted once and did a little doggy prance around her feet. After initially doing his best to remove her arm from her shoulder, Loki settled into a comfortable pace. Lengthening her stride so he wouldn’t have to mince along like a Chihuahua, she relaxed as he mellowed and stopped dragging her. “Oh, much better! Good pup!”

  The sun was slanting between the skyscrapers as they made their way to Central Park. It was about fifty blocks from their apartment in Gramercy Park, but it was their weekend walk of choice. This morning had dawned bright and clear. The streets were mostly empty except for a stray jogger and a couple of dog walkers. The stores were still closed. Cellphone vendors were sleeping in. Lovebirds and dog would hit the park, grab a fruit smoothie from Ezekiel’s cart on the corner, and head back for some last minute wedding prepping. They had a few hours before everyone showed up and her to-do list was almost to-done. She could actually relax and enjoy the most important day of her life. Swinging her arms along, she inhaled the crisp air and smiled at the universe. This was her wedding day! It was glorious!

  Practically dancing with joy, she twirled in a circle before looping her arms around Dec’s neck and squeezing him half to death. Pressing her face into his warm skin, she gushed, “Oh, my God! I can’t believe we’re finally getting married!”

  Dec crushed her closer and smoothed his hand over her hair, saying, “Believe it, angel. After today, there’s no going back. It’ll be you and me forever.”

  Tipping her face up to drown in his mesmerizing eyes, she sent a silent thank you to the fates that brought them together. It was a miracle. His eyes darkened with emotion just before he eased her into a kiss that might’ve ended their walk, had Loki not decided to throw a conniption fit. His demanding barking broke them apart with a shared smile.

  “Guess we should get moving, huh?”

  Resting his hand on the small of her back, he steered her forward again with a wry glance at the dog. “Is it just me or is he getting to be an uppity little fucker?”

  Still laughing over Loki’s personality change, they turned left onto 42nd Street and then made a right onto Fifth Avenue. Just as they stepped off of the sidewalk, Loki stopped so abruptly she stumbled over him and landed on her knees in the middle of the intersection. “Whoa!”

  Putting his supernatural reflexes to good use, Dec dragged her out of the path of a turning taxi and towed them all to the opposite sidewalk. As she dusted her hands on her butt, he scanned the street with narrowed eyes and a worried frown. Hiding behind Dec’s legs, Loki whimpered and flattened his ears.

  “You okay?” Dec asked without turning to look at her. His gaze was focused on the energy around them. He sensed something.

  “I’m fine. Just a scrape or two. No biggie. What do you see?”

  He shrugged, mouth twisted with annoyance, eyes still focused inward. Loki leaned against Dec’s side and whined under his breath. He wasn’t happy. What was he sensing? Absently resting his palm on the dog’s head, Dec shook himself and muttered, “Weird.” He passed the leash back to her and took her hand. “You take him. I need to concentrate. Let’s go.”

  “Okaaay . . . What’s out there? You’re freaking me out a little bit now.” Understatement. The back of her neck prickled in warning. She wasn’t Primani. She didn’t have super badass fighting skills. Nope. She only had some unremarkable Krav Maga moves that would be more likely to annoy an attacker than actually hurt one. She wasn’t even armed with a taser. If they got attacked, she’d be a liability. Damn it! They didn’t need any bloody drama today. “Let’s go home. I don’t want to walk now.”

  Squeezing her hand, Dec tried to reassure her. “Don’t be scared. I’m not sensing anything specific; just a vague disturbance in the force.” He winked and flashed both dimples. “I think we should finish our walk. It’s a beautiful morning. We can’t let the twitchy demon dog make us paranoid. He’s still in training; it could be nothing. Besides, I can always teleport us home if we run into trouble I can’t handle.”

  That prickly feeling was back. “Are you sure? I’m getting that creepy-crawly feeling.”

  Loki perked up as an empty soda can snagged his attention. Seeming to shake off the nervousness, he gave her a real doggy grin and trotted forward again, tail raised and ears up. Maybe it was nothing.

  “Stop worrying, love. We’re almost there. Why don’t you fill me in on the wedding plans? What do you need me to help with?”

  Dec did a 360° scan as they walked. Something was off. Just what, exactly, he didn’t know yet. His spidey senses were humming though, so he’d pay attention. Demons? Noooo. That didn’t seem right. He’d recognize that ener
gy the second he felt it.

  Rori gradually relaxed beside him as she chattered about the wedding plans. Once she started talking, her excitement took over and she was rattling off her to-do list like a pro wedding planner. He listened to her tumbling words with one ear and concentrated on keeping them alive with the other. He was excellent at multi-tasking.

  “I think everything’s all set for the ceremony. Mica and Killian are driving down this morning; Aisling and Sean, too. We’ve decided to let the boys camp out in the living room tonight. The four of them will fit in your old beach tent. Teagan will sleep with Mica and Killian in the spare bedroom. Aisling and Sean can take the other spare room if they want to stay. I think everyone will be comfy for the night after we leave for our trip. Oooh! I still need to pack for that. Remind me when we get home. Let’s see . . . What else? Oh, my dress is in the closet and the tuxes will be ready to pick up at noon today.”

  “Who’s picking them up?”

  She elbowed him in the ribs and replied with a trace of laughter in her voice, “That’s on your to-do list, stud. Along with going to the liquor store, and making sure it doesn’t rain.”

  “Tuxes? Check. Booze? Check. Rain? Out of my hands, sweetheart.”

  “I have faith in you. Make it happen. We can’t have a rooftop wedding in the rain.”

  He hugged her to his side where she fit absolutely perfectly and promised soberly, “I’ll do my best. What else? Music? Grub?”


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