Saol Mates (Primani Book Six)

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Saol Mates (Primani Book Six) Page 22

by Laurie Olerich

  Her mouth dropped open and she swung her eyes back and forth between the two guys before narrowing them on her soon-to-be husband. Dec whistled nonchalantly and tapped his fingers on the side of the couch. “How do you know what he’s talking about, Dec? Have you seen this?”

  Now he definitely looked away, but a small smile tugged at his mouth. “Yeah, I’ve seen his pointy toys. I’ve seen him use them too. Damn, girl, we’ve been around for a long, long time. There’s not much I haven’t seen done or done myself. And I haven’t heard you complain about my mad skills yet.”

  Keil burst out laughing and hugged her against his side. After pasting a noisy kiss on the top of her head, he said, “Sweetheart, you can’t get mad about something that happened 200 years ago. Leave your man alone. He’s been nothing but loyal to you. Can I finish my story?” His smile drifted away and he said, “I’m not sure what else happened after she tranked me other than freaky hallucinations and a whole lot of blood. If half of what I think I saw was real, that damn crazy bitch got exactly what she wanted from me in the end. I hope it was worth it.”

  Dec chimed in. “Did you know her brothers were looking for you two?”

  “No, but it’s not surprising. They were involved in some shady shit involving human trafficking and my team was doing surveillance. I’d been seeing Wang Li for weeks before I started to put the pieces together. I only met them one time and that was by accident. Wang Li was out with them and we ran into each other at a club. They may have recognized me from that. Are the brothers dead?”

  Dec shook his head. “One is. The other’s got no memory left so doubtful that he’ll pick up where he left off. Sean wiped him clean before we dumped him in an alley. He’ll live but he won’t remember shit from his old life.”

  “That leaves Wang Li. What are you going to do about her, Keil?” Rori was horribly fascinated by this secret life her father seemed to be living.

  Keil yawned and stretched. “She’s in the wind, babe. Dec said my place was clean. I didn’t leave it that way so she must’ve come in and took her stuff and ran. Probably afraid I’d survive and come back to help her vanish.”

  “You wouldn’t?”

  “Of course not, but she doesn’t know that. I’ve worked hard to create a badass warrior criminal ninja reputation in Asia. My shadowy life is legendary. No one really knows who I am and I like to keep it that way. Keeps things simple if the assholes are terrified of me.”

  Dec rolled his eyes and coughed Bullshit into his hand. Out loud, he said, “In other words, she thought she’d killed you and ran.”

  “Yeah. Probably so. I’ll deal with her when I get back to Shanghai. I’m not worried about it. Now that I know what’s in her head, I’ll pay her a nighttime visit and help her memories of me disappear. We’ll move on. No harm. No foul.”

  Was he crazy or just profoundly arrogant? Judging by his casual tone and relaxed expression she was leaning towards arrogant. He thought he was indestructible. But then, he just survived a lethal dose of zombie toxin and managed to bounce right back to his usual Primani self. Why didn’t he see that it could’ve gone the other way? Wang Li could have done anything to him while he was so far gone. He couldn’t bounce back from having his head cut off, could he?

  “So, I guess that’s one little mystery solved; one more question that’s bugging me, though. What were you doing in that shantytown?” Dec asked.

  Keil’s face darkened with anger. “Uriel sent me to see if anyone was left alive. You know the answer to that.”

  Yeah, he did. The answer was none. Exactly as Rori had foreseen.

  There was something simply beautiful about a man’s body; the width of his shoulders tapering to a sleek narrow waist, the curve of his biceps, the dimples in the small of his back just above his firm, round butt. Yeah, the body itself was a miracle of skin, bones, tendons, and flesh, all knit together into a perfect sculpture of beauty and power. When that sculpture belonged to the man who loved you more than life itself, well, there was nothing sexier. Unwilling to disturb Dec’s thoughts, Rori hesitated in the doorway, drinking him in. He stood framed against the bedroom window, arms raised over his head, hands loosely braced on the glass as he gazed out at the city below. With the lights turned off, he was silhouetted by just enough of the dim outside glow to highlight his frame and leave the rest to her memories.

  It was already midnight and though she knew he was tired, she couldn’t let him go to sleep without making love. They were getting married in the morning, true, but her heart pounded for him now. Her soul yearned to touch him, to hold him close, to feel him buried so deeply she couldn’t catch her breath. Some kind of magic happened every time he held her. Was it their saols calling to each other? Was it the chemistry that sizzled below their skin? Or was it simply love?

  Turning so his face was in profile, the love of her life whispered, “It’s love, darlin’. Only that.” Moving lazily, he dropped his arms and reached one hand behind him, beckoning her closer. “Come to me?”

  The moonlight gleamed from the blue stone on his wristband and his eyes burned brilliantly cobalt with desire. They locked onto hers with the promise of Heaven. Without breaking contact, she shook her head with a hint of a smile. Taking her time, she slid the straps of her bra down her arms and unhooked it. Letting it fall to the floor, she threaded her thumbs into the elastic of her thong and shimmied it over her hips, all the while keeping her eyes on his.

  Once she was naked, she offered her hand, stretching her fingertips to touch his. Stopping not more than a centimeter away, she watched as a tiny glimmer of light coiled in the palm of his hand, growing brighter as its energy built. The light began to pulse to the rhythm of his heart just before it arced from his fingertips to race up and over hers. The gentle heat warmed her skin, not burning, not stinging, but pulsing softly until her arm was encased and she couldn’t stop the shiver it wrenched from her.

  “Come to me now?” Not really a question, the silky command in his voice tightened her belly as he crooked his finger. “I need you, Rori. I need to feel you against me.”

  Drawn by the energy, she slipped closer until she was wrapped in his arms, her breasts pressed to his chest, his hot mouth capturing hers in a kiss that took her breath away. As his tongue danced with hers, his hands cupped her butt, lifting her up until her legs wrapped around his waist. With their saols crisscrossing their bodies, her skin was tight, hot, tingling. She felt every silky hair on his arms, every callous on his palms as he dragged them over her breasts, teasing her nipples as she dug her fingers into his hair.

  His breath was ragged in her ear as he pressed her back against the cold pane of glass. Dropping his head, he nipped at her throat, sucking and biting around her jaw and the sensitive skin below her ear, until she was squirming with need, her breathing out of control. Reaching between her legs, he thumbed her clit until she cried out and dug her nails into his hand. “No, don’t. Not yet! I want you inside of me.”

  His eyes were soft with passion as he gazed into her face before flicking his eyes at a space above her head. “Can you feel that? The energy? We’re surrounded by millions of souls. All of them humming for us. For you. God, I love you.”

  “I love you more.” She felt a tear slip down her cheek and flushed.

  Flashing one dimple, he joked, “Not possible.” Lifting her up and onto his cock, he captured her wrists in one of his hands, raising them above her head and pressing them to the glass behind her. “Look at you—so beautiful—so damn hot.” Circling his hips, he pressed deeper inside as he dipped his head to seal their mouths in a tender kiss.

  Pushing slowly and deeply, he watched her face as each thrust lifted her against the glass, her breasts straining forward. He traced the path of golden light that twisted between them with a sultry smile. “Does that feel good?”

  With her head lolling against the window now, she moaned and laughed huskily. “Better than good. If you stop, I might die.”

  His answering chuckle wa
s all the encouragement she needed. Knowing exactly what he liked, she tightened her thighs with each thrust until his smile thinned with concentration and his sexy words trailed away.

  Chapter 20: Houses of the Unholy

  THE CABIN WAS BEAUTIFUL. Irina couldn’t believe something so pretty could hold such ugly secrets. Hidden deep within the mountains, the log house was surrounded by trees that made it nearly impossible to see until you looked closely. It sat a long way back from the main road. The gravel driveway twisted and turned enough that she lost all sense of direction. If she could get away, she could follow the road back out . . . No, that wouldn’t work. She’d be too easy to see. She could slip into the trees and follow the road from inside the forest. How far was the highway? Ten kilometers? Twenty?

  The moment they got out of the car, Seth dug his fingers into the tender skin on the inside of her arm. “I have a surprise for you. Three of you lucky girls will get to be part of a very special project. The others are already here. We’re the last to arrive.”

  Others? Oh, no! She’d hoped they’d . . . what? Escaped? Laughing bitterly, she shook her head at her own stupidity. They were so doped up they weren’t going anywhere. Why the demon hadn’t drugged her was something she didn’t want to think about. He would have a reason for that. He wasn’t the type to do things on a whim. Keeping her alert and able to struggle had seemed like a miracle before, but now it felt ominous. She stopped dead in the driveway. Three guards waited near the front doors. Their eyes settled on the two of them.

  Jerking her against his side, he bent to her ear. “Don’t get any ideas, sweetheart. You’re about to meet your new master. Trust me. It’s in your best interest to be as lovely and docile as you can manage. None of these buyers will tolerate disobedience. If you think my punishment was harsh, you’re in for a rude awakening.”

  If she was sold to another, she might never be able to escape. She knew this demon. He would relax his guard eventually if he thought she was cowed. Clutching his arm, she begged, “Please don’t do this! I would rather stay with you! Can’t you keep me? I can learn to be what you want.”

  Seth studied the tears lingering in 422’s eyes as she begged him to keep her. Crocodile tears. She despised him. He saw her expression when she thought he wasn’t paying attention. If she could gut him with a dull knife, she’d dive right in. He knew her thoughts for fuck’s sake. What was she playing at? Did she really think he was that stupid? How far would she go to convince him? Only one way to find out.

  Unmasking his natural irises, he smiled at the instant fear in her eyes. Blinking slowly now, he let her see him for what he was—a demon—not a man. A demon without a conscience, without morals, without empathy. He took what he wanted when he wanted it without a thought to how anyone else might feel. And she was arrogant enough to think she could play him?

  “Can you learn, sweetheart? Really?” His voice was deceptively soft, soothing, filled with a little awe and some hope.

  Nodding eagerly, she tripped over the words that tumbled from her lips, “Yes! Yes! I can do anything you want. I can cook. I can clean for you. I can—”

  “Get on your knees.”

  She froze, eyes narrowing to icy slits, mouth thinning to a hard line as she took a small step backwards. “What?”

  “I said, get on your knees. Take care of me well, and I’ll decide if you’re worth keeping or not.” He unzipped his slacks and pulled out his half-erect cock.

  Ah, there it was again. That expression of disgust, of hate, was back on her lovely little face. She was such a treat. He would miss her. “Well, are you sucking me off or not? I don’t have time for anything more than this unless you want a quick, hard fuck against the wall over there. Make up your mind though. We’ve got a schedule to keep.”

  “You are a pig! I hate you!” Her eyes snapped with that passion he appreciated so much.

  “Of course you do.” Tucking his dick back into his pants, he hollered to Pox, “Is the camera crew here?”

  Pox straightened to attention and replied, “Yes, sir. The crew’s here and so are the three bidders. The other bitches are cleaned up and waiting. We’ve got the equipment ready. The show starts in thirty minutes so she’s got time to clean up.”

  Seth shook his head. “She’s ready. Just get everyone situated and briefed. We’ll be there in ten minutes. I want to get this moving. I got a call from the boss earlier. He mentioned our old buddy’s escaped his house arrest. He could make trouble for us.”

  Pox barked a rude sound and said, “He’ll have a hard time without his wings. I think we’re good here. We’ll be done and out of here in a few hours.”

  “You’re probably right, but I want to get a move on all the same. Let’s not fuck around, yeah?”

  There were five other girls besides Irina. They were huddled together in a small bedroom in the back of the house. Seth shoved her inside, with orders to take off her clothes and brush out her hair. The other girls were already naked and gleaming with oiled skin. All had long, black hair and brown eyes, with childlike faces and thin, immature bodies. They even wore the exact same expression of despair. They could’ve been clones. Two of them clung to each other, their sobs muffled as they tried to keep the brutal guards from hearing. A third leaned her head back against the wall, eyes closed, lower lip caught between crooked teeth. None of these girls had the strength to fight off the guards. None of them would try. Irina swallowed over the tightness in her throat and blinked away the dark spots floating across her vision. Surely the demon could hear the frantic sound of her heart pounding in her chest. She felt it like a jackhammer.

  This was it. This was the moment she’d been dreading. An auction! A master! This was worse than prostitution. At least she would have a chance to escape if she were working the streets. She could appeal to a customer for help. But one master? He could take her anywhere. She would be a prisoner at his mercy. No. No way. She had to get out of this place before it was too late!

  Voices sounded in the hallway and she knew the guards were coming for them. Grabbing the girl closest to her, she whispered urgently, “We must go! Follow me!”

  Shaking her head fearfully, the girl whimpered and backed away with huge eyes focused on the door.

  “Come on! We can make it!”

  The girl shook her head again, saying dully, “You are crazy. There is no way out.”

  The voices were growing louder now. There was no time to argue. She had only one chance and she had to take it now. Running to the window, Irina tore the heavy curtains to one side and tried to open it. The humidity caused it to stick. It took several tries to get it to move, but it finally flew upwards. The second it did, an alarm sounded and the bedroom door crashed open. Pox!

  She was halfway through the window when he grabbed her around the waist to yank her back inside. Kicking, screaming, clawing, she fought to get loose as he struggled to keep his grip on her sweaty skin. “Let me go! Let me go!”

  More men ran into the room as she went berserk. Pox banded his arms around her, holding her back to his chest. Her legs were free so she kicked and bucked to break away. He grunted in pain as she connected with his groin.

  “Shut her up!” Seth’s bellow was the last thing she heard.

  There was a sharp prick in her arm, and her shrieks died with a sigh.

  Now she stood with the others, staring like a zombie, not caring, not hearing what was said. The drugs did the trick. She was as docile as a dead kitten. Three men reclined on the beige leather couch, drinks in their hands, briefcases at their feet. One by one, they raised their hands, and one by one the girls were led from the room. When it was her turn, she blinked at the man who bought her. It was the only resistance she could manage.

  Seth drained the dregs of his scotch and rolled his shoulders to work out the kinks from the trip. It was finally fucking over. He was dying to get back to his day job. This constant interacting with humans was exhausting. His scales itched, but it was impossible to reach them th
rough the layers of skin. Rubbing absently, he closed his eyes and stifled a yawn. The auction was a success. They’d made a killing today. The boss would be satisfied with how he disposed of 422. The future was safe. Pox and the other security goons would be happy with their cut of the profits. And now, Seth would enjoy a special treat.

  Pox interrupted his gloating with a respectful tap on the door. “Boss? The room’s set up. Travers is chomping at the bit to get moving. Is this a good time?”

  Setting the empty tumbler on the coffee table, Seth stood. “Let’s get this production started. I’m ready to get home.”

  Pox trailed him as they headed for the basement.

  The massive orange fireball could be seen for miles. Af swore under his breath as the plume of thick, black smoke poured into the sky. The friggin’ train was toast. Damn it! Normally he liked destruction, but he didn’t have time for this shit right now. The clock was ticking. Ducking back into the wreckage, he motioned for three other passengers to come to him, yelling “You can get out through the window. The whole front of the train’s on fire. You might want to hurry your asses up before this whole thing explodes.” After picking his way over the seats, he hauled himself up through the broken window and held a hand out to the teenaged girl waiting below.

  Two hours later, he was still walking down the road looking for another ride and getting more irritated by the second. As he walked around a curve, he spotted a gas station. The lights were on and there was a vehicle parked out front. Perfect.

  A huge black pickup truck was parked next to the gas pumps. Af hung back for a minute. No one else was around. He slipped up beside the truck and yanked open the door. The driver took one look at Af, kicked him dead center in the chest and stomped on the gas. Af landed on his ass while the truck spewed gravel from its rear tires as it hauled ass out of the parking lot.


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