Tainted Legacy (YA Paranormal Romance)

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Tainted Legacy (YA Paranormal Romance) Page 8

by Amity Hope

  He pulled into the city park. He’d packed a blanket and a picnic lunch. Ava followed him, letting him pick the spot. He spread out the blanket and then started unpacking the enormous bag from the deli. He’d gotten turkey and cheddar on croissants, pasta salad, fresh fruit, lemonade and peach cobbler for dessert.

  “Wow,” Ava said when he finished spreading it all out and she sat down beside him. “You really didn’t need to do all of this.”

  “Yes, I did,” Gabe disagreed. “I wanted to thank you for letting me take up so much of your time lately.”

  “You don’t have to thank me,” Ava insisted. “I love spending time with you.” She wondered if her choice of words was a little too strong but then decided she really didn’t care. She wasn’t exactly sure what was going on between them. Sometimes he was so fun and flirty and other times if she got too close, he looked nervous and literally backed away. The only thing that was consistent was that she enjoyed being with him.

  And that she really, really hoped they would progress to something more than friendship.

  She wasn’t sure why that hadn’t happened yet. They’d been spending time together for weeks now. She’d definitely given him the opportunity. It was possible that he wasn’t interested in her that way. She was still in high school and she was absolutely certain that he attracted girls that were closer to his age, far more beautiful and certainly more experienced. She had mustered up the courage during one conversation to ask if he had a girlfriend. He had looked at her as if she’d asked him if he was interested in wearing a pink tutu. He’d told her that if he did have a girlfriend, he doubted very much he’d be allowed to spend time with a girl as beautiful as Ava.

  When he made comments like that it made her think that maybe, just maybe he wanted the same thing she did.

  If only she weren’t such a coward she would just ask.

  But she was afraid of the answer so for now, she would take the friendship he offered.

  And possibly whatever was in the box he procured from tif cured fhe bottom of the bag.

  “What is it?” Ava asked as he held out a long, thin velvet box to her.

  “I know you said that nothing can replace the necklace you lost last night but I got you this anyway. I feel bad that you were with me when it happened. And I know it’s not the same as your other one but…” he faded off and set the box in her hand. “Just open it.”

  Ava took it from him already thinking whatever it was, she shouldn’t keep it. She pried the small box open. The tiny hinges made a snapping sound when the lid flipped up.

  “Oh my gosh, Gabe. It’s absolutely beautiful.” The gold pendant was shaped like an S with a small white pearl in the crook at the top and a black pearl nestled into the crook at the bottom.

  “It’s called an infinity pendant, I guess. That’s what the saleslady told me. Do you like it?” He looked so hopeful.

  “Thank you. I love it. But seriously, I can’t keep this. It’s…it’s way too much!” Ava exclaimed, barely able to take her eyes off of it.

  “You have to keep it,” Gabe said sounding alarmed. “I bought it for you. It’s your birthstone, isn’t it? I asked.”

  “Gabe, I appreciate the gesture so much. I really do, but I can’t keep something this expensive!”

  “It wasn’t that expensive,” he argued. She gave him a stern look of disbelief. “Okay, it was. But what does that matter? It’s not like I can’t afford it. I mean, sorry if that sounds conceited but it’s true. So really, it’s not a big deal.”

  “Gabe…” Ava began but she couldn’t take her eyes off the beautiful piece of jewelry. She wanted to keep it. She really, really wanted to keep it.

  “This isn’t going at all as I’d planned,” Gabe admitted. “The first time I’ve ever given a girl a gift and she won’t even take it. Now what am I supposed to do with it? It’s nonreturnable and it would look seriously stupid on me.”

  “Really?” Ava asked tentatively. “You can’t bring it back?” And he’d never gotten a girl a gift before? Or met a girl’s parents before? She wasn’t sure if she should be pleased or alarmed. But the look on his face, the disappointed, agitated look on his face made her want to make him happy and if it meant keeping the necklace… “Are you sure?”

  He let out a sigh of relief. “I’m sure. You had me worried.”


  “So your non-boyfriend brought you on a romantic pic Buromantinic and gave you freaking pearls?! And you’ve never even held his hand?” Molly was at a loss. She stuffed a bite of strawberry ice-cream into her mouth while she pondered the outrageousness of the situation.

  “I hugged him,” Ava offered up. “I mean, how could I not? And I thanked him over and over which only made him super flustered.”

  They were at her cabin, having their first girls’ night of the year. For a few worrisome moments, Ava was afraid her parents weren’t going to allow it, due to the ordeal of the prior evening. When Ava had argued they’d been out there many times before without incident, and when she promised to keep her phone on, they had relented.

  Now she and her friends were well stocked with music, movies, junk food and gossip. The air mattress was blown up, ready to go. The only thing missing was Grier. She had not been home yet when Molly and Julia had shown up, anxious to leave and get on with their night. Ava chastised herself for feeling a tiny bit relieved that she wasn’t home so she couldn’t ask to come with. She wanted to be able to talk about Gabe with her friends without having Grier give her a disappointed or completely befuddled look.

  “You should have just laid a big, huge, slobbery kiss on him!” Molly scolded. “It would’ve been perfectly justified! In fact, maybe that’s even what he was expecting!”

  Ava shook her head, stirring her own ice-cream around. It was little more than a melted mess by now.

  “I don’t know. I just get such mixed signals from him. I honestly don’t know what’s going on. Maybe he really only bought it because of what happened last night. Because he felt bad and like he said, he can afford it. So maybe I’m making this into a big deal when it really doesn’t mean anything.”

  “It definitely means something when your super hot, own personal hero buys you jewelry. Especially when he takes the time to figure out your birthstone? That, for a guy, takes some serious thought and motivation,” Molly insisted.

  Julia looked thoughtful. They’d already discussed the horrible event of the night before at great length. Julia’s face had still not recovered from its paleness. Ava was afraid she may never set foot in Granville again.

  “Don’t you think it’s suspicious...” Julia began.

  “No!” Molly cut her off. “Whatever it is, the answer is no. You think too much. You worry too much. You read into situations too much. You aren’t going to ruin this with that troubled little mind of yours. Just…no!”

  Julia pursed her lips, obviously still fretting.

  “What is it Julia?” Ava encouraged.

  “I just think it’s odd that Gabe’s been in a situation like that twice since you’ve met. Don’t you? I mean first at yppen firstour house and then last night?” Julia certainly did look troubled.

  “Oh come on!” Molly’s exasperation was explosive. “Really? So, how would this go? He lets himself get beaten to a pulp for what reason? So he can woo a girl into a very nonphysical relationship? And then maybe hires someone to hold a knife to her throat so he can come to her rescue and continue to woo her into what is still a nonphysical relationship? When she’s already spending every spare second with him?” Molly looked at Julia with raised eyebrows. “Jump in any time and tell me how this makes sense. Tell me, what dastardly deed could he possibly be hoping to accomplish?”

  “Molly,” Ava scolded and then she turned to Julia. “The thought did cross my mind. I admit it does seem strange. But like Molly, I keep going round and round in a circle that just doesn’t make sense. I think it just happens to be an odd coincidence. Or,” she said with a shrug, “maybe Gab
e attracts bad luck.”

  The look on Julia’s face let Ava know that explanation did not make her feel better.

  “Don’t worry about me, please,” Ava pleaded. “Everything is fine.”

  Molly looked doubtful. “I don’t know. There is something seriously not right here.” Her doubt turned to a teasing smirk. “And I’m not talking about the events of last night. I’m talking about in general. Maybe he’s gay?” she hesitantly offered.

  “He is not gay,” Julia scoffed, causing both of her friends to turn to her with wide, startled eyes. “He’s not,” she insisted as some color started to reappear across her pasty features. “The other night when I stopped by Cheaters to pick up an order I saw the way he was watching you when you were shooting pool. It was like he wanted to drag you home and cover you in whipped cream. Gay boys do not look at girls like that.”

  “Why, Julia,” Molly said with a grin. “I think that’s the smuttiest thing I’ve ever heard you say. I’m so proud!”

  “I don’t think so, Julia. I think you probably totally misread the situation.” Ava did not add that Julia often tended to misread situations. She wanted her to be right. Every now and then she’d caught glimpses of Gabe looking at her with interest. Those looks faded so quickly she wondered if she’d really seen them or only wanted to see them. “I think he’s just looking for a friend.”

  “No,” Molly said decisively. She crossed her arms stubbornly and leaned back in her seat. “Guys can’t be just friends with beautiful girls. It’s against the laws of physics.”

  “Physics?” Julia questioned.

  “Well, it’s against the laws of something! You are completely missing my point.”&nbsbouoint.p She turned to Ava. “You’re gorgeous, he’s gorgeous. You’re single, he’s single. You do the math. Something is not adding up in this equation.”

  “Maybe it has nothing to do with Ava,” Julia carefully began.

  “How can it not have anything to do with me?” Ava asked. “That seems kind of contradictory.”

  “What I mean is, maybe it has to do with who your dad is. I’m willing to bet Gabe has never dated a pastor’s daughter before. If I were him, I’d be nervous about that. I’d be nervous about moving too fast. Nervous about saying something offensive. Nervous about making the first move.”

  “That’s just…silly,” Ava argued. “Gabe is not the nervous type. And I’m not any dif—”

  “No,” Molly said as she held up a hand. “She might be right. I mean, we are talking to an expert worrier here. She might actually know what she’s talking about.”

  “Well, you don’t have to look so surprised,” Julia huffed.


  Chapter 9

  “I’m still in shock that you’re interested in something so reckless,” Gabe admitted.

  She cocked her head and raised her eyebrows innocently. “Why do you drive one if they’re so reckless?”

  “I don’t think they’re reckless. I just thought you would think they’re reckless,” he admitted.

  “Are you a bad driver?”


  “Do you drive too fast?” He opened his mouth but she cut him off. “Let me rephrase that. Are you capable of driving the speed limit?”

  He made a face that suggested it was a possibility.

  Not a priority.

  “Perfect. Then I see no problem.” Ava beamed at him happily.

  “Your parents are okay with this?” Gabe wondered. The last thing he ever concerned himself with was what a girl’s parents thought. He told himself he was only curious this time because he couldn’t have Ava getting in any kind of trouble that would result in not being able to see him. And he was only concerned about that because he needed to keep his father happy. Any other reason would be completely absurd.

  “Yes,” Ava assured him. “My parents are both fine with it. As long as you drive the speed limit and I wear a helmet. In fact, my dad used to have a motorcycle when I was a kid. You know, just because he’s a pastor and just because my family has a strong faith doesn’t mean we can’t have fun.”

  “I’m beginning to get that,” Gabe muttered as he handed her the required helmet.

  He had been surprised when she’d suggested it. They had been trying to decide what to do the next time they got together. They’d gone everywhere there was to go in Hunter Falls. The thought of returning to Granville so soon after the mugging incident left an unpleasant feeling in Ava’s stomach.

  So she had suggested taking a ride on Gabe’s motorcycle.

  The look on his face had been a priceless blend of surprised anticipation.

  Ava took the helmet from him. Her eyes roved over the machine in appreciation as she slipped heGit on. She missed riding with her dad. She’d been more upset than he when he had decided his reaction times had slowed too much and it needed to go. She’d loved the feel of freedom and excitement.

  Admittedly, her parents had not been excited about the idea of Ava riding with Gabe. She pointed out how responsible he had always been with her and had assured her parents she felt perfectly safe with him. Ava had promised that the speed limit would be maintained, a text would be sent every once in a while confirming her safety and a helmet would be worn. After reiterating these ground rules countless times, they had relented.

  “What about yours?”

  Gabe just smirked.

  “What? You’re one of those guys that think you’re invincible?” Ava asked as she ground her fist into her hip and pretended to glower at him.

  “Something like that.”

  “No one is invincible,” Ava disagreed as she worked the chinstrap. “And I’d be unbelievably upset if something happened to you.”

  “Nothing is going to happen to me. I promise,” Gabe said as he made a serious face at her, “because I’m going to behave myself and drive the speed limit. Now, where to?” he asked as he easily swung a leg over the seat.

  Ava climbed on behind him, realizing she enjoyed holding on to him a little more than she should.

  “I could get used to this,” she teased. She had decided that tonight, she was going to figure out what was happening between them. She wasn’t exactly sure how, but she had a few ideas. She didn’t know if Julia’s assessment had been accurate but at least now she had a theory to work with. And she was going to put it to the test.

  “Used to what?” Gabe asked as he tossed a curious glance over his shoulder.

  “This,” Ava told him with a flirty smirk. She wiggled a little closer, tightening her grip around his waist.


  She thought she caught a glimpse of the look Julia had been referring to but he shook his head subtly and his features cleared.

  She tilted her head to the side and gave him a playful smile. “Is that okay?”

  His voice seemed to drop an octave, sending a little rush down Ava’s spine. “Yeah, it’s okay. So, uh, where did you say we’re going?”

  “I didn’t. But I thought since it’s such a beautiful evening we could just ride for a while? Then later, there’s something I want to show you.” She hadn’t gotten approval from her parents to bring Gabe to her cabin. But since she hadn’t asked, they hadn’t exactly disapproved either.

  “Can’t you show me now?” Gabe asked smirking back.

  “Later,” Ava assured him. “I have this little cabin. I just thought maybe you’d like to see it.”

  “A cabin? You’re just full of surprises,” Gabe told her.

  “I hope that’s not a bad thing?”

  He shook his head and laughed. “That really depends on how you look at it,” he evaded but his eyes grazed over her face appreciatively. “So, I guess for now, we’ll just ride.”

  He turned around and started the bike. The rumble it sent through the air and the vibration it sent through her body made Ava tremble with exhilaration. When he took off, she momentarily wished she was without a helmet too, so she could feel the wind pulling at her hair. But she would never go without
and wished Gabe wouldn’t either. She was certain no amount of nagging on her part would change his mind so thought it best not to bother.

  At times Ava felt herself relax, barely hanging on to Gabe as he drove through the quiet country side. Other times she leaned into him holding on tightly, sliding her hands up the inside of his leather jacket so she could trace lazy circles across the hard muscles of his abdomen. She could feel his body stiffen in surprise when she did this but he never moved her hand away or asked her to stop so she took the liberty to continue to do as she wished.

  Since the moment Gabe had agreed to take her for a ride, she’d been daydreaming about it. About being so close to him for hours on end. She had admitted to herself nearly from the start that she had a little crush on him. But she felt it growing into more than that. He was always so polite and fun to be around. She was finding she loved to spend time with him. The few times that they couldn’t get together had left her feeling disappointed but then she was just looking forward to the next time that much more.

  She only wished she could get Gabe to talk a little more about his family, or even himself. He was often vague and changed the subject as soon as he was able. Or he turned around whatever question she had asked so that she was the one who ended up answering.

  Today wasn’t the day for more questions. Today she was just going to enjoy spending time with him, being able to keep her arms around him because it would be expected.

  Soon, though, she was going to make him talk.

  They rode for hours, stopping periodically to check out some scenery or an interesting little road stand and lastly, to grab something to eat. It was dusk by the time they rolled down the driveway to her cabin. She had almost suggested skipping it and saving it for another night. She knew her parents would be happier if they’d reserved riding for daylight hours. But they hadn’t insisted she come home yet so she was going to take advantage of that.


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