Master (Chaos Bleeds Book 8)

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Master (Chaos Bleeds Book 8) Page 12

by Sam Crescent

  “Yeah, I have. I love the club, and I don’t want that to change. I’ll always be with them.”

  “You took your break, and now it’s time to go back.”

  “That’s how I’m feeling,” she said, resting her cheek against his palm. “We got married.”

  “We got married.” They both smiled, and Stink let out a breath. “No regrets?”

  “None.” She kissed his palm. “Why would I have regrets? This is what I want.”

  “You’re not going to wait for a man who can smell.”

  “Why? I can break wind and you won’t complain.”

  He laughed.

  The smile dropped from her face. “We’ve got to go back. Our little bubble is about to break.”

  “Yeah, for a short time.”

  He kissed her lips, and pulled away. “Let’s get going.”


  “They have taken them,” Russell said.

  “I know!” Andrew placed his hand over his shoulder. That fucking whore, Angel, had really gotten him good. He hadn’t anticipated her being prepared for him. Fuck! Now the fucking bastards had taken out the little gang who’d taken three mil to do the hit.

  “Also, it looks like some of their Nomad Chapter are coming to town.”

  This was not what he had planned.

  “What would you like me to do?”

  “I want to get inside that fucking clubhouse, and I want to kill the bitch who thought she could put a knife inside me.”

  Russell sighed. “Andrew, you ever thought of just letting this go?”

  “Letting it go!” He spat each word out, turning to glare at Russell. “They fucking started this.” They had taken the man who supplied his toys, and they had called to him. Andre had been prepared to take Jessica, but then The Skulls had gotten involved. As far as he was concerned, this was payback.

  Gash had turned his back on him, and he’d taken out his revenge by putting him in prison. Now they were back, and he was pissed.

  “You’re losing.”

  He spun around to face Russell. “Excuse me?”

  “The Skulls have a history of taking a hit, and coming back harder than ever.”

  “I have killed some of their men and women. I’ve taken limbs, and I’ve wounded them. I have one of their women at my fucking disposal. How the fuck am I losing?” He advanced on Russell, slamming him against the wall. “Tell me, Russell, how am I losing?”

  “You’re not, Sir.”

  “All I did was anticipate them reacting a different way.” Andrew did have plans for the gang to attack again. With his own injury, he hadn’t acted swiftly enough. Angel, he was going to fucking murder that bitch. “Bring me the whores,” he said.

  He’d get what he wanted one way or the other.


  Three hours later

  She was going to die. Paris stared up from the floor where she was bleeding. One of her eyes was swollen shut, and her body ached in places she didn’t even think was possible. She had offered enough of a distraction for Lola, though. Providing the other woman did what she asked, there was a chance they could get out of this mess.

  Whatever had angered Andrew, it hadn’t put him in the mood to fuck, which she was thankful for.

  Please, Lola, please send it.

  “What do you want me to do?” Lola asked.

  “I want you to get The Skulls’ and Chaos Bleeds’ attention. I want their eyes on me, and their women as well.”

  “I don’t know—”

  “Figure it out, otherwise it’s going to be you there.”


  Stink was fucking tired. He had dropped Sandy off at the hospital, and made his way straight to the warehouse. Their bikes were parked outside, and the two clubs were standing in the main gym, which they had used for training many times. They really needed to do something with this warehouse. The old tumble down building that had once housed the Savage Brothers MC was being turned into a gym for the locals.

  “I hear congratulations are in order,” Devil said, coming to stand next to him.

  He held his hand up that the gold ring was on. “You heard right.”

  “Fuck, man, I never thought you and Sandy would tie the knot. Must be something in the air.”

  “What do you mean?”

  “Simon today told me he wanted to marry Tabitha before we head home. Kid’s got it bad, like really bad.” Devil shook his head. “I don’t even want to think about what I’ve got to do with his ass when he’s grown up.”

  “He’ll be a teenager and moving onto other girls.”

  “Yeah, that’s what Tiny thinks. I doubt it.”


  “There’s just something about my son. He’s stubborn, but when it comes to Tab, he’s different. Even I see it.”

  “Maybe a Skulls Bleeds one day.” Stink chuckled.

  “Not happening. We’re friends, but the clubs will never be bound together.”

  “Is it something you forbid?”

  “Fuck yeah. I worked hard making my club what is it. Settling down in Piston County was not a decision I took lightly.”

  “What happened?”

  “What do you think fucking happened? I saw Lexie, and that was it. I was gone for everyone, and every fucking thing. That woman will be the death of me, I’m sure of it.”

  There was a smile playing on his lips that told Stink, he loved every second of it. “Would you give it up?”

  “No. I wouldn’t.” He snorted. “When I was younger, I truly believed relationships were for pussies. There was not one woman who could keep this man down. I went through hundreds of women, maybe even thousands, believing that.” Devil shook his head. “Then, one fucking whore got pregnant by me, and I follow her to a small little backward town of Piston County. There I saw a stripper who was not only the whore’s sister, but she was stripping to feed my son. That’s right. Lexie has a heart of gold, and she took her clothes off for my little boy. She didn’t know anything about him, other than her sister dumped him on her. You tell me how someone could walk away from that?”

  “It helps that we all settled down there,” Dick said, coming to take a seat.

  “Even Dick has found his old lady.”

  “Look at all of us. Ripper, Curse, Pussy, Death, Snake, and now Spider,” Dick said.

  “We’ve got to get Paris back,” Devil said.

  “We will.” This came from Dick.

  “You know, while you’re all saying how good it is to have settled down, what about me? Huh?” Sinner asked. “Then there’s Slash, Dime, Butler, Reese, Sexy, Guts, and Charlie, Smithy as well. There’s plenty of us that haven’t settled down.”

  “I’m an ex-addict,” Butler said.

  “So am I,” Dick said. “I’ve settled down. Martha’s everything.”

  “Yeah, well, tell me how you get a girl to see that you want them,” Baker said, coming to take a seat.

  Stink smirked. “Millie still giving you a hard time?”

  “She’s not giving me any time. I thought after the shooting I’d get some reprieve. Other than talking to me when she has to, she hasn’t said two words to me.”

  “Millie, she’s that sexy toy shop owner, right?” Sinner asked. “Got nice curves on her, and a fine ass.”

  Baker stood, his hands going to fists as he stared at Sinner. “You’ll stay away from her.”

  Sinner held his hands up. “Just making an appreciative observation. That woman has a smoking hot body, and any man would want to hold her curves as they rode her sweet pussy.”

  Baker lunged, but the club was ready. Stink got to his feet, wrestling him back.

  “You go near Millie, and I’ll fucking kill you,” Baker said.

  Stink was surprised by the strength of Baker. So much so that he was struggling to hold him back. Fucker was tough.

  “What the fuck is going on here?” Lash asked, coming toward them, and gripping Baker by the collar. With a tug he’d separated them.

“Ask your boy here,” Sinner said.

  Lash glared at Devil. “Get your fucking boy under control.”

  Devil was laughing as he held his hands up in surrender.

  “As for you, Baker, your problem with Millie is your own. Another guy can look at her all he wants. You haven’t claimed her, and if you ask me, keep manhandling her, you’re not going to. Millie doesn’t like that. Any of us fuckers can see that,” Lash said.

  “And you handled Angel so damn well?” Baker asked.

  Lash held up his hand with his wedding ring on. “Look at that fucker! I handled my woman because I know Angel. What do you know about Millie?”

  “She owns a toy shop.”

  “Yeah? I knew that Angel was a damn good cook, a sweetheart, with a quiet loving to her. She wasn’t going to love brazen, or loud. Find out what she likes, and then work to be what she likes.” Lash shook his head. “We came here to conduct business. You need to get your shit together. They were fucking with you.”

  Sinner nodded, giggling. “Dude, you’ve got it bad. I’d sort it out before you get an anger management problem.”

  “I’m sorry.”

  Lash went to open his mouth, but just then ringing started. They all turned toward Whizz. He’d installed top of the art technology that also included a large television for them to watch any game they wanted while they were there. It was where they had brought Nash to do a radical detox.

  “What the fuck?” Whizz picked up the phone, and the computer came to life. With everything connected to the internet including the television, it was a quick way to access it.

  “Hello, gentlemen,” Andrew said, coming into view.

  Stink tensed up, recognizing the son of a bitch from many years ago. Back then he didn’t like the fucker, and he still didn’t. This man had killed their own, and enjoyed it. He’d taken kids and women as well. No one brought women and kids into a problem. This man, as far as Stink was concerned, had to go.

  “Ah, I see my brother Gash is there. Hey, brother.”

  “How’s the arm?” Gash asked.

  The change on Andrew was instant, the anger, the rage showing across his face. Angel had gotten to him. “What can I say? It’s not the first time a little whore was about to betray me. How’s Charlotte? Can she have your kids yet? The last one I took from her would be perfect bait right now, wouldn’t it? Maybe I’ll take the next one, and the next.”

  Gash smirked. “I’d like to see you try.”

  “Oh, so now you’ve got balls?” Andrew asked.

  “Funny thing about you, Andrew, you were only ever scary when you pretended to be someone else. This, knowing it’s you, I’m not fazed by you. I don’t care,” Gash said. He chuckled. “In fact, I should have seen the whole gang taking out a hit. Three mil, that’s pretty steep for you.”

  “What can I say, old chicks dig me.”

  “Angel says hey,” Lash said.

  Once again the anger was back.

  “You know, Andrew, all of your money is down to old chicks that die quite quickly after meeting you. I’d say there’s something seriously messed up about you,” Whizz said.

  “What I find really funny is you think this is a game.”

  “We took out your little gang,” Lash said.

  “Oh, and we have the three mil. We’re considering it compensation for our fallen ones. The first round of drinks is on you,” Whizz said.

  Stink watched. He saw how flummoxed Andrew was becoming. This was not a side that Stink had ever thought Andrew possessed.

  “Do you really think this is a game?” Andrew asked.

  “You set the rules.”

  “How about these rules?” There was a feminine scream, and suddenly they were staring at Andrew he moved the woman he was holding as if she was rag doll.

  “Paris,” Spider said.

  “Ah, I’ve got your attention now.” Andrew gripped her bruised face, squeezing it. “Tell them, Paris, tell them how I took your fucking virginity.” He laughed cruelly. “Little Spider didn’t even get a look in. Her cunt was nice and warm.”

  “You let her fucking go, you piece of shit!” Spider moved forward.

  “Let her go? Okay, fine.” Andrew dropped her and kicked her three times afterward. “Do you want to play this game, Spider? You’re on—”

  “No!” Whizz yelled the word, stepping in front of all of them. “Let’s play this game. Find out what I’ve done, and then come and get me!”

  The screen went dark as Whizz cut him off.

  “What the fuck are you doing?” Spider asked. “He was beating Paris, and now he’s going to kill her.”

  “What did you do?” Devil asked.

  “That’s one of ours there,” Dick said.

  “Enough!” Lash turned all the attention back to him. “Whizz, what did you do?”

  “As of right now, all of Andrew’s wealth ceases to exist. I cleared his accounts. He’s worth nothing. I’ve also initiated the correct documents to go to Alex’s friends in law enforcement. His days of hiding are outnumbered. Andrew thought he was smart. He left a trail that he got people to cover up. I’ve found those people, and now they’re being hunted.”

  “How the fuck does that help my girl?” Spider asked. “She’s black and blue. He’s raped her. You tell me how the fuck is that supposed to help?”

  “What about this?” Whizz asked. The screen lit up with a message that was highlighted. To Stink, it looked like weird ass code. “‘Come and get me from Beauty caught in a web’?”

  “I don’t—”

  “Tell me this message is from your woman?” Whizz asked.

  “Beauty was her stage name,” Spider said.

  “Then someone on her side sent a message. Whoever just did that also left everything they could for me to locate them. Their computer coordinates. This was a message, and we know where Andrew is.”

  “This is dangerous, right?” Spider asked.

  “If Andrew finds out she or he sent this, they could kill her.” Whizz did some more tapping, and a map was brought up. “That’s where he is, right there.” Some more tapping, and the screen seemed to zoom in.

  “Will you slow fucking down?” Lash asked.

  “Sorry. This was his first wife’s property. It’s an hour’s drive from Fort Wills. It’s secluded and has three different security codes to access the main gate. Hopefully, if the person who sent the message is smart, we could access this shit, and we could finally have Andrew.”

  “If he knows we’re coming?” Stink asked.

  “This is our one chance to take him out. He could leave before we get there,” Whizz said. “It’s a shot. If he’s not there for whatever reason, it doesn’t matter. We’ll get to the girls without a problem. Andrew’s out of options. He has no money. The cops are raiding his homes as we speak. He dug in deep with Gonzalez, but that kind of mud, it sticks.”

  Stink glanced at Lash, wondering what decision he’d come to.

  “We go tonight.”


  They had removed the tube from her throat, and she was being monitored every hour by the doctors. Sasha touched her cheeks and held her hands out. Her wedding band was gone, but the mark from wearing the ring was still there.

  She could see.

  “Where’s my wedding ring?” she asked, looking at Pussy. He was more handsome than she had ever imagined.

  “You had to go have a CAT scan, and an MRI, and a few others.” He pulled a necklace out of his shirt, and she saw the single gold band. “You weren’t allowed to wear any jewelry, and I wasn’t about to let it disappear.”

  “Thank you,” she said.

  She held out her hand, not knowing why he hadn’t touched her yet. Since waking him, everything had seemed different.

  Pussy stared at her hand, and stepped closer. Her heart was hurting with the distance that had been between us.

  “Do you hate me?” she asked.


  “You won’t touch me, or come nea
r me.”

  He took hold of her hand, kissing her knuckles. “I love you.”

  “If you’re going to stop being the way you were then I’ll ask the doctors to take back my sight.”

  “You screamed at me, princess. I’m scared, okay? You were in the dark, and now you see what an asshole you fell in love with.”

  She stopped him with a kiss.

  Leaning up, she pressed her lips against his.

  “You shouldn’t be doing any sudden movements,” he said.

  “I don’t care. They can fuck off for all I care. I love you.”

  He gripped the back of her neck, kissing her once again.

  “Who did this to me?” she asked.



  “Yeah. He sent a fucking gang to off us all for three mil.”

  “Pretty big sum.”

  “Yeah, well, last I heard shit was going down.”

  “Why aren’t you with them?” she asked.

  “Why would I be with them when my woman wouldn’t wake up for me?” He took her hand and slid the ring on her finger. “I made you a promise to always be here, and I intended to keep it, now and always.” He kissed her cheek. “You mean the world to me.”

  “You always did know what to say.”

  “You’re my woman, Sasha.”

  “I can’t deal if anything was to happen to you.” She gripped the back of his head, and kissed him again. “I love you.”

  “I love you more than anything.”

  “I can see.”

  “What do you see when you look at me?” he asked.

  “I see a man I fell in love with. My imagination didn’t do you much justice.”

  “I’m an ugly fucker.”

  She laughed. The future now looked a little different. Sasha couldn’t look away, nor did she try. Instead, she stared at the man she called her husband, and fell in love with him all over again.


  “So you’re heading straight out?” Sandy asked.

  “We’ve got a chance of saving this girl, baby. I’ve got to go with them,” Stink said.

  “It’s okay. I get it. Maybe we’ll both be lucky and Andrew will be there.” Sandy hoped so. She just wanted this mess to be all over. The only downfall to this plan was the fact she wasn’t going to get a front row seat to witness Andrew’s death.


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