Master (Chaos Bleeds Book 8)

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Master (Chaos Bleeds Book 8) Page 19

by Sam Crescent


  Charlotte ran a bath and started to remove the clothing that Nash was waiting for. It was covered in blood, and it had to go. Gash was just stood there, completely silent. Every man who touched Andrew was having their clothing disposed of. Charlotte eased Gash’s jacket off, and then the rest of his clothing. When he was naked, she left him in the bathroom, and rushed toward the door.

  “How is he?” Nash asked.

  “I don’t know. He’s not really talking. He should be fine. I’ll take care of him.”

  “Okay. Give us a shout if you need us. The whole club is looking out for him.”

  “I will.”

  When Nash turned away to start downstairs, she closed the door, and made her way back toward the bathroom.

  Gash hadn’t moved from where he stood in the center.

  Holding him, she urged him toward the bath, and she reached for the soap. She didn’t force him to say anything. Charlotte waited, soaping her hands, and grabbing a sponge to soap the rest of his body.

  Sometimes, silence was much more fun. She washed his body, focusing on him, nothing else.

  “The water is the color of blood,” Gash said.

  “So it is.”

  “Time for a shower.”

  He stood up, and she pulled the plug. The shower was in built with the bath tub. Gash turned it on, and she closed the curtain so no water would come.

  “Get in the tub with me,” Gash said.

  Leaning around the shower curtain, Charlotte gave a little scream as he hauled her into the tub.

  “I wasn’t going to climb in.”

  “I know. It’s why I made you.”

  “What’s the matter?” she asked.

  “Nothing. I just want to look at you, and hold you.”

  “What’s going on, Gash?” she asked. “Everyone is worried about you.”

  “They don’t need to be.”

  “They love you. Everyone loves and cares about you.”

  “It doesn’t matter.”

  She growled, glaring at him. “It does. Today you killed your brother. Don’t pretend that doesn’t mean something because we both know it does.”

  “It shouldn’t though.”


  “No, hear me out. He was a monster, Charlotte. Growing up he used to hurt animals, girls—he was a cruel boy. Then he got older, and his sickness only got worse. He took our baby from us, our future.”

  “We’re together. Be upset that you had to hurt your brother. I get it. All of us do. It would be stupid not to. Don’t let it ruin you, or us. We’re together, and nothing is going to tear us apart, nothing.”

  He cupped her cheek. “What would I do without you?”

  “Probably be drinking yourself into oblivion.”

  “Don’t you think I deserve it?”

  “Oh, you deserve it all right. Just not tonight. Give yourself time to heal, and if you still want to go around shooting things, we’ll talk.”

  “I love you.”

  Charlotte smiled. “It’s never going to get old hearing you say that.”

  “I’m never going to stop.”

  He started to remove her clothing, and rather than complain, she just let him lead. Lifting her arms above her head, he took off her shirt, followed by her pants. She gave a wiggle to help him remove them.

  “What happens now?”

  “Now? I’m going to hold you against this wall, and fuck you hard.”

  “After all of this? What do we do?”

  “Honeymoon, living life, maybe kids. Things return to normal.”

  “Normal would be nice,” she said.

  “You know what, with all the shit that has happened, I agree. Normal would be fucking good right about now.”


  Sitting in The Skulls’ office, Tiny, Devil, Lash, and Ripper all shared a drink. They had dropped Spider off at the hospital to continue his vigil on Paris.

  “Can’t believe it’s all over,” Ripper said.

  “It is all over, and we’re all living life now, and that fucker is burning in hell,” Devil said, swinging back a shot.

  It was early morning, but he needed a drink. Lexie had the kids, and they were all heading toward the hospital to see Simon. Eva was going with her while they all had a drink, and acknowledged what had happened.

  “You started without me, boys,” Ned asked, coming into the office.

  “Seat right here for you,” Tiny said.

  “Thought I’d come to have a drink for what we’ve achieved today.”

  “What we’ve achieved?” Lash asked. “I didn’t see you there, old man?”

  Ned started laughing. “I may be old, but I can still put you in your place.”

  “Fair enough.” Lash tipped back another shot.

  Devil placed his glass on the table, waiting for a refill. “If it’s okay with you, we’re going to stick around for a little bit. Spider’s not coming home without that girl, and that girl’s not coming home just yet.”

  “It’s fine with me. Lockdown is over. We can go back to finishing what we’re doing,” Lash said.

  “What are you doing?” Ripper asked.

  “We’ve got a bakery in town, opening up. That’ll be a hoot. A gym, and something else, which right now, I can’t think about. It’ll come to me. It always does.”

  Lash poured another round of drinks, and they all raised their glasses, taking another shot.

  Devil licked his lips, holding his glass so it didn’t get another refill. “It has been a long couple of years.”

  “Yeah, it has. That’s it though. No more shit to come from us,” Lash said.

  “Families are growing,” Tiny said.

  “We’ve got to keep an eye on family. We don’t want anything bad to happen,” Lash said.

  “Amen.” Ripper spoke up this time.

  Devil placed his glass on the table, ready for another refill.

  “What about you, Devil, what are your plans?”

  “When Paris is all fixed and well, head on back to Piston County. Help that girl and her sister. Neither of them deserved the hell that Andrew put them through. We’re out of the drug and gun runs,” Devil said. “Since Gonzalez hit, and Jerry was killed, it doesn’t hold its appeal.”

  “All of the guys are clean and sober. None of them are going back to that life,” Ripper said.

  “Look at Dick now. Who knew that son of a bitch would ever settle down? Martha’s good for him though. She makes him fight, and that’s what he needs, a woman who’ll make him beg. It’s what Lexie does to me. She keeps me on my toes, and I’m grateful for having her near. Love her.”

  “Speaking of drug and gun runs, The Skulls are out of that trade,” Lash said. “I’ve thought about it long and hard. We’re all settling down, we’ve got families to support. If the past couple years have taught us anything, it’s that life is so fucking short.”

  Ned agreed. “It’s fine. I’m getting old, and I don’t want to be dealing with punk ass kids anymore. Times are changing. There’s no respect anymore. I see it on every single fighter that walks through that fucking door of my gym. They think the world owes them something, that they’re the next best thing.”

  “What happens?” Lash asked.

  “The first fight they’re down within seconds, every time.” Ned laughed. “It’s funny to watch, but I don’t have time for the bad attitude that comes my way. You want to fight, put your fists up, and fight. Don’t give me mouth. Mouthing only gets you hit. Your fists, that’s what gets people to listen.”

  “I don’t know. Eva can scream some, and when she does, I pay attention,” Tiny said.

  “That’s the exception to the rule. Women make the rules. Men follow them, and uphold them.”

  “I can see why you’re such a hit with the ladies,” Devil said.

  “Years of practice.”

  “What was it like raising a girl?” Lash asked.


  “Be serious.”<
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  “Why didn’t you ask me?” Tiny asked. “I raised Tate.”

  “Eva raised Tate. You just spoilt her. Ned, he raised Eva. She was around fighters growing up, and she didn’t turn out too bad.”

  “I was being serious. Having a girl is a fucking nightmare,” Ned said, taking another shot.

  “How so?”

  “Well, first, I had to deal with the fact that Eva was a girl. She was a sweet girl, and she liked being around the gym, which worked for me. Growing up, she gave me several heart attacks. She used to love climbing up everything, and over everything. Then, she goes from this sweet, cute phase, to this attitude phase, and let’s not forget puberty. She’s got lady parts, and once puberty starts, they do lady things. Do you know what it’s like for a man to discuss menstrual cycles?”

  Devil smirked as he saw Lash go pale.

  “Yeah, boy, you’re about to figure it out, aren’t you? Once menstrual drama hits, then it’s boys. You’re a guy. All you wanted when you were growing up was sex. Well, now all those punk-ass bastards want your precious, angelic little girl. Yeah, not on my watch.”

  “Fucking hell. No, Chloe’s going to become a nun. She’s not allowed a boyfriend until I’m dead.”

  “All the things I said, and I still have to deal with this fucker every time I come to visit.”

  “I’m a good guy.”

  “You’re still an asshole. Another thing, no man will ever be good enough for your little girl, nobody.”

  “I’ve got all of this to come with Elizabeth,” Devil said. “At the moment, she’s my adorable little girl, and that’s how I’m happy for her to stay.”

  “It won’t happen. Don’t be fooled. They all grow up, and I wonder if that hurts us more than them. They’ve got to grow up, and realize the world is full of bad people. They stop believing in fairytales, and all too soon, all the magic is gone,” Ned said.

  “This is a fucking bummer,” Ripper said. “I’m not getting Judi pregnant again. The last one nearly killed her.”

  “She wants another,” Devil said. “I heard her talking with Lex about it.”

  “Not happening.”

  “I wonder how Whizz is going to get on with Sally and Daisy,” Lash said.

  “He might not have to worry about Sally all that much. That girl is one hard cookie. She’d got a lot of other challenges to deal with.”

  “Her loss of a leg it hitting her hard,” Tiny said.

  “The Skulls are behind her,” Lash said.

  “Andrew’s memory will live a lot longer than it ever should,” Devil said. “It’s not something we should worry about. Just deal with whatever shit falls our way when it does.”

  Another round of drinks was poured, and they raised their glasses, saluting their fallen men and women.


  Millie sat on Baker’s bed waiting for him to finally make his way upstairs. She had heard the news of what was going on, and knew she had to talk to him before she left. Ever since he’d taken her from her toy shop, she’d been giving him a hard time, but it wasn’t on purpose, not really. Maybe it was a little, but it was hard for her when it came to Baker. He’d forced her to be at the clubhouse, and now that she was, part of her didn’t want to leave.

  Baker was a nice man, sweet, and charming in his own kind of way. The biggest problem was the feelings he had for his deceased wife. Baker’s wife had been taken from him. Neither of them had walked away from a bad relationship.

  There was no way she could ever compete with that.

  She had thought about it. What it would be like to be with Baker. Her thoughts were not good. Throughout her life Millie had always been passed over. She wasn’t a beautiful woman, or someone people remembered. Her sister, Bethany, was the dashing beauty. All of her life she had been pushed aside, and laughed at because of her sister.

  She hated that, being laughed at, ridiculed. Her sister had honey blonde hair, blue eyes, and a slender body. Bethany also was a fine actress who had many people believing she was a good person, a nice person.

  It wasn’t true. Bethany was evil, vindictive, and cruel.

  The door to Baker’s room opened, and she looked up to see the man himself.

  “Hi, I was looking for you.”

  “Yeah, I came looking for you. Last night was a success.” She stood up, pushing her shirt down.

  “Yeah, it was.”

  “So it’s safe for me to return to my shop, and to return to normal life.”

  Baker hesitated.

  “You don’t have to lie. I already know.”

  “I don’t want you to go.”

  “That’s not a decision you get to make.” She tucked some hair behind her ear. “I want to thank you for everything you’ve done. You protected me when you didn’t have to. You could have just forgotten about me, but you didn’t,” she said.

  “Millie, I don’t want you to go.”

  She stared at his chest, and for the first time in a long time, tears filled her eyes. “Baker, you and I, it’s never going to happen. I’m not the woman for you, and you’re not the right man for me.”

  “I’m a good person.” He took hold of her hands, pressing them to his chest.

  “You are a good person. If your wife was to be here, you wouldn’t even be looking at me.”

  “Don’t do that. Don’t make her part of this.”

  She bit her lip trying to keep the tears inside but it was growing hard with every passing second. “I care about you. You’re a sweet man. I have lived all my life never knowing a man like you, and I bet if you were to give your whole heart to something, you’d be the best damn husband in the world.”

  “Give me a chance.”

  “You see, I’ve spent a lot of my time being second best. Being the girl that is always chosen last. I’m even the daughter my parents didn’t want. I’m fat, and I’m not pretty enough. I don’t make enough money, and I have no dreams to be a rich millionaire, not that I could ever snag a man of wealth, of course.” Tears started to fall, recalling every single nasty word that had ever been said to her. “You love your wife. I’m second best, Baker. I’m sorry.”

  “I want to take you out on a date.”


  “Millie, please,” he said.


  “I lost my wife, and yes, it killed me. I love her, I’ll always love her. She was taken from me, but you’ve come along, and you take every part of me, Millie. Every part. I think about you constantly. I worry about you. I want a chance.”

  She shook her head. “I’m going home now. The threat is gone, and I need my space.” Millie pulled her hands away, and made her way toward the door. There was nothing else to be said.


  Baker followed her downstairs, and even watched her leave the clubhouse parking lot. He couldn’t make her stay, and right now, he didn’t know what to say to keep her. Words failed him when it came to Millie. Everything failed him. Watching her walk away once again was just another failure.

  “Are you okay?” Rose asked, coming out of the house, carrying a child carryall.

  “Yeah, I’m fine.”

  “You don’t look fine.” Rose placed one of her twin girls in the back of the car.

  He kept staring at the gate willing Millie to come back, but of course, she didn’t.

  “Millie left, and told me there was no way we could be together.” The words spilled out, and he had no power over them.

  “Oh, I can see why that was painful.” Rose stood, folding her arms. “Why don’t you win her over?”

  “She’s convinced that I would always pick my wife over her. My wife is never going to be an option, never.”

  “I know what you’re saying, but I also see what Millie is saying.”


  “She’s not your number one choice.”

  “I don’t get it.” Was he just too thick to get it?

  “You love your wife, and that’s never going to change. You’re wan
ting to move on, but for Millie, she hasn’t been married. You’d be her number one, and for you, she wouldn’t be yours.”

  Baker sighed. “I don’t know how to answer that.”

  “Hardy would always be my number one. What you’ve got to figure out, is do you love her enough for her to become a number one?”

  “I won’t know that until I get to know her a bit more. She’s not even accepting one date.”

  “Be patient, and if you like her enough, it doesn’t matter. You’ll constantly ask her out until you what you want.”

  “Is that what happened with you and Hardy?”

  “Hardy and I are a little different.”

  “You’ve got that right,” Hardy said, carrying out the second baby carryall. “You’ve got to make a choice, Baker. If you ask me Millie isn’t the kind of girl you fuck and forget. She’s the keeping and loving forever kind. Don’t break her heart.”

  Baker had no intention of breaking anyone’s heart, least of all Millie’s.

  Chapter Fifteen

  Three weeks later

  Sasha got out of the hospital first much to everyone’s surprise. Her eyesight was back, but she wouldn’t get rid of her dog. Everything was all new to her, and she had to learn people’s faces, not just their voices. Next, Simon and Tabitha got free of the hospital. The doctors were sure of their speedy recovery, and while Paris was in the hospital, they got to stay together.

  The clubhouse wasn’t bombarded.

  The Nomads went back on the road. Andrew was gone, their fallen respected, and the itch to move on was once again calling to them. Devil, Lexie, and the kids moved in with Tiny and Eva. Ripper and Judi shared with Lash and Angel, and several couples took some of the Chaos Bleeds couples in.

  Alex, Sunshine, and their baby girl Candice stayed at the clubhouse for Alex to help his leg heal.

  Spider spent his time at the clubhouse and at the hospital. The only one left in the hospital was Paris. Sally got out, and she was going to regular therapy and physio sessions. Sophia was also out, and taking care of her and Nash’s two kids, Rachel and Bruce.

  Eating breakfast, Spider stared at The Skulls and Chaos Bleeds that were still there. Sandy was finishing up her breakfast, and she’d be taking him to the hospital, like she did every morning. Well, Stink took them both, and he crashed their ride. It was a thing between them.


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