Park and Violet

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Park and Violet Page 3

by Marian Tee

  What the—Park tried to pull his hair away but she didn’t let go. Fuck! It felt like she had managed to superglue her hands to his hair. “Let go, Violet!”

  “Not until you listen to me!”

  In retaliation, Park twisted around so he could face her–and pinch her cheeks. Hard.

  She shrieked. “Stop it!” She instinctively tugged harder.

  Park winced and increased the pressure on her cheeks in revenge. “Not until you let go of my hair!”

  They glared at each other.

  “At the count of three.” Violet’s voice was grim.

  “One,” he growled.

  “Two,” she growled back.

  “Three,” they said in unison.

  Violet and Park sprung away from each other immediately, adopting defensive stances and looking at each other warily.

  “What’s so bad about being my friend?” Violet burst out.

  Fuck! She looked so cute whenever she did that stomping thing with her tiny foot. And with Violet standing so close to his bed, he was even more fucked.

  Why the fuck did she seem to look more beautiful each time he saw her? She wore a black camisole top under her white-knitted sweater, with both tucked into a checkered mini and finished off with a pair of preppy-looking loafers. The mere sight of her shapely legs made Park want to groan. And with the bed next to her, it just made him imagine tossing her there and sinking into him, her lovely long legs up in the air as he pounded harder and harder into her.


  This was not fucking good.

  It had to be because he had been without sex for so long that he was reacting this strongly to Violet.

  “Answer me!” Violet was back to sounding like a banshee.

  Unfortunately, this time the sound didn’t even come close to irritating him. All it did was make him imagine her screaming for another reason and—Park closed his eyes in despair. It was that or give in to the raging urges of his body.

  Park was grimly aware that she wasn’t exactly immune to him either. He had seen the way she couldn’t help looking at his dick every time they met. Banshee or not, Park knew he only needed her to be in his arms a few seconds and he would have her singing like a nightingale instead.

  The thought of it—of Violet moaning his name out loud—made him squeeze his eyes shut harder. Fuck, fuck—oh shit, he was getting even harder just by dropping the F-bomb!

  Violet couldn’t help glaring at the suffering look on Park’s face. Was being friends with her that much of a bother? “Come off it,” she snapped. “Being my friend can’t be that bad!”

  Park grappled inwardly for control before making himself look at Violet. “Trouble,” he bit out. “Friends are just always full of trouble.”

  “B-but friends can be helpful, too,” she protested.

  “I don’t need anyone’s help.”

  “Yes, you do. No man’s an island,” she reminded him.

  He snorted. “Stop with the platitudes. It won’t work.”

  Violet was adamant. “You will be—” She stopped, shook her head, and said in a stubborn voice, “No, wait, from now on you are my friend and that’s that!”

  “No.” He watched Violet do her foot-stomping thing again. It should have made her look like a brat, but all it did was to make him want to fuck her more, especially since she really wasn’t doing it to look cute. The way she was stomping, Park had a feeling she was imagining it was him she was stomping on.

  But enough was enough.

  Park pointed to the door again. “Out.”

  She shook her head at him. “No.” She crossed her arms over her chest. “We’re friends now and there’s nothing you can do about it.”

  “I said—”

  “And now I need you to help me find a job.”

  That totally came out of nowhere and it had Park blinking. This high-maintenance-looking-chick was looking for a job?

  When he still didn’t speak, she said quietly, “I really need one so please help me?”

  Park continued to stare at her.

  Violet inhaled, raised her voice, and said, “Please, please, please, please, please, please...”

  It went on and on until Park thought his ears would burst at the cacophony Violet was creating. His head started to ache, but at least it also successfully drove away the feelings of lust that had played havoc with his body. Opening his eyes, Park saw Violet looking at him hopefully.

  “Please, please, please, please, please—”

  Oh, for the love of—

  “Please, please, please, please, please—”

  “Okay!” he roared, feeling like his head was about to explode. How could someone so small be so fucking loud?

  “You win.”

  Violet immediately stopped and sent him another hopeful smile. “Friends?”

  “Do I have a choice?” he snarled.

  She ran to him with a carefree laugh and before Park knew it, she was up on her tiptoes to place a kiss on his cheek.


  Headache out, arousal in.

  Park quickly set Violet away before she could feel his erection. Even though his entire body felt ridiculously alive at the touch of her lips, Park threw her a look of disgust all the same. “Don’t do that again.”

  Violet let out an offended gasp. “It wasn’t that bad!”

  “It was.”

  She let that go, thinking that she could afford to since he had given in to her request anyway. She gave him a rueful smile. “Fine. It was.”

  Violet acting like a spoiled brat, Park could handle, but Violet acting nice and sweet was frightening. “Who are you and what did you do to the banshee I met?”

  Violet laughed. “I guess I deserve that.”

  “Stop that!”

  Violet was bemused. “What?”

  “Stop smiling. It’s creeping me out.”

  Violet did stop smiling at that. “Don’t push it.”

  Park let out a sigh of relief. “There’s the banshee I know.” He checked his watch. “I need to shower. I’ll be ready in half an hour.” Park pushed her out of the room. “Let’s meet outside the hall.” He smirked at her look of shock before shutting the door on her face.

  “Giant asshole,” he heard her mutter outside his room.

  For some reason, even though he was used to having most girls refer to another part of his anatomy as “giant”, Park found himself grinning at Violet’s words instead.

  Chapter Four

  Park and Violet left the school campus half an hour later and joined the bustling crowd of Osaka. Violet’s senses were drunk on wonder. Osaka was second only to Tokyo in size, and Violet could easily see why. The city, also known as the gourmet capital of Japan, was simply amazing. Modern architecture stood side by side with traditional cultural spots, the weather and scenery were just as great as she imagined, but best of all was the people—especially the girls on their way to school. They looked too cute for words, so much so she wanted to squeal!

  If only she had studied in a school like theirs, where every girl understood the important business of being cute, maybe her life would have ended…differently.

  They had been walking for about ten minutes already when Violet noticed something. “People are looking at us.”

  “Maybe they’re wondering what a gorgeous guy like me is doing with a girl like you.”

  “It’s the other way around, bozo.”

  They grinned at each other, sharing a rare sense of agreement with both of them pleased at their ease of their repartee just before they exchanged measured glances.

  Violet’s lone accessory was a pink and white lace headband. She had on a white sleeveless thigh-long cotton vest over and its cord tied around a sky-blue round-necked shirt, emphasizing her small waist. She then finished off her outfit with black tights and comfy flats.

  Park had on a green and silver striped shirt, its sleeves pushed up to his elbows, and a pair of tight black jeans.

  Park took the first ja
b. “You know, for someone who’s out looking for a job, it seems like you’re more dressed for a party.”

  She returned sweetly, “And you know, for someone just helping out a friend to look for a job, you’re dressed remarkably like a gigolo.”

  They grinned at each other again.

  Park suddenly stopped walking, causing Violet to almost bump into him. “Hey!” she cried out, rubbing her slightly dented nose.

  Park pointed to the building to their right. “That’s where I work.”

  “Oh.” Violet was impressed. The words Lake Hotel, together with its romaji characters, glinted in gold on top of the building. She estimated it to be about thirty stories high. Almost the entire front was made of glass, allowing people on the streets below to enjoy the reflection of the Osaka skyline.

  “Come on in and let’s see if we can find you a job.”

  Violet suddenly felt oddly hesitant. “But…are you sure?”

  He gave his companion a look of exaggerated shock. “Wait. Don’t tell me. You’re actually not that full of yourself?”

  His words made her laugh and forget her fears for the moment. “You jerk!”

  An hour later, Park was cooling his heels outside his manager’s office when the door opened and Violet came out. Park managed to catch a glimpse of smile on Violet’s face before she was hurling herself in his arms. “I got the job!” she shrieked.

  Unable to help but laugh at her enthusiasm, Park gently pulled away. “I guess my manager took pity on you.”

  “Whatever.” She beamed. “I just can’t believe it, Park! Thank you!” And she reached up to kiss him on the cheek, just as Park bent down to ask her where she was going to treat him.

  Their lips touched, but Park pulled away immediately even though it literally hurt to do so.

  He had let her get under his skin enough to be his friend–the first girl friend he ever had in his life. But it ended there. It had to end there.

  Violet felt her cheeks heating up, mostly because she had wanted that kiss to continue while the look on his face clearly said he didn’t. To get rid of the awkward silence between them, she drawled out, “Well, I was going to treat you but now that I’ve kissed you—”

  Park snorted even as he was privately grateful for Violet’s words. “If anything, you should give me double treats. That kiss was awful.”

  She scowled. “It was not!”

  “Oh yes, it was.”

  “Oh was it?” she asked sweetly.

  He pretended to shudder. “Worst kiss—”

  “Maybe I should try again.”

  Park almost stumbled in his haste to move back just as she tiptoed and lifted her face to his.

  Violet burst into laughter. “I should be insulted, but you…that…this…” She laughed harder. They had gone past the revolving doors now, and still laughing she curled her arm around his, ignoring the way he was trying to yank his arm away from her hold.

  She rolled her eyes. “Oh, stop it. I was just joking. I’m not going after you, ever.”

  Park slowly relaxed. “Just as long as we’re clear.”

  “We are,” she reassured him. “I didn’t come to Japan to find a boyfriend, and honestly, if I were to have a boyfriend, I prefer someone Japanese, thank you very much.”

  “Delighted to hear that,” he returned but he was a bit stung.

  She was a little bit offended at the fervent gratitude in his tone but didn’t let it show. “So, where are you going to treat me?”

  Park choked. “I helped you find a job and I’m the one who’s treating you?”

  She fluttered her lashes up at him. “Pretty, pretty, please?” Park was already wrenching his arm away from her. Violet laughed again. “I was just kidding!”

  * * * *

  Park chose a small food stall in the park. It was the only thing Violet could afford for now with her meager budget. But it was a nice treat all the same since both of them could enjoy the sights. Osaka in the afternoon was just as lovely as it was in the morning. There were a lot more kids now, with school classes ending. Violet took simple pleasure just from seeing the kids in their cute uniforms.

  Pretending to be busy eating his ramen, Park’s eyes slid every few moments to Violet. He couldn’t help but be enchanted. She was such a mass of contradictions. She’d look tough one moment then like a vulnerable kid the next. A shrew one moment, an adorable girl the next.

  Violet turned to Park to ask about something she saw and caught him staring at her.

  Park immediately looked away and pretended to be engrossed with the guy selling different shapes of balloons to the kids across them.

  Violet smirked. “You were staring at me.”

  Park feigned confusion as he turned to her. “What?”

  She pointed her chopsticks at him. “You heard me.”

  “No, I didn’t.” His tone was perfectly blasé.

  She wasn’t fooled. “Oh yes, you were.” She reached out to pat his hand. “But it’s okay. I’m used to having that effect on guys.”

  Park frowned. “Really, Violet, I don’t want to alarm you or anything, but you’ve got this psychological problem. I think it’s called having hallucinations? Particularly about how hot you seem to think you are?”

  She grinned. “I really like you having as a friend.” And she thought, Just as long as you don’t get any ideas we could be more.

  He grunted. “Yeah, you’re tolerable, too.” Just as long as you don’t think I’m going to fall for you.

  Chapter Five

  Violet was about to knock hard on the door when it suddenly opened and she ended up staring at a (once again) bare-chested Park in surprise. Her eyes dipped low before she could stop herself from doing it.

  Oh, hello there. Again.

  When she looked up, Park was smirking.

  “See something you liked?”

  Two could play this game.

  She smiled up sweetly at him. “Oh, absolutely,” she trilled. “I guess I just didn’t expect you to wake up so early for little ole me.” She blew him a kiss. “That’s so sweet!”

  A grin tugged at his lips. Why had he even thought he could get the last word with this girl? She was just so unlike anyone he had ever met.

  Violet tapped his shoulder and he gave way immediately. As she walked past him, he caught a whiff of something like— “Is your perfume like violets?”

  “You noticed?” she asked, beaming at him over her shoulders.

  He froze midway when he saw Violet throwing herself onto his bed, bouncing a bit as she landed.

  Danger zone.

  “It’s not surprising, isn’t it? My name is Violet, after all.”

  He could barely understand her. All he could do was stare at her, his throat running dry as she tucked her silky long legs underneath her, making him imagine those same legs wrapped around his waist as fucked her long and hard.


  Park raked a hand through his hair. He really had to find a girl he could bang for one night, just to get Violet out of his system.


  He realized belatedly she had asked him a question and it had totally gone over his head. “Sorry, what did you say again?”

  “I said not a lot of people notice what my scent is. So how come you did?” She looked at him quizzically. “Are you into flowers or something?”

  Park opened and closed his mouth.

  Violet’s eyes widened and she gasped. “Oh my God, you are into flowers.”

  “I’m not,” he snapped even as he flushed.

  She started to laugh. “You are, oh my God, you—a blond gorilla–into flowers!” Her laughter filled his room. “This is so rich!” Her eyes danced at him. “Are you, like, a botanist wannabe?”

  Park gave Violet a dirty look. “I just used to collect flowers when I was a boy,” he gritted out.

  Violet clutched her heart dramatically. “Oh, this is just too much. My friend is the sweetest guy in the world!”


  She grinned at Park even as she told herself, Control, control. Don’t ever let yourself drool even if you think he’s such a gorgeous hottie when he doesn’t have his shirt on.

  Park sat behind her on the bed, leaning against the headboard. He stretched out his legs and his toes almost touched Violet’s knee.

  Violet resisted the urge to scoot away. Friends, she told herself. What was wrong with her, anyway? She had gotten way closer to other guys than this. So why was she going crazy every time she was near Park?

  “Why are you here so early?” Park asked.

  Violet was studying Park’s feet. Damn! Even his feet looked good and his nails were clean and cut short. “I woke up early, had nothing to do, so I’m here,” she answered absently.

  His jaw dropped. “And I’m supposed to entertain Your Royal Highness?” he questioned sarcastically.

  She twisted halfway to give Park another one of her killer smiles, the one that got a famous actor back home so smitten he had declared himself in love at first sight. “It’s your duty as my friend.”

  He grunted.

  “So please, entertain me.”

  “In your—”

  Violet took a deep breath.

  His eyes widened. Surely she wouldn’t fucking do it again—

  “Please, please, please, please, please—”

  “Okay,” he roared. God, his ears must be suffering from some kind of internal bleeding right now. “You’re so fucking noisy,” he muttered.

  She ignored that. “So where are we going?” Violet asked cheerfully.

  He checked his watch. “We have to be at work by four.”

  “It’s only eight am.” Violet rolled her eyes. “We’ll get there on time.”

  “I don’t like being late,” Park warned her.

  “For God’s sake, work is like eight hours away, Park! Stop worrying and tour me around!” She pointed bossily to his bathroom. “Go take a shower.” When he didn’t move, she took a deep breath—

  Park hastily jumped off the bed. “Okay, okay, just don’t start screeching again.”

  Violet tried not to smile at his words, and when he walked past her, she also tried not to ogle his backside. Sheeesh. He might still be an Asian Yeti in her eyes, but she couldn’t pretend he didn’t have the yummiest-looking back. His defined, sexy back, with all the muscles—


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