Mr. Fiancé

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Mr. Fiancé Page 60

by Lauren Landish

  The story of Tomasso's fight with Eduardo took the shortest amount of time, although it earned the most praise from Carlo. "Oh, Daniel, you should have seen him out there! He'd have given you a run for your money that fight."

  "No, I wouldn't," Tomasso said, holding my hand. “I was fighting for my life out there. I was fighting for Luisa. I knew as soon as she told me she was pregnant that—”

  "Wait!" Margaret said, interrupting. "You're pregnant?”

  "Yes," I laughed, rubbing my stomach. "That was the cause of all my father's ranting and raving. Apparently, while falling in love, Tomasso and I were also making a new life."

  Adriana leaned over and punched Tomasso in the shoulder, laughing. "You just have to be first in everything, don't you? Well, never mind, go on."

  Tomasso rubbed at his arm and chuckled. "Anyway, you get the point. I was fighting for our lives.”

  "I only pray it's a boy," Margaret said. "A daughter who’s half-Italian and half-Brazilian? Lord help this family."

  "And the shiner and scratch you're sporting came from the fight, and not any post-nuptial cuddling?" Adriana asked, laughing.

  "Nope, that's all Luisa’s brother. But seriously, until after the ceremony, let’s keep this between us six,” I said. When I got questioning looks, I pointed at Adriana and Daniel. "Tonight and tomorrow are all about you two. I feel bad that we may have taken some of the attention from you.”

  "We'll have to include a seventh," Margaret said, "unless you plan to hide it from your new brother-in-law for the next two days. Angelo’s supposed to meet us at the party."

  "Okay, seven. But really, this is about you. We can break the news about the rest later," I said, taking Tomasso's hand. "Let's celebrate Adriana and Daniel first."

  Carlo, who'd remained mostly quiet through it all, smiled and nodded. "I knew you were a special girl. Especially when you had that forty-five pointed at your father."

  The reaction from everyone else in the limo was immediate and loud. "You what?”

  After the rehearsal dinner, I met Angelo, who I had to admit was a funny guy who had a unique sense of humor. At the time, I didn't understand why Adriana was ready to hit him when he said that the pop group, Genesis, would be playing at the reception. He was still a handsome, funny guy, and I knew I would have to keep him away from my sister, Ana, if she ever visited Seattle.

  Tomasso and I both slipped our wedding rings off before the wedding, so it was nice to not have to answer questions, at least not about being married or being pregnant. The most common comment I had to deal with instead was how nice it was that I’d taken the time to visit again. Most of the people assumed it was due to the new friendship between the Bertolis and the Mendosas.

  After dinner, I rode back to the Bertoli mansion with Adriana and Daniel while Carlo left for work and Margaret caught a ride home with Angelo. Daniel looked over, and in nearly flawlessly accented Portuguese, asked my reaction. "So what did you two think?"

  "I never knew he spoke Portuguese," Tomasso said, leaning over to Adriana. "Did you know, Red?"

  "I get amazed on a weekly basis with him,” Adriana replied. "Be careful, or else you're going to be looking pretty bush league compared to my husband."

  Tomasso leaned back and laughed. “It was great. The reception should be an eye opener, though. Tonight was mostly just the well-behaved members of the Bertoli family. Everyone’s going to be at the reception.”

  "Who all will be there?" I asked, worried. "This is my first American mob wedding."

  Adriana chuckled and took Daniel's hand, leaning back. "I guess it is a mob wedding, isn't it? Anyway, since Daniel here isn't representing any of the other big families, it won't be as bad as some I've been to, but there'll be representatives from most of the bigger West Coast families that are friendly with Uncle Carlo."

  We got back to the mansion, where Daniel gave Adriana a kiss outside the limo and looked over at his BMW. "Well, one night of a cold bed isn't too much to pay."

  "What do you mean?" I asked, and Daniel laughed.

  “We decided that the night before the wedding, we'd go back to sleeping in separate bedrooms. Makes tomorrow seem, I don't know, a little more old-fashioned? It'd be about the only thing old-fashioned about our relationship, but hey, why not? You might want to look at doing the whole wedding thing here, you know.”

  “What? Why?" I asked, curious. "Don't tell me the family wants another wedding."

  "No, but the INS will probably want a governmental wedding certificate if they're going to grant you a green card. You might just need to go down to City Hall and do the whole thing over again."

  "I think we can manage that,” Tomasso said, squeezing my shoulders. "I'd marry Luisa again every day if I had to."

  Tomasso and I went inside while Adriana and Daniel said their farewells for the night, and as soon as the door was closed, he pulled me close, kissing me hard. "I've been wanting to do that for hours," he whispered in my ear when our lips parted. "I need you, Mrs. Bertoli."

  "Then lead the way, my husband," I purred in reply. "I may have forgotten which room is yours. We wouldn't want to frighten the staff."

  It wasn't the most romantic dance-like sojourn through the halls and up the stairway to the second floor, not with Tomasso's cane and brace thumping on the hardwood floor and carpets, but it didn't matter. When we reached his room, I laughed when we closed the door. "You know, this would be our chance to actually consummate our marriage?"

  "So how would you like to celebrate the occasion?" He murmured, chuckling. "As frisky as I feel, I do have certain physical limitations right now."

  "Which I’m going to take advantage of," I said, thinking quickly. I led him over to a chair, which was perfect, since it had no arms, just solid wood with a well-padded seat. "Sit down."

  Tomasso took a seat, a small grin on his face. "This reminds me of the first night we had sex. Except you're wearing a cute dress instead of that suit."

  "Me too," I replied, straddling his legs and running my fingers through his hair. I lifted his head up, and we kissed, soft and loving, different than that first strip dance that broke through so many barriers. This was instead a confirmation of our bond, and I trembled while Tomasso stroked his fingers up and down my spine, pulling me closer until my breasts squashed against his upper chest. I smiled as he broke our kiss to nuzzle and suck at the soft skin around my cleavage. “So that's what you like."

  "I love every square inch of you, from the top of your head to the tips of your toes," his muffled reply came from between my breasts. "Your news just sped up what I already wanted."

  “You sure you’re not just saying that now since you have no choice?” I said, pushing his head back.

  He stopped and looked up into my face, his hazel eyes full of warmth. “I thought I was before, but I knew I was in love with you the moment you stepped on that plane to go back to Brazil. I wanted to ask you then, but I was worried that it would be too fast, that we'd be rushing things. I spent my days from the time you left until I stepped off the plane in Porto Alegre trying to figure out how to bring you back to me."

  I smiled and ran my fingers along the bruising underneath his left eye, smiling. “I bet you didn’t think it’d be a baby that brought it all together. So no regrets?"


  I felt tears in the corners of my eyes, which I blinked away as I quickly leaned in to kiss my husband again, our tongues touching as passion grew deep in the pit of my belly. I could feel him grow hard underneath me, and I grinned at the sounds coming from him as I shifted my hips back and forth, my panties rubbing over the bulge of his crotch.

  "Tell me, what do you want tonight?” I purred, grabbing the back of the chair and leaning back, relishing the sensations. It was maddening but electric as the firm bulge rubbed against me through my silk panties, erotic as we rubbed against each other even while leaving our clothes on.

  “Tonight is your night,” Tomasso grunted out, distracted as my hips moved fast
er and faster.

  "Mmm, good," I gasped, giving in to my body's desires as I rode him faster and faster, my voice reduced to guttural groans and gasps as my pussy flared over and over, pulsing with pleasure as I approached my orgasm. Tomasso held me secure and safe, his left arm on the small of my back while his right hand massaged my breasts, adding to the powerful sensations coursing through me. With a choked cry, I came, my fingers squeezing the back of the chair as he held me tight, letting the waves of pleasure wash over me.

  I hadn't even realized that I had that sneaking fear until I said it, and the fact that Tomasso said he loved me and had no regrets freed the last of my worries. I grinned as I got off his lap. "I seem to have stained your suit pants. We should get those off you before it sets.”

  Leaning forward, I unbuttoned his coat, stripping the clothes off his upper body. I kissed and licked at his skin as each perfect bit was revealed to me until Tomasso was naked from the waist up. I got to my knees and gave him a grin as I undid his belt and eased the zipper of his pants down.

  "I have something special I'd like to do for you. Hold on," I said, pulling his pants down. I was flummoxed for a second by his leg brace, but I'd gotten good at the straps, and quickly had it off, pulling his pants the rest of the way off, leaving him naked and powerful. "I'll be right back. Stay exactly like that."

  Tomasso chuckled as I gathered up his clothes and ran to his bathroom, dropping the pile in the dirty clothes hamper inside before adding my own. Checking the medicine cabinet, I found what I wanted, figuring it had to be there or in his room somewhere. The tube of lubricant was a bit old, but since he’d been in college most of the time, I figured that would be the case. It was still cool and slick to my fingers, and I eased some inside me, reaching back and shivering in anticipation as my fingers slipped inside my ass.

  I'd only ever done this once before. I lubricated myself as best I could before wiping my hands with a towel and then going back out into the bedroom, chuckling at the sight of Tomasso slowly pumping his cock with his fist. "Did I take too long?"

  "No . . . but I couldn't resist," Tomasso replied, his eyes fixed on my hips as I swayed across the room. "What's behind your back?"

  "Just this," I said, showing him the lubricant. "For you and that beautiful cock of yours. I'm already prepared."

  I got to my knees again, squirting a line of lubricant into my hand before I wrapped it around his cock, pumping his shaft until he glistened in the overhead lights. "It’s a well-known fact that Brazilian women are proud of their backsides," I teased as I prepared him. "Think you can handle it?”

  "I'm damn sure going to try," Tomasso said, gasping when I reached underneath and massaged his prostate some. "Keep that up, though, and I'm not going to have a chance."

  I winked at him, then let go of his cock and straddled his waist again, my breasts pressing against his face, encouraging him as I reached back and took him and positioned it at my back entrance. "Don't worry, I'm ready."

  He nodded and wrapped his lips around my left nipple as I eased myself down, the momentary flash of stretching pain giving way to deep, rumbling pleasure as I sank down on his cock. We both groaned as my ass stretched and was filled by him while his lips sent sparks through my chest. I gasped when I was all the way impaled, rising up and settling back down, stretching me the rest of the way.

  We started slow, his cock filling me over and over in slow motion, each inch rubbing that secret point inside me that sent dark fire through my body and straight to my heart and brain. “Oh . . .”

  He smiled as my hips lifted and sank on their own, and I started to plunge myself faster and faster, Tomasso and me looking in each other's eyes as his cock filled me again and again. My clit rubbed against his hard stomach as I rode him, the dual sensations leaving my mind whirling. In the middle of the maelstrom, there was Tomasso, his breath coming faster and faster as I clenched around him. He encouraged me, his hands supporting me as I let my inner passions run wild.

  We were both crying out, gasping in pleasure, and I knew I couldn't hold out much longer.

  "Come for me," he groaned, his hands tweaking my nipples as I lost all control. I clenched one last time as I sank down, screaming in pleasure as I came again, my ass and clit combining to send me into a delirious seizure of climax. I felt him shudder underneath me, his cock swelling, and in an instant, I was complete and in the arms of the man I loved.

  I sagged against him, both of us sweating and gasping, not wanting to get up. "That . . . was incredible," I whispered in his ear.

  “It was amazing,” Tomasso said, holding me close. I could hear the emotion in his voice and breathing. "I love you."

  "I love you too."


  Tomasso - Sixteen Months Later

  I looked down on the sleeping form of my daughter, feeling a tear form in eye as I looked at her beautiful hair and button nose that she'd inherited from her mother. Leaning over, I gave her a kiss on the temple and stood up, wiping away the tear. "Good night, Princess. Daddy's gotta go to work, but I'll be back in the morning to make sure you get breakfast."

  My Mariana yawned and turned over in her sleep, warm and content in the little one-piece outfit that we dressed her in. I found her teddy bear, a gift from her grandfather, and tucked it next to her, where she laid her tiny little hand over it. I watched for another moment before leaving, smiling as I came into the bedroom and found Luisa waiting for me. "She's sleeping well."

  "She knows that she's being taken care of," my beautiful wife said, kissing me on the cheek. "Margaret is going to do a great job making sure Mariana's taken care of tonight. In fact, I think she's looking forward to it. Remember how much she was beaming at dinner?"

  I chuckled and reached up, fixing Luisa's tie. She always wore a suit when the two of us worked together, and she knew I loved how sexy she looked in it. "You're sure you want to do this?" I asked, brushing a speck of dust off her collar. "You know you don't have to."

  "Have you ever looked up what the name Luisa means?" she asked, a smirk on her beautiful features.

  "No, can’t say that I have,” I admitted, tempted to pull her close and kiss her deeper. I didn't. There wasn't enough time to do what I would have wanted if we did. “Does it mean perfection?” I teased.

  "Close, but your flattery isn't quite right," Luisa said, patting my chest and checking my tie. "It means 'great warrior.' Now, how am I supposed to sit around on my ass all the time with a name like that?"

  "You're going to make a great Mafia queen some day," I chuckled in reply. The two of us left the nursery that was next to my rooms in the house and headed into the main hallway, where I found Aunt Margaret already waiting. "Your niece is sleeping soundly with Mr. Bear."

  "That's good," Margaret said, smiling. "I actually have some work to get done tonight, so I guess I'll be using her diaper table for my laptop. How're you two feeling?"

  "I'm good," I said, rolling my neck. "My wife didn't break my neck today in practice—just twisted it a little."

  "I was just trying to squeeze his head some, make sure it doesn't get too big," Luisa joked in reply, causing Margaret to laugh. "But we're feeling good. Thankfully, Mariana still likes mid-afternoon naps."

  "Those are a blessing," Margaret said. "I caught one myself, only an hour or so, but if the princess wakes up, well, I'm not exactly in my twenties any longer."

  "You still look twenty-nine to me," I said, giving her a kiss on the cheek. "But seriously, thanks for looking out for Mariana tonight."

  "We're a family. It's what we do."

  Luisa and I headed downstairs, stopping in the kitchen to arm ourselves. "So what's the job tonight?"

  I smiled, knowing my wife knew exactly what the job was. She just liked to act that way so that we would go over it before going to work. "Not a big deal. Some punk named Teddy Maguire, who's bringing in some bad shit to the University District, trying to peddle some doctored-up study drugs to the college students."

Luisa shook her head in good humor, perplexed by the American obsession with drugs. "Like some Adderall or whatever it is he's calling it can replace decent study and a good night's sleep. In any case, we find him and?"

  "And put the fear of God in his heart. Or at least the fear of the Bertolis. Seattle and Tacoma aren’t welcome zones for him. The pistols are just in case he gets stupid," I said, handing Luisa her Beretta. "You ready?"

  "Ready," she said, sliding it into her holster. "By the way, after work, you mind if we stop off at the Starlight Club?"

  "The Starlight? Why?" I asked, grinning a familiar smile at the little play. We had gotten into a habit of it, and it was a great way to blow off some steam after a night's work.

  "I think I'd like to dance a little for my husband. I'm sure Terry can get us a VIP room—don't you think?"

  "I'm sure. One question, though. What are we going to do when your brother gets here next week?"

  Luisa shrugged and gave me a kiss on the cheek. "We'll figure out something. I'm just glad that my dad is trying to make amends for his behavior last time you were in Brazil."

  We left the house and went out to our car. "Hey, who's driving tonight?"

  Luisa held up her hand. "I believe it’s my turn. You drove last time."

  "No way. You drove last time. I'm sure of it," I replied, smiling.

  She crossed her hands over her chest and raised an eyebrow at me. "So how should we settle this?"

  "Rock, paper, scissors?"

  My lovely wife considered it, then nodded. "Deal. Ready? 1 . . . 2 . . .”

  Don’t forget to sign up to my mailing list to receive the extended epilogue of Mr. Fiance as soon as it’s ready. If you’re already on my list, you’ll get this automatically :).

  Did you miss Gavin and Brianna’s story? Keep reading for a preview of their story, Anaconda!

  About the Author


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