Smut for Chocoholics

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Smut for Chocoholics Page 7

by Victoria Blisse

  Mark moans softly, his eyes half-closed. His imagination seems to have already transported him to a place I can’t fathom.

  “Take off his pants while I get the chocolate ready,” Josh says.

  I don’t need to be asked twice. After my thorough examination of Mark’s abs, I’m dying for a view of his fully erect cock. I unbutton and unzip him, then yank his pants and boxers down and off. I’m too impatient to make the gesture sensual.

  His cock springs free, the slit on the end brighter and shinier than the foreskin still covering the rest of the head. I slide the skin back so I can plant a kiss on his bare cockhead. It’s hot, smooth, and fragrant against my lips. Mark hisses. I stroke my hand all the way down to the base of his cock, then freeze. “You’re shaved bare!” I exclaim, missing the sensation of tiny, wiry blond curls against the side of my hand.

  “I did that this morning,” Josh says, turning his head over his shoulder to address me. He stands at the stove with his back to us, stirring something. “Don’t you think it makes his cock look bigger?” Josh winks.

  I examine Mark’s cock and balls, and I realize the atmosphere of this scene is getting to me, changing my experience and the way I treat my lovers. I feel no obligation to look at Mark’s face, or to touch him in any way intended to give him pleasure. I may not want to hurt him, but at the moment he’s an object for me - a cock to admire, and a set of heavy balls swinging between pale, muscular thighs. With both hands, I feel the strange new smoothness of his intimate skin.

  “I think his balls look bigger, too,” I tell Josh, and I’m starting to enjoy talking about Mark this way, discussing his physical characteristics with our other lover as if he weren’t standing before me right now, hearing everything. “I’m glad you shaved him. He’ll be good to lick.”

  I lean forward and make good on my word, catching the bottom of his sack with my tongue, then running up the center of it, separating his balls.

  Josh leaves the stove and stands beside us, holding a jar. He puts a hand on my shoulder. “Don’t do too much yet, Sofia. He’s not prepared.” He taps the side of the jar with a fingertip. I catch the dark, sensual aroma of the chocolate inside, but there’s also a hint of something else. I frown.

  “What’s in there?”

  “Chocolate,” Josh says. He smiles with only half his face - a sure sign he’s up to something. “Once Mark sticks his dick in the jar, we can get going with your fantasy.”

  I eye him suspiciously, but Mark doesn’t hesitate. He takes the jar from Josh and thrusts inside, moaning a little as he does. I imagine the warmth of the chocolate spreading through the full length of his cock, and for a second I’m sorry I didn’t suggest putting the chocolate on me.

  Then a hiss from Mark snaps my attention back to him. He goes up on his toes, his head thrown back.

  Josh catches the jar before Mark drops it. He holds it beneath Mark’s cock, catching the dollops of chocolate dripping off. He smiles innocently while Mark squirms.

  “What did you do to him, Josh?”

  “I’ve tested menthol on his dick plenty of times before, he just wasn’t expecting it. Mint chocolate is your favorite, right, Sofia? It’s nothing he can’t handle. Tell her, Mark.”

  Mark tips his chin down to look me in the eye. “Our boyfriend Josh is a tricky son of a bitch who enjoys making me miserable, but I love him for it. And, Sofia, I love you, too, for that horrible tickling thing. I knew you had it in you.”

  Josh chuckles. “I think he’s asking for more, Hermosa.”

  I shake my head. “I’m glad you’re happy, Mark, but I’ve got to get my mouth on that chocolate-covered cock of yours.” I lean forward to take a lick, and the chocolate is the smoothest and creamiest I’ve ever tasted, flavored sharp by the mint and a little salty by what must be a touch of precome.

  “Aw,” Josh says, sounding genuinely disappointed. “If I’d known you would be so nice, I would have gone with my spicy chocolate plan. A poblano pepper or two would have kept our boy here very busy even if you insisted on making nice with him.”

  I don’t bother answering. Instead, I open wide and take Mark’s cock inside in one rich mouthful. Mark gasps and falls forward, throwing a hand out to Josh for stability.

  I pull off, alarmed, and swallow the chocolate as quickly as I can. “Did I get you with my teeth?”

  “Nothing like that.” Mark’s voice is strangled. “That was good.”

  “Menthol’s not just cold,” Josh explains helpfully. “It also makes him sensitive.”

  “I didn’t want to come yet.” Mark straightens slowly, cock twitching. The chocolate smeared over it keeps me from getting a clear view of his skin. It’s too bad, because I love watching the veins rise to the surface when Mark is really aroused.

  I reach out a fingertip and clear some chocolate away. Popping the dollop into my mouth and sucking it off feels both naughty and natural.

  Mark groans.

  “Jealous of her finger?” Josh teases.

  Our blond lover nods vigorously.

  I break in before Josh can take control again. I might have wanted his guidance at first, intimidated by the unfamiliar idea of topping, but now that I’ve settled into the scene, I’ve also fallen into our usual battle of wills. I give Josh my patented challenging stare.

  “Don’t make him feel bad,” I say, my voice coming out far more wicked than I knew it could. “He’s about to have all the attention he could want.” I tap the head of Mark’s delicious, minty cock, delighted by the full-body shiver he gives in response. “I think I like you sensitive,” I whisper to Mark, and the words alone make him shudder again.

  That’s when I feel the rush of power, which fills my chest, then drops straight to my cunt. I’m hooked. “Get his dick coated again,” I order Josh.

  Our dominant lover raises an eyebrow at my commanding tone, but does what I ask. The new infusion of menthol makes Mark groan and squirm anew.

  “Mistress,” Mark whispers, and I see Josh’s eyes narrow. He must have thought he’d get to play dominant with both of us, controlling me as well as the scene. This is a familiar battle, since Josh tends to slip into his “master” role anytime he’s not prevented. It’s my turn for a wicked grin.

  I grab Josh’s wrist. “Get down here with me,” I tell him. “I’ve got a job for you.”

  He resists my pull. “You’re not my mistress.”

  I cluck my tongue. “I’m sure you know how to take direction better than that.” I smile sweetly and tug his wrist again.

  Mark lets out a low whistle. “Sofia is not afraid to call the shots.”

  My entire body thrills to this. I imagine Josh at my mercy just the way Mark is, my prickly lover putting up with however I feel like playing with him.

  Josh must read some of this fantasy on my face, because he narrows his eyes at me. “I’ve created a monster.”

  “Oh, come on, Josh. I’m not asking for anything bad. Look at Mark’s beautiful cock. Don’t you want to suck it?”

  Josh scowls, but his gaze does travel to Mark’s still-erect cock, which truly looks appealing glistening with a fresh layer of candy. To make it even more enticing, I cup it in the palm of my hand and lift, presenting it to Josh in all its chocolate-covered glory. “Think how he’ll jerk when you put your lips on it,” I whisper.

  Mark whimpers, and Josh can’t resist. He pushes my hand aside. I watch with fascination as the entire length of Mark’s cock disappears into Josh’s mouth. I have to jump to my feet to help Mark remain standing, but I can’t take my eyes off the view.

  Josh generally likes to be the top, so it’s a rare treat for me to see him take a cock in any capacity. I savor the sight of him sucking like a madman, hands pressed against Mark’s hipbones. His fingers curl as if he wants to yank Mark even closer.

  I decide to hel
p Josh out.

  Careful to continue supporting Mark, I lean forward a touch and grab a handful of hair at the crown of Josh’s head, where it’s longest. Once I’ve got him, I take over the pace of the blow job, directing when he pulls back and when he takes Mark’s cock to the hilt.

  Mark squeezes his eyes shut, obviously lost in pleasure.

  My pussy drips. I want them both to fuck me, but I don’t want to give in just yet. After all, I can’t let Josh have all the chocolate.

  I pull him off Mark’s cock, thrilling when I get two protesting moans for the price of one. Josh has chocolate smears all around his lips. The naughty look appeals to me. I help him to his feet and place him next to Mark. “Someone’s still wearing clothes,” I scold..

  “So are you!” His voice contains an amusing whine. Never have I gotten the upper hand with Josh so decisively.

  “I didn’t promise to wear a chocolate coating,” I point out.

  “What are you talking about?”

  “Did you really forget the details of my fantasy after you worked so hard to get it out of me? I wanted to lick chocolate off both your cocks, not just Mark’s.”

  Josh looks flabbergasted. Apparently, he got so busy cooking up his menthol plan for Mark that he neglected to make provisions for his own erection.

  Mark takes Josh’s hand. “The mint is just a little cold,” he says in a reassuring voice. “No big deal.”

  Josh swallows and nods. I peer at him. A genuinely fearful pallor has spread over his face. I cock my head. “Josh, haven’t you complained plenty of times about submissives who take pain they shouldn’t, because they’re too proud to admit defeat? Whatever you’re holding back, you need to spill it.”

  Josh glares at Mark. “Did you give her pointers? What’s gotten into our vanilla Sofia?”

  I take him by the shoulders. Firmly. “You’re not going to distract me from this.”

  He avoids my eyes. I catch his lips with mine. I love the conflict between us, but I never want either of us to forget the care beneath it. Since words so frequently turn sharp between us, I tell him how I feel with my mouth, kissing him softly. I keep at it until I feel him relax. Only then do I pull back, unsurprised by the vulnerability in his eyes.

  “I don’t know if I can take menthol on my dick,” Josh admits. “I tested it on myself before I ever tested it on him, and it hurt so bad I thought it would be an edge-play thing for us, something for when I really wanted to push him. But Mark didn’t have nearly that hard a time with it, so either the chemicals affect me differently or... I’m a huge wuss compared to him.”

  “Ah,” I say, “and here we see why you didn’t want to speak up.” I study the two of them a moment. With his thicker, stockier build, Josh looks like he could break Mark in half if he wanted. I can see why he hates to reveal our little twink’s superior pain tolerance. I know I have to tread delicately. Josh rarely places his ego on the line so baldly.

  “Well, both of you stay still and I’ll see what we can cook up. Josh, keep Mark hard for me, will you?”

  I don’t turn away until his hand goes to Mark’s erection. Next to the stove, Josh left a jar labeled “superior melting chocolate.” Luckily, he didn’t use it all up on Mark. The rest of the stove seems to have been transformed into a chemistry lab, strewn with bottles of menthol oil and very precise measuring tools.

  “Why didn’t you just buy mint chocolate to begin with?” I ask.

  Josh grunts. “I’m really much nicer than you two give me credit for. I promised you good chocolate, and I wanted to control exactly how much menthol went on Mark’s cock. That meant mixing it myself.”

  “I see.” I grab a fresh pot and spatula, since I don’t want any of the dreaded menthol to make it to Josh’s cock accidentally. From behind me, I heard the rhythmic snick of Josh manipulating Mark’s foreskin over his head, and I’m glad the boys are keeping each other entertained.

  Much as I want to be kind to Josh, I can’t resist the urge to tease him a bit. I bang utensils around, clear my throat, and mutter, “Where is that poblano pepper? Josh had to have one on hand just in case. Maybe I can just use chili powder?”

  The noises behind me stop abruptly. Mark whines in frustration. Josh growls, “Don’t you dare.”

  “What?” I keep my voice innocent. “That would really prove your manhood, right?”

  “Where did Sofia learn how to mindfuck?” Mark sighs appreciatively. “You have no idea how hot you are right now, Sofia.”

  Then there’s a slapping sound, and Mark yelps. “Stop kissing ass,” Josh commands. I smirk at how irritated he sounds. It’s such a delight to rile him up that I get a better idea of why Josh loves topping so much. We do have a lot in common.

  “Can’t you just melt plain chocolate for me?” Josh asks. I hear the effort he puts into keeping his tone reasonable. “The flavor thing was my idea. It wasn’t part of your original fantasy.”

  I scan the spice rack in search of something to add that will be funny, not painful. “After you improved my fantasy with flavors, how can I go back?” My eye lights on the answer. I grin. “Regular chocolate, Josh? Right now, that seems almost like vanilla, don’t you think?”

  Josh grumbles a little. I need to keep him busy or he’ll stop doing what I say. “Mark, get him naked while I get this chocolate ready.”

  I stir in my mystery additive, making a lot of noise with the spatula so Josh can’t forget I’m putting in something he doesn’t know about. I’m not sure if I’m more delighted by my actual idea or by stepping outside the bounds of Josh’s careful plan.

  A few moans reassuring me that Josh is busy. My admiring twink must have taken some initiative. Based on my own experience of Mark’s mouth, Josh won’t want to move anytime soon.

  I take my time getting the chocolate ready, even pulling off my shirt and bra so I can test the temperature on my bare nipple. When I’m satisfied, I get two jars ready, dab chocolate on both breasts, and return to my lovers.

  Mark pulls his head off Josh’s cock, raises his eyebrows at my own candy coating, and smacks his lips.

  “Not yet,” I tell him. My heart pounds. Fucking with Josh has already exhilarated me, and seeing both of them naked, hanging on my every move, excites me even more. I address Josh. “I put this on my nipples to show you it can’t be that bad. I’m way more of a wuss than either of you, I’m sure.”

  “Put it on your pussy and I might believe you,” Josh says darkly.

  I smile, holding out the jars. “Gosh, it would be terrible if I confuse which is which.” Josh narrows his eyes, which widens my grin.

  I have Mark get back in place beside Josh, then cover Mark’s cock with another dose of mint chocolate. While he hisses through the sensation, I present Josh with his jar. His cock looks naked beside Mark’s, without a coating and without a foreskin. But it’s dark, heavy, and inviting. “Trust me,” I tell him softly. “I love to tease you, but I won’t hurt you.”

  Josh’s face softens, and he thrusts inside. I roll the jar to get him nicely covered, then laugh when I notice he’s holding his breath. “The warmth feels kind of nice, doesn’t it?”

  “Yeah, but I don’t feel whatever else you put in. Yet.”

  “Oh, Josh, you know my other favorite kind of chocolate, right? Besides mint?”

  “Mint is your favorite,” he insists.

  I smile up at him. “Do you really think a girl like me would have only one favorite?” I slide my eyes over to Mark to make my point.

  Both cocks look delicious, and I have about an infinite capacity for fine chocolate. I’m still mindful of Josh’s fear of menthol, though, which means he goes first. I open my mouth.

  I lick big dollops off Josh’s length before taking him in. Josh likes more tongue on his head and shaft than Mark does, so I give it to him, working just slightly int
o his slit as I clean his head, then running firm pressure around his ridge. I vary between darting flicks to his shaft and long, sensual licks. Chocolate pools in my mouth on either side of my tongue, along with the musky flavor of him.

  Josh moans, working his hips to get more friction in my mouth. I let him lead, but before we can settle into a rhythm, Josh pulls away, reaching for Mark. With three of us in bed, we’ve gotten used to awkward readjustments. We execute this one as smoothly as possible. Josh kneels before Mark and takes his mint-chocolate-covered dick into him mouth. I lie on the floor so I can reach the erection between Josh’s legs. In response to Josh’s guidance, I curl my body forward so his fingers can reach my clit.

  Then I lose myself in the smells and tastes of hot chocolate and hotter men. Josh works my clit with a rhythm that precisely matches my pace with his cock. My tongue writhes against his shaft. His thumb dips inside my pussy. I want one more flavor with my chocolate: him.

  I tickle his inner thighs and work harder, but it’s Mark who starts a chain reaction that leads to all of our orgasms.

  Mark grabs the back of Josh’s head, thrusts a few times, then tenses as he comes. Josh seems to enjoy being manhandled by our normally submissive lover, because a moment later I’m swallowing all the hot cream I can handle, while Josh’s hand speeds up on my clit as if he’s in the last seconds of jerking himself off.

  I grab his wrist and arch up hard against the pressure of his hand, collecting tension in my pussy. I shut my eyes and slip off his cock, resting my head against Josh’s thigh, focusing and gathering my own pleasure until it bursts into an orgasm. I rock my hips through it, listening to everyone’s labored breathing.

  I feel peaceful and satisfied and proud of myself. I could stay right where I am for a while, but the boys aren’t having that. Before I know it, they shift me so I’m stretched out on my back on the kitchen floor. Two mouths close on my nipples.

  “Salt!” Josh cries triumphantly. You like salty chocolate!”

  I smile lazily and pull him back in toward my breasts. “Since you’ve gone swimming in the ocean plenty of times, I figured it wouldn’t hurt you.”


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