Seducing the Stargazer

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Seducing the Stargazer Page 8

by Kim Carmichael

  History always repeated itself, something she needed to learn and remember. From the first time they played their game with their silly little star, he always had the upper hand, the memory was still as clear as a perfect starry night in Los Angeles.

  “Winnie. Come here, quick,” Garner had called to her in the dollar store they had found.

  For a later study session, she grabbed a bag of gummy bears and a box of chocolate-covered peanuts, then stood on her tiptoes and glanced around, spotting him in one of the corners waving to her.

  “You have to see this, it’s important.” Again, he motioned for her to join him.

  They spent hours together every week. They studied together, ate together, and shopped together. And still anytime he wanted her, her heart fluttered. Her purchases clutched in her hand, she zigzagged through the aisles until she joined him. “What treasure have you found?”

  He grazed his fingers over her cheek. “You mean other than my sweet with our sweets?”

  His touch rendered her speechless, and she tried to remember to breathe lest she pass out.

  “You’ll never guess what I found.” His smile took on stellar proportions.

  “Hmm.” She glanced around the toys. “A toy telescope perfect for our research?” She lifted the plastic nightmare off the shelf.

  “Nope, I win.” From behind his back he pulled a kid’s cowboy costume kit, complete with a hat, spurs, and a little sheriff badge shaped like a star. “We have to get this.”

  “Why do we need this in our lives?” She had to ask though she didn’t mind him using the we or us words. Also, the fact they would own anything together sent a jolt through her. Even though they’d never even kissed, maybe they could get a place together one day, and then she would have a home.

  “Let me state the obvious and say that this hat goes with your outfit.” He pulled the small red felt cowboy hat off the cardboard and placed it on the top of her head.

  Knowing the toy mini hat was most definitely not a sexy look, she wrinkled her nose.

  “All right for today, I’ll be the sheriff, and I’ll wear the star.” He clipped the star on his shirt.

  “And what exactly are you sheriff of?” Possibly her heart, but she couldn’t go there.

  “Us.” He wrapped his arm around her and corralled her toward the check stands. “Now anytime I hand you the star, you owe me a favor.”

  At his little game she let out a laugh. “What happens if I don’t want to do the favor?”

  “It’s us.” He continued guiding her through the store. “What wouldn’t you do for me?”

  Nothing. If she were honest, there was nothing she wouldn’t do for him. “So we just go back and forth?” Somehow she always had to make more of things than was necessary, but she needed to make sure she had the rules of the game right.

  “Let me demonstrate.” He stopped and raised his eyebrows. “Guess what favor I want right now?”

  Well, she knew what she wanted, but she wasn’t holding the star. She studied the gorgeous face she knew all too well—they spent more time together than a married couple—and she caught a glint in his eye. “Grilled cheese, sour cream and onion potato chips and a peanut butter cookie.”

  He plucked the star off his shirt and attached it to hers. “Will you make that for me before we hit the books?”

  She nodded, not minding one bit how his fingers lingered around her chest. “Now you owe me one.”

  “Just name it.” He put his hand on the small of her back and got them in line.

  “What if you can’t give me what I want?” Part of her always felt he wanted her, the other part knew he didn’t or he would have made a move by now.

  He bent down until they were nose to nose.

  Maybe he did know what she wanted. Her heart sped and her breath caught. Though she never pictured their first kiss in the middle of a discount store, she didn’t mind one bit and would take what she could get.

  “Then I’ll just have to keep trying until I get it right.” He swiped her bangs off her forehead.

  “That could take a long time.” She was always afraid he would find greener pastures, a woman less difficult, less serious, one who matched him better.

  “I’m not going anywhere.” His voice caressed her.

  Her heart sped. “Do you promise?”

  “I promise, future Doctor Winchester Carlsbad.” He put his arm around her.

  Maybe home was right there with Garner. She was always safe with him.

  “Your legal name is Winchester Carlsbad?” Dana joined her on the balcony.

  Wynn blinked and the vision of her and Garner in the dollar store vanished. She turned to the woman and put her glass down. “Yes, it is.” Though Garner tended to call her Winnie, much to her irritation.

  “I am drawing up your contract now. When you’re credited, do you prefer Wynn or Winchester?” Clipboard in hand, the woman filled out a form.

  “Contract?” Wynn shook her head and backed up.

  “My dear, you’re going to be in the media for Personal Space. We need to make it official.” Stalking her prey, Dana slithered closer. “I’ll leave the stars and the planets to you and Garner, but the media world is my universe.”

  “Well, then I’ll take care of making sure that Dr. Carlsbad is more than comfortable in her new home.” Mrs. Benton bowed and tray in hand, stepped forward. “Dr. Knox wanted to ensure you ate something. I believe these will be to your liking.”

  New home? Wynn’s life was traveling at the speed of light. She scanned the tray with miniature grilled cheese sandwiches, a crystal tray of gummy bears, peanut butter cookies and sour cream and onion potato chips. Her eyes heated with tears she would never let fall. “Perhaps Dr. Knox should have written his dissertation on what I like to eat.” She couldn’t resist the grilled cheese and picked up a perfect golden brown triangle.

  “She can’t eat that!” Dana darted between her and the tray and turned to Mrs. Benton. “Are you insane? We have a superstar in the making and you’re feeding her food fit for a toddler!”

  “Garner asked for the same.” A slow smile took over Mrs. Benton’s face.

  The women stared each other down.

  “I’ll be back.” Dana stormed back into the penthouse

  Once more Mrs. Benton held out the tray. “After you eat, I will show you to your suite.”

  “What do you mean suite?” Wynn gave in to her inner grad student and took a handful of gummy bears to go with her grilled cheese.

  “Dr. Knox had me prepare your suite since you’ll be staying here for the duration.” She nodded.

  Somewhere between him basically undressing her and then kissing her, she vaguely remembered him mentioning he would take care of her residence. But it didn’t connect she would be here with him. What she once dreamed of had been handed to her on a silver platter, maybe not in the way she once envisioned it, but as close as she was ever going to get. Did she take what he was willing to give her? What happened when this balloon popped?

  “Perhaps you want to wash up and get settled?” Mrs. Benton gave her a gentle hint.

  Again she glanced out at the sky, her father’s words about taking every opportunity echoing in her thoughts. On top of everything, she had to be quite a sight. She wasn’t even sure where her sweatshirts went off to, but something told her Mrs. Benton might have thrown them away. “I probably should go to the motel and get some of my things.” Decision made, she was going to stay there with Garner. She always did have a penchant for self-torture.

  “No need for that.” Once again Dana appeared, carrying a bowl of fruit, a bottle of water and the contract. “Your new work arrangements come with a complete wardrobe.” The woman placed the fruit and water on the tray, hooked her arm in Wynn’s and dragged her inside.

  Wynn gave a quick glance back to Mrs. Benton as they made their way through Garner’s penthouse. Decorated all in ultra-modern white, chrome and primary colors
, the rooms were definitely designed but had no trace of her one-time classmate in sight. Where were his pictures, knickknacks, awards, any personal item that said he lived here? The place felt more like a museum than a home.

  At the end of a long hallway, Dana opened a set of large glossy white double doors.

  The sight before her rendered Wynn speechless. This wasn’t the stark, streamlined furniture of the rest of the penthouse. Instead, the huge living room was decorated in what she would call refined western with rich woods, leathers and upholstery one could sink into and get lost for days.

  Mrs. Benton entered behind them and placed the tray on a side table. “The bathroom can be found here, your bedroom is through these doors.” She opened another door at the far end of the room.

  Her suite was larger than any apartment she had ever lived in and she simply continued to take in the whole space, wondering if somewhere deep down Garner chose the décor with her in mind.

  “You’ll find a few pieces in your closet to get you through today.” As if she owned the place, Dana went to the desk, picked up a purple box, and approached her. “While you and Garner were finalizing your business deal, I made sure to call one of my contacts and have some items sent over.”

  Wynn recognized the designer logo and her mouth fell open as Dana opened the box and pulled out one of their signature silken scarves.

  “Close your mouth, Dr. Carlsbad, and stand up straight. I have to see if my instincts were correct, which no doubt they are.” Dana wrapped the scarf around her neck and nodded. “I love your signature bandana. We just needed to update it for a PhD, especially one who represents Personal Space.”

  Wynn let her fingers graze over the fine fabric.

  Dana took her by the shoulders and turned her toward one of the wall mirrors. “I say you wear that to your press conference tomorrow.”

  “We’re having a press conference?” Even with her Saturn t-shirt, the scarf was magnificent, the designer logo trademark done in all muted jewel tones.

  “Yes, we want to make a statement regarding the status of Personal Space with the entire team.” Without knocking, Garner entered the room.

  In worn jeans and a blue button-down, if she squinted, he could have walked right out from one of their classes. She couldn’t help but shiver at the sight of him. Would she ever not have that reaction?

  “I need to speak with Wynn, about signing the contract.” Dana tried to shoo him away.

  Garner slid the clipboard out from Dana’s arm and put it aside. “Wynn only needs to stand by my side and look gorgeous. She’s here to keep the investors and Jim happy.”

  Wynn bit the side of her mouth to hold back a little laugh. For the man who had her share the stage with him during the lunar eclipse, perhaps he was a bit threatened now that she was official. “Worried I might outshine you, Dr. Knox?”

  “I am the showman,” he countered.

  All right, he was going to play this game. No matter if he gave her this opportunity or not, she wouldn’t be his lackey. “Then I’ll be the scientist.”

  He narrowed his eyes. “Dana, don’t you have something you need to do?”

  Dana glanced between them then marched out the door.

  “Is there anything else you or Dr. Carlsbad need, Dr. Knox?” Mrs. Benton arranged her tray and headed toward the exit.

  “No, thank you.” Garner kept his focus on Wynn.

  With a bow, Mrs. Benton left.

  “She is available to us twenty-four seven,” he said. “I have an app on my phone that will page her, I’ll install it for you.”

  “You like to have everyone at your beck and call. When do I get an app?” Before she got taken in by his cologne and the bit of late afternoon stubble forming on his chin, she backed up and struggled to get the gorgeous scarf off her neck.

  He followed her, closing the distance between them. “You have to be careful with silk.”

  “I have to be careful with a lot of things.” His attempt to distract her wouldn’t work. She got suckered in before with that kiss.

  With expertise, he unknotted the scarf and gently put it down near the box. “Get used to the finer things, Winchester.”

  As magnificent as everything was, she couldn’t let him take over her life. She traveled down this path once before and didn’t know if she could survive it a second time. Then again, she put herself in this exact position. “Now that I’m an employee, I’m sure I can afford a place on my own.” She had to fight a little.

  “You know, I didn’t realize this room was designed for you until six months after the interior decorators left.” He glanced around the room. “Who knew only a year later you would be here?”

  “Did you think we would never see each other again?” She let the silk glide through her fingers.

  “I always knew we would cross paths, I just didn’t know when.” He stepped toward the door. “It looks beautiful on you. Just remember, you have to stay until my rocket is up in the air.”

  Was he afraid she would leave or afraid she would stay? “Trust me, I’ll remember.” She had to stay or regret it the rest of her life.

  “After I realized the room was inspired by you, I had one last little detail added.” He pressed a button on the wall, the curtains closed, the lights dimmed, and dozens of crystals lit up the ceiling mimicking the night sky.

  “Oh.” She couldn’t help but be enchanted by the vision.

  “Tonight, when you’re in bed and staring up at the ceiling, my guess is Mars will be right in your field of vision. No telescope required.” He slipped out of the room.

  Her father always told her the sky would always be there no matter where she hung her hat, but she was quite sure he never counted on a sky made especially for her. Along the way maybe Garner forgot he was the one who left, discarded her after he had his fill. She was the one who came back, not him.

  Chapter Seven

  “Dr. Carlsbad.” Jim ran over to Wynn and shook her hand. “We’re delighted to have you on board, just delighted.”

  Garner pounded his fist on his leg. He knew the moment he presented the woman of the hour to Jim, his colleague would practically fall all over himself in a fan boy moment. After a tour and formal introduction to Personal Space, all Wynn needed to do was stand by his side and nod during the press conference, and then later she could help him with his book.

  “Thank you.” In keeping with her promise to behave, she gave him a backward glance before she smiled sweetly at Jim.

  In her new ensemble of a nice, form-fitting black pencil skirt that hugged her derriere to perfection, a deep purple button-down reminiscent of the western wear she favored, cowboy boots and the scarf she loved, the woman was a mouthwatering vision. Not that it mattered, since she was also delectable in her bizarre sweat pants and t-shirt combination. He needed to watch himself. When he kissed her the day before, he not only wanted to see how she would react, but how he would as well. Unfortunately afterward, he found himself in the bizarre quandary of wanting to get her out of his personal space, yet drag her right in at the same time. For the entire plane flight to the Nevada company headquarters for the press conference, he couldn’t take his eyes off her.

  Of course, she sat like an angel reading his book proposal and making notes during the trip. Barely spoke a word.

  “Everyone!” Jim took her hand and held it up in his. “I want you to meet Dr. Winchester Carlsbad, the asteroid whisperer.”

  The room went up in cheers.

  “No one can say that we don’t hire the right talent,” Jim said, keeping hold of her hand. He dragged her through the room, introducing her to the key people along the way.

  It wasn’t lost on Garner that Wynn was the only woman in the control room. All the men there seemed to puff out their chests and straighten up as she passed their way, granting everyone she met a kind word or a smile. The woman was an even better actor than he.

  “Dr. Carlsbad.” One of the engine
ers, Ned Florence, waved her over.

  Wynn uncoiled herself from Jim’s grasp and went to the man.

  “It’s quite the pleasure to meet you. I have followed your work for some time.” Ned shook her hand and guided her over to his computer console.

  “You follow my work?” Wynn took the seat offered and leaned in to read the monitor.

  As if he were going to say a pledge, Ned stood up straight and put his hand over his heart. “Exploring the Possibilities of a Martian Ring System Created from a Third Planetary Satellite,” the man recited her dissertation title.

  Garner fought the need to roll his eyes. His head throbbed and he lifted his phone. Too bad they left Mrs. Benton back in Los Angeles because he could use some aspirin.

  Wynn’s smile turned from a façade to true joy at hearing her work cited. “Are you interested in the Martian moons, Dr. Florence?”

  “I find a dual lunar system incredible.” He leaned over her and typed something on his keyboard. “I’m a fan of anything binary.”

  Wynn tilted her head toward him and did that thing where she flipped her hair over her shoulder.

  If ever Garner heard of techno flirting that was it, and it must end. Also, Wynn needed to remember she worked for him, well, Personal Space, but at the end of the day, him. He stomped over to them. “I have a headache.”

  Wynn turned to him and blinked as if he spoke a foreign language.

  “Dr. Carlsbad.” Another engineer encroached into their conversation. “I’m Dr. Singer. After today’s press conference, I would like to discuss the flight path with you.”

  “That would be fine.” Wynn shook his hand.

  “I’ve been reviewing your research on the asteroid. It’s utterly fascinating.” The man pulled up a chair and sat down next to her.

  Several other men gathered around.

  “Excuse me.” Apparently, these people needed a reminder about the true meaning of personal space and Garner pushed his way toward Wynn. “I just told you that I have a headache.” Somehow he managed not to snap his fingers at her.


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