Young, Allyson - Madness [Club Pleasure 2] (Siren Publishing Allure)

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Young, Allyson - Madness [Club Pleasure 2] (Siren Publishing Allure) Page 12

by Allyson Young

  * * * *

  Cameron paced Patrick’s office. Six steps one way, five and a half the other. When the door opened, he pulled himself together and hoped he presented a calm, controlled Dom demeanor. Patrick strode in and gave him a cursory glance.

  “Well it seems as though you’ve been given a reprieve, Cameron,” Patrick said. “You will start your training in one of the private rooms. Jonathon will be the instructor.”

  Cameron was relieved. He hadn’t missed the way Jordan had handled Olivia. Jordan wasn’t going to be pleased with the way things were going. The last thing he needed was to wage a battle on two fronts, because he didn’t kid himself. He knew that Olivia was going to fight him to the end, at least insofar as surrendering her heart to him went, but he was going to win that war. Or die trying. He nodded.

  “You begin in an hour. You’ll work with your sub until she requires rest and then use your room to care for her.”

  “We’ll be living together?” Cameron was ecstatic, if surprised. He had somehow wondered if Olivia would resist that much intimacy to begin with.

  “Your sub will have no say, no input whatsoever in this process, Cameron.” Patrick’s somber reply made Cameron’s instincts hit high alert.

  “And she agreed to that? No hard boundaries?” Cameron felt amazed.

  Patrick sighed. “Man up, Cameron. Are you truly that whipped? Not that you have anyone to blame but yourself. It’s Dom 101. Connect with your sub. Determine what she needs, not what she thinks she wants. Provide it. That’s how you meet your own needs. Good God.”

  And with that loaded statement, Cameron dropped the mental baggage he had been carrying and literally felt his dominant mantle settle over his shoulders. What Olivia needs, not what I think she does for my own sake. He could do this. He had to.

  “Is there a time limit on this training, Patrick?” he asked.

  The other man laughed. “Only if she uses her safe word, Cameron. Best you work that out with her first. Good luck.” Patrick’s voice no longer held a hint of mirth. “Few of us really find their One.”

  Cameron offered his hand and shook Patrick’s vigorously. He hadn’t slept, had drunk far too much caffeine, was heading into the challenge of his lifetime, and never felt better. He strode toward the designated room and his future.

  “Jonathon Spence.” The huge black man sorting sex toys offered his name over his shoulder as Cameron stepped inside the private room.

  “Cameron Fraser. What’s the plan?”

  “Same as if you were new to the lifestyle and beginning your training, although I’d expect you to know the drill and move it along. I understand your sub isn’t inexperienced either. It’s the relationship that sucks, am I right? Needs some work?”

  Cameron nodded. “I fucked up. I betrayed her trust. I didn’t wait for her to tell me because I was in too much of a hurry to get to the prize. I saw her personal stuff as a wall, a distraction between us, and tore it down. And in doing that I pushed her away. My fault. None of it hers.”

  “Okay. Then it’s about communicating, pushing her boundaries, reading her, and meeting her needs.”

  “Precisely. But this sub isn’t going to make it easy.”

  “If she’s worth it, none of it should be easy.” Spence stated a fact. “You probably don’t want a doormat. You don’t look like the 24-7 Dom.”

  “I’m not. She’ll submit to me physically I think…”

  “Ah, but her heart and soul might be a different matter.”

  “I think we’ll work well together, Spence,” Cameron said.

  In a flash, the camaraderie vanished from the other Dom’s face and tone. “Fuck you, Master Cameron. I heard about the shit you caused that sub. I’m not on your side. You’ll work for her, I promise you. And you’d better know that Jordan will kick your ass if you screw this up.”

  “I didn’t mean to come off as arrogant, Spence,” Cameron offered, pushing his defensiveness away. “I simply want you to know that I’m aware I will need your input and support. I’m shit scared.”

  “I don’t have a problem with arrogant, Fraser. Not if it’s done in her best interests. And I think I hear you. Get ready. I’m supposed to pick her up in a few minutes, and this isn’t a time to delay and build anticipation. She’s waited long enough for you.”

  Cameron watched Spence’s enormous frame pass through the doorway with maybe an inch to spare, and that was with him turned nearly sideways. Shit. The pressure was on, and he wondered if Jordan was monitoring this room, too. He set all his schoolboy thoughts aside and went to choose his tools.

  He had just selected a few when peripheral movement caught his eye. Olivia stood just inside the room, naked and visibly shaking. Spence’s bulk was an inadvertent backdrop to her overly thin frame and it made his heart ache. This was his fault and his guilt overwhelmed him. Cameron got hold of himself and put on his Dom face.

  “Come to me.” His heart leapt when she pattered forward and knelt, without being instructed, at his feet. He reverently laid his hand on her silky curls, marveling at his luck. He never thought to have the opportunity to touch her again. She stilled beneath his hand and the shaking dissipated, as if she absorbed his strength and calm, however forced. Cameron wanted to pull her up into his arms and carry her out of this place. Carry her to his apartment, take her inside and lock the world out, then love her with everything he had. Instead, he reached for the leather cuffs, hearing Spence close the door and take a position by the wall.

  Cameron placed a cuff on each of Olivia’s wrists and then pulled her up to stand in front of him. He wrapped one hand in her glorious hair and tilted her head back so that he could look into her topaz eyes. She stared back at him and there was no submission to be found in those windows to her soul. Cameron managed not to kiss her and ensured that there wasn’t a trace of negative emotion in his own eyes. He wanted her to know that she was beautiful and special, no matter what had gone before.

  “What is your safe word?” he asked, following protocol.

  “Red light.”

  “If you use your safe word, I will immediately stop whatever I am doing, and we will communicate. If you are gagged or your mouth is full, you are to raise your right hand and I will stop. If your hands are bound, you will drop the ball I will provide you, and I will stop. Do you understand?”


  “I am going to explore your body, get to know your responses, now, sub. You have not been allowed to set hard boundaries and I am well aware of this. Do you still want to proceed?”

  “I do.”

  Olivia’s composure seemed unbreakable. Cameron wondered bitterly if Jordan had been so efficient that she could predict and welcome this, be so comfortable. He longed for their first night together, back when it was all new to her, yet she had responded as though she had known it, and him, forever. He reminded himself that it was his burden to carry and locked the bitterness away. He led Olivia to the leather-covered table, until her belly bumped the edge, and waited for her to willingly bend over and lay her chest on it. Every vertebra in her spine was delineated, and he longed to cover them with his own flesh. She had been starving herself, just as she had been starved of his love and dominance. His fault. He stroked his hand over her back with a firm, gentle touch, and she relaxed. He moved to her ass, noting that it still retained its heart shape and he reverently parted her buttocks to expose her anus. Olivia remained acquiescent, and Cameron again realized that Jordan had worked hard with her. But this training was for him. It was his penitence. He grabbed the lube and drizzled it down her cleft, then lubricated the fingers on his right hand. He carefully inserted one and then another, pushing in past the outer ring of muscle, stretching her to receive the butt plug he had selected. Olivia pushed back against his invasion, and he heard her moan. She followed the retreat of his fingers and he rejoiced at how she now welcomed anal play. The plug slipped in easily. Cameron wondered if Jordan had fucked her there and chastised himself. It didn’t matter.
He would take whatever he could get. He wanted it all, but would only take what Olivia could give. It would be enough. After washing his hands, Cameron helped her up and then lifted her to lie back on the table, positioning her so that he could stand at the end and easily access her cunt, watching her body language carefully, reading her cues. He could scent her building arousal, but shot a glance at Spence to make certain that the other Dom approved. He got a nod in return.

  “Place your feet flat on the table and drop your knees apart,” he commanded her, and she immediately complied, drawing her long, pale legs up, exposing her to his gaze. Cameron knew he should still be rejoicing, for she was responding as she had done that first night with him. But he suddenly felt pressured, ambivalent, judged, and it was hard to be spontaneous. He didn’t want to act by rote with Olivia. He closed his eyes for a moment and took stock. He suddenly knew what was wrong. He wasn’t communicating with her on their level. He was performing for Spence, and by extension, for Patrick. This was insane. He didn’t need to perform. He needed to dominate Olivia and bring his woman pleasure, give her what she needed. To hell with Spence and everyone else. He opened Olivia’s folds carefully with his finger tips and lost himself in her softness and smell. He remembered every crevice, every dip and valley of her with his tongue and his lips until she spasmed beneath him, calling out his name, begging him.

  “She came without permission, Master Cameron. Was that your intent?” Spence’s deep baritone intruded.

  It hadn’t been, but Cameron wouldn’t punish Olivia for his lack of control. God damn it. He didn’t know if he could do this. He bit at the inside of his cheek to manage himself. “It was,” he growled. “Olivia was disciplined last night by Master Jordan. She doesn’t need another scene today. She needs more rest and a meal. We’ll join you tomorrow.”

  Cameron thought he saw a faint smile cross Spence’s face but couldn’t be certain. He reached for one of the generic silk robes that hung at the back of the wardrobe, choosing one in an ivory shade, knowing how it would showcase Olivia’s dark coloring. Spence didn’t move to deter him. Cameron helped her into the garment once he had aided her descent from the table, gently wrapping the fabric around her. She came along willingly when he grasped her arm and he walked with purpose from the room, until he realized he had no idea where they were staying.

  “It’s this way, Sir.” Olivia gestured to her right, and Cameron let her lead him to the fourth door. Patrick had given them the Paradise Room, and Cameron hoped the label would hold true. He shut and locked the door behind them and pulled Olivia into his arms, bending to slant his mouth over hers. She opened to him and he drowned in the kiss. It was like being offered a warm cup of chocolate after being locked out in the cold. When they came up for air, she stepped back a little, and he released her. They stood, staring at one another, and Cameron frantically searched for words, words that would extend this third chance, for he would never get another.

  * * * *

  Olivia found it hard to believe that she stood not two feet away from Cameron in the most sensuous room she had ever stayed in. She had been both nervous and exhilarated when the new house Dom had arrived to escort her. She had immediately seen his kind, compassionate nature behind his huge size, and knew she would be safe, regardless of her nudity and powerlessness. She felt like a bride as she preceded him down the hall to where Cameron waited. She had only a moment to reflect on how Cameron must feel, being taught by someone with such presence, when they had arrived at the training room and she laid eyes on him. He looked so male, so commanding and dangerous in his leathers, his hair now long and tied back in a ponytail from his face that her entire body had begun to shake like a leaf in anticipation and hope. When he turned to face her, Olivia had totally forgotten about Master Jonathon and longed to throw herself into Cameron’s arms and beg him to forgive her for her overreaction, driven by hurt pride. Surely nothing else mattered now when she hadn’t even been really living since she had pushed him away the night he had confronted her with her secrets. Except he had given her reason not to trust him, had moved too quickly, not respected her boundaries. He had said that he had done it in her best interest, but Olivia knew he had done it because he couldn’t wait for her to come to share on her own. He had been impatient. Impetuous, Patrick had called it, as if Patrick had understood. But that hadn’t made for an auspicious start. No, Patrick’s plan was best. A fresh start, a new beginning. She needed to let go of the pain of betrayal and learn to trust if she could.

  It hadn’t felt awkward, exactly, not the positioning of her body, or the placement of the plug, which, incidentally, still reposed in her ass. But it had felt rehearsed, something Cameron and Master Jordan and probably Master Jonathon and every other Dom did with a new sub. Maybe in a different order, a variation, and maybe with discipline if they weren’t obeyed immediately, but rehearsed. Olivia didn’t want to feel like every other sub Cameron trained. She wanted spontaneity. She needed Cameron’s natural dominance as it applied to her and to their relationship. When he had licked her to orgasm, taking such a short time to do so, it had been because of his recognition of her need and to succor her grief and loss. It had felt so right, and when Master Jonathon had accused her of stealing an orgasm, Cameron responded accordingly. And now here they were and someone needed to say something, and soon.

  “I’m hungry,” she said.

  Cameron leapt into action. He picked up the house phone and ordered her a salad with chicken, garlic toast, and a pot of tea with honey. It was just what she wanted. Almost as an afterthought, he asked for a ham sandwich and several bottles of water.

  “Come into the bathroom while we wait for the food,” he said. “I’ll remove the plug and move you up to a larger size.”

  Okay then. She had become quite comfortable with anal play and loved how it enhanced her orgasms but was still a bit anxious about the whole anal-sex thing. And Cameron regarded it as claiming. Not so fast.


  She had hesitated, and Cameron looked like a thundercloud. God, she had just come, and already her juices were flowing again at his dominant tone. Olivia moved quickly into the bathroom and let him bend her over the counter by the sink. He opened the vanity doors and pulled out a box of wipes, then carefully removed the plug and cleaned her. She heard the plug thump into the basin and the water run.

  “Lie on the bed, facedown, with a pillow under your hips, Olivia,” he said. “And lose the robe.”

  Well, that said it all, she thought. It was totally Sir Cameron and sub Olivia. But he wasn’t fucking her ass until they had cleared the air verbally. He wasn’t her Master yet. He’d respect her safe word or Master Jonathon would sit on him. Olivia marveled at how the burden of over a decade of pretence had lifted from her shoulders. She rejoiced that she could laugh inside, poke fun at Cameron, albeit without him yet knowing, and be so fanciful. Master Jordan had whipped much of the stress of the week out of her last night, but the orgasm at Cameron’s mouth had been the real icing on the cake. She hurried to do as he ordered.

  The bed dipped as Cameron leaned his weight beside her and stroked her buttocks. She felt the familiar drip of the lubricant and the careful press of his fingers at her puckered opening. She pushed back and relaxed, letting him in, and the stretching woke all those nerve endings inside.

  “So hot, so tight, Olivia,” he crooned. “This is my ass.”

  She felt him pull out and immediately press something much thicker and wider in to replace his fingers. She breathed through the burn and remained still. The plug was the biggest she had ever taken, but Cameron was gentle and patient, and it was soon seated deep within her. She felt full and edgy and could feel the sexual tension coming off Cameron’s large body. His leathers creaked as he leaned and pressed a kiss on her lower back and then drifted his mouth over her buttocks and the tops of her thighs. She shivered at his touch and he chuckled against her.

  “So responsive, honey, you feel like silk.”

  The kn
ock on the door pulled him away from her, and Olivia wondered if she should move or cover up and then just trusted Cameron to take care of her. She heard him talking with someone at the door and the sound of something being placed on the dresser. She could smell the food and realized Cameron was setting things out for their lunch. He scooped her up and sat with her on his lap in the room’s only chair, holding her close and breathing against her hair until she wondered if he had forgotten that she was hungry. She felt him stretch and then there was a forkful of salad at her lips. It felt so caring and intimate to have him feed her. She snuggled against him and let him meet her needs. He made sure the tea wasn’t too hot before he added a touch of honey and raised the cup to her lips. Olivia sipped and swallowed, the beverage sliding down her throat, soothing her, much the same way that Cameron’s hands had touched her earlier. She sighed.

  Cameron carried her to the bed and managed to pull the comforter back with one hand while she clung to him, pressing her lips against his shoulder, drinking in his scent. It washed over her senses as he lowered and slipped her body between the fine cotton sheets. Olivia stretched luxuriously, not minding the fullness of the plug as it jostled within her. This time the ensuing silence was comfortable as she watched Cameron devour his sandwich and toss their leftovers onto the tray. He sent heated glances her way and words weren’t necessary. He cared about her, wanted to be with her, and they were going to take the time to work things out. Olivia knew there would be instances in the next few days that would not be so comfortable for either of them, and that their future would be decided. She wasn’t worried, although Cameron might find reason to be.

  * * * *

  Cameron pulled off his shirt and hung it in the wardrobe, his eyes lighting on the perfect dildo for his woman. But that would come later. He needed to take care of her right now, ensure that she knew he wouldn’t compound his past mistakes. Olivia hadn’t said much of anything. She hadn’t needed to. She was possessed of that feminine wisdom that always impressed Cameron when he saw it come to fruition in some of the subs his friends had claimed. His cock, still tumescent from his earlier play with Olivia, stirred at the thought of claiming her, fucking her ass, and having her submit to him in the most symbolic way. Olivia had learned to better communicate in sexual play because of Jordan, and Cameron regretted that he hadn’t continued as her teacher, but their unspoken connection now was something deep, something stable, something to build on. He looked forward to the next few days and nights. They wouldn’t need much time to establish their D/s relationship, and he intended to work on a fairly vanilla one in their downtime. He pushed off his leathers and draped them over the baby-making chair. Olivia probably didn’t know what that piece of furniture actually was used for, but Cameron would be pleased to introduce her to it in the near future. He climbed into the bed beside her and drew her close, holding her slight form tenderly.


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