ALPHA (Mackenzie Grey #3)

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ALPHA (Mackenzie Grey #3) Page 7

by Karina Espinosa


  A snore jerked me awake and I realized I’d fallen asleep with my mouth wide open. I smacked my lips a few times—they were dryer than sand paper.

  “Had a good nap?” Jonah said. My eyes popped open and my head snapped to the dual sinks where he was perched. “Didn’t mean to startle you.”

  “What are you doing here, Judas?”

  He groaned. “I didn’t betray you, Kenz. Bash’s idea isn’t illogical. He’s right, everyone is going to be watching you, which means no one will be watching us. We can use that to our advantage.”

  “Yeah, whatever,” I mumbled as I reached over the tub and grabbed the towel I’d left there. “What are you doing here anyways? Making sure I don’t run away again?”

  “Would you?”

  I scoffed. “Of course not! Why the hell would I fly all the way over here just to pull a vanishing act?”

  “I don’t know, Kenz, you’re sort of unpredictable. Who knows what’s going on in that head of yours.”

  With the towel extended before me, I stood from the tub and wrapped it around my body, securing the corner under my arm.

  “What they did to Blu, there’s no way I could ever let that go, Jonah. I want answers and I want my freedom if I survive the tribunal.” I ruffled through the drawers under the sinks and found a hair brush. Releasing my hair from the knot on my head, I began to tease out the tangles.

  “Need help?” Jonah extended his hand. I quirked a brow.

  “Really? You sure you won’t leave me bald?”

  He rolled his eyes. “I’m not incompetent. Come here.” He took the brush from me and pulled me between his legs, my back to his chest. In slow strides, he untangle strand after strand of my unruly mane.

  “I just want to make sure you’re okay, Kenz. I’m worried about you,” he whispered. “After Lo—”

  “Don’t,” I cut him off. “Don’t say his name.”

  “Sorry,” he muttered. “I didn’t mean to bring it up.”

  “Just…don’t. It’s in the past.”

  He paused. The brush began to run much smoothly through my hair. “Have you ever been horseback riding?”

  I laughed. “I’m a city girl through and through. The closest I’ve ever been to a horse is passing the carriages over at Central Park. I’ve always wanted to ride in one of those.”

  “Maybe one day you will. Tomorrow should be fun.”

  I snorted. “Yeah right. I’ll be alone with no one to help with small talk, and I’ll have a hard time understanding him with his accent. He doesn’t even like me! It’s going to be the seventh circle of hell.”

  He stopped playing with my hair and I turned around. Jonah tipped my chin up and I caught a glimpse at the one dimple on his cheek as he contained his laughter. “Why are you so dramatic, Kenzie?”

  “Oh shut it,” I snatched the brush from him. “You know you love my dramatic flair.”

  I unplugged the tub and gathered my clothes when it got really quiet. I expected Jonah to come at me with some retort but…nothing.

  “I do, you know,” he whispered. “Love you…”

  The towel wrapped around my body almost slipped away and I could feel my insides tremble. This was not the right time. How could he spring this on me like that? So nonchalant and out of the blue. As if I didn’t already have a lot on my plate, now this!

  “Say something, Kenz.”


  “Yes?” he hopped off the sink counter and walked toward me, gripping both my hands between us. The excitement in his eyes growing with each breath.

  “I have to poop,” I grimaced. Oh God, what the hell just came out of my mouth?

  He did a double take. “You what?”

  “I have to poop,” I shoved him out of the bathroom. “I might be undeniably fantastic, but I have bowel movements just like you. Now shoo, get out of here!” With one last push, I slammed the door in his face and sagged against it. Crap.

  Chapter Eight

  The banging on the door barely registered as I sunk deeper into the comforter, my head hiding between the mountains of pillows on my bed. Anyone could get lost in here and I loved it. I needed to disappear after last night’s conversation with Jonah. Mortified didn’t even begin to describe how I felt. I was a shitty person—no pun intended.

  “Mackenzie Grey! You get out of that bed right now!” Bash yelled outside my bedroom door. I groaned and threw a pillow on top of my head. If I pretend not to hear him, maybe he’d go away. “I will knock this door down if I have to!” Shit.

  “Fine!” my scream muffled under all the pillows and sheets. I tossed the bedding off and rolled off the mattress. My bare feet padded against the floor making a weird suction sound and I threw the door open. “What?” I barked.

  “You look hideous,” he deadpanned. “And you have thirty minutes before Ranulf comes by. So hurry it up.”

  “I hate you,” I grumbled as I shuffled back into my room and began to rummage through my bag for clothes.

  “Shocking,” Bash said with a blank face. “Hurry up so we can discuss strategy—”

  “No,” I said as I marched to the bathroom. The last thing I wanted at the moment was to talk about this stupid plan. “I’m gonna shower. Come and get me when Ranulf arrives.” I shut the bathroom door before he could respond.


  The common room was packed with Lunas running in and out, bringing in plates of food to the dining table where my friends were. One by one, they pulled the lids off and revealed this morning’s breakfast. My tummy gurgled with hunger…until I saw what was being served.

  “Kenz,” Jonah caught my attention and pointed to the Luna serving breakfast. “Helena brought us a wonderful meal to start the day.”

  I quirked a brow as I saw his tight smile. “Uh…I’m not hungry,” I swallowed as I peeked over Bash’s large frame to his plate of beans, mushrooms, and some black patty bread. “Definitely not hungry,” I muttered.

  “Nonsense, chickie,” Helena swatted at me. “Have a seat.”

  “No, really, it’s okay—”

  “I told ye to have a seat!” she scolded and I took a seat between the boys.

  “Yes ma’am,” I saluted.

  The only food I recognized were the eggs and toast—everything else was foreign.

  A jug of orange juice landed in front of me and I peered over at Sebastian.

  “Pour a glass with some toast and raspberry jam. That should hold you down. I spoke with Helena and she said she’ll try to find some coffee for you.”

  “Thanks,” I mumbled and grabbed a glass. I attempted to not look at the Lunas. Having them tend to me, made me feel disgusting and like a fraud. How could I call myself an equal opportunist when I’m being a hypocrite? If the Lunas back home would see me now. They wouldn’t be calling me Freedom Princess then.

  We ate in silence. I pitied the guys who had to have the full breakfast. Their faces were priceless when they were told what was in the black pudding—which had not an ounce of chocolate in it—more like pigs blood.

  Helena was an older lady, which was why I couldn’t really tell her no. I was many things, but I would never disrespect an elder—I didn’t have that in me. She also reminded me of La Loba. So if she told me to eat, that’s what I’d do. If she told me to dress in all pink, it’s what I’d do, but I hoped that last part would never happen. She had soft pale blue eyes that crinkled at the corners when she smiled, thin white hair pulled in a high bun. She wore a gray dress with a white apron tied at the waist, stockings and black loafers. When she wasn’t force-feeding me, she was gently patting my face and telling me I was beautiful, which made me feel conceited but her gentle tone eased my nerves. She was calming—or maybe it was because she promised to have some coffee for me by afternoon tea—either way, I liked the lady.

  “Ranulf is here for ye, Chickie,” she said as she opened the door of the common room and the guard walked in. I took the white napkin on my lap and tossed it on the tabl
e. Before I stood to leave, Bash grabbed my wrist.

  “Behave,” he whispered. He couldn’t say much with Ranulf and Helena in the room—they were wolves after all, but those ice blue eyes spoke volumes. I knew what he was telling me. When I kicked Jonah out of my room last night, I had time to think about this stupid plan. I didn’t like it, but it had merit and until I could come up with something better, I wasn’t going to mess it up. We all had the same goal and that was finding justice for Blu and the others.

  “I will,” I nodded and he released me. “Lead the way,” I smiled bright at Ranulf and followed him out.


  We crossed the drawbridge over the moat to the field the helicopter had landed on yesterday. The radiant green pastures almost seemed fake by how well the landscape was kept. Everything in Scotland was so clean and breathtaking—I could see the various mountains and hills that surrounded us.

  “Is Alexander waiting for us already?” I asked Ranulf as I saw the stables a distance away. The horses were being drawn out by stable-boys.

  “Aye,” the guard said.

  “Where are we going?”

  “The King will take ye through a trail in the woods. It is safe.”

  “Are you coming with us?”


  I sighed. “Do you not like me or something?”


  I threw my hands up. “No you do, or no you don’t? Seriously, this shouldn’t be a hard question.”

  “Ye talk a lot,” he gave me a sidelong glance and I chuckled.

  “You don’t talk enough.”

  “It is nae my job to talk.”

  “Well if you’re going to be my babysitter, talking is a job requirement.”

  Ranulf stopped walking and whirled on me. “I am nae yer babysitter. I am the Kings right hand, his most trustworthy friend and I’m being wasted on escorting ye around. Now shut yer geggie and keep walking.” He continued toward the stables, leaving me behind as I processed his verbal smack down.

  “Shut your geggie? What the fuck does that mean?” I mumbled to myself and jogged to catch up to the cranky guard.

  We reached the stables as Alexander was walking a white horse out by the reins. He wore form fitting beige pants with black knee-length boots and a tucked in polo. I felt completely underdressed. I borrowed one of Jonah’s flannel shirts thinking it would be more fitting—I was so wrong. This was not Texas.

  “Mornin’ lassie,” Alexander somewhat smiled, but it looked more like he was constipated as he slipped his hands into a pair of leather gloves.

  “Morning,” I responded, giving him an awkward wave. “Nice horse,” I pointed to the giant unicorn before me.

  “Aye,” he grinned. “This is Lily, ain’t she a beauty?”

  “Yes, she is…what kind of horse is she?” I was wracking my brain with questions I could ask.

  “Lily,” he said as he brushed her mane, “is an Irish Sport Horse, a mixed breed between an Irish draught and Thoroughbred.”

  “Oh. Very cool.” I had no clue what he was talking about.

  “Have ye ever ridden?” he walked toward me with Lily towing behind him.

  “Uh…no,” I shook my head as I stared into Lily’s black beady eyes. She freaked me out.

  “Are ye scared?” Alexander raised a brow.

  I gulped. “Not really.”

  “Ah, donae worry, I won’t let anything happen to ye,” he said as he handed Lily’s reins to Ranulf. “Come on, I’ll show ye yer horse.”

  I didn’t think I’d be scared of a damn horse, I’m a freakin’ wolf for god sake—but those eyes. I clutched my stomach, thank goodness I only ate toast.

  We entered the stable where horses were lined up in their respectable stalls. They varied in color and I stuck close to the King in case one went crazy and tried to trample me.

  “Daisy is all ready, yer highness,” one of the stable boys said from the far end.

  “Daisy?” I snorted. “Are all your horses named after flowers?”

  “No,” Alexander chuckled. “But Daisy is a sweet lass. Ye’ll like her.”

  We stopped at Daisy’s stall, she was a beautiful light brown horse, with a blonde mane. Her beady eyes aside, she was an amazing creature. In the stall beside her was another horse, all black, and hidden in a corner.

  “Who is this?” I pointed to the black horse.

  Alexander sighed. “That’s Shadow. We haven’t been able to get him out of his stall since he arrived.”

  “Why?” I turned back to Shadow. He seemed so sad.

  “I don know. Some horses get depressed. Last time one of the lads tried to take him for a ride, he lost control.”

  Before I realized what I was doing, I began to unlatch the stall and open the door. Hay crunched under my feet as I approached Shadow.

  “Come back, he’s nae stable,” Alexander said but I ignored him. People thought I was unstable, maybe he needed someone who understood him.

  With shaky hands, I reached out with my right. Shadow huffed and backed away. “Easy,” I soothed, getting closer. His black eyes zeroed in on my hand. “I’m not going to hurt you, so please don’t eat me.”

  Shadow whined, but didn’t move as I laid my hand and caressed his muzzle. I placed my left hand on the other side, and rubbed. “There you go, Buddy. It’s all good,” I whispered.

  “Well isn’t this a wonderful surprise,” Alexander spoke low. “Want to ride him?”

  “Yes,” I said, not taking my eyes off Shadow. Why I didn’t feel scared with him, I may never know. I wasn’t an animal lover, but Shadow was stunning, he looked like a warrior. Although sad, he was strong, and it felt familiar.


  “Alright, ye’ll want to mount from the left, keep the reins in yer left hand. Grab a bit of his mane as well. Stick yer left foot in the stirrup and push off the ground with yer right and saddle him,” Alexander instructed. I did as was told but couldn’t get my right leg over the saddle.

  With my hands on my knees, I huffed. “Okay, I can’t climb him. I don’t have the upper body strength or height. How about we walk, yeah?” I took off Jonah’s flannel and wrapped the sleeves around my waist.

  Alexander laughed. “Don give up just yet, darling. Come on, I’ll help ye,” he said as he squatted beside Shadow and interlocked his hands, palms faced up. “Go on, I’ll give ye a push.”

  “Are you mental?” I blanched.

  “Ye donae trust me?” he smirked.

  “I won’t even dignify that with an answer, your majesty,” I looked away.

  “Oh, donae be a chicken,” he chuckled.

  “Do not fling me to the other side of the world, okay?”

  “Relax, lassie,” he grinned.

  I put my left foot in his interlocked hands and on the count of three, we both pushed up and I flung my right leg over Shadow, landing safely on the saddle.

  “Are ye half way round the world, hen?”

  I rolled my eyes. “Just tell me how to get him going.”

  “Aye,” he said as he mounted Lily with ease and turned her to face me and Shadow. “Ye’ll want to give him a light kick—dig yer heel in his side—and with a tsk,” he made a kissing noise and Lily went into a trot toward the trail in the woods.

  I dug my right heel into Shadow’s side and tsked. He bounced in step behind Lily and Alexander as I guided him in their direction with the reins.

  “That wasn’t so bad, aye?”

  “Yeah, yeah,” I mumbled as my ass bounced off the saddle. My thighs tightened and I imagined the pain I was going to be in tomorrow. “So where are we going?”

  “I wanted to show ye some of our land. This has been in the MacCoinnich family for centuries, ever since we arrived to Scotland.”

  “You aren’t a native?” I asked and ducked underneath a tree branch.

  “Scotland is my birthplace, as well as my father’s and his before him, but our ancestors migrated to Scotland from what is now called Switzerland. When humans
discovered us, we scattered across Europe—the majority of us settled here.”

  “Why here?” I asked as I pulled up beside him and Lily. “Why Scotland?”

  He ran a hand through his black hair, brushing that one curl on his forehead back. “There are magical properties on this land. It is easy for us to keep our secret from the humans, and keep them out. Unless invited, they cannae see Sheunta Village.”

  “I looked this place up on a map and I couldn’t find it. How is that possible?”

  He chuckled. “It’s why nae only Lycans live here. The witches and warlocks help keep us hidden.”

  “I thought wolves had issues with vampires?” that nagged me when I found out Lucian was friends with Alexander. The animosity between the two species in New York was insane.

  “Aye,” he nodded. “There’s been bad blood between our families for many centuries. They too originate from Switzerland.”

  “What happened?”

  Alexander smiled. “That’s a long story, and quite boring if I say so myself.”


  “Tell me something about yerself. How old are ye?”

  It was my turn to laugh. “Trust me, your highness, you don’t want to know about me.”

  “Nonsense. I’ve heard the rumors,” he grinned.

  “You find that funny? You weren’t so keen about it last night.”

  He shook his head, the Clark Kent curl falling over his forehead again. “Yer different, but that is to be expected.”

  “Really?” Well this was a first.

  “Ye were raised by humans, their traditions and customs are different from ours.”

  I clamped my mouth shut. That’s what Bash wanted, for me to keep my damn mouth shut, but good lord, did I want to give him my two cents. I bit my lip hard enough to draw a spot of blood as I swallowed the need to curse. I was damn happy I was raised by humans, and soon, they would know that too. This was the perfect wake-up call for me to get my head back in the game. He’d distracted me with horses, and stories about the Lycans lineage, that I forgot who he was. A man who allowed Lunas to be treated like second-class citizens. No matter how kind he appeared at the moment, he was still the enemy.


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