ALPHA (Mackenzie Grey #3)

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ALPHA (Mackenzie Grey #3) Page 25

by Karina Espinosa

  “Alright listen up!” I got on a set of boulders and stood above the army we had corralled in such a short period of time. “You may not know me, and some of you may want to kill me for who I am, but today we’re going to forget it all. Today we’re going to put aside our species, we’re going to put aside what families we come from, and we’re going to forget our genders. Today, we will stand side-by-side, united as one to fight against the tyranny that has forced us into a life that is not of our choosing. We’re going to fight for our freedom!”

  “Aye!” the legion of Highlanders screamed into the depths of the forest.

  “We’re going to fight for ourselves!” I yelled.


  “We’re going to fight for our sisters!”

  “Aye!” they stomped their feet, the ground beneath us vibrating with excitement.

  “We’re going to fight for our children!”


  “We’re going to fight for the future!”

  “Saorsa!” they screamed.

  My adrenaline pumped with every cheer. “I cannot promise you victory, and I cannot promise you safety. What I can promise is the choice to fight for what you believe in and make your voices known,” I paused and scanned the land before me. Hundreds of Highlanders, their faces painted in different colors, hair knotted with beads, and spears that could kill a bear. Their wide eyes thirsted for a fight—their shackles had been cut and they were ready to be let loose onto the world. My stomach turned with nausea as I contemplated whether we were doing what was right.

  Someone nudged my ankle and I looked down at Scarlet who was nodding her head to the crowd. They were waiting for me to continue and I had lost my train of thought—lost in the sea of slaves who were being given their liberty.

  “They may take away our lives, but they’ll never take our freedom!” I screamed and the uproar was momentous. I nearly fell climbing down the boulders as I stepped onto the ground and the pounding of their feet reverberated around me.

  Scarlet cleared her throat and pulled me toward her. “Did you just quote Braveheart?” she whispered in my ear.

  I smirked. “Damn right I did.”


  We marched through the forest and stopped at the border of Sheunta Village. I looked down at my watch as it struck eight o’clock in the morning. With Sebastian and Jonah on either side, we craned our necks and morphed into a half-shift. My muzzle protruding and canines ripping through my gums. I stretched my jawline until I was half-human—half-beast.

  “It’s time,” I growled and we ran through the streets.

  The town’s people shrieked as we ransacked the village, taking out every guard that patrolled the streets. I could hear the alarm going off at Castle Mac, over the blood-curdling screams of everyone around me.

  The Highlanders knew not to hurt anyone that was defenseless, we were only attacking the kingdom—but I couldn’t control them if anyone stood in our way. Most of the people stepped aside as we made our way toward the castle, but a few thought they’d be courageous.

  I stopped outside an electronics store and watched the front window display. The rest of the army kept moving besides me and my friends.

  The TV’s on display flickered with static until each screen showcased a different attack around the world. Amy had done it. She was live streaming every Pack on the Western Hemisphere.

  Once the town’s people noticed, they gravitated to their own TV’s and computer screens. They watched on as not only Lycans but other species around the world, fought for the freedom of Lunas. That act alone spoke volumes.

  “Mackenzie!” Bash yelled up ahead. “The moat!”

  I turned just as the passage to Castle Mac exploded with at least a dozen Highlanders on it. Debris from the stone bridge blew up into the air and rained around us—smashing our access to the castle grounds.

  “What’s going on?” I screamed in order to be heard over everyone else.

  “I think the bridge was packing explosives. We need to find a way to cross the moat,” Bash said.

  “I think I can help!” Scarlet ran up beside me. “But I’ll need your protection.”

  I nodded and followed her through the crowd to the edge of the village. Bloody and mangled bodies of the Highlanders floated above the water, reminding me of when I ran through the woods of the Cadwell Estate to see all of the Lunas killed.

  “I can conjure an invisible platform for us to cross but it’ll take a lot of energy from me and I won’t be able to hold it for long.”

  “Okay, on my count,” I said and pointed to a group of Highlanders in the back. “Listen up! Go to the carpenter, get some wooden planks to cross over. Scarlet is going to be able to get a few of us across but not everyone. Ailios!” I called out to their leader. “Once I cross over to the castle, protect Scarlet with your life.”

  “Aye,” Ailios slammed her fist over her chest and nodded.

  “Bash, Jonah, you’re with me. Lucian, I need you to protect Alexander at all cost,” I said. “Okay Scarlet. Do your thing.”

  The witch dropped to her knees and spread her palms over the ground. She shut her eyes and whispered something I couldn’t hear over the noise. Her hum grew louder and louder, making the land tremble beneath our feet. It felt like a minor earthquake had run through the village.

  “Hurry,” Scarlet gasped. “I can only hold it for so long.”

  “Thank you,” I squeezed her shoulder and ran across the moat as if the bridge were still there. I trusted Scarlet so much so, that I never thought to test whether her spell worked or not. Either way, we made it over and were met with dozens of the Kings guards.

  “I cannae let ye pass, Princess,” Ranulf stood before me. “He trusted ye!”

  “And I trusted him!” I pointed to the castle. “If he won’t fix shit, then I will.”

  “We’ll see about that,” Ranulf grunted and charged.

  I ducked his first swing and swiped my leg behind his ankles. He jumped up to avoid being tripped and back handed me. I rolled across the ground before landing on my hands and feet. Ranulf was the best of the guards and I had to be careful.

  “Ye won’t win, Princess!” he yelled as he snatch me by the hair and connected his fist with my jaw. My head snapped to the right. He held me up and punched me again and again. “I won’t let ye hurt him,” he grunted.

  Blood spewed out of my mouth and I could feel one of my eyes swelling shut. “I won’t,” I mumbled. I gripped his shirt, bringing him closer to me and rammed my knee to the center of his abdomen. He released me and I fell to the ground, crawling away. I coughed up more blood and wiped the excess on my arm.

  Ranulf’s clawed hand grabbed my ankle and dragged me back to him. My nails dug into the grassy soil, and I kicked for him to let me go. He landed on top of me and wrapped a hand around my neck.

  “I’m stronger than ye, Princess. I donae want to hurt ye, but I have to—for my King,” he grimaced. “Yer a danger to him. Even if he cannae see it.”

  I gasped for air when he was thrown off me. I sucked in a large breath and sat up, clutching my chest. I looked up and saw Ranulf floating in the air.

  “What the fuck…”

  “Hurry, Kenz,” Scarlet screamed. Her hand outstretched, sweat drenched down her neck as if she were exerting a massive amount of energy—she probably was.

  “Where is Alexander?” I gazed up at Ranulf.

  “I’m not telling ye shit!” he spat. “Ye’ll have to kill me.”

  I chuckled. “Not today, buddy,” I pulled him down by his leg. Once we were face-to-face, I punched him, knocking him out cold.

  Scarlet fell to a knee. “Whoa,” she took deep breaths.

  “Hey, are you alright?” I squatted before her and scanned the area to make sure we were safe. “I appreciate you saving our asses repeatedly, but you’re doing too much.”

  She shook her head. “You need me. Trust me,” she gasped. “I’ll be okay.”

  I helped her to
her feet and we made our way to the castle entrance. Guards against Highlanders, and I saw a few villagers fighting as well. The message was being heard loud and clear.

  “The throne room,” Scarlet sighed.

  I swung her arm over my neck and let her lean against me. She was so weak and I didn’t know what else to do to help.

  We rushed down the dark hallway that led to the foyer and into the throne room. I kicked open the door and we stumbled inside.

  “No one’s here, Scar,” I said as I scanned the area.

  “I know,” she nodded and fell to her knees. “I just need…the throne.”


  She began to crawl to the dais where Alexander sits and I was more confused than ever. I picked Scarlet up by her arm and practically dragged her to the chair. Her hand slapped onto the golden, gem covered chair and she gasped as her eyes rolled behind her head. Her back slammed onto the marble floor and she began to seize.

  “Scar! What the fuck,” I tried to turn her onto her side but she was shaking too much. After about thirty seconds she stopped and her eyes rolled back. Her chest rose up and down as if she’d run the Boston marathon. “What the hell is wrong with you? Are you trying to give me a heart attack?”

  “Sorry,” she squeaked. “I needed to reenergize. The only way I know how is by taking it.”

  “I don’t understand.”

  “Anything a witch has spelled has energy. I can take it and refuel if I’m ever down on juice. The castle is flooded with enchanted stuff, but the throne has the most energy,” she sat up.

  I gazed at the dais. “Why is it enchanted?”

  “To protect the King from any harm. If he was to sit on it now, there is nothing to stop someone from hurting him anymore—the magic is gone.”

  I nodded and offered her a hand. I pulled her to her feet but we were halted by none other than Drew. My back had been to the entrance and I hadn’t noticed him enter the room.

  “Looking for someone, sis?”

  “Not you,” I stood in front of Scarlet.

  He chuckled. “Of course nae. I’m the last person ye would think could orchestrate such a conniving plan, aye?”

  “Excuse me?”

  “Donae play stupid, sis. I know ye think it was father dearest all this time. I thought ye were smarter than that, though. I was right in front of yer face this whole time!”

  The only time I ever thought it might have been Alexander was when we first arrived. Other than that, he hadn’t been on my list of suspects. Drew must have not been paying very close attention—or maybe I hadn’t. I never really considered him.

  “Silly me,” I poked my head. “You must have gotten the smart genes I guess. So tell me, Drew, how’d you do it?”

  “Ye think I’d tell ye?”

  “I’m guessing no, but you couldn’t have done it yourself. You’re not that smart, Drew,” I rolled my eyes. My insides quaked with fury as I faced the asshole who killed my friend. It took a lot of me to keep my temper at bay.

  “Shut yer whore mouth!” he yelled. “I alone made it all happen! The minute I heard of yer existence, I knew ye were a liability. It was too easy to put a target on yer back, Mackenzie. Ye don’t like playing nice, and ye’ve made a lot of enemies, dear sister. They were all too happy to help me destroy ye.”

  “Aw, you should have told me you were part of my fan club,” I said sweetly. “Ain’t that sweet, Scar?” I tossed over my shoulder.

  “Uh…I guess,” she said as she clutched the back of my shirt—her hands trembled.

  “Ah, and the witch bitch. She was a surprise. Yer mum never told me ye were coming. I punished her for that, donae worry,” he winked at Scarlet and she froze.

  “W-What?” she stuttered.

  “Aye, yer mum has been very useful in my quest. I needed the witch that helped Mackenzie when she was a wee lass. It took me a while to realize she was right under my nose, but alas, I found her.” His brown eyes gleamed with giddiness.

  “Why did you need her?” None of this made any sense. I never did anything to Drew, we didn’t know each other until I arrived in Scotland.

  “Come on now, sis, think hard. What would I want with the witch that put yer wolf in eternal slumber?” His grin widened little by little as if he could see the wheels spinning in my head and coming to a conclusion.

  “You wanted to awaken my wolf?” I muttered.

  “So ye are smart!” he exclaimed.

  “Why? Wouldn’t it be best if I stayed human?”

  Drew paced as if contemplating my question. “Not when the King can only bear one child. The Oracles told Alexander that he would only have one true heir. Ye can imagine Adaline’s surprise when she was pregnant. So do ye see, Mackenzie? I had to kill ye!”

  I stilled.

  False eyes tell lies that break blood ties.

  The day we visited the temple, one of the Sisters came out after we left. She told me that riddle and I didn’t understand what it meant. I had seen Drew’s eyes when we first arrived—his wolf peaked out and it wasn’t silver.

  “You’re not a MacCoinnich,” I said. “You wanted to get rid of me so there would never be a chance of Alexander finding out.”

  He thought about it for a moment. “Eh, not necessarily. I needed ye gone so ye’d never take my throne!”

  I scoffed. “I don’t give a shit about that, you can have it.”

  “Says the girl overthrowing the Castle,” it was his turn to roll his eyes. “The only way yer leaving this room is in a body bag. It’s nothing personal, sis.” His eyes flashed red and I’d never seen something like it. The common colors were varying shades of gold, sapphire, and yellow—never red.

  “Who the hell is your father?” I stalled, pushing Scarlet further back and away from me.

  “Who cares,” he growled and stalked toward me.

  “How long have you known you weren’t Alexander’s son?”

  “Since I was a wee lad and my mum took me to see a witch. Cosima would give me a serum to change the color of my eyes.” He got closer.

  “Ivana knows?”

  “Aye,” he chuckled and now we were a few feet away. “No more questions? Good.”

  His clawed hand slashed at me and I jumped away. Scarlet scurried to the side to not get in the way.

  I was on the defense. I had more questions so I ducked and ran.

  “Where’s Cosima, Drew? Did you kill her?”

  He grinned. “Wouldn’t ye like to know.” He slashed at me again and missed. I ran behind the throne so it was between us.

  “You’re going to kill me, might as well spill the beans.”

  “Ye bring up a good point,” he nodded. “But—”

  I tuned him out and focused my hearing on the commotion coming from outside the room. It sounded as if the battle in the front of the castle had moved to the inside. I wondered where Bash and Jonah were—if they were still alive.

  “Crap!” Scarlet exclaimed, distracting me. My head whipped in her direction. She shook out her hand like she’d been burned.

  “Tsk tsk, ye naughty little witch,” Drew waved a finger at her. “Yer mum made me a charm. Yer powers are useless.” He pulled out a gold chain from underneath his shirt with a pendant hanging from it—the Celtic triquetra that the Lycans wore and I had tattooed on my hip.

  “Look at you all prepared and shit,” I mused. “What a good little boy scout,” I taunted and ran from behind the throne.

  “Ye gave up all yer secrets when ye fought the Wendigo, sis. Of course I had to be ready for this day. I know all yer tricks, although I never expected ye to run from me. I guess I should be flattered,” he laughed. “Donae be afraid of ye big brother.”

  “I’m not afraid,” I said as I walked behind one of the pillars and he followed on the other side.

  “Oh?” he cocked his head to the side.

  “Aye,” I grinned and punched the pillar in front of him, putting all of my strength behind it. My fist went straight through the s
tone column, the top portion flying down to Drew, while the bottom jutted toward him. He didn’t have time to watch out for both and the pillar came crashing down on top of him.

  I rushed him and hopped over the rubble. “You son of a bitch! Tell me where Cosima is!” I said as I ripped the charm from his neck. Scarlet ran to me and I tossed the necklace to her.

  “Ye’ll never find her. She’s buried deep where not even yer little witch can go,” he wheezed.

  “Buried?” Scarlet asked. Drew didn’t dare break eye contact with me, ignoring Scarlet completely. “Forget him. I know where she is.”

  “Seriously?” I jerked.

  “He’s an idiot,” she rolled her eyes and started for the door.

  “Well, sorry to cut this short, bro, but I got stuff to do. Don’t worry, I’ll be back,” I said and stomped my foot on his face.


  We ran down the hallway, bypassing Highlanders and Lycans, both dead and alive—no one that I recognized. I followed Scarlet around the castle until we were passing the guards tower.

  “Are you crazy?” I grabbed Scarlet’s arm, stopping her. “This place is going to be crawling with soldiers.”

  Her braids whipped around her. “My mom’s in the dungeons. It’s the only underground the castle has that witches cannot use their powers in.”

  “How do you know this? It could be a trick.”

  She shook her head exasperated. “Witches have the same aversion to iron as many supernaturals do and it was built into the walls since wolves are one of the few that can withstand it.”

  I still had so much to learn about this world. I wanted to slap myself for not thinking of it sooner. “Your mom,” I started. “Is she Scottish?”

  Scarlet nodded.

  “Fuck,” I sighed. “I know her—I met her when I was down there.”

  Scarlets eyes widened and she rushed into the guard tower—not caring if anyone was in there—and ran down the stairs that led to the dungeons.

  I hurried behind her and clawed at a guard’s neck who popped out of a hidden alcove behind her. Now I understood what Bash and the others felt whenever I had my impulsive moments.

  “Mom?” Scarlet yelled as she checked every cell. “Mom it’s me, where are you?”


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