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Billionaire Christmas: A Standalone Novel (A Holiday Alpha Billionaire Romance Love Story) (Billionaires Book 1)

Page 25

by Claire Adams

  I tried not to show my disdain. Besides, being rude wasn't at all my style. Nefarious? Wicked? Yes. Rude? Hell no.

  "Sounds delicious." I dropped my towel and she moved over, reaching around me to stroke my cock a few times before pulling on it softly.

  "Let me taste you one more time, Finn. Then we'll eat."

  I glanced at the clock and let out a short sigh. "Yeah. Alright. One more time, but only because you need it. You need it, right?"

  "Yes. So bad." She moved to her knees and leaned in, taking me in her mouth as she slid her hands up my thighs and latched onto my hips. I was a big guy, but she seemed to have been with a few of us. Her moans filled the air as I hardened. She picked up her pace, and I groaned loudly.

  "Good, you eat and I'll get mine in a minute." I stroked her hair and closed my eyes as heat rose deep in my belly.

  My phone buzzed and I hated to stop her, but my Dad was an asshole without reason. To give him one just meant my life would be hell for another day.

  "Hold up, baby girl." I pulled away from her as she pouted.

  The text was from my old man. He needed me in early and wanted me to grab donuts for the guys.

  "Shit." I grumbled and reached for her, helping her to her feet and kissing her once more before tugging my jeans on. "They need me in now. I'll call you tonight."

  "Give me your number and I'll text you today."

  "Nope. I'd be hard all day. Not happening." I popped her ass and jogged for the door. "Thanks for last night. Best night of my life."

  "Me, too!" she yelled after me.

  I grabbed a piece of turkey bacon from the plate on my way by and spit it out in the yard before chucking the rest out in the large, snowed-over parking lot at her place.

  "Disgusting. Turkey bacon? What the hell is that?"

  I got in my truck and turned on the radio. I wasn't interested in commitment. It never turned out well for me, anyway. Sex was all they were getting and all I was asking for.

  Don't like it? Fuck off.

  * * * *

  "You're late." My father looked up from his desk in the back of the warehouse.

  I lifted the bags of donuts and shrugged. "You asked for breakfast and told me to come in an hour early."

  "That doesn't change the fact that you're late. Go drop those off in the kitchen and hand out schedules for today. Then, come see me."

  He handed me a stack of schedules. Each guy would be given two or three locations to shovel or plow, and if they got done early, they just called in for more. My dad glanced back down, and I stood there for a minute more before turning and doing what was asked of me.

  My dad’s dark hair was buzz cut and his eyes dark blue, which made him look like a military man with a kiss my ass attitude. It was pretty close to the truth, and he was a good looking old guy, but he never dated. My mom had been dead for over 10 years, and where I still missed her, he was still lost in the pain of losing her. I had tried a million times to set him up with some of the middle-aged women in the town. They were more than willing, but he wasn't. Shame, really.

  "Here's your donuts and your schedules, you bitches."

  I walked into the break room and got a warm reception. It was the food, no doubt. My father had ten to twelve guys working for him – some of them friends of mine from high school, but mostly transients.

  The majority of my friends had gone to college or off to the military, but as my father's only child, I figured he needed someone he could trust to help run his ever-expanding business. Too bad he didn't seem to like me most days.

  "Hey, donut boy." Cliff, one of the older guys, walked up and extended his schedule toward me. "I'll pay you fifty bucks to switch me schedules. I need to use a mover today. Pulled my back out yesterday working on that damn tree Martha gets every year."

  I tugged the schedule from his fingers and gave him mine as I growled. "Damn. All of these are shovellings."

  "Yep. Sucks. Being the new guy on the crew means kissing a few asses to get a decent schedule. I'm not an ass kisser, so welcome to my world."

  "Not sure my dad would want your ugly lips on his ass anyway." I laughed as he popped me in the chest. "Keep your money, old man. I'm good right now."

  "You sure, Finn? I don't mind paying for the switch."

  "Naw. It's good. You have three kids at home and it's almost Christmas. Use that on them. I'm alright right now. Honestly."

  He patted me on the back, and I grabbed three donuts and a napkin before returning to my dad's office.

  "You want one?" I lifted my hand to show two of the donuts hanging from my fingers.

  "No. I want them both." He reached out and took them, giving me a wicked smile and shoving a whole one in his mouth. "Sit."

  "Shit?" I asked, tilting my head to the side.

  "No. Sit," he mumbled around the donut and reached for his massive mug of coffee that went wherever he did.

  "No shit?"

  I sat down and smiled, unable to help myself. It was rare for my father to be in a good mood, and he wasn't that morning, either, but I'd take anything I could get.

  "Did Cliff talk with you?"

  "Yes, Sir. I switched with him."

  "And, he's paying you to do that, right?" My father lifted his eyebrow.

  "He wanted to, but I'm good. He's got kids at home, and I don't mind the manual labor. Keeps me in shape for the ladies." I rubbed my chest and wagged my eyebrows.

  "You moved out two months ago and have had to borrow money each month to make your rent. You need to stop being so damn nice and start getting paid for all of these favors, Finn. A real businessman makes money, not gives it away."

  I nodded. "I know, I just couldn't take it from him. I'll pay you back. I'll pick up a few extra days on the schedule."

  "That'll work." My father glanced down before looking back up at me like he had something else to say.


  "You spending Christmas at the house?"

  "Of course, Dad. I'll be there on Christmas Eve and that morning. Don't expect nothing big, though. My boss is a stingy mother fucker." I stood up and leaned over, rustling some of the papers on his desk.

  "Get out of here. Pain in my ass." He kept his face turned down, but I could see the hint of a smile on his lips. It made my day.

  I stopped by the supply room and stole a pair of thick gloves and lifted three shovels from the bin that held them before walking back out into the freezing cold wind. We'd had a great snow a few days back, which was kick ass for the slopes and the tourists, but for those of us who worked and lived on the big mountain, not so much.

  "Be safe out there, Finn," Milly called to me as she walked out of the front door of the warehouse.

  My dad's secretary would have made him a perfect girlfriend, but he saw her as a business associate and nothing else. The woman was beautiful, with long blonde hair that she braided down one side of her shoulder and big blue eyes. Her body was a little on the thick side, but curvy and feminine. If she wasn't twenty years my senior and so good to my father, I'd have already taken her to bed.

  "Yes, ma'am. Take care of my father? Make sure the old bat eats something healthy today."

  "Will do, baby. Just be safe."

  I smiled and climbed into the truck. I had to find a way to get them together soon. Milly was starting to grow restless in life and would do what most women who didn't get what they wanted did...she'd leave and find it elsewhere. That would be a huge loss for my father.

  I popped my cellphone into the hands-free device and hit the button for my best friend Brian before turning on my lights and windshield wipers. The snow had started to fall again, which would make for a long and painfully cold day.

  "Hey, buddy. Why are you calling me so damn early? Not all of us work our asses off for a hot meal and warm body to sleep next to."

  I shook my head at the bastard. "Right. I forgot that some of us sleep with men in suits to make millions. Remind me next time you've got your head up some old guy’s ass and
I'm fucking the hottest thing in Aspen – who's got it better?”

  "Point taken," Brian laughed. "What's up? You wanna grab a beer tonight?"

  "Maybe tomorrow. I have a full schedule today and had a long night last night."

  "Did you score with that Terri girl?"

  "Was that her name? I kept having to call her baby because I couldn't remember. Embarrassing."

  I turned down a long back street that had more snow than I should have been able to traverse through, but having done it all my life, it was nothing new.

  "Man whore."

  "You know it." I pulled off into the driveway and left the truck running idle. "Are we getting together with the guys next weekend?"

  "Yeah. Jared's bachelor party is here, remember? They fly in Saturday morning, but he's gotta go see his folks for most of the day. Let's plan on taking him to the club that night. Play a few games with the old bastard.”

  I chuckled and realized that we were likely to never grow up. "Sounds like a plan to me. I'm going to win, but you know that."

  "I do, but Jared doesn't. Let's let him be surprised at how well you've honed in your sexual prowess."

  "Sexual prowess? You're starting to sound like one of those suits you wear." I chuckled. "Besides, I'm still shoveling snow for a living. I need the right woman to sweep me off my feet and pay for my shit."

  "Naw, you're just in a slump, buddy. You're going to keep saving up and when the time comes, we'll get your resort up and running. Don't let the dream die. They happen to be one of the only free things in life."

  "Ski resorts?" I teased him.

  "No. Dreams, you bastard. I'm going to go live someone else's now. See you later."


  I hung up and got out of the truck as the wind slammed against me. I wasn't living a dream, but a nightmare. Thankfully, it only lasted eight hours a day.

  Chapter 3


  My alarm decided not to go off the next morning, which had me running around our small dorm room like my butt was on fire. Jessie worked to help me get things together, but between the two of us, I was still going to barely make my flight.

  "I'll take you. You can't take the car, anyway." She opened the door and pulled the largest of my suitcases out into the hall.

  I manhandled the other three somehow and growled under my breath as hip hop music filled the hall.

  "Why did we have a whole bottle of wine last night? Who thought that was a good idea?"

  I moved behind her as fast as I could, luckily only stumbling over my luggage three times, but never actually hitting the ground.

  "Chloe! Where are you going?" Three girls from the cheerleading squad moved out into the hall behind me.

  "Home for the holidays. You guys have fun."

  "We will!" they yelled in unison and I had to force myself to return their enthusiasm with a big smile.

  "Wine is good for the heart," Jessie mumbled and moved out of the building, holding the door for me. "Maybe it was just supposed to be a glass, but just think, we're all good now for at least a few weeks."

  I smirked and flinched thanks to the sharp pain that laced my skull. "I'm praying I get a seat next to a businessman who reads the paper the entire time."

  "You in coach or are you flying with the wealthy today?"

  "First class. You know how my father is."

  I loaded my stuff in the trunk and got in the car as quickly as I was able. Wine had never been a good choice for me, but it was Jessie's favorite, so I had relented the night before. The queasiness that sat in the center of my stomach reminded me why I should have denied her.

  "Are you excited about seeing your brother?" She got in the car and pulled out of the driveway before punching the gas. I buckled quickly and gave her a wide-eyed look only to get a laugh in response.

  "Yeah. He's a total gamer, but I was when I was younger, too. I still play with him, but no one knows that."

  "Your secret is safe with me." She winked and nodded to the Starbucks. "Want a coffee?"

  "No, my stomach is killing me. We're never going to make it in time, are we?"

  "Nope. Might want to let your dad know." She pulled into the Starbucks anyway. "I need something if we're not in a huge rush."

  "Get me a peppermint hot chocolate and I'll pay." I handed her my card. She knew better than to combat me on it. My father had enough money to go around and the majority of my monthly budget went untouched. Therefore, I paid – a lot.

  She ordered while I dug my phone out of my purse and took a deep breath. Calling my father for something good was hard, but having to tell him I hadn't met his expectations in any way, shape, or form sucked horribly.

  "Chloe. What's wrong?" His voice was deep and filled with parental sternness.

  "Missed my flight."

  "How is that possible, seeing that it leaves in forty minutes?"

  "My alarm didn't go off, Dad. I set it and of course on the only day this week that it mattered, it didn't work." I pressed my fingers to my forehead and closed my eyes. The last thing I wanted to do was start an argument with my dad over the damn alarm clock, but no doubt we were quickly headed that way.

  "Then you should have set two alarms. The flight won't wait on you. It's called being responsible. These things cost money." His tone darkened, leaving me feeling like a child again.

  "I'll pay for the flight change," I spoke through clenched teeth.

  Jessie reached over and squeezed my hand, mouthing, “It’s okay. Just breathe.”

  "With what money, Chloe? Your card is linked to my account. You're not working, remember?"

  "I'll see you when I get to Aspen, Dad. I'll text Parker just before I get on whatever flight I end up on. Thanks for understanding. Hugs and kisses." I hung up and turned my phone on silent as anger burst through me and tears filled my eyes. "Why the fuck am I even going there?"

  "Because you need to see your brother and this is going to be a great way to get starter money for your company."

  "I don't want his money. He's going to be up the crack of my ass the entire holiday and then he'll tell me why I have something else to prove before he cuts me the check." I took my drink as Jessie extended it to me. "And you know what else?"

  "Tell me."

  "Him investing in my company is a horrible idea. That means he has some kind of control over it. Over me!" I was being overly dramatic, but I couldn't help it. The bastard had been nothing but a thorn in my side and a constant whisper over my shoulder that I wasn't good enough.

  "Take a deep breath and drink your hot chocolate. This is a win-win situation and your dad will always be the kind of guy he is."

  "He didn't use to be." I reached up and wiped at my tears, thankful that I had no makeup on due to my lack of time to apply it. "When my mom was alive, he was..." My throat tightened and I shook my head. "Never mind. I don't want to talk about this."

  My mother's death had changed us all, but having happened so long ago, I would have thought we could all move past it enough to reconnect as a family. Parker and I had, but my father was an island to himself.

  "Maybe it's time to forgive each other and help him start dating again. It's been eight years since you lost your mom?"

  "Yeah. I was sixteen." I wiped the back of my long-sleeve t-shirt across my face. "I don't even know if he's dated anyone."

  "Maybe he's bitter, Chloe." She offered me a kind smile, and I nodded, hating the painful emotions that raged through me.

  "Maybe. I'm grateful for his money, but I think I'm just so pissed that he has nothing else to offer." I sniffled and leaned back in my seat, unsure of what to think about the upcoming events that had the power to change my life. "He's all I have, you know?"

  "I don't know, but I'm here for you. Find the fun and the good in this trip, okay? I know you, and if nothing else, you're a positive person."

  I nodded again and closed my eyes, laying my hand on top of hers and trying to steel my resolve to be the bigger person, no matter w

  * * * *

  "I'm sorry about your situation this morning, Miss Burke." The pretty flight attendant glanced up from her computer to me and back down again.

  "It's my fault. I should have set two alarms, I guess." I shrugged and offered the woman a warm smile.

  "No. These things happen to us all." She pressed her finger to her lips and clicked a few buttons on her keypad. "We have two more flights today. One leaves in three hours and the next around five tonight. It's a late flight, which you might not want, but it's up to you."

  "A three hour wait or a nine hour wait? I'm going with the three hour."

  I pulled out my phone to text my father, but decided against it. If something happened, God-forbid, and I had to text him again, he would blow a gasket that was likely to hit me all the way in California.

  "Sounds good. I'll change your ticket and we'll see you at gate B-25 in a few hours. Let’s get your bags checked in for the new flight, then you can go grab you a good book and try to relax."

  She handed me the new boarding pass. Getting my luggage checked in was a nightmare and a half, but everything had to get out of the dorms. They closed down during the week of Christmas for cleaning. Besides, I was done at UCLA, anyway. My time there was over and I was on the road full speed ahead to growing up.

  The thought was exhilarating and terrifying all at the same time.

  I took her suggestion after getting through security. A romance novel and a Snickers bar would be more than enough fun to get me through the short wait. My father would be angry, but he would get over it. Besides, there would certainly be something else to stoke his angst over before too long. Nothing I ever did was right. How anyone worked for him was beyond me.

  I checked my phone again as I slumped down in a cold plastic chair and saw that I had a few texts from Jessie and one from Seth, but nothing from my dad. That I expected him to start caring any minute about how it might feel for me to be stuck at the airport alone was stupid. I was a grown-ass woman, as he had reminded me many times over the last few years, and honestly, he was right. I was twenty-three and had a Master’s degree. I'd say that was pretty much grown.


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