Billionaire Christmas: A Standalone Novel (A Holiday Alpha Billionaire Romance Love Story) (Billionaires Book 1)

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Billionaire Christmas: A Standalone Novel (A Holiday Alpha Billionaire Romance Love Story) (Billionaires Book 1) Page 27

by Claire Adams

  I got out and followed to the door as she said, "I want you so bad."

  "Oh yeah?" I glanced down at her and wrapped an arm around her shoulders as she fumbled with her keys and opened the door.

  "Fuck, yes. You're like every girl's wet dream." She turned and pulled me into the house before kissing me hard.

  The sound of giggles caused me to untangle myself from her. "Let me grab a glass of water, and I'll meet you in your room. Which one?"

  "Third one on the left." She turned her attention to the two girls in the kitchen, who were sharing a bottle of wine. "Look what I found shoveling snow in the yard. Can I keep him?"

  They laughed, and I smiled as if their taunting didn't bother me. I stopped by the sink and picked up a glass from the rack as I glanced at the other two.


  "Sexy snow shoveler." The blonde one smiled and popped my butt before running down the hall toward her friend.

  "Hey, I don't know you, but you look too much like my older brother not to say something."

  I filled the glass with water and turned to the third girl. "What's that?"

  "Katie has herpes, so make sure you have a condom. She doesn't tell guys and that shit gets on my nerves. There's no cure for the disease." She shrugged and turned from me. "Don't tell her I told you. Just consider it a warning. Most guys don't care."

  I sat the glass down and pursed my lips. Herpes? Fuck.

  "Yeah, I'm out. Tell her my grandmother called while I was standing here. Thanks for the head's up." I jogged to the door as the girl called after me.

  I didn't stop until I made it to the truck, which of course wouldn't start. I hit my hands on the steering wheel and closed my eyes for a moment, trying to think through what to do. Calling my dad seemed the easiest and most efficient way to get out of the shit storm that was headed my way if Katie came out of the front door. I hated lying, yet it was part of the deal. A true whore knew how to lie and do it well.

  The house was only a half a mile from where I lived, but it was insanely cold. The sound of a door slamming caused me to duck. I peeked over the edge of the window to see Katie and one of her friends walking toward me. They were yelling at each other.

  I tugged the keys from the car and moved along the floorboard to the other side. I opened the door and slipped out, barely shutting the door and being thankful for the lack of light thanks to the moon hiding somewhere.

  I jogged down into the woods beside me and didn't stop until my legs gave out just before reaching my house. Pressing my back to a large pine tree, I looked up at the starless sky, wondering what the fuck I was doing.

  There was so little I loved about my life, and yet I was the only one able to change it.

  "That's it. No more whoring around until after Christmas. Twenty-five days. No sex unless I find the girl I want in my life and not just my bed."

  I pressed my hands to my face and let out a long breath. I'd been with four to five different girls a week. Not sleeping with someone for twenty-five days was a little harsh, but something had to give. I couldn't keep living the way I was. I needed a change. Something to shake up my world and set me on the right course.

  I needed a good woman. The right woman.

  "Easier to find the abominable snowman out here," I grumbled and jogged across the street toward the house.

  Chapter 5


  There were several things I'd learned while staying in Aspen over the last week. Firstly, my father seemed to be a complete man whore that had a new date every night of the week. I was surprised more by his nonchalant attitude about it when I finally brought it up on a morning at the breakfast table.

  "So, you're dating."

  He glanced up from the paper and sat his coffee down. "I am. Why?"

  "I don't know. Just seems weird." I shrugged.

  "Am I supposed to be alone forever?" His eyebrow lifted sharply. He was a handsome man, his salt and pepper hair leaving him looking distinguished and important. He was built like a basketball player, strong and tall with taunt muscles and a healthy complexion.

  "No, Dad. I've just seen you with five women over this last week. I'm just a little surprised."

  "I'm not willing to commit to anyone until I find the right woman. It's simple, really." He picked his paper back up.

  "Right, but are you just taking them to dinner?"

  "None of your business." He ignored me and turned a little, making sure I knew that the conversation was officially over.

  I picked up my plate and walked to the sink, unable to help myself from making one final remark.

  "I'm just saying that if some guy was trying me on for size with a one night stand, you'd be pissed." I walked back to my brother's room, hoping to find him awake, but willing to raise the dead if not.

  The second thing I learned was that my little brother was capable of growing tall and muscular on nothing more than Cheez-Its and gummy worms. He hated me for it, but I'd been cooking over the last week and had forced him to eat a square meal for breakfast, lunch, and dinner.

  Other than hanging out and playing video games, the week had been spent drawing new designs and Skyping with Jessie. After ignoring Seth for a few days, he got the hint and stopped trying to communicate with me. Part of me missed having someone who wanted to spend time with me and seemed genuinely interested in my day, but it was all a ruse. Seth wanted a blonde robot that moaned when he said moan and sat quietly most of the rest of the time.

  We'd been in more fights about his caveman mannerisms than I had time to analyze.

  I knocked on Parker's door and smiled at the deep grunt I got.

  "I'll assume that's a 'come on in,'" I said as I walked in and pressed my fingers to my nose. "It smells like sweaty balls in here."

  He chuckled and snorted before throwing a pillow at me. "Then, get the fuck out! It's like ten in the morning. The sun's not even out."

  "That's because we're in the middle of a winter vortex. This sucky-ass place you and Dad stay at every Christmas has to go. Let's start a new tradition. We could go to the Bahamas or Miami. Somewhere warm." I plopped down in a chair next to Parker's bed and tugged a remote from underneath me.

  "Christmas isn't supposed to be warm. What's the matter with you?" He sat up, his brown hair a wild mess. "You grow up and all the fun gets sucked right out of you. Tell me what age it happens at, so I can be on the lookout. I refuse to give up on being a kid."

  "I'm still a kid, too." I threw a dirty sock at him, smacking him in the face with it.

  He chucked it back and flopped back down. "Not even close. You fixed broccoli and Brussel sprouts this week. Definitely adult food."

  I laughed, unable to help myself. "I need to get out of here today. It's Saturday. What's there to do?"

  "Lots, but it would require you to get out into the snow." He rolled over and I got up, pushing at his back until I shoved him from the bed. He hit the floor with a loud thud before jumping up and running after me.

  I hauled ass into the kitchen and ran around my father, shoving him in between us as Parker attacked the other side of him.

  "Hey! You guys are too old for this. Cut it out."

  I turned my dad with a tight hold on his pockets, forcing him to become a shield to fend off my brother. "Not happening, Dad. He's after me and you're my only hope."

  "Luke...I am your father." My brother gave his best Darth Vader voice, which only opened me up to the worst morning breath in the universe.

  "Go brush your teeth, Parker. That's disgusting." My father jerked from us and walked to the sink, turning once to give us a disgusted stare.

  "That breath could melt wax, dude." I pushed at his head, and he walked back down the hall grumbling.

  "What are your plans today, Chloe?" my father asked with his back to me.

  "I'm going into town to look around. I wanted to check out your clothing line and see what other shops in the area are up to. I thought maybe I could make a few suggestions seeing that you paid
big bucks for this degree I now have."

  "You will have. You don't have it yet. Grades haven't come in for this final semester. I checked." He turned toward me and crossed his arms over his chest. "And, I don't need anyone analyzing my products. The line is selling well. Spend your time figuring out which products you plan to sell. Before you get a penny, all of them will have to go through me. I'm not investing in anything I don't think will sell."

  "You're investing in me, remember?"

  "I'm still reviewing the designs. Conversation over."

  "No, it's not. That wasn't part of the deal. Staying here for twenty-five days was all that you required of me. You're not reviewing my designs because you're a winter wear guy. These designs are for warm-weather climates and beach vacations."

  "And, there are a million of those companies already doing well. Find a niche and become the businesswoman you're capable of being. You’re limiting yourself, and I'm not okay with that."

  I lifted my hand and walked back toward my room. "I'm packing up and leaving. You lied, which shouldn't surprise me at all."

  "Chloe Ann Burke. Stop right there, young lady."

  I paused out of what little bit of respect I had left for him.

  My brother slipped his head out of his room, his eyes wide. "You're in for it, now. Is your middle name even Ann?"

  I rolled my eyes and turned to face my dad. "What?"

  "You're not going anywhere, but part of this deal is us agreeing on what products you're going to sell. I'm not going to lay down an iron hammer, but you are going to have to share them with me. Stop being a child."

  "Right." I turned and walked to my room, slamming the door and working quickly to get dressed. A pair of jeans and a cute sweater, and I was out the door.

  My father's SUV was gone and Parker was busy playing video games from what I could tell. I texted him that I was heading into town and would be back later.

  My dad was an ass and would change the rules any way he needed to in order to fit his own agenda. I knew that coming. Now I just needed to figure out how to deal with it.

  Proving my worth and talent was at the top of the list. He saw me as a child. Jessie was right – I needed to show him the talented designer I'd become. Then, he would listen to me.

  "First stop, Burke's Outdoor Wear."

  * * * *

  I was milling through the large ski and sportswear store that my dad owned when my phone buzzed. It was a number I hadn't seen in a long time.

  "Cindy?" I picked up and smiled as I moved toward the snowboards and paused in the middle aisle.

  "Hey, Chloe! I was praying this was still your number. How are you?"

  "Wow. I'm great. My God, it's been like six years, right?"

  "Since before college, but yeah. I've been traveling the world with my family, but we're finally back. I wanted to see where you were. I know your dad usually made you guys go to Aspen during this time of the year, but wasn't sure."

  "I'm here, girl. Hating every minute of it."

  "No, you're not, but either way, that's great news. You remember Janet and Kinsey, right?"

  I rolled my eyes and nodded my head. "Remember by best friends from high school? Of course, I do, silly. I spoke to Janet around March this last year. Funny how growing up means losing touch with people that you thought would always be in your life.”

  "Well, they're in Vail right now, and I've got a layover in Aspen tonight. I just realized that I should call you guys to see if you're up for getting together."

  "Tonight?" I glanced at my watch. It was only ten, which gave me plenty of time to finish my shopping, get home, and get ready before they showed up.

  "Yeah. I know it’s short notice, but if I can get the others to make the trip down, you think you want to meet up? Does your dad have an extra room I can stay in?"

  "I'd love to, and of course. I'll get a room ready for you. Need me to get you from the airport?" I turned and followed a cute guy with shoulder-length hair and a great ass.

  "No, just text me the address. I'll have the others meet us at a restaurant of your choice. Sound good?"

  "Perfect. I'll see you later." I hung up and texted the address, not realizing the hottie I'd been staring down was now standing in front of me.

  "Heya. How goes it?" He reached up and ran his fingers through his hair, looking awfully young now that he was closer.

  "It goes. Love the hair. It's a good look for you." I smiled and turned to pull a shirt off the rack.

  "So, new here?" He moved up beside me as I lifted the shirt up and turned it around slowly.

  "This would be so much better in a muted blue, right? These bright colors must shine against the white of the snow and blind the fuck out of everyone."

  He laughed and extended his hand. "Daniel. Nice to meet you."

  "I'm Chloe. Nice to meet you, too. You ski?"

  "Snowboard, but I can tear up some shit on a pair of skis, too. You?"

  "Nope. I'm a California girl."

  "I should have guessed." He smiled, and I lifted an eyebrow. "I mean with your tan and pretty blonde hair. You just look like a typical beach babe."

  "Thanks? I think." I laughed and put the shirt back before walking through the store as the cute guy tagged along.

  "Definitely a compliment. We should get a burger sometime together." He moved to open the door for me and I nodded.

  "Yeah, sure. Give me your number and I'll text you."

  He extended his hand. "Give me your phone and I'll put it in there."

  I handed it to him and let my eyes scan the other shops in the area. Something inside of me wanted to be like everyone else. I was completely out of place in the busy mountain town. My clothes were a perfect ringer for someone who hit the slopes, but I was a fake at best.

  He handed the phone back and smiled. "Nice to meet you, Chloe. Call me and I'll show you around."

  "Okay. Thanks."

  I put the phone in my pocket and walked over to the elaborate hardwood lodge just next door. The skis were half off for the afternoon on rentals and the bunny slopes showed light traffic. I rented a pair and put them on before changing my mind.

  I was stuck in Aspen for at least two more weeks and staying in the house would be the death of me. I needed fresh air, sunsets, and waves, but sun, snow, and wind would have to suffice. The lifts were located at the back of the lodge and after finally making my way through a crowd of rowdy teenagers, I moved out into the wintery outdoors.

  I walked awkwardly to the next lift and almost made it to the stop where the lift would swing in and pick me up before my ski caught on something. I flew forward, letting out a yelp as my head was projected to smack against the large rock in front of me.

  Someone's strong hands reached out and caught me, pulling me back.

  "Whoa. Shit. That was close. You okay?" He released me and I turned and let out a long sigh.

  "Yes. Thank you so much. I haven't skied in forever. Now, I remember why."

  My eyes moved across his handsome face and butterflies resurrected deep inside of me, the moment almost a little too much for my practical mind.

  He was clean shaven, but his chestnut hair was a little disheveled and cheeks were red like he'd been out there all day. His warm brown eyes moved around my face and the sexy smile that lifted his lip caused my heart to skip a beat.

  "Here, let's take this one up together. If you fall from the lift, you're going to have more trouble than snow in your pretty blonde hair." He laughed and reached for me.

  I moved back a little, but gave him a smile. "I'm good, but thank you. I really appreciate you saving me."

  "Really? You sure?" He lifted an eyebrow as if shocked that a woman would refuse him. He had playboy written all over him in ten different colors.

  No thanks.

  "Yeah, but have a great day." I moved to the lift and took the older man's hand who was helping people get on.

  "Good thing old Finn was there to save you. That might have been ugly."
The guy laughed and helped me onto the lift.

  Finn called from below, his hands over his mouth and his eyes full of promise. "That's not fair; you have my name and I don't have yours."

  "Just call me baby." I laughed at the look on his face. I'd known a lot of playboys in my day, and when they didn't remember your name, you just became baby, or honey, or sugar.

  Dime a dozen.

  Chapter 6


  I was just being kind by reaching out and saving the clumsy girl in front of me, not thinking anything of it. It was my first day off in weeks and hitting the slopes was all I could think about. Not being with a woman for a week had left me grouchy and depressed, but a promise was a promise.

  What I hadn't expected was the falling woman to steal my breath when she turned around.

  Her blonde hair was long and hung in wavy lengths just above her perky breasts. Sun-kissed skin and sea-green eyes with long eyelashes and incredibly kissable lips – she was everything I enjoyed physically about a woman. Probably dumb as dirt, but I'd leave shortly after the sex so we wouldn’t have to talk much.

  I swallowed hard and offered to ride to the top with her as my heart beat against the inside of my chest in a way it hadn't before. It had to be withdrawals. Twelve years of holding a different woman every night became a nasty habit after a while. I was addicted to being wanted like some guys were to the bottle.

  It's just a girl. Slow your roll. No women for twenty-five days.

  When she refused my offer, it was a slap to the face. There had been very few women in my past who hadn't jumped at the chance to do something with me. It was shocking and refreshing. It caused a fire to ignite inside of me. She would be a challenge, if nothing else.

  She got on the lift as Jerry, the old man who owned the thing, gave the girl my name. He winked at me and I rewarded him with a smirk, calling out to her and asking for her name in return.

  When she'd called herself baby, I knew I was in for a treat. She was either a player herself or had guys like me figured out. Either way, I wanted to know.


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