Cosmic Harem (Gender Swapped Science Fiction Book 3)

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Cosmic Harem (Gender Swapped Science Fiction Book 3) Page 3

by Alyson Belle

  “…they should be able to do this from our records,” I finished.

  I frowned at the screen over William’s shoulder. Something about this felt wrong to me. Why would our benefactors, a dramatically more advanced species, tell us that a thing was impossible when our own ancestors had solved the problem with wildly inferior tech?

  “I don’t understand,” I said. “How does the memory exchange actually work?”

  He peered at the screen again and quickly flipped across a few articles, reading quickly. “Hmm… as near as I can tell, it seems like it erases your existing long-term memories and implants another set.”

  “Completely? How would that even be possible? There must be some remnants of the mind… the aliens grew our bodies with our memories already intact, injected whole cloth into our biology. I don’t see how you could wipe them out without scrambling the systems that let us do everything else, so I’m not sure a complete wipe should be possible.” I knew enough of psychology and biology to understand this much, but William stared at me blankly.

  “I uh… I’m not sure ma’am. I’m a science and tech guy, not a biology guy. I’m just telling you the theory I’m reading here.”

  I mulled it over. Was it actually possible we’d discovered a way to do something the aliens couldn’t? Or was it just a crude mechanism to shoehorn the appearance of something into place that would leave me in a worse position than when I started?

  How badly do you want to get back to your proper place at the head of your space harem? I asked myself.

  “How does it work?”

  “It’s called a MID, a mind implant device, and it sounds like it scans you with a reader beam and stores your memories in its banks, and then lets you burn them into someone else, overwriting their existing memories. It looks like it can store a few sets of memories.” He turned the laptop around to show me a picture of a gadget that looked an awful lot like a laser gun right out of a science fiction movie.

  “Jeeves,” I said.

  William gave a start as the floating robot zoomed toward me from where he had been floating in the corner. “What the hell is that?”

  “A helper robot. You’ll get used to him. Jeeves, can you please make me one of these MID devices? It will help keep me entertained, as I requested earlier.”

  “Keep you entertained?” William asked with a confused look on his face.

  I shot him a warning glare and he shut his trap. Smart kid.

  “Of course, mistress,” Jeeves intoned. “My sensors indicate that this device is not inherently harmful to humans, so you may use it at your leisure.” A small green beam shot out of him, and I watched in amazement as it constructed a perfect replica of the MID on William’s screen in front of us on the floor, as though it were converting the very atoms in the air into steel and plastic.

  I picked it up by the smooth plastic grip and hefted it, feeling the satisfying weight of it in my hand. It had two settings on a sliding switch: one that said READ and one that said IMPLANT. It was obvious what they did. There was also a dial with six numbered slots, presumably to store different sets of scanned memories.

  “Nice work, both of you. Come on, Ensign. It’s time you and I paid a little visit to Captain James T. Mitchell in his garden of earthly delights. He has quite a bit of explaining to do.”

  Chapter 5

  I tucked the MID between my breasts, hidden out of site under the bodice of my thin, silver dress, and led William back down the smooth gray passage toward the garden where James and the others waited. Jeeves bobbed behind us, and I was relieved to see that the panel revealing our cold, dead Earth had slid closed, sparing William from having to see such a grisly sight. I wasn’t quite sure how to proceed. What was the protocol to follow for an officer stealing another officer’s body? At a minimum, she was responsible for sabotage and reckless endangerment of an entire species. But I didn’t really want to punish her. I just wanted back what was mine.

  As we stepped into the garden, William gasped and tried to look in a dozen different directions at once. I grinned, remembering my own first encounter with paradise. It was a little overwhelming at first, but he’d get used to it. Just ahead of us, the waterfall feeding the lagoon splashed and burbled, and I heard the sweet sound of a high, feminine voice singing a familiar song.

  “Will that be all, mistress?” Jeeves asked.

  “Yes, for now,” I replied dismissing him with a gesture and striding forward.

  Jeeves floated back up into whatever holographic sky illusion he was using to disappear, and William followed me as I went to investigate the singing at the lagoon. I crouched behind a bush, trying not be seen as I searched the warm, crystal blue waters, and William dropped onto his haunches beside me.

  Minny was by herself in the lagoon, naked as the day she was born, and standing waist-deep so that her sex was hidden beneath the surface. She was using a leaf to pour gushes of water over her body, cleaning her hair and her breasts as she sang, and then shaking herself off as she scrubbed. In the warm sunshine that permeated the garden, she sparkled radiantly. I was transfixed with wonder and more than a little lust, and I could tell by his unusual stillness that William was similarly affected beside me.

  “Who is that?” he whispered.

  “Minny,” I replied, annoyed at myself for the slight twinge of jealousy I felt at the way he’d asked the question. “She’s another volunteer from the USHPS.”

  “Oh, okay. So… What’s the plan here?”

  Now that was a good question. I’d imagined racing in and throwing a grand accusation at James’ feet, but I hadn’t really taken the time to think through how it would play out yet. As James T. Mitchell, I’d always been a “punch first and sort it out later” kind of guy, but with the balance of power as it was, and me in Lana’s body, that didn’t seem like a good option. If I’d followed my heart and done as I’d wanted to, all of my planning might be for nothing. I wanted to act with the support of the group, since Jeeves appeared to think that democratic voting was the appropriate way to sort issues with men as the tie-breakers. I had a man on my side with William, but if James had the two other women in his pocket, it wouldn’t help me much.

  “Hmm… I don’t see James anywhere. I think we could come clean with her and persuade her to join our cause.”

  “Interesting tactic. As you wish, ma’am.”

  I stepped out from behind the bush, followed closely by William, but before I could say anything Minny squealed with delight and began to race toward us, bobbling through the water toward the shore.

  “Lana!” she cried. “I’m so happy to see you! We wondered where you’d gotten off to. Lindsay and James are out looking for you right now actually, and I stayed here in case you returned.”

  She reached me and gathered me up in a big hug. Again, her delicious scent flooded my nose and made me woozy with desire, as her warm body pressed comfortably against my own and her soaking, naked boobs rubbed against my own, wetting the fabric of my dress.

  “Mmm, I already missed you,” she continued, kissing me on the lips passionately. “Isn’t the free sex in this place just wonderful? There’s no chance of disease, and the whole point is pleasure and pregnancy.”

  William’s eyes were as wide as they could be, and the swelling at his crotch mirrored my own stirred passions as I felt the familiar wetness begin to grow in my loins. How does Minny always have such a powerful effect on me? Chris, sex is like catnip for this body whether it’s men or women…

  “I was only gone a few hours, Minny,” I chided her. Clearly she’d been selected for her breeding potential and looks, and not her intellect. But I had to admit that she seemed to have the perfect personality for a woman who would be one of those to repopulate the Earth: warm, caring, subservient, and extremely sexually motivated and accommodating. “In any case, we have something important we need to discuss…”

  Minny noticed William for the first time, and she smiled at him. “Who’s your cute friend?”
br />   I felt another twinge of annoyed jealousy and William turned bright red and fidgeted with his hands as he tried to look anywhere but directly at the breasts Minny was proudly shoving into his face. You’d think the boy had never seen a naked woman before…

  “That would be Ensign William Stryker, and he is another volunteer who is assisting me in our mission. Now as I said, we do have—”

  Minny cut me off with another long kiss and looked deep into my eyes. “Oh, Lana,” she said. “I told you its been hours since I’ve had any attention. I don’t know what the aliens are doing to the air or our hormones, but all I can think about is sex…” She gave me her sexiest, most smoldering glare, and winked at William. “Don’t you two think we could play just a little before we talked? Jeeves said something about restricting one another with elastic bands I’d like to try…”

  I made a strangled choking noise at the sudden gush between my legs as I imagined being tied down and having both of them have their way with me.

  “Erm… I suppose a short distraction would be acceptable,” I replied, and William nodded vigorously, already stripping his shorts down.

  “For the good of the cause, ladies,” he said cheerfully.

  Minny smiled. “Perfect. I’ve already prepared it! Come here.”

  I was probably being foolish by not pressing forward immediately with my concerns about James, but Minny was so hot and so eager for sex… how could anyone turn her down, especially with a dramatically enhanced sex drive?

  She led us to the glade between the trees where I’d had the earlier encounter with the girls, and once again the springy, sticky vines I remembered from when James had gotten me pregnant were strung between the trees. She walked me back and gently pushed me into the ropes as we both giggled, my mood lightened in anticipation of her hot body all over me.

  The vines tightened around my wrists and ankles lifting me off the ground and leaving me swaying in the breeze.

  “Don’t remove my dress,” I warned her, remembering the MID nestled away in my bosom, but Minny just laughed naughtily and waggled her tongue at me.

  “Dirty girl. I’ll just push your dress up, then.” She shoved my skirt up around my waist, and I sighed as the warm breeze touched my sex.

  “How do you want us?” William asked with a tremor in his voice. He was clearly still adjusting to his new life!

  Minny grinned. “I actually want us to take Lana here together. Jeeves gave me a little toy to try… would it bring you pleasure?” She crouched down behind the nearby rock, and when she stood up, she was wearing a belt with the most life-like strap-on I’d ever seen. She pressed a button on the side of it, and it melted seamlessly into her flesh, leaving her with what looked like a very real, very erect penis!

  “Holy shit,” William muttered.

  She waggled her penis around in the air, doing a stiffy helicopter, and giggled again. “I’ve never had a real penis before. Isn’t alien technology wild? It comes on and off just like a regular strap-on, but feels real! I’m probably the first woman in history to know what waving around a real dick feels like…”

  I got you beat there, I reflected to myself, although I had to admit I did want the cock she now sported inside of me.

  She walked up behind me and grabbed my hips through the vines, and then slid her hands up to cup my breasts. I moaned happily, thankful for the attention I’d been craving, and began to squirm. My eyes flicked from dick to dick, one on Minny and one on William, and my mouth began to water as my hormones kicked into overdrive.

  “You want us both to fuck you now, Lana?” Minny asked.

  “Yes, please,” I whispered. I did want that. Really, really badly. We could deal with this whole James situation later.

  William approached me from the front and started kissing me on the mouth, shoulders and neck, while Minny massaged my breasts, thighs and ass, and both of them rubbed their smooth, hard cocks all over my lower body.

  “Ohh,” I moaned. “Stop teasing me and fuck me already!” I needed it even worse than I had before, now that there were two dicks in play for the first time ever. I had to know what it felt like.

  Minny spit in her hand and slicked up her giant dick, I felt an insistent pressure between my cheeks followed by a sharp burst of pain as she thrust inside of me and began to pump away.

  I squealed, more from surprise than pain, but the vines held me tightly in place. Minny squeezed my breasts and kept fucking me, her breath hot on my ear.

  “Holy shit that feels so good,” she whispered. “Fuck fuck fuck.”

  William, apparently feeling left out, now slipped himself into my sex as he continued to kiss me, and began to pump with his enormous cock too.

  “Ohhh fuck,” I moaned. Minny’s cock in my ass had begun to feel really, really good, and with William fucking me from the other side I had been stretched out in ways I never would have imagined possible… but the rhythmic fucking they were giving me was also stimulating me in a way I’d never felt before as either a man or a woman. “What… what are you doing to me?” I asked, as my whole body began to feel hot. A pressure began to build inside of me, a whole body pressure that was more than just the building dam of pleasure at my loins I was used to.

  “Yeah, you like that you dirty slut, don’t you?” Minny whispered.

  “Fuck this is hot,” William said.

  “Ohhh, god,” I moaned.

  My body continued to feel hotter and hotter, and both of my partners grew more frenzied and excited in their thrusting. Minny was hitting something inside of me, colliding somehow with William’s cock, that was more than the sum of the parts. It was… it was incredible. My eyes widened and I gasped. Every hair on my body stood on end. My nipples hardened to diamond-edged points.

  I threw my head back and screamed as an unfamiliar sensation exploded across me and I had the most Earth-shattering, mind-blowing, soul-destroying full body orgasm I had ever had in my entire life. I shook with the force of it, unable to do anything but scream and shudder and experience the most intense pleasure of my life, wave after wave of it assaulting my body. In my writhing, restrained state, the convulsions in my loins forced both of my partners to come with similar, delighted cries, although their joy had to be a mere fraction of my own… it went on at full intensity for what seemed like hours—though in reality mere moments likely passed—and I settled into a series of slightly diminished, still ecstatic aftershocks.

  My partners both pulled out of me and collapsed onto the ground at the same time, leaving me to shudder on the sticky restraining vines in a totally useless and utterly satisfied state of pure bliss. My earlier problems had been completely forgotten in the wake of an experience I could only describe as “life-altering.”

  “Holy fucking hell,” I murmured quietly, my voice hoarse. “Promise me… wow. Promise me we can do that again sometime.”

  Minny laughed from where she was sitting on the ground. “You got it, babe. Any time you want. We’ll have lots of time to get to know each other while we’re having our babies together…”

  And just like that I was snapped back into the full reality of everything I was dealing with.

  No amount of mind-blowing orgasms or post-sex oxytocin in the world could change the reality that I was still destined to be breeding stock as long as I was in this body, and Lana-James was the one responsible.

  “Get me down from these vines,” I ordered William, feeling suddenly foolish as I struggled against the sticky restraints. How had I let myself be distracted from my mission so easily? This body with its overcharged sex drive is downright maddening at times.

  “What’s the matter?” Minny asked.

  William leapt up to release me, allowing me to step back down, and I straightened as best as I could, despite how amazing and wobbly my body still felt. I tightened my jaw, steeling my resolve for what was to come next.

  “It’s time to have a reckoning,” I said, feeling my bosom to make sure that the MID was still nestled safely aw
ay where I had left it. “Take me to James. Immediately.”

  The end… for now. Thanks for reading!

  - xoxo, Alyson

  Want more? Subscribe to Alyson Belle’s newsletter and you’ll get an exclusive FREE book, Forbidden Flirtations!

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  An excerpt from Forbidden Flirtations:

  As I made my way to the central stage, I could feel the eyes of the crowd on me and see them whisper to each other. There weren’t any other glitter-covered girls around, and it was obvious to everyone what I was here for. I struggled to push myself up the four feet required to get up there, and then felt a strong hand on my ass helping me up. I squeaked as it gave a little squeeze and turned around to see a handsome man with wavy black hair wink at me and smile. I huffed, but I appreciated his help.

  The music faded into another song as the DJ cut over, and I realized that everyone was looking at me expectantly. I swallowed nervously. The bass beat faded in. I wiggled my hips and started to gyrate in time with the music. Heather had been right. This body knew how to move, and still being just the tiniest bit high helped me along. I tried to close my eyes, smile, and just flow with the music.

  They loved it. I felt shockingly self-conscious, but I’d also never felt so free. These strangers were staring at me, staring at my half naked body, at my breasts and my ass as I wiggled along with the music in the silliest costume I’d ever worn. It was humiliating and powerful and exhilarating all at the same time.

  Glitter flew off my limbs with every fluid motion, and I began to touch myself: caressing my breasts and pushing my fingers sensually down my body, teasing at my pussy through my black lace panties, taunting the crowed. Neither the men nor the women could keep their eyes off of me. Even the other girls onstage below me had turned to watch, barely dancing themselves. I was beautiful. I was a goddess, and everyone wanted to watch me take it all off.


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