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50 SHADES of SEX: Mega Collection of 50 Erotic Short Sex Stories (Daddy Daughter Sex Stories,Babysitter Sex Stories, Hot Wife Sex Stories, Quickie Sex and More)

Page 33

by Hunt, Lexi

  All of a sudden Charlie was right on her, teasing her expose pussy lips with the tip of his cock. She moaned and found herself grinding against the metal of the car, and then finally cried out with undiluted glee as Charlie slipped his dick up inside her. Her stepdad's cock was bigger than any she'd ever taken before, but this slight feeling of pain only heightened her senses more. She wanted this. She wanted to be fucked by her daddy, in front of a complete stranger.

  "Looks like a pussy is sweet” the journalist commented, massaging his cock and vigorously as he spoke. Charlie grunted in agreement, and quickened his pace. "Let’s see if her ass is even sweeter" the journalist said, then stepped forward, pushing Charlie to the side slightly to give himself easy access. He then parted Leanna’s ass cheeks roughly, and before she could even put out a word of protest she felt his dick pressing up against her tight ring.

  Leanna cried out in a twisted yowl of pain as the journalist stuffed his cock up her ass. It was so painful that she felt like her head was going to explode. But she didn't tell him to stop. There was something inside her that was feeding off the pain, and she couldn't help but notice that it made the feeling of her stepdad's cock inside her all the more intense.

  She shuddered and groaned under the force of both men as they began ploughing into her. She'd never been fucked in the ass before, and now two men were doing her at once! It felt so strange to be filled up that way, and even more exhilarating to think that it was her own daddy doing it to her.

  Charlie slipped his hand underneath Leanna, and began playing with her clit as he piled into her. She felt every inch of the journalist as he slid in and out of her ass, stretching her around his shaft. But now that she had some friction against her clit, the pain in her ass was subsiding.

  "Fill her up" the journalist suddenly barked "make her pay for what she's done!"

  Charlie didn't need telling twice. With a loud groan he emptied himself into his stepdaughter, slapping her ass with every spurt of his cum. Leanna squealed as her own orgasm came gushing out, soaking her daddy's groin with her sweet juices. Her pussy pulsated and her asshole clenched, tightening around the journalist’s dick as he buried himself even deeper inside of her. That was too much for him, and he shot his load in her virgin ass – grunting like an animal as he did so.

  Leanna couldn't believe what she’d just done, but she was even more shocked at how much she enjoyed it. It felt utterly delicious to be filled up by two guys at once, and she smiled to herself as she gasped for breath on the hood of the car. Both men stayed inside of her for a few moments, until she felt their cocks beginning to relax. Then they both slowly drew out, leaving her lying against flat against the metal hood, desperately trying to catch her breath. She didn't care. At that moment she was in a state of complete and utter bliss.

  She then felt Charlie pulling her skirt back down, and the journalist handed her back her sweater. She rolled over on the hood of the car and looked up at them both. A broad smile spread across her face, and both of them couldn't help but smile back.

  "So, have I paid my debt?" Leanna said, cheekily. The journalist nodded curtly, but said nothing. She looked over at Charlie, and although he was trying to keep his face neutral she could see a glint of excitement behind his eyes. She knew how grateful he must be for what she'd just done, and she shivered with excitement as she contemplated how he might repay her. If what she'd just endured was supposed to be a punishment, then she couldn't wait to find out what it felt like to be rewarded! Her daddy's face said it all.

  Whatever Daddy Wants

  “A Hardcore Story of Virgin Sex Between A Horny Stepfather And His Teenage Stepdaughter”


  Bernice doesn’t get along with her stepdad, and their relationship has become more and more strained over the years. They argue and bicker constantly, and Bernice’s mother can’t take any more. She decides to book a spa weekend for Bernice’s eighteenth birthday, but what she doesn’t tell her daughter is that she is going to be spending the weekend relaxing with none other than her stepfather. It seems like the perfect opportunity for them to put aside their differences and spend some quality time together. But, during a sensual massage at the spa, Bernice falls asleep – and when she awakes she realises that there is an entirely different pair of hands caressing her. What follows gives an entirely new meaning to father-daughter bonding.

  I gazed out of the window at the countryside as it whizzed past. We’d only been in the car for an hour, but to me it felt like an eternity. I sighed and had to stifle a yawn – it was so boring being in the car with no music on. I don’t know why my stepdad had such a problem with the radio, but evidently he felt so strongly about it that he’d rather drive for an hour in awkward silence than get over his stubbornness and just put on the radio. He would just blindly refuse, saying that he couldn’t stand today’s music, or that the radio hosts annoyed him. That was just typical of him and his judgemental and controlling nature.

  He wouldn’t even let me put on a CD! Talk about controlling. I knew that he was just being this way to spite me, but I also knew that if I raised the issue he would tell me that I was behaving like a spoilt child. We’d had enough arguments in the five years that he had been married to my mom for me to know the sorts of things he would do and say. It was almost like arguments between us arose out of habit rather than anything else. But there was no way of changing that, I was sure. As far as I was concerned, there was too much water under the bridge. I deeply resented him for the way that he always tried to belittle me and control me. I truly felt like he treated me like a child, and no matter how many times I tried to explain my anguish to my mom, she just never listened. She always sided with him.

  I suppose I was difficult at times – and yes, sometimes our arguments did stem from me being immature and petulant. But I always justified my own behaviour by comparing it to the way that he treated me. Perhaps I wouldn’t behave like a child if he didn’t treat me like one! I had just turned eighteen that week, but still he treated me like an infant. Me and my stepdad just didn’t get along, simple as that.

  As a matter of fact, our strained relationship was the reason for this awkward road trip. In the weeks leading up to my eighteenth birthday, me and my stepdad had been at each other’s throats. More so than usual.

  I couldn’t quite put my finger on it, but something had changed between us. He was much more controlling than usual, making sly remarks about the way I looked and how I should ‘dress more appropriately’ for my age. I couldn’t believe the cheek of it!

  But my mom never stuck up for me. She’d had so many bad experiences in the past with getting stuck in the middle of arguments between us that I guess she’d just learned her lesson and decided it best to keep well out of it. But that didn’t help me! I felt like I was constantly subjected to his belittling and antagonising me.

  I couldn’t even pick up the telephone without him suddenly appearing by my side demanding to know who I was calling and why. I swear that I could hear him on the other line one time, listening in to me having quite a personal conversation with one of my girl friends. It was like he was obsessed or something!

  I have to say that his strange behaviour as of late had left me feeling a little bit nervous and kind of confused. It was so obvious that even my mom had noticed, but rather than giving him a stern talking to, she decided to ship us off together in the car for a spa-weekend together. The moment she announced the news to us both, our faces dropped simultaneously. But she’d obviously spent a lot of money on arranging it last minute, so neither of us dared to object. We just stared at each other, and managed fake smiles. My mom must have known how we really felt, but I don’t think she cared. As far as she was concerned this was the perfect way to force us to at least attempt to get along.

  I sighed a deep, almost exasperated sigh as I looked out of the window in silence. My stepdad moved his hand to change gear, brushing me slightly on the thigh as he did so. It was a complete accident, but for some
reason it made me jump out of my skin and snap my head around to look at him. It also caused my heart to race and my stomach to tighten in a not altogether unpleasant way.

  “Jeez, Bernice – relax!” he said, looking puzzled by my reaction “why are you so jumpy?”

  I looked at him for a moment and then shook my head, shrugging my shoulders as I did so. I couldn’t answer him because I didn’t know. He was right, though. I was jumpy. And nervous. And unsettled for some reason that I just couldn’t explain. But I could tell that he felt it too – from the way his face was set into a frown of concentration, and his hand’s gripped the steering wheel a little too tightly. There was a distinct nervousness between us, and neither of us could deny it.

  I breathed an audible gasp of relief when we finally pulled into the car park of the Ocean Bay Hotel & Spa and quickly got out of the car. It felt good to be out of the car and away from the stifling yet somehow electric atmosphere that had been practically suffocating us. My stepdad popped the trunk and I picked up my bright pink suitcase, then made my way up the steps to the entrance of the hotel.

  “Nice of you to offer some help!” my stepdad called after me, wrestling with his own case and trying to lock up the car at the same time. I huffed and made my way into the reception area. Why should I help him? He hadn’t even offered to help me, so why should I be the one to remember my manners? This was just typical of him. Always self-centred, and too ignorant to even realise it.

  “Hi, we have a reservation under the name of Browning” I said to the lady behind the desk. She smiled and got up out of her seat, beckoning my stepdad over as he stumbled through the doors and into the hotel.

  “Right this way please” she said, walking out from behind her desk and around a corner “the porters will see to your luggage. For now I suspect you’d like to relax and unwind from your journey.”

  We followed her down a short corridor, exchanging looks of bewilderment but neither of us offering up any word of protest. We turned another corner and found that the corridor came to an end. There were a set of large double doors immediately in front of us, and two doors either side.

  “The changing rooms are on the left and right, and you’ll find your robes, towels and slippers hanging up ready for you” the woman said with a smile, gesturing to the doors as she spoke “once you’ve changed, make your way through these double doors into the massage room.”

  “What, right now?” I said, a look of puzzlement on my face.

  “Yes” the woman said promptly “you’ve paid for the full package, which includes a complimentary massage upon arrival. The masseuses are waiting ”

  She gestured to the female changing room once more and I obediently opened the door and slipped inside, without so much as a word to my stepdad. I wanted to get this all over and done with so that I could just retreat up to my room and hide away. Sure, my mom had paid for us to be here and ‘bond’– but she couldn’t force us to spend time together. I knew my stepdad would secretly be thinking the same thing.

  After I’d slipped out of my clothes and put them in the locker provided, I wrapped myself in a towel and put my robe and slippers on. Then I scurried out of the changing room and through the double doors into the massage room.

  I was immediately shocked by what I saw. The room before me was like nothing I had ever seen before. It was absolutely beautiful! There was a river carved into the marble floor, separating the room into two islands. In the centre of each island there was a massage table, and there were rose petals scattered over every inch of the floor. I heard my stepdad enter the room through the doors behind me, and couldn’t help but smile when he stopped dead in his tracks, just as I had done. The room really did look magical – soft, ambient lighting seemed to pulsate as if from nowhere, giving everything a rose-tinted glow. I walked over to one of the massage tables and hopped up onto it, looking back at my stepdad and grinning.

  “Mom’s outdone herself, don’t you think?” I said, swinging my legs and grinning like a child “I can’t believe it!”

  My stepdad nodded, and walked over to his table. I did think it was a little odd that there was no divide in the middle of the room, though. I would have thought that they might offer at least a curtain for privacy. But then it dawned on me that this must be a room for couples. Why else would there be such romantic decor?

  That notion made me feel a little uncomfortable, but before I had time to consider it further, a small side door opened and two young women walked in. Neither of them spoke, they just smiled and took our robes, then gestured for us to lie, face down, on the massage tables. All apprehension, anxiety and feelings of awkwardness immediately began to melt away as the woman began working her magic on me. I groaned and sank further into the massage table as she pressed her hands into my knotted flesh, rubbing and kneading until I felt like I was literally turning to liquid in her hands.

  It was so relaxing to be pampered in that way, like her hands were magic. I found myself dozing off into a placid sleep, and I didn't realise that my towel was being unhooked at the back, and laid open – exposing my bare ass on the smooth curve of my back. My head was filled with strange sensations, smells and feelings -- like I was being transported away from the physical world and into existence of nothing but pleasure. I felt a warm tingling between my legs, and a familiar dragging, pulsing sensation coming from deep within the pit of my stomach. I was aware that I let out a little moan, but it wasn't enough to wake me from my strange slumber. I was too far gone. In fact, I was so relaxed that I didn't even notice the change in pressure as the hands caressed my back.

  I didn't notice that they had somehow become stronger, rougher. I didn't even notice how they were slowly making their way down my back, closer and closer to the ripe, firm mounds of my buttocks. All I knew was that the more they worked on me, the more my pussy began to flutter.

  It was only when I felt the unmistakable feeling of the finger teasing the soft crease where my buttock met the back of my thigh that my eyes snapped open. I turned my head in shock and surprise, but nothing could have prepared me for the sight that met my eyes. My stepdad was standing there, completely naked with his hands caressing me. His cock was hard, and I saw the glint of a small bead pre-cum that had gathered at the tip. How long had he been standing there like that? How long keeping touching me? Why wasn't I telling him to stop?

  "Daddy... what the f...” I began, but I cut myself short as I felt my stepdad's rough fingers slide deep inside my tight cunt. I couldn't believe what was happening to me. He was my stepdad! Now he had his fingers inside my pussy, I couldn't even bring myself to tell him to stop. I didn't want him to stop. It was absolutely crazy.

  "Ssshhh” he whispered slipping another finger up inside me and making me gasp "your skin... you just looked so... soft”

  His voice was low and heavy with desire. It made my heart do a somersault, and I couldn't take my eyes off his throbbing erection. I couldn't believe how attracted I was to him at that moment, it was completely sub-normal! All the tension that had been mounting between us over the last few months was suddenly bubbling over, and this seemed the only logical way that it could possibly resolve itself. I wanted this. I wanted my daddy's big fat cock inside my tight little pussy. I wanted him to be my first!

  I moaned like a little whore as he continued to work on me, curling his fingers inside me and then drawing them out excruciatingly slowly. Every couple of strokes he would brush against my clit, sending little zips of electricity through me and causing me to gasp out loud. I had never been touched in that way, and I couldn't believe it was my daddy doing it to me.

  I bit my bottom lip and closed my eyes, giving myself over to him completely and clenching my pussy around his fingers as they explored me from the inside. When I opened my eyes again I saw that he was massaging his cock with his free hand, squeezing it hard at the base and drawing out even more pre-cum. Instinctively, I reached out and grabbed it, pulling him towards my face. I opened wide and allowed him to t
hrust himself down my throat, tasting his juices and feeling my own flowing more freely. I sucked on him greedily, squeezing his shaft and sliding my hand up slowly to meet my mouth before burying him deep inside my throat once more.

  “Ooohh, fuck... baby – you’re so good!” He exclaimed, closing his eyes and throwing his head backwards. His words of encouragement made my heart do another somersault. I had barely even sucked a dick before; I was doing so instinctively and it just felt so right.

  I felt my daddy's helmet swell up inside my mouth, and I heard him gasp. He drew out of my mouth quickly and removed his fingers from my pussy. I drew in a sharp breath, shocked as he looked down at me, an expression of the utmost desire on his face. He then sprang into action, straddling the massage table and me, both his knees on either side of my ass and his hard dick resting in the middle.

  "Your ass is perfect" he whispered. I didn't know how to answer that, so I just remained silent. I felt him shift his position, sliding his cock between my ass cheeks slowly before resting its tip just at opening my pussy. I flinched and looked over my shoulder at him. I was so sedated I didn't feel like myself any more. I was subservient, malleable. It was as if he could manipulate me into doing anything he wanted, and the strange thing was that I wanted him to manipulate me. I wanted him to use me for whatever pleasures he had in mind. I wanted him to fuck me!


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