Daye, Rainey - An Unconventional Love (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour)

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Daye, Rainey - An Unconventional Love (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour) Page 25

by Rainey Daye

  “Kiss me,” she whispered, needing to touch him in whatever capacity she could, and Jess slowly lowered his head to her and kissed her slow and deep, just as he thrust inside her slow and deep.

  When Jess finally pulled back from their kiss, he wrapped his arms around her and lifted her, repositioning them so that Maggie was now sitting in his lap with her legs wrapped around him and her ankles firmly locked and tucked up against him. She wrapped her arms around his torso, her breasts pressed tightly against his chest, and rode him just as slow and easy while his arms enfolded her in his embrace.

  Theirs was a gentle loving, a prolonged loving. Neither wanted it to end, and they prolonged their pleasure as long as possible. But the needs of their bodies eventually overrode the needs of their hearts, and his hands slipped down to grasp and then dig into her hips while Maggie moved her legs so she was now kneeling astride him so she could better control how far she rose off his cock before slamming back down and grinding herself against him.

  Her skirt pooled around them and completely covered them from the waist down. Her blouse and his shirt were completely open so that her bare breasts rubbed along his bare chest each time she leaned into him.

  Their movements became more frantic, and her moans turned into keening while his groans morphed into grunts. He tightened his fingers and dug them almost painfully into her hips as he increased the pace even more. Maggie wrapped her arms around his neck and held on for dear life as he took her over the edge and beyond.

  She buried her lips against his neck so that her cries of ecstasy would not travel from the small clearing and out over the lake. Jess threw his head back and gritted his teeth a his seed exploded in a blinding white rush of pleasure that left him temporarily blind from passion, which was how he described it to her later, inflating her ego regarding her sexual prowess.

  Their hearts beat frantically in their chests, and they both clutched each other as they gasped and tried to catch their breath.

  Only when Jess began to slip out of her did he loosen his grip. He ran his hands up her back and then he gently tilted her back before rolling them onto their side, their limbs still intertwined, their clothes mostly in place. Maggie snuggled against him, and Jess placed a kiss on the top of her head before they both closed their eyes in ultimate bliss and dozed off together as the sunlight dappled them through the leafy branches of the surrounding trees.

  Chapter 17

  Before Jess left to go back home, he used her parents’ computer to download the pictures he had taken of her to a disc so that she could delete them from her camera’s memory card. She knew that he wouldn’t even share the photos with Alex, and she couldn’t remain mad or outraged over the pictures when he told her how beautiful she was in them and he just needed something to get him through the next three weeks until she was home with them again.

  He honestly had no clue when Alex would make an appearance, and perversely, she wanted some time to pass before Alex appeared so that she could both savor the memory of her week with Jess and mourn their separation before she began to anticipate Alex’s visit.

  She dug out her pocket calendar to write “visit from Jess” across the seven days that he had been there and to try to see if she could determine when Alex would show. They had waited two weeks before Jess came a-calling, so would Alex give her another two weeks alone with her folks? It was while she was trying to puzzle it out and was flipping through her calendar that she realized that she was due to get her period in three days. Not wanting it to interfere with her week with Alex, as it would be so unfair to both of them if she were unable to make love with him as she had with Jess, she felt herself start to panic. What if he were already on his way? How could she give him the same amount of time and attention that she had given Jess if she was cramping so bad the first day or two that all she wanted to do was curl up with a heating pad against her stomach? If he showed up right now, how much sex could she squeeze in in three days without her parents wising up so that Alex wouldn’t mind remaining celibate during the rest of his visit? What if he showed up in the middle of it? How could she pour a bucket of ice water on him and say, “sorry, your timing sucks” when he had spent all these weeks apart from her and was surely anticipating having sex with her as soon as he could get her alone? Hell, maybe he wouldn’t even care that she was bleeding and try to get her naked anyway, but she cared. She didn’t know if she could get so carried away that she was willing to have sex while menstruating, and the thought of how embarrassing that could be and all these likely scenarios caused her panic to flare higher and higher.

  She fired off both an e-mail and an instant message to him, even though he wasn’t currently online, to let him know that this week would be a “bad time” for him to visit but any day after next Sunday would be perfect. She then held her breath and prayed that he wasn’t already on a plane, finding herself pacing and periodically rushing to the computer to pull up the IM to see if he were online yet.

  She received a phone call from Alex a couple of hours later. She answered her cell to find Alex on the other end, demanding to know what was wrong since he had just read her e-mail, and it had scared the crap out of him.

  “It did? Oh, Alex, I’m so sorry for scaring you like that!”

  “Are you okay, honey? Did something happen? Do I need to push up my flight? Say the word, and I’ll come and get you.”

  “No, no, I’m fine, really.”

  “You don’t sound fine,” he said doubtfully.

  “Yeah, well, I’m probably PMSing again, and you always seem to be on the receiving end. Only this time, instead of irrational anger, you’re experiencing irrational worry that you’ll show up right when I’m the least fun to be around.”

  “The least fun?”

  “Yeah, you know, those five days a month when I can’t have sex with you? And I want to have sex with you. I really, really do. As often as possible every day that you are here. I don’t want to deprive either of us of any sex time, and Jess said that he had no idea when you were coming, and I suddenly got worried that you would show up at the wrong time, so I thought I should probably tell you when the right time was—”

  “Maggie, baby, you’re rambling,” Alex interrupted her.

  “Well, duh! I’m PMSing! Do I have to actually spell it out for you?” she cried, embarrassed and exasperated.

  Alex burst into laughter on the other side of the phone. “No, baby,” he said, getting his mirth under control when Maggie growled at him for laughing. “I’m gonna tell you something, but I don’t want you to take it the wrong way, okay? I don’t want you to get mad or embarrassed.”

  “I can’t make that promise,” she replied truthfully.

  “Okay, it can wait then. In the meantime, don’t worry. I won’t show up before next Tuesday, I promise.”

  “When are you coming here?” Maggie wanted to know.

  “I’d rather it be a surprise like Jess’s visit was,” Alex said.

  “Okay. Oh, well, what the hell, tell me what you were going to earlier, then.”


  “No, really. Do I always react the way you think I will? You won’t know if I’ll get mad or embarrassed until you tell me. And if you don’t tell me now, I’ll probably obsess over whatever it is and pester you to tell me when you get here and then it will probably mar our time together. So let’s just get it out of the way, okay?”

  A long silence followed, and she knew that Alex was considering telling her. A long sigh then indicated that he was going to, so she braced herself for whatever he was going to say.

  “Okay, just keep in mind the Scout motto, okay?”

  “Be prepared? Okay.”

  “All right then,” Alex said and took a deep breath. “Jess and I track your cycle.”


  “Your period, sweetheart. After we had that argument in the car and you mentioned PMS, I got to thinking, and I realized that we would have to take your cycle into account in the futur
e. Be aware that some days we would have to walk on eggshells around you. Be aware that on some dates you wouldn’t want to proceed past second because it was that time of the month, or might not be in the mood for any fooling around at all. We figured that it would be better to know going in when that time was rather than you having to inform us. You know, to save you from embarrassment if you were uncomfortable telling us you were on your period, and keep us from letting our libidos get out of hand.”

  Maggie’s cheeks were indeed flaming as she realized that her lovers probably knew her cycle better than she did. “I didn’t realize guys do things like that,” Maggie said carefully.

  “Well, I’m sure most guys don’t when they are dating. But if they’re living with a girl? I don’t think they can help but be aware of her cycle. And I sure as hell remember my dad being well aware of what days he should probably work late at the office,” Alex said with a bit of dark humor in his voice. “I think being tuned into your partner’s cycle is just part and parcel of having a long-term relationship. And since the three of us are in a committed relationship and actively dating, well, it behooves us to keep track. To know what nights we can safely seduce you together, which nights you wouldn’t mind one of us slipping into your bed while you were sleeping. And with your six weeks at your folks’ house, when the best time would be to visit.”


  “Are you mad? “Alex asked softly.


  “Are you embarrassed?”

  “A bit.”

  “I’m sorry.”

  “Don’t be. If I think about it rationally, then I would have to say that it is a mark of a good boyfriend that he is so deeply aware of his girlfriend. And I’m looking over a copy of the e-mail I sent you as we speak, and I’m cringing at what I wrote. No wonder you were so worried. It reads as if I’d lost my mind.”

  “Well, if it’s any consolation, only intense situations seem to trigger PMS on your part. But I thought it only manifested as anger. You’re not usually as crazed as that e-mail makes you seem to be, which is why it never occurred to me that that was the problem.”

  “Well, I’m just glad that you called to check in on the crazy lady before rushing off to the airport and flying here,” Maggie said. “And I really am sorry for having worried you.”

  “And I’m sorry that I caused you unnecessary worry. If I had told you this sooner, then there would have been no call for alarm on your part.”

  “Or if you had just bothered to tell me when you’re coming here, then I wouldn’t have panicked like I did.”

  “Touché, sweetheart,” Alex said. “But I really do want it to be a surprise. And if it helps, you now know that I hadn’t planned on showing up prior to next Sunday after all.”

  “Yeah, well, I’m PMSing, remember? Not really appreciating it right now.”

  “I know. Sorry. But Mags,” Alex said.


  “I’m missing you like crazy.”

  “You mean you’re horny,” Maggie said drily.

  “No. I mean that I miss you. I miss spending time with you. And if I have to prove it by showing up in a couple of days, I will.”

  “Don’t you dare, Alex Cavalerri! I fully intend to enjoy your body every single day that you are here, and you will not deny me that pleasure. Do you understand?”

  “Yes, ma’am. I won’t arrive before next Sunday. I promise.”

  “Will I see you on Sunday?” she asked.

  “To paraphrase you, I will not allow you to deny me the pleasure of surprising you. Do you understand?”

  “Yes, sir!” Maggie laughed.

  Alex sighed in relief. “I can’t wait to see you, sweetheart.”

  “Me neither,” Maggie said softly before they hung up, and she went upstairs to cry, deciding that if she actually was PMSing, then crying seemed the thing to do right now.

  * * * *

  Maggie spent the next couple of days trying to think of places to take Alex when he came to visit. Yeah, she’d show him the same sights around town that she had shown to Jess. But it was the private places that she could take him to that were giving her heartburn. It just seemed really slutty to take him to the same places where she had made love to Jess. When they were alone together, thoughts of the other weren’t supposed to intrude. And she knew they would if she took him to the same places.

  Sighing, she reflected that it really sucked to live in a small town. There were only so many places where you could be intimate with someone. Yeah, sure, she’d been to Lover’s Lane with Troy and a couple of others before, and she hadn’t even thought of them at all while she was having her wicked way with Jess. But Jess and Alex were both her present, not her past like the others were, so she vetoed that idea. There was another section to Lover’s Lane, though, so if she took Alex there, then it might not be a problem. And of course she had every intention of spending mornings in bed with him. Damn. Now she was starting to get a headache on top of the heartburn. Talk about slutty. Doing two different guys in her brother’s old bed!

  “You all right, Maggie?” Troy asked her as he slid onto the barstool next to her in Donovan’s Pub where she and a couple of girlfriends were having drinks.

  “Yeah, I’m fine. Thanks,” Maggie said, offering him a wan smile. Although Troy had taken the hint and hadn’t made any moves on her or approached her in any way that could be construed as anything but friendship, she was still uneasy, especially since she hadn’t even given him a chance to clarify any intentions that he might have toward her. And not wanting to lead him on in any way, she hadn’t asked him any personal questions about himself and what he’d been up to for the past year.

  “You look pensive. Anything I can do to help?”

  Maggie almost laughed hysterically as the thought, Yeah, tell me where I can take my lover when he gets here where we can have down-and-dirty sex in a place where I won’t feel like I’m cheating on my other lover, flashed through her mind. She desperately swallowed back the snort brought on by that thought and choked on her drink. Troy immediately whacked her on the back until she could breathe clearly again.

  “Thanks,” she gasped.

  “No problem. Talk to me, Mag-pie,” he said, using his old nickname for her. “Maybe I can help.”

  “It’s stupid and nothing I would want to bother you with.”

  “Hey, it’s what friends do for each other. Bother away,” he said with an easy grin.

  “Okay. You asked for it,” Maggie sighed and took a deep breath. “Okay, you met my roommate, Jess, right?”

  “Yeah,” Troy said slowly. “Did he do or say something that upset you before he left?”

  “What? Oh, no, that’s not it. It’s just that he told me that my other roommate was also planning on stopping by some time. To meet my folks, reassure them in the flesh that he’s a good guy, see where I come from, things like that. And he’ll be staying for a week just like Jess did.”

  “Okay, so what’s the problem? Don’t you get along with Alex? Is his girlfriend giving you grief? Are you afraid that his visit here will cause problems with her?”

  “No, not at all. His girlfriend is really cool with everything. My concern is that Alex is going to be bored spending a week here. There’s not much town, and showing him around will only take a day. He’s a bit more intense than Jess. Jess is so laid-back and easygoing that he’s comfortable wherever he is, but Alex…” Maggie trailed off, shaking her head.

  “So, you’re trying to come up with activities that will keep Alex occupied and interested during his visit?” Troy asked.


  “Well, what kinds of things does this Alex like? I heard the stories, so I know it’s his house you live in. He might not come from a lot of money himself, but he’s used to being around it. Is he a city guy? Likes the hustle and bustle and all that? A jock? What?”

  “Well, Alex can actually surprise you. We went horseback riding together once because his girlfriend is scared of hors
es”—Maggie fudged a little with the pronoun—“and I’ve also gone to the zoo with him, because his girlfriend doesn’t care for that. You see, his Aunt Ida used to take him all the time so going to the zoo is now his way of honoring her, and since I’m also living in her house now, I thought it would be a great way for me to honor her, too.”

  “That’s really very sweet,” Troy remarked.

  “Yeah, Alex really is very sweet. They both are.”

  “I’m glad you have such good friends, Maggie. I’ll confess that I was worried about you going so far away to college. I’m glad they’ve taken you under their wings.”

  “So am I. And that’s why it’s so important to me to make sure Alex has a good time while he’s here.”

  “Well, you mentioned horseback riding and the zoo. Old Man Tucker has horses. We could probably get a group together and go riding. Tucker won’t mind. In fact, he’d be grateful that we’re exercising his horses for him.”

  “Well, that’s a thought,” Maggie said slowly, not that keen on spending time with Alex in a group setting when it was a private setting she was searching for.

  “And there’s a zoo about four hours north of here. Didn’t your parents take you there all the time?”

  “Yeah, we usually made a weekend trip out of it several times a year.”

  “Well, there’s two things you can do with him. And if he likes to fish, there’s the lake,” he continued as Maggie quickly took another drink to hide her blush as thoughts of what she had done with Jess at the lake flashed through her mind. No, she really didn’t want to take Alex to the lake.

  “What about the reservoir? Alex likes to swim,” she mused.

  “And Tom Hunter’s dad bought an old boat that he repaired and remodeled over the winter, and now he rents it out as a party boat,” Troy said enthusiastically.

  Maggie nodded slowly, thinking that these were excellent suggestions to fill the days with a platonic friend, but it still didn’t solve the problem of alone time with her boyfriend. Unless…


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