Covet Me

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Covet Me Page 8

by Geneva Lee

  “You don’t trust me.” Her face fell as she spoke, and I resisted the urge to spill all of my secrets.

  “I trust you, but I also love you. I have to weigh the possible consequences of you knowing too much.”

  “Fine,” she huffed. “Was all of this a set-up? Do I even have a meeting tomorrow?”

  “I’m a silent partner in Bless. I don’t interfere. Your meeting with Abigail Summers is your business.”

  “And yours, too, it seems.” This response was slightly less sarcastic. Progress. “Did you arrange for the meeting?”

  I stared quizzically at her. It wasn’t like her to show such a lack of confidence. She’d gone about starting Bless with the tenacity that had drawn me to her. Of course, I’d recently fucked with her perception of the world. The idea that I’d undermined her in any way left a bitter taste in my mouth. “You did that.”

  She relaxed a bit at this revelation.

  “Beautiful, I gave you some money. That’s where my contribution ended.”

  “Good.” She snuggled against me, obviously pleased. “Speaking of money, how the hell does a lawyer afford a Bugatti and house the size of Harrods and a suite at the Plaza?”

  I knew this question had preoccupied her for some time, and it wasn’t the first time she’d hinted at wanting answers. More than once, she’d made offhand remarks about my wealth. “From my father. It’s not a subject I like to discuss. I’m paid very well for solving questionable legal matters for my clients. But my wealth came from my father’s life insurance policy. He left it all to me.”

  “How much was…” she trailed off, her eyes widening at her own rudeness.

  “Ten million,” I answered before she could feel too guilty.

  “But, your house. Your car.”

  “It doesn’t add up,” I finished for her. “The house belonged to my family. My father purchased it not long after we moved from Scotland when he first started working for Hammond. It was an adventure to me at the time. It wasn’t until I was an adult that I questioned exactly how he afforded it. Inflation hasn’t risen that much.” My joke fell flat in the tension hanging between us. “Now I know he must have done something truly heinous to receive such a reward from Hammond.”

  “Why do you keep it?” she asked softly as she placed her palm on my chest.

  I clasped it tightly and shook my head. “I don’t know. In a way it’s a necessary reminder of what he’s done to me and my family. To my parents. To Margot.”

  She tensed at the mention of my ex-wife.

  “It reminds me of what I need to do,” I said in reassurance, “not of her. The estate is like a chain around my neck. I can’t free myself from it.”

  “Maybe you could take it off?”

  “We both know it’s not that simple.” Belle carried a similar burden with her family estate.

  “You’re right. But even if you owned the house. That’s not exactly an obscene amount of money.”

  “Are you saying that I’m worth an obscene amount of money?” I teased.

  This time my light-hearted comment had the intended effect. “You are priceless.”

  She jerked up and smacked me quickly on the lips.

  “You’re getting us confused again.” I brushed her hair back and felt my adoration for her multiply once more. “I was too young to take my inheritance, and as luck would have it, Hammond was the executor in charge of the funds.”

  “You call that lucky?”

  “Not all luck is good luck. He invested it for me. God knows how much seedy information he used, but he turned it into a hundred million pounds before I was nineteen.”

  “A hundred million?” Belle repeated in shock. “And he just gave it to you?”

  “Technically, it was mine, but yes. He did. It was play money to him. If he’d lost it all, it wouldn’t have mattered. That he made that much didn’t matter either. Although it did have the effect of winning me over. Suddenly, I owed him. So when he suggested I take up law at the university, I didn’t refuse. It never even occurred to me that I had a choice.”

  “That’s something I understand, too.” The melancholy trace of obligation colored her words. “And by the time you started working for him, he owned you.”

  “You’ve heard this story before,” I murmured, drawing her into my lap.

  She blinked, her full lashes fluttering innocently over wise eyes. “Some parts were left out.”

  “I didn’t like those chapters.” I swallowed and looked away from her.

  Belle’s soft hand guided my face back to hers. “No good story lacks conflict. It made you the man you are.”

  “And what kind of man am I?”

  She didn’t shrink away at the harsh undercurrent in my voice.

  “The kind of man I love,” she answered simply.

  “I am truly sorry for that.”

  This time her slap wasn’t playful, and my hand shot out and caught her wrist in a tight squeeze. She pulled back, but I didn’t relinquish control.

  “Don’t speak about the man I love that way,” she ordered me.

  “I don’t take orders from you.” But despite myself, I smiled. How this woman managed to turn my world upside down every time I was with her was beyond me. The fact that I liked it was even harder to grasp.

  “This time you do,” she said resolutely.

  For a split second, I considered flipping her over and reminding her exactly who was in charge. Instead I shrugged. “Noted.”

  “That’s all?” she countered. “You’re not going to spank me?”

  “Oh beautiful, I’m going to spank you. Hard. But I’m going to make you wait for it, because I think that’s exactly what you want.” She squirmed a little, rousing the attention of my cock, which had grown bored of the round of twenty questions. “I have other things in mind first.”

  “Oh yeah?”

  I’d successfully steered her away from the unpleasant topics that had consumed the last hour of our lives.

  “Lay across the bed. Feet over the side,” I instructed her as I scooped her off my lap and deposited her back onto the sheets. Belle wiggled into place, and my gaze raked over the sight of her long legs still covered in silk stockings and the lace garter resting snugly across her belly. Reaching down, I unhooked it and drew it away before I shredded the hosiery from her.

  “Those were expensive,” she informed me.

  “You really do want a spanking,” I said gruffly, stroking my cock with my free hand as I appreciated my work. “I’ll buy you more. But for now…”

  I wadded the ruined stockings in my hand and held them to her mouth. She shot me a murderous look before she allowed me to stuff them in.

  “You can’t get yourself in more trouble if you can’t talk, beautiful.” I stroked my index finger along the plump curve of her lower lip. “Now stay.”

  My balls tightened as she held still. She was annoyed with me. That was clear. But she couldn’t deny me either. The woman really was the perfect bottom. Submissive to a fault when I stripped her down and fiery as hell the rest of the time. Walking to the closet, I stopped and retrieved my tie from the floor. Then I pulled another one from a hanger. The two ties I’d asked her to choose between on her first day on the job. I’d given her a choice that day. She wasn’t getting one now.

  Returning to the bed, I lifted her leg, guiding her to bend it at the knee. Belle raised an eyebrow, but thanks to the makeshift gag, she couldn’t question me as I took her wrist and brought it to her calf. I looped the silk tie tightly, binding her arm to her ankle, and ignored the muffled protest. Apparently, her obedience was a little out of practice.

  “If you want me to stop, nod.” I waited. But despite the frustrated look on her face, she stayed still and lifted the other leg. “That’s what I thought.”

  I repeated the action. Stepping back, I surveyed my work, admiring the way the bindings put her cunt on display. In a few minutes, her muscles would begin to ache, but I had no doubt that she’d grow wetter
with each passing second.

  “I’ll be right back.” I swallowed a laugh as she shook her head and fought against my handiwork. “No.”

  Picking up the other stocking, I lifted her head and wrapped it around her mouth to prevent her from spitting out the gag. “Do you still want this?”

  She stopped fighting and relaxed.

  “Then be patient,” I said before striding out of the room. I had what I needed already, but I took my time gathering it. Right now, she was probably trying to wriggle free, but only so she could pounce on me. The longer I waited, the more primed she would be. And I’d told her I had plans for her. In the end, my own impatience won out. Belle was still in the bed. She’d managed to scoot herself to the edge.

  “Not the best idea,” I told her as I set the champagne bucket and towel on the nightstand. “I don’t want you bruising your ass before I get a chance to.” Drawing out a cube, I held it over her chest, the heat of my hand sending droplets of icy water trickling over her breasts. Her nipples pebbled into beacons of want instantly, and I couldn’t resist the urge to take them in my mouth. I sucked each one until I heard her moaning into the gag. Dropping the ice cube onto her navel, I straightened up and watched as it melted into a puddle on her belly before I took another from the bucket. I allowed this one to drip along her engorged sex, the water mixing with the slick proof of her arousal. Belle’s eyes rolled back at the sensation, and I moved the remainder of the cube down, bringing it to the tight pucker on display. Her eyes flew open when it made contact, and this time she cried out. The sound made me want to shove my dick inside her, but I refrained, enjoying the little game too much for it to end so soon.

  Belle loved being tied up. She got wet when I collared her. But nothing made her body respond more than promises, and I had a few to deliver.

  “I’m going to fuck this,” I told her, pushing the ice against the quivering hole. “And you are going to beg me to never stop.”

  She rocked against my hand, urging more contact, even as she looked like she was about to cry.

  “It’s okay,” I soothed her. “I know you want it, beautiful, and I’ll give it to you, but not tonight. You have no idea how much I want to right now, but you aren’t ready. We’re going to work on that. Is that okay?”

  She nodded and I smiled. The ice was completely gone now, and I took another and placed it at the apex of her seam. “Don’t move. If that ice falls, I’ll have to stop.”

  Her body tensed, doing her best to comply as it slowly leaked down her slit. I drew my thumb across her pussy, coating it in the slippery arousal spilling from her and began to circle the tight entrance of her ass. “I love your ass. I want to fuck it and paddle it and worship it. You want that too, don’t you?”

  A choked sob escaped from her as she nodded again.

  “Baby steps.” I pushed against the snug rim until I was stroking her inside. “I can see your clit pulsing. It must be so hard to stay still, but you’re doing so well. I love watching you fight your urges to give me control. It makes me so fucking hard.” I pushed deeper and twisted to allow my other fingers to play with her cunt. Sliding my index finger into her weeping pussy, I found her g-spot and began to knead.

  “You’re going to come so hard for me in a minute, baby, and I want you to let go. You have no control, and I want to see you surrender to that. Can you do that?”

  She didn’t respond, but I felt her tightening around me. Quickly slipping another finger inside, I moved faster until I was fucking her relentlessly with my hand. Her thighs shook, and she arched up, fighting for balance that her bindings wouldn’t afford. I pressed my other hand to her belly, anchoring her to the mattress as she transformed into a convulsing, sobbing wreck before my eyes. Her muscles gave way, too tired to fight any longer and the orgasm ripped through her, sending a gush of warm arousal onto my hand as she came. Then she went utterly still, save for the muscles quivering from the effort that came with being tied up. I withdrew from her slowly, savoring the way she continued to pulse against my fingers. Wiping off my hand with the towel, I then swept it gingerly over her sensitive pussy. Her head flopped from side to side to let me know it was too much, too soon.

  “You’re such a good girl,” I murmured as I undid the ties and rubbed the indentations left on her flesh. “Good girls get to come like that. Are you going to continue to be good for me, beautiful?”

  I took off the gag, and she breathed a yes, licking her dry lips.

  “Wait right here.” I stepped back and she shook her head. I tsked softly. “I’m going to draw you a bubble bath, and then I’m going to carry you to it. It might be a while before you can stand on your own two feet again.”

  “Yes, Sir,” she whimpered as she lolled across the bed.

  Fifteen minutes later, I scooped her limp body up and placed her in the bath. Belle relaxed into the water, her nipples grazing across the glassy surface. I corked the champagne I’d rescued from the bucket as she soaked. She jolted at the pop, but her eyes remained closed.

  “Open your mouth, beautiful,” I coaxed, sitting on the edge of the tub.

  She obliged, her lips parting to reveal her white teeth. Slowly I drizzled champagne over her full lips, allowing it to trickle over her chin. It spilled across her collarbone, turning into a stream that ran between her perfect breasts.

  “Seems like a waste of Dom Perignon,” she murmured past the bubbles foaming over her tongue.

  “I told you I was giving you a bubble bath.” I emptied the bottle. I’d order another later. Another the night after that. I wanted to pamper her, treat her like the queen she was.

  “Care to join me?” she asked shyly.

  “That can be arranged.”

  Belle scooted forward, allowing me to slip in behind her. She melted against me as my arms coiled tightly around her torso, drawing her close. From now on, I wasn’t letting her go.

  “I wish it could always be like this.” She sighed, releasing the wish as quickly as she’d stated it.

  “Tonight it will be,” I whispered in her ear.

  “And tomorrow?” she pressed. “Can we pretend that this is our life?”

  I heard what she was really asking: could we pretend the outside world didn’t matter? I wanted to tell her we could—to promise the nightmare was over. But I’d lied to her before, and I was tired of it.

  “Tonight it is.”

  “And tomorrow?” she asked again.

  “Yes,” I said, meaning it. Wanting it. “And every day it’s in my power.”

  It wasn’t enough. Not for either of us. But for one night, it could be.

  The outfit was all wrong. The neckline was too low, dipping to the valley between my breasts. The skirt was too long. It fit me perfectly, as had every piece that had arrived courtesy of Smith’s shopping excursion to Harrods, but it still wasn’t right.

  It wasn’t sexy or daring or enough. I stared into the full-length mirror in the bathroom, trying to get a handle on exactly what was wrong. Given my company’s title, a little black dress was exactly what I needed to wear to this afternoon’s interview. But in New York, everyone wore them. I needed to stand out without drawing attention, and I had no idea how to do it.

  “So much for becoming a fashion mogul,” I muttered at my reflection.

  “You’re already a fashion icon,” Smith said. He came up behind me and wrapped his arms around my waist. “Now what is the problem?”

  “It’s missing something. I have to impress this editor.” Just getting an interview wasn’t going to ensure a coveted spot in her magazine. The thought set off a new wave of self-doubt. There were people who would kill to have this opportunity, and I was going to cock it up. Those people would have no problem walking into the Trend offices and wowing everyone with their poise.

  God, if I couldn’t nail a magazine article, how would I succeed in business?

  “You are going to impress her.” Smith spoke with an assurance that was typically male, but I shook my head.
/>   “I have tried on every piece I brought.”

  “Wait here.” His arms slipped away, and he disappeared back to the bedroom. When he returned, he held a pair of Louboutins. “These landed you your last job.”

  I took them, studying the leopard print. They were amongst my favorites, but I couldn’t help worrying the print was cliché. I was definitely overthinking things now.

  Smith seemed to sense my reluctance. Dropping to one knee, he reached for the shoes. Then he reverently slid them onto my feet. “You walked in to my office in these shoes, and I knew right then and there, you were different. Here was this gorgeous woman. She was polished and professional. I wanted to fuck you on the spot.”

  “I’m not sure that’s what I should be going for,” I said dryly.

  “That was my response,” he said as he stood and took my shoulders. Spinning me around, his eyes met mine in the mirror. “I responded that way because I knew you were a woman who knew what she wanted.”

  “I wanted a job,” I murmured.

  “And you got it.”

  I’d also received him in the bargain. Maybe he was on to something. I studied myself more closely. The black dress, which had felt ordinary moments before, had transformed with Smith’s addition. Suddenly I wasn’t average. I was bold and commanding. I straightened up, a smile creeping across my face.

  “These must be lucky,” I said at last.

  “That’s not it.” He shook his head and pulled me against his hard body. “They’re simply a representation of who you are. Sexy, sophisticated. A woman that doesn’t have to try to draw the attention of everyone in the room.”

  “You’re pretty good at this,” I teased. “Do you want a job?”

  “I don’t think I could handle working under you, beautiful. I’m far too fond of being on top.”

  Of me. Of the world. Of everything he touched. A tingle danced down my spine. I’d gotten his attention and somehow I’d kept it.

  “It’s time you stop second-guessing yourself and you start listening to the truth,” he continued.

  “Are you going to go all alpha on me outside the bedroom?”


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