A Seaside Escape: A feel-good romance to warm your heart this winter

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A Seaside Escape: A feel-good romance to warm your heart this winter Page 26

by Lisa Hobman

  Stella had painted her face white, back-combed her hair and made herself up as a zombie complete with dripping blood; Christine was a mad scientist in a white lab coat also covered in fake blood. Frankenstein was there, along with a giant pumpkin, a werewolf and several vampires, amongst many other ghoulish guests. Everyone was having a brilliant time. Well, everyone apart from Mallory whose terrible timing meant she was forced to see the man she cared deeply for in the throes of moving on.

  Greg kicked off with ‘The Monster Mash’ and managed somehow to follow that with an acoustic rendition of ‘Thriller’. The tone changed slightly, however, when he announced his next song.

  ‘Now I know this isn’t a high school disco, but I have to say that all these decorations are taking me back. I think, in true high school disco fashion, maybes we’ll have a smoochy number. So, if you’re here with a loved one, grab them and give ’em a cuddle. This one is dedicated to all those who are lucky enough to be in love. It’s by a young guy with more talent in his left bum cheek than I’ve got in ma whole body.’ Laughter rumbled around the room. ‘It’s a beautiful song called “Thinking Out Loud” and you have permission to dance but not sing along, even though you might be tempted.’ He winked randomly at the audience as he began to strum the opening chords.

  People in the pub paired off and smooched in the small space. Greg’s rich voice sounded gravelly and filled with emotion as he sang the beautiful lyrics and Mallory wondered if, in his heart this time, he was singing it for Kate. A twinge of jealousy knotted inside of her and she glanced over to where Kate had been sitting only to find her gone. Looking back to Greg to see if he had noticed her absence, she found he was now singing with his eyes closed.

  Wondering if she should check on Kate, she wandered around again to see if perhaps she had gone to the ladies but as the song was coming to its end she was still nowhere to be seen. Mallory was unsure why she was compelled to do so, but she decided to go outside and look for her there.

  She clambered through the freakish, smooching couples and made it out into the chilled October evening. Kate was sitting, shivering, on one of the seats outside and as Mallory got closer she could see she was crying. Her make-up was now streaked down her face and Mallory immediately felt sorry for her.

  She approached the sobbing woman. ‘Kate? Is everything okay?’ As soon as the words had left her mouth she realised it was a stupid question.

  ‘No. Everything is most certainly not okay. I’m an idiot!’ she blurted out.

  Mallory twisted her hands together. ‘Mind if I ask what’s wrong?’

  Kate scoffed. ‘You really need to ask that?’

  Affronted by the unspoken accusation, Mallory asked, ‘Have I done something to upset you, Kate?’

  Peering skyward, Kate sighed. ‘He won’t let go of you, will he? He still thinks there’s a chance. I was willing to get past the marriage thing until it’s dealt with but, oh no, Mallory can’t be replaced.’

  ‘Kate… I’m sorry to hear that but I can assure you Greg and I are not… together. We never really were. We’re friends but that’s all. He’s with you now and I won’t stand in your way.’ She swallowed the lump that had appeared in her throat as she spoke the painful words.

  Kate wiped at her face, smearing her make-up even more. ‘Well you don’t need to waste your time helping me. He lives in hope that someday you’ll forgive him. He told me tonight that he can’t see me anymore. That it’s unfair whilst he still loves you.’

  Mallory’s heart skipped a beat and she sat beside the distraught woman. ‘Oh, Kate, I’m so sorry. Really I am. I honestly didn’t intend to come between you two. He seemed to like you and I feel terrible that this has happened.’

  After a thoughtful pause Kate smiled. ‘It’s not your fault really. People can’t help who they fall for. I just wish I hadn’t fallen so fast for Greg. It was one of those love at first sight scenarios for me. He’s just so… gorgeous. He’s funny, thoughtful, kind. He has the best taste in music too.’ She laughed as the sound of Greg singing ‘The Time Warp’ floated through from inside.

  Mallory laughed with her. ‘Oh yes. The best.’

  ‘So, do you think you’ll ever forgive him?’ Kate asked.

  Mallory shrugged. ‘The daft thing is… I think it’s me who needs the forgiveness. I tend to overreact to things since I lost my fiancé. I’ve had an emotional year and I think I’ve forgotten how to react rationally. He didn’t deserve any of it.’

  Kate nodded. ‘I think we can all be guilty of that sometimes. But he really does love you, Mallory. It’s clear when he looks at you. When he talks about you. I’ll be honest, I wish it was me he felt that way about and not you but…’

  ‘Kate, I really am very sorry you got caught up in all of this. I do mean that.’

  Kate shrugged. ‘Someday I’ll meet my prince charming, eh? And he’ll actually love me back.’ She shivered and rubbed her arms up and down her lace sleeves.

  ‘Look you should come inside and I’ll call a taxi for you… if you like,’ Mallory offered.

  Kate smiled warmly in spite of their situation. ‘Thanks. I’d appreciate that… but I’ll wait here if you don’t mind. I don’t really want to go in there looking like this,’ she gestured to her smudged make-up and puffy eyes and Mallory was briefly transported back in time to her own make-up disaster at the pub.

  Mallory went inside and called a taxi for Kate and she went back outside to sit with her until it arrived. Within ten minutes one of the local taxi firm’s cars pulled up outside the pub.

  Before making her getaway, Kate turned to Mallory. ‘You know, I don’t know you, so I can’t pass comment on you as a person other than to say you seem to be a caring sort, but I think I know Greg well enough now. He’s such a wonderful man and he clearly adores you. You’d be silly to let him go over a piece of paper that means absolutely nothing to him. If I were you I’d be getting back in there and telling him how I felt. And if you say you feel nothing then you’re kidding yourself, girl.’ She climbed in the taxi and slammed the door before it pulled away into the night.


  At the end of the night Greg was surrounded by his usual groupies. Mallory watched in amusement as the mobile phones came out one by one and they all took selfies with the minor celebrity. She resolved that she would give him a little space after what had happened with Kate and that she would speak to him over the next couple of days and see how things went.

  She waved goodnight as Greg was packing his gear away and she headed for home. She felt a tingle of anticipation about what could potentially be the start of something official, if Greg still wanted her. She knew he still loved her from what Kate had said but whether he was willing to risk his heart again was another thing. She would have to wait and see.

  Monday morning was very cold and Mallory decided to spend a day in the workshop getting some stock made up for the shop in Leeds and the potential new place she had seen up the road at Easdale.

  She had a very productive afternoon in the workshop and created some lovely new designs that she knew Josie would be happy with. It felt good to be creating again. She had listened again to the beautiful CD that Greg had made her with heartfelt songs on and mentally made a list of songs she could put on a Spotify playlist for him once she convinced him to join the twenty first century.

  She thought back to her conversation with Edith on the train and wondered if there was a song called ‘I’ve been a silly cow can you forgive me now?’ Maybe I should write one. She laughed to herself.

  It was the start of November already and she was shocked at how quickly the last seven months had passed. Soon it would be Christmas and she knew how difficult that would be. But at least she had the possibility of sharing it with Greg even if friendship was all he could offer. Whatever he wanted, she would willingly accept.

  Remembering she had a shift with him on Tuesday she planned to dress up nicely and invite him round for a nightcap after work. She had tried to memorise t
he things she wanted to say, but decided it was probably best to say whatever came to her when he was here. She hoped he still felt the same. Kate seemed to think so.

  Chapter Sixteen

  November 2015

  On Tuesday night the weather was atrocious. The worst she had experienced since moving here. Bang goes dressing up nice! she thought to herself, feeling rather disappointed. She had showered and heard the rumbling thunder as the water cascaded over her body. She hated storms. When it was time to go to work she wrapped up warm and pulled on her big waterproof jacket. After messing around trying to ensure that her hair would stay dry, she checked her watch and realised it was seven already which meant she was late.

  She opened the front door just as the lightning lit up the sky like it was daylight; making her jump almost out of her skin. She pulled the door closed and locked it behind her. There seemed to be an awful lot of people hanging around which seemed really odd considering the weather.

  With her head down against the rain, she trudged over to the pub to find it heaving with people when she got inside. But no one seemed to be drinking and there was an eerie hush around the place. It was then that she noticed the two police officers.

  Stella pushed through the crowd of people towards her. ‘Oh Mallory, thank goodness! We weren’t sure if you’d gone with him!’ She hugged Mallory hard. ‘Colin banged on your door, but you didn’t answer.’

  Mallory was puzzled. ‘Gone with whom? What’s going on, Stella?’ Panic began to rise within her.

  Stella’s wide-eyed stare told her something was very wrong. ‘Greg… he… Didn’t you know?’ Mallory felt a strange ringing in her ears and everything began to spin. Stella’s words sounded muffled, but she made out odd words. ‘Boys in a dinghy… out sailing… got into trouble… Greg went out… little blue… Mallory!’ Everything went black.

  When Mallory came to and opened her eyes, Stella and Ron were hovering over her. Someone was pressing something to her head and it hurt. Everything echoed as she blinked her eyes open.

  ‘She’s waking up, Ron,’ a familiar female voice said.

  Then an unfamiliar voice spoke. ‘Stay still, Mallory. Just let’s make sure you’ve no neck injury.’ She glanced in its direction and a man in a bright fluorescent yellow and green coat was looking down at her. He was the one pressing something to her head.

  ‘What happened? What’s… what’s going on?’ Mallory tried to sit but she was held down and the room’s spinning increased.

  ‘Don’t move, love, you’ll be fine we just need to stop the bleeding and check you over in case of concussion,’ the man said.

  Mallory’s heart rate increased and she grabbed out, trying to reach for something to pull herself up. ‘What? Why? What’s going on?’

  Stella stroked her hand. ‘Oh, sweetheart, you blacked out. You hit your head so it’s bleeding a little.’

  ‘Aye but the table’s fine so don’t worry,’ Ron chuckled, trying to lighten the mood.

  ‘Ron! Not the time nor the place!’ Stella snapped and then turned to focus on Mallory again. ‘Sweetheart, Greg hasn’t been found yet.’

  Her breathing came in shallow inhales and exhales as she tried to make sense of what she was being told. ‘Found? What do you mean? Will someone please tell me what’s going on?’ she shouted, getting angry.

  The paramedic helped her to a sitting position and checked her eyes with a little torch. He examined the back of her head. ‘You won’t need stitches, I’ve dressed the wound so you’ll be fine, but you must take it easy, okay?’ he demanded as he ensured the gauze was firmly in place, making Mallory wince.

  ‘Yes fine. Thank you… Stella?’ she pleaded.

  Stella squeezed her hand this time. ‘Mallory, please don’t black out again… There was a terrible incident. The Carrick boys, you know, Tom and James? They were out fishing in their dinghy when the weather turned for the worse. They managed to ring their dad from Tom’s mobile and Greg was with him, fixing their kitchen sink, when the call came through. They contacted the coastguard right away but Greg took Little Blue out to try and reach them. That was two hours ago and the wind has really picked up and now with the storm… The coastguard is out there now.’

  ‘Oh my God no!’ Mallory pushed the paramedic away, clambered to her feet and bolted for the door. She was dizzy but she ran and ran to the marina where Little Blue was usually moored. This can’t be happening. Please no. Please let me wake up. Wake up Mallory. Just wake up.

  Colin came dashing out after her. ‘Mallory, love, the coastguard is doing all they can, please come inside. You’ll freeze out here especially with you being in shock.’ He put his arm around her shoulder. ‘You won’t help anybody by getting yourself ill, hen.’

  She knew he was right. Her legs were like lead as she walked back to the pub propped up by Colin.

  Mallory was handed a large glass of brandy and she sat, shaking, at a table, enveloped in a blanket that Stella had provided. She stared into the amber liquid and let the tears cascade unabashedly from her eyes.

  What have I done? Why did I wait? Why didn’t I just tell him how I feel? I may not get the chance now and he’ll never know the truth. He’s out there all alone in a violent storm thinking I don’t love him. Why was I so stupid? Why didn’t I just let myself love him? Don’t give up, Greg. Hold on. Come back home… please.

  A sob escaped her chest and she was embraced by Colin and Christine simultaneously. The pain in her heart was almost excruciating and she closed her eyes as someone stroked her hair.


  The wind continued to whip around outside and through the tiny gaps in the old windows, and every so often the lights flickered. People busied themselves passing around drinks and snacks but hardly anything was eaten or drunk.

  An hour later a police officer barrelled through the door and announced that the boys had been rescued. A mumble of relief shuddered around the room. There were tears of joy at the news that, although they were in severe shock, they had only suffered minor injuries. There was, however, no report on Greg. Everyone continued to sit in the pub for hours, waiting.

  Another hour passed until the same police officer returned to announce that parts of Little Blue had been found, but there was still no sign of Greg. Mallory’s heart was breaking all over again. She couldn’t bear the thought of Greg being hurt or worse still being found dead. She cried out in physical agony at the terrible thought of losing him; tears relentlessly pouring from her clenched eyes. Ron, Colin, Christine and Stella fussed around her as her body shook uncontrollably and her anguish poured out.

  The pub telephone rang at eleven o’clock and Stella ran to answer it. Mallory watched as the colour drained from her face and her hand came up to her mouth as she sobbed. That’s it, he’s gone too, Mallory’s subconscious concluded.

  Stella spoke to Colin in low murmurs and they both came over to where Mallory sat.

  Colin sat beside her and took her hand. ‘Mallory, you need to come with me. I need to take you to the hospital in Oban.’

  Mallory began to shake her head frantically and recoil in her seat as if gripped by absolute terror. ‘No! This can’t be happening again. It can’t. I can’t do this. Please?’ she sobbed, remembering what she had gone through after Sam’s accident.

  Colin took a firm grip of her shoulders. ‘Mallory, stop! Please calm yourself and listen to what I have to say!’ His voice was firm, forceful and quite loud. She had never heard him raise his voice before and it grabbed her attention. When he could see that she had calmed down, he spoke again, softer this time. ‘Greg was pulled out of the water an hour ago. He’s in a critical condition, but he’s asking for you. I’d like to take you to him.’

  Mallory let out a strange, convulsive grunt of relief as what Colin had said sunk in.

  She threw her arms around him. ‘Thank you, Colin, thank you, let’s go. I want to see him.’

  Ron and Colin helped Mallory to her feet and towards the door. The rain had slowed and
the storm had calmed as Colin went ahead to bring the car over to the pub.

  Ron hugged Mallory and with a wavering voice he told her, ‘I have your spare key. I’ll go over and check up on Ruby for you.’

  Mallory gasped, ‘Oh no, poor Ruby. The storm… I’d completely forgotten—’

  ‘Hey, no bother. I’ll head over right now. She’ll be fine.’

  Another horrible thought sprang to her mind. ‘Angus!’ Mallory was terrified that he had gone out with Greg.

  Ron shook his head. ‘Don’t worry, hen, he’s at Greg’s. Stella has a key and she’s going over there to bring him to the pub now that the weather is calmer.’

  Mallory breathed a sigh of relief and hugged her dear old friend tightly.

  Colin pulled up in the car and Ron helped Mallory into the passenger seat. Her head was throbbing, but she didn’t care. She just wanted to get to the hospital. Although she was plagued with worry as to what she would see when she got to Greg.

  After a silent twenty minute drive, Colin parked the car at the hospital and they made their way inside to the reception desk. They were pointed to intensive care and Mallory almost ran to get there with Colin following close behind.

  They buzzed on the door and were let in by a nurse. And they explained their reason for being there after hours. Initially the nurse told them it was family only, but Colin somehow convinced the nurse of their desperate need to see the patient on account of Mallory being asked for specifically.

  Reluctantly, and after protest, the nurse let Mallory in alone and she was shown to a side room.

  Mallory’s eyes were assaulted by a vision of a bruised and swollen man she hardly recognised. She fought back a sob as she stepped towards the bed where he was laid surrounded by machines; tubes going in and coming out of him; an oxygen mask over his battered face. It was a truly horrific sight.


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