A Seaside Escape: A feel-good romance to warm your heart this winter

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A Seaside Escape: A feel-good romance to warm your heart this winter Page 29

by Lisa Hobman

  She returned to the dining table where Greg had lit candles and placed all the best dinnerware. It looked wonderful. He stood when she entered the room. He looked amazing in his black jeans and grey shirt.

  He gazed lovingly at her as she walked towards the table and he shook his head as if in awe. ‘You look beautiful, Mally.’

  She had slipped on black trousers and a lilac cashmere sweater she had bought when they were out shopping for gifts. Well it was a bargain, she had convinced herself. Her hair was loose around her shoulders just how Greg liked it. She smiled across at him and his eyes twinkled in the candlelight.

  ‘Can I make a toast?’ she asked, her head tilted to one side as she gazed at her love.

  Greg nodded, his eyes locked on hers.

  She held up her glass. ‘To us. May this be the first of many Christmases we share, until we are old, wrinkly and grey.’ She thought back to Edith on the train and her heart warmed. They clinked glasses and tucked into the delicious meal.


  Christmas morning finally arrived and Greg was like a kid, bouncing on the bed beside Mallory to wake her up.

  ‘Can we get up now? Can we get up now? Can we get up now?’ He resorted to tickling and prodding at her, at which point she attacked him with a pillow.

  ‘Good grief, McBradden, remember how old you are.’ She laughed as she pushed him back and straddled him, trying to pin him down.

  ‘I’ve reverted back to childhood, but it’s your fault. I never got the whole Christmas thing until you.’ He wrestled her off him and flung her over his shoulder. ‘C’mon lazybones it’s prezzie time!’

  Mallory squealed and hit his bottom as he carried her down the stairs. He only placed her on her feet once they were in front of the tree. She stood there in his oversized T-shirt and nothing else except for a smile.

  ‘Now you, sit,’ he demanded and proceeded to switch on the twinkly lights and retrieve a bottle of Bucks Fizz that was chilling in the fridge.

  He had already lit the fire and there was a smell of bacon diffusing through the air from the kitchen. Two minutes later Greg returned with a tray, one of Mallory’s creations, upon which were the Bucks Fizz, two champagne flutes and two plates of bacon sandwiches.

  ‘Ah, well if I’d known you’d got up early to make bacon butties I may not have taken so much cajoling,’ Mallory laughed.

  They huddled together in front of the fire. She had no idea what time he had got up, but he seemed determined to get Christmas day officially underway.

  Once they had eaten, Mallory took out the parcel she had wrapped for Greg, late the night before. He stared at the package for a while and kept glancing up to smile at her.

  ‘Open it then,’ she prodded him.

  ‘Now who’s being impatient?’ he chuckled. He opened it slowly, taking care not to rip the pretty brown paper that Mallory had decorated with golden love hearts and snowflakes. He took out the rectangular sign and read aloud: ‘Welcome to Greg and Mallory’s Home.’ His eyes misted over. ‘Mallory, this is the best Christmas gift I’ve ever been given.’ He gazed over at her and then leaned in to kiss her sweetly.

  ‘What? Did you never get a bike or a Scalextric?’ she teased.

  ‘Aye… yes, course I did. But this means so much more because you made it for me and it makes our moving in together official. Best gift ever, just like I said.’

  Mallory’s heart swelled.

  She picked up the small package with her name on which she knew to be from Greg. It was flat and rectangular.

  ‘Now before you open it and go all apeshit on me, I just want to defend myself and say that it’s something for both of us. But I think you’ll be happy and that’s what matters.’

  Scowling at his explanation and really worrying what she was going to find, she took a deep breath and opened the package. Inside was an envelope with ‘Canadian Airways’ emblazoned across it.

  She took out the contents. ‘Bloody hell, Greg! Two first-class return flights to Canada?’ She pounced and flung her arms around him without protest.

  ‘Whoa! That’s not the reaction I was prepared for!’ He hugged her, laughing and grinning like the Cheshire cat.

  She kissed him over and over. ‘I know and I should be angry with you for spending so much money on me. But how can I be when it’s just so perfect?’

  ‘Well, I spoke to Renee and she says we can either stay with her or if we don’t feel comfortable doing that she’ll book us into the hotel in Kingston, as her treat.’

  She squealed and kissed him again. ‘It’s so wonderful! I love you Greg McBradden.’


  The days following Christmas were filled with snowy walks in boots and scarves, mulled wine at the pub and lazy evenings of making love in front of the fire at home.

  Josie and Brad arrived on December twenty-eighth for the preparations leading up to Hogmanay.

  Greg had surreptitiously arranged to go shopping with Brad whilst Mallory and Josie headed off in search of suitable Hogmanay attire.

  The girls’ first stop was a little designer boutique which had become Mallory’s favourite shop in Oban. Mallory made a beeline for a silver-grey dress peeping out from one of the rails. It was fitted and had a sweetheart neckline. The fabric had a slight shimmer when the light caught it and Mallory hoped it would suit her curvy frame. She gingerly stepped out of the changing room and Josie gawped at her open-mouthed.

  ‘Fu—… cra—… Blimey!’ she eventually fought and succeeded in her battle with the expletives. Well it was a rather posh place, after all.

  Mallory scrunched her nose up at her stuttering friend. ‘Is that good?’

  Josie made a strange snorting noise. ‘Well, put it this way, if I was a lesbian I’d be total in lust with you right now and trying to get you out of it.’

  Mallory burst into hysterical laughter at her friend’s rather bizarre comment.

  ‘Buy it, buy it, buy it! Ooh, ooh and you’ve got to get these silver shoes to go with it!’ Josie grabbed the shoes from the display, much to the chagrin of the boutiques manager whose scrunched expression told that she was disgruntled at the way her display was being manhandled and dismantled.

  Josie was right though. The shoes finished off the whole ensemble perfectly and a thrill of excitement travelled Mallory’s spine as she imagined Greg’s reaction to the new outfit.

  Josie chose a fitted red dress which only served to reiterate how tiny she was. And as always, she was stunning until she opened her mouth.

  The girls were all sorted and decided to get back to the men and find out what they had been up to with their cloak-and-dagger shenanigans. When they arrived back at the cottage, Brad and Greg were nowhere to be seen, so the girls opened a bottle of wine and chatted until the wanderers returned.

  As soon as he walked through the door, Greg quickly took bags upstairs and Brad shrugged his shoulders in a ‘Don’t ask ’cause I can’t say anything’ kind of gesture. He grabbed a bottle of beer from the fridge and joined the girls as they chatted.


  Hogmanay ~ New Year’s Eve

  Greg and Mallory were so pleased to have Josie and Brad to share their first Hogmanay celebration as a couple. They weren’t doing anything too flashy. They had made arrangements to spend the celebrations at the pub. Stella had insisted Mallory spend the evening with her friends and assured her she would manage just fine behind the bar alone. Greg was playing up to just before the countdown to midnight but Mallory hoped she would get to kiss him at the stroke of twelve.

  Josie and Mallory were getting ready in the master bedroom whilst their men drank beer together in the lounge. Looking through her jewellery box, Mallory came across the bracelet Sam had given her that first Christmas. She held it in her palm for a moment before placing it back in the box. Someday she would wear it again. Just not today.

  Greg and Brad were getting on well. The sound of laughter permeated the floorboards up to where the preening and preparing was taking place and the t
wo friends shared a knowing, happy look.

  Mallory slipped on her beautiful silver-grey dress. She was glad Josie had convinced her to buy it, even if her methodology had been unorthodox. Josie squeezed her petite frame into the very sexy fitted red number then they both applied lip gloss and helped each other with their hair.

  Once ready they teetered down to the lounge where the guys were waiting. Mallory’s jaw dropped open at the sight of her rugged man looking even sexier than ever in his kilt. Mallory had always liked to see men in kilts, but nothing had prepared her for this man in one. She caught Greg’s expression and he too was agog at the vision of her in the dress which showed off her figure in the best possible way. They both realised they were staring; both blushed and then burst out laughing.

  ‘Do I need to get a bucket of water to douse the flames, eh?’ Brad chuckled in his broad Yorkshire twang as he watched the outward display of lust on his friends’ faces. They all laughed together and, after grabbing their coats, headed out for the pub.

  Greg shivered. ‘Jeez, it’s nights like these when I wish I was from Eskimo heritage instead of bloody Scottish. Some fur undercrackers would be just the job right now.’ He laughed as he pulled his winter coat tighter around his exposed legs.

  Thankfully the pub was a warm haven against the bitter icy chill. The snow had all but gone, but the clear sky meant the bite in the air was a vicious one. They set up by the fireplace with their drinks as the place began to fill up.

  Eventually, Greg took his place ready to perform. ‘Evening all!’ he shouted his usual greeting over the PA system and the chatter subsided in readiness.

  Ron heckled from somewhere near the back. ‘Hey Greg! What’s worn under your kilt?’

  ‘Hey, Ron, there’s nothing worn under my kilt, matey! It’s all in perfect working order, thanks for asking!’ A ruckus of laughter rumbled around the room. Mallory, Josie and Brad were in hysterics and Josie was trying her best not to pee, as she’d so boldly added.

  ‘I thank you,’ Greg laughed and did a little bow. ‘Right, now guys, as you know, this rollercoaster year is drawing to a close and I’m happy to be sharing this special evening with yous all tonight. I won’t be doing much blethering. So enjoy the music, and dance if you have the room around you, but remember…’

  ‘DON’T SING ALONG!’ the audience shouted back in unison at the smiling and nodding man holding the guitar.

  Greg sang an eclectic mix of songs and the audience revelled in the wonderful music, defying his orders to stay quiet at every opportunity; never more so that when he sang ‘500 miles’ – Mallory’s favourite Proclaimers song. The pub was in uproar and the atmosphere was electric. Mallory glanced around at the smiling faces and saw joy that mirrored her own and it dawned on her that never in her wildest dreams did she imagine she could ever be so happy again. There she sat, surrounded by friends old and new, in the wonderful place she now called home, listening to the dulcet tones of the man she adored and she knew right then that nothing could top the elation she felt right then and there.


  When his set was over, Greg announced that it was five minutes to midnight and there was a huge cheer. He grappled through the crowd, his sights set on Mallory and hers on him, but it was like he was swimming against the tide. She watched as people grabbed him to hug him, pat him on the back and congratulate him on a brilliant show, but ever defiant he locked eyes on Mallory, clearly determined he would get to her in time.

  When he finally reached her he grabbed her hand and pulled her towards the door, a grin fixed on his face. She glanced over to Josie and Brad questioningly but they were too caught up in each other to notice. Someone announced over the PA that there were four minutes remaining. They made it outside and he was virtually dragging her along with her giggling uncontrollably.

  ‘Greg! Where are we going? We’re going to miss the countdown.’

  He said nothing but continued on, pulling her behind him, teetering on her silver high-heeled shoes. It was evident he was on a mission.

  They arrived at the midpoint of the Atlantic Bridge where they could still hear the ruckus in the pub; the announcement came that three minutes remained.

  ‘I think we should celebrate here, Mallory,’ he said as he pulled her in for a lingering passionate kiss that had the usual effect on her legs.

  ‘Two minutes to midnight!’ came the voice over the PA.

  Greg gazed deep into Mallory’s eyes with such love and adoration. ‘Mallory… I love you more than anything in this world, do you know that?’

  A wide smile spread across Mallory’s face as she stroked his cheek.

  He took a deep breath. ‘I love your laugh, I love your body, I love how you make me feel… and I want to feel that way for the rest of my life…’ His words came out in an emotional rush and Mallory’s giggles subsided as she melted into the sincere gaze of the man she loved.

  ‘One minute to midnight!’ came the announcement in the background.

  Greg’s chest heaved and his eyes fixed on hers as he stood before her. ‘Please will you make me the happiest man alive? Mallory, Am pòs thu mi?’

  Mallory was confused by his words; presuming they were Gaelic but not quite sure what he was asking; she could tell it was a question by his inflection. But then he held out a small, black velvet box and she gasped, her brow furrowed.

  ‘Ten, nine, eight, seven,’ could be heard from the pub.

  Greg dropped to one knee holding the box aloft. ‘Mallory, will you marry me?’ His eyes sparkled with unshed tears and hope as he gazed lovingly up at her.

  ‘Four, three, two.’

  Her mouth fell open and her hands reached her face. ‘Oh Greg… YES!’

  ‘Happy New Year!’ Loud cheers and whoops came from the pub as people began to celebrate.

  Greg rose to his feet and pulled her into his arms to kiss her as people spilled out of the pub cheering and singing ‘Auld Lang Syne’.

  Greg and Mallory only had eyes for each other, both out of breath as if they had been running and both with tears tracing warm tracks down their faces. The enormity of the wonderful situation warming them both against the bitter winter chill in the air.

  Greg realised he was still clutching the box. ‘You haven’t even seen the ring,’ he laughed as he opened the lid.

  Mallory gazed in awe at a single princess-cut diamond, set on a white-gold band engraved with Celtic love knots. It was simply stunning. He took the ring out of the box and she held out her left hand for him to glide it onto her finger.

  Suddenly someone at the pub saw what was happening on the bridge. ‘I think Greg’s proposed to Mallory!’ the onlooker shouted. ‘He has! He’s proposed!’ A cheer rang around the cold midnight air and everyone ran to join them on the bridge.

  Colin was the one who had shouted and he was the first on the scene. He hugged Mallory and told her, ‘You’ve become like a daughter to me and Christine these past months, Mallory, and we’re so very happy for you, love.’

  Mallory’s tears were relentless. Josie squealed in delight and Brad lifted her and spun her around. People were hugging Greg and congratulating him. But through all the excitement and furore Greg and Mallory still gazed at each other lovingly, smiling; beaming. Greg mouthed the words ‘I love you’ and she reciprocated.

  ‘Back inside for champagne,’ Stella announced.

  Greg took Mallory’s hand and held her back for a moment. ‘Hey, I hope you didn’t mind me proposing here on the bridge.’ He tucked a strand of hair behind her ear and tilted her chin up to kiss her. ‘I want this to be our place too.’

  She touched his face tenderly. ‘It is our place. I have so many memories of you and me here now. And we can keep making them.’

  He curled his arms around her. ‘Come on, you’re freezing and I’ve an icy breeze blowing around places I would rather I didn’t have, let’s go have champagne before it’s all gone,’ he chuckled.

  Mallory shook her head. ‘Champagne… who would’ve
thought it, eh? I didn’t even realise Stella stocked it.’

  Greg grinned sheepishly. ‘Erm, she doesn’t usually. I went out with Brad and bought a boot load just in case you said yes. Stella knew all along.’ He squeezed her to him.

  ‘Oh yeah? What if I’d said no?’ she poked him playfully.

  He rolled his eyes. ‘Don’t joke. I’ve been terrified and wondering if they did sale or return.’

  As they arrived back inside the pub, they were greeted with the beautiful lyrics of Bruno Mars’ ‘Marry You’ and the whole place sang out the chorus in unison. Some were in tune and some were certainly not. But it was hilarious and sweet all at the same time and at the end of the song the whole crowd of friends were baying for a speech.

  Greg took the microphone from his stand. ‘All right, all right! I’m guessing you’ve all figured out that it’s over between me and Mallory.’ Boos and laughter roared around the place. ‘Okay, okay, so I asked her to marry me and I’m totally and utterly in shock because this beautiful,’ he pulled her next to him, ‘sexy, amazingly talented woman who I am utterly, irrevocably in love with has said yes!’ Everyone in the place whooped and cheered and Greg waved his hands to quieten them down. ‘Now of course you’ll all be invited along to the wedding, but you have to promise one thing as a collective.’ Everyone clapped and whistled. When the noise had calmed he shouted, ‘NO MORE BLOODY SINGING ALONG!’

  The place exploded in laughter and applause again and Greg kissed Mallory passionately, much to the delight of the crowd.

  Everyone went back to their celebrations but Josie and Brad appeared beside the couple to hug and congratulate them.

  ‘Listen honey, me and Brad have arranged to stay here at the pub just for tonight so you too lovebirds can celebrate in private, if you know what I mean.’ She gave them a salacious wink.

  Greg hugged Josie. ‘You’re a bloody star, Jose. Thanks, you guys. We appreciate that.’ He shook hands with Brad, the handshake turned into a masculine, back-slapping hug.


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