Claiming His Prize

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Claiming His Prize Page 9

by Sam Crescent

  “So good…” She moaned and writhed on the bed, her hands grabbing at the blankets.

  “Come for me, sweetheart. Just relax and let go.” Within minutes, she detonated, her pussy clamping down on his cock. “It’s okay, I’ve got you.”

  He dropped over her, letting her ride out her orgasm. Watching the passion in her eyes, knowing he’d bound them together, was enough to make him come. He filled her with his seed, pumping his hips until he was completely spent.

  You’re mine now.

  Chains rolled over to the side, deep satisfaction washing through him. He needed that. And now that Lori had lost her virginity, he didn’t have to worry about hurting her next time. He was already envisioning the many things he wanted to do with her.

  “Thank you,” he said.

  She shifted to her side, facing him. “That’s a funny thing to say.”

  “You gave him something special. You have no idea,” he said. “The women I’ve fucked around with were nothing I’d want for more than a night.”

  “And me?”

  “You’re my princess.” He cupped her face, running his thumb along her lower lip. “And you’ve just changed my entire life.”

  Lori had to come number one, even before Killer of Kings. He hoped it never came to choosing sides because he respected Boss, enjoyed his job, and wanted it all. He’d been in contact with Shadow recently during a job, and the other killer seemed to succeed in mixing business and pleasure. Around the same time, they’d met El Diablo, even getting along … until now. The bastard never should have broken into his house. A man’s home should be off limits.

  “How long do we have to stay here?” she asked.

  “Just until things cool off. And I obviously need to get a better security system at home. El Diablo managed to bypass it way too easily.”

  “But he’s a professional killer, like you, right?”

  “Maybe, but we’re not on the same side. Not yet, anyway.” His mission was supposed to be recruiting the renowned hitman for Killer of Kings. Boss had a plan to lure Xavier in, but all Chains wanted right now was alone time with Lori. “It’ll all be dealt with soon. Nothing to worry about.”

  “At least he didn’t try to kill me. I know you’re mad at him for breaking in and everything, but I really believe he thought he was doing a good thing by setting me free.”

  Maybe the ruthless killer had a bit of humanity left in him after all. Chains didn’t want to dwell on it. He’d already been thinking too much about that crazy bastard.

  “He’s lucky he didn’t hurt you, because then I’d have to hurt him. Well, kill him. After torturing him.”

  The look on Lori’s face reminded him he needed to keep some of his life on the down low. Lori was sweet innocence, and he didn’t want her completely tainted by his world. Or scared. “I don’t want anything to happen to you, Chains.”

  “Nothing will happen to me. I know how to survive. I’m not new to any of this. That’s why Boss recruited me long ago.”

  “When you came to this country?”

  “From Russia. Whatever shithole you’re used to, my neighborhood would make it look like Beverly Hills.”

  She touched his face. At first, he flinched, not used to allowing a woman to get so close. “I can’t hear much of an accent,” she said.

  “It’s there, but only when I want it to be. I know a lot of languages. It comes with the territory.”

  “You must have some happy memories as a child. Is there anything you can remember?” She sounded genuinely concerned, and it touched his heart. Lori was a good woman, and he’d never let her go.

  “I had friends in the orphanages, but after the things I witnessed happen to them, I learned to keep my emotions in check. If you don’t have emotions, you can’t get hurt. Know what I mean?”

  She smiled warmly. “I understand. But, if you don’t let anyone in, you can never know love.”

  “I know love,” he said. Chains was still reluctant to make any declarations to Lori. Things were still in limbo, and he didn’t want to risk his heart just yet. But he knew what he felt for her, and it terrified him. He needed to change the topic. “What about you? What’s a happy memory you have?”

  “I have a lot,” she said. “Seeing the happiness on my little sister’s face when I bought her a grade eight graduation dress. Or paying for my brother’s school trip to the zoo. He was so excited.”

  “Those are all other people’s happiness,” he said.

  “That’s what makes me happy.”

  Chains was pissed off. Those were all things a parent should be worrying about. Lori struggled like a dog to provide happy memories for her siblings. He’d change all that. He wasn’t sure how, but he’d make sure her brothers and sisters were taken care of so she could enjoy her own damn life.

  “You’re too good for me, baby.” Chains pulled her closer, tucking her into the crook of his arm. “I don’t deserve you.”

  “Don’t say that,” she said. “I’ve never been happier. I don’t know what I’d do without you now.”

  He loved hearing her say those words. Chains wanted her to need him, because he’d be working hard to make her dreams come true. He’d never been responsible for anyone but himself, and it felt empowering to have another life to care for.

  They cuddled together until they fell asleep. Chains wasn’t sure how much time passed, but his pager vibrating in the kitchen woke him up. He checked on Lori, and she was still sound asleep. Carefully slipping off the bed, he tugged on a pair of shorts, and closed the bedroom door behind him.

  He checked his pager. It was Maurice, so he called him back on his cellphone.

  “What’s up?” he asked.

  “Your cell was off.”

  “Yeah, well, I’m laying low right now. Since that piece of shit got past my security system, I needed to get off the grid.”

  “Since when have you been afraid of a fight?” asked Maurice. “I thought you were Boss’s go-to man.”

  Did he know about Lori? As far as Chains knew, she was his dirty little secret. “I’m just playing it safe. You have a problem with that?”

  He heard Maurice sigh on the other end. “El Diablo took the next bait. That means he’s on target for interception in two days.”

  “Boss know?”

  “Of course Boss knows. This is part of his plan. He’ll be there with Killian. He’ll expect you to be there, too. El Diablo trusted you the most. You did spend a lot of time with him.”

  “That doesn’t mean we’re best friends. I don’t know shit about him. And a man like El Diablo doesn’t know anything about loyalty.”

  “Boss doesn’t see it the same way. Anyway, this was a courtesy call,” said Maurice.

  “For what exactly?”

  “Boss knows about your plaything. He doesn’t like secrets.”

  Chapter Nine

  Lori rolled over and moaned. Her body felt so incredibly sore, and it wasn’t in a bad way either. Recalling the way Chains had taken her, it made her all warm inside. Opening her eyes, she reached out only to find the bed cold. Frowning, she glanced over at his side of the bed, and he wasn’t there.

  She sat up and glanced around the room, and hated that he wasn’t there. For a long time when she was home with her family, she craved sitting at home all alone, just to have a few moments to herself.

  Right now, she felt lonely. She hated feeling that. Tucking her hair behind her ears, she tried to listen for any sign of him. Chains wouldn’t abandon her here.

  Pushing the sheets off her, she made her way through to the bedroom. Dealing with her morning routine, she decided to take a quick bath. While the water ran, she stared at her reflection in the mirror, surprised by how different she looked. She didn’t recognize herself. Pursing her lips, she wondered if she felt any differently.

  She didn’t look away from her curves like she once did. Instead, she turned this way and that, seeing her red breasts from Chains’s loving, and also the bruises from his
touch on her hips. Her lips even felt a little swollen from his kisses.

  Once the bath was full, she tested the temperature. She’d already put in some bubbles, so she climbed into the tub, easing back, and closing her eyes, basking in the joy of being in the water. The warmth eased some of the soreness. It was nice to just relax.

  Seconds passed, maybe even minutes, before she felt him.

  Opening her eyes, she saw him completely dressed, arms folded, leaning against the doorframe. Heat filled her cheeks as she remembered the passion he’d shown her last night.

  “Morning,” she said.

  “How are you feeling today?” he asked.

  “I’m okay.”

  He moved toward the toilet, and she didn’t like how pensive he seemed to look. Not that she could read Chains very well. He always kept to himself, and she was no mind reader.

  “You’re not sore?”

  “Why weren’t you in bed?” she asked instead.

  “Are you sore?”

  She glared at him. “I’m fine. Why weren’t you in bed?” When he made to speak she interrupted him. “I answered two of your questions. The least you can do is answer one of mine. It’s the nice and polite thing to do.”

  “You gave me your virginity last night.”

  “I remember. I was there.”

  “Yeah, and now it’s the morning.”

  “So?” She stared at him hoping that he’d give her something other than the blank stare. “What is all this about, Chains?”

  “Women have a tendency to make decisions they regret.”

  “So do men.”

  He chuckled. “Losing your virginity is not as big a deal for men as it is for women.”

  She rolled her eyes. “You think I’m going to regret what we shared together?”

  “There’s a chance. I wouldn’t be upset with you if you did.”

  “Wow.” She really didn’t know what to say about that. It made her wonder if he’d been in situations where women had regretted being with him. “Have you been hurt a lot?”

  “Women don’t hurt me.”

  She took a deep breath. “I don’t regret what we did. I hated waking up alone. That was … upsetting.”


  “I had sex for the first time with a guy who decided to take me off the street. The one chance I had to leave and I didn’t want to. I’ve felt you inside me. I want it again, and the morning after, you’re not there. Was I not good?”

  “You were perfect.”

  “You see, Chains. This can go both ways. For all I know you hated what we shared.”

  He moved closer, kneeling on the floor beside the bath. “I didn’t hate it. I loved every single second of being within you. For as long as I live I will never forget how you felt when I claimed your pussy, or the way you cried out with pleasure when I made you come. Even the tightness of your ass around my fingers.”

  “That was kind of kinky.”

  “I’ll make you beg again and again for me. You’ll never want for anything. That I promise you.”

  “I do like your promises.” She took his hand, lifting it off the edge of the tub, and kissing his fingers. “I like being in your arms.”

  “I … you’re the first woman I don’t want to hurt, Lori.”

  She smiled. “You couldn’t hurt me.” She pressed his palm against her cheek. “I love being with you.”

  “I was wondering how you’d feel about staying here for a few weeks. I’ve got to leave tomorrow to take care of some business. When I get back, I want to spend some time, just you and me.”

  “You’re going to leave me here?”

  “You’ll be protected. And I won’t be long. This is our safe house.”

  “Can’t I come with you?”

  “I don’t want you to be hurt. Please, do this for me.”

  He looked so stressed out that she relented. She didn’t want him to be worried about her. “Fine, but it will cost you.”

  Chains sighed. “What will it cost me?”

  “Share this bath with me?”

  He glanced down at the water then at her. “You want me to share the water with you?”

  “Yes. Come on, Chains. I’ve got you for one day. Consider this my payment. I expect you to do everything I want for the entire day. Twenty-four hours, do you think you can handle that?”

  He rested his forehead on the side of the tub. “This is a hard decision.”

  She giggled. “You’re teasing, aren’t you? Oh my, my stone-cold killer is joking around. I like that.”

  “I am not.”

  “I bet you don’t even know how to tell a joke.” She saw his eyes crinkle as he smiled, and that look on his face was a dream to see.

  She couldn’t resist touching his face, staring into his eyes. This man, he was a total mystery. He confused her all the time, and especially the feelings he inspired in her.

  There’s no way she could ever walk away from him.

  She’d do whatever he wanted to put that smile on his face.

  Leaning forward, she pressed her lips against his, and smiled. “So how about that bath?”

  “You want a day of being in complete control then I’m happy to be at your mercy. That means you stay here. You don’t leave this house until I return.”

  “Yes, and when you get back, I will be here waiting, and hoping that we can have some fun.” She winked at him. “Does that make you feel better?”


  She didn’t know why he was so determined for her to stay at home, but she wouldn’t argue with him. Chains clearly had a reason for doing everything.

  He stood away from the bath, and she watched him undress.

  Lori kept her gaze on him, feeling herself heat up at the sight of him. Biting her lip, she pressed her thighs together as he revealed himself to her. His cock was long and thick, and already leaking pre-cum. There wasn’t an inch of fat on his body, just hard-cut muscle.

  Chains stepped toward the tub and urged her forward. She didn’t argue with him as he sat behind her. With a hand over her stomach, he pulled her back so that she rested against his chest. Closing her eyes, she placed her hands on top of his thighs, and basked in the closeness of him. He felt so amazing to her, so warm, so right.

  He pressed a kiss to her neck. “What else will my lady be demanding today?”

  She chuckled. “That’s for me to know and for you to find out.” She liked this, being close to him, having him completely at her mercy.

  “I don’t suppose I can do this?” He stroked his hands up her stomach to cup her tits.

  Lori gasped. “That’s more than fine.”

  He pinched her nipples, and she arched up wanting more of his touch. “Damn, that is a pretty sight, watching how much you want me to touch you.”

  “I don’t want you to stop.”

  “Lift your legs and place them either side of the tub.”

  She looked up at him, confused.

  “Do as I ask?”

  “This is my day, remember? I’m the one that gives the instructions.”

  “And I will follow them, baby, but will you ask me to play with your pussy or would you like me to take the lead on this, and to play with you?”

  In response, she lifted her legs, placing them over the tub.

  “Good girl.”

  One of his hands moved from her breast sliding down her body. When he touched her pussy, she cried out. Any soreness or discomfort disappeared as he began to run his finger between her slit. He stroked over her clit, pinching the nub before moving down, plunging a finger deep inside her.

  “You’re so incredibly tight, and I know it’s because my dick is the only one you’ve ever had. That makes me so fucking hot, Lori. You’re all mine. Every single part of you.” He nibbled on her neck, and the pleasure pulsed through her entire body.

  He pulled his finger from her pussy, drawing it back up to her clit, and stroking her. The hand on her tit pinched her nipple, tugging on the flesh. She fel
t her arousal increase, and she wanted his dick inside her.

  “Fuck me, Chains,” she said, begging him. She didn’t want to go another second without him inside her.

  “You want my hard cock sliding in your pussy?”


  “Then turn around.”

  She pulled her legs into the tub, which was large enough for her to spin around.

  “Wrap your legs around me, and take my cock in your hand, put me inside you.”

  Lori followed his instructions, not caring that she was shaking just a little. She was so aroused and desperate for his cock.

  He was already so hard that pressing him against her pussy wasn’t difficult. Inch by thick inch he sank into her wet heat, and she squeezed his shoulder where she held on for dear life.

  “Now that is sexy as fuck. Seeing you take my cock, feeling your tight cunt wrapped around my dick.” His hands moved to her hips. “Now start to ride me, baby.”

  She held onto both of his shoulders, and slowly, she took him deep inside her, pulling up until only the tip of him remained within her.

  Finding a slow pace, she quickly got accustomed to his thickness, and it wasn’t long before she was driving herself down onto him, wanting more and more.

  “That feels so fucking good.”

  He moved from her hips to grab her ass, speeding up the tempo. He drove up inside her, over and over. She cried out his name, the pleasure building inside her. One of his fingers trailed between the crack of her ass, teasing her anus as he fucked her.

  “Touch yourself, Lori. Touch your pussy. Make yourself come on my cock.”

  She fingered her slit, thrusting up and down on his length. Her orgasm began to build, and it shocked her with the force of it as she came hard, driving down onto his cock. She screamed his name, their pleasured sounds echoing off the walls as he made her come at the same time his growl joined hers and his cock kicked within her.

  Lori felt every single pulse as he filled her pussy.

  Pressing her face against his neck, she tried to calm down her rioting emotions, but they were all over the place. Over and over she took deep breaths, basking in his touch as he slid his hands over her body.


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