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Nogitsune Page 1

by Amaris Laurent


  By Amaris Laurent and Jonathan D. Alexanders IX



  Amaris Laurent and Jonathan D. Alexanders IX

  Copyright Red Harem Press

  Published by Red Harem Press

  CRIMSON MOON (クリムゾン·ムーン)

  Detective David Hamada lifted the yellow tape and walked nonchalantly pass the crime scene investigators who were taking pictures of the victim. It took less than a minute for David to gather the name of the victim and find out how she was murdered.

  It had been the 13th murder in Shinjuku’s Kabukichō District. What had baffled investigators is that in each of the murders the killer M.O kept changing leading them to suspect they were dealing with two separate serial killers. The killer deemed the Monster had a proclivity to go after young schoolgirls and commit the acts so sick that mind could not conceive. The killer deemed the Stripper Slasher had a perchance to go after strippers, streetwalkers using her wiles for pocket change. Nevertheless, someone was murdering young girls and dumping their bodies next to trash as if they were nothing.

  Each murder seemed to get more and more violent in assault; sloppy even, as if the assailant was trying to get caught.

  As David walked pass the trash bins in the alley behind the Shitashi Massage Parlor and kneeled down next to the 18-year old girl, he couldn’t stop looking at the victim’s eyes that stared lifelessly back at him.

  In a traumatized state, David kneeled down staring at the girl, wondering what kind of a monster could do this. David had broken the most pertinent of carnal rules of being a detective.

  He made the case personal.

  Catching this particular killer had become his obsession. Every night, without fail, he would dream of the victims being tortured, raped, and murdered in the most demented ways. On some nights, he would even have nightmares that he was the Monster doing the killing.

  Never in his life had David hated something so much. The more David stared at the young, beautiful girl, the more hate and rage kindled inside of him to the point he could hear his heart pounding upon his chest violently.

  Without warning, the heavens thundered as lightning streaked across the sky and it began to rain. As the raindrops fell from the sky and reflected the light from the crimson moon, it was as if it were raining specs of blood.

  “You okay, David?” asked Hayashi Ohba, David’s partner of five years as he gently touched him on the shoulder.

  David clinched his fist and immediately rose to his feet. He strolled to the car without saying a word.

  Hayashi glanced at the face of the young girl briefly before he went and got inside of the police car.

  “When was the last time you slept, David?” Hayashi asked.

  David shook his head and began grinning. “Let me guess! Myoko called you and put you up to this?”

  Hayashi cranked up the car and pulled off.

  “She’s just worried about you.”

  “Yeah, well, I’m fine,” David said. “I’ve just been having a hard time sleeping lately.” He glanced out of the window fixated at the red-orange-brown full moon.

  Hayashi took a breath. “David, Myoko told me that you’ve been waking up for the past couple of nights screaming and calling out Aiko. She asked me who Aiko was.”

  David rubbed his forehead; disappointed that Myoko was hearing him talk in his sleep, knowing he broke another personal rule to himself.

  “Did you tell her?” David blurted.

  “What? Did I tell her that you were calling out the name of one of the Monster’s victims? No, I didn’t! But I’m seriously thinking about reconsidering my decision if you don’t tell me what the hell is going on.”

  David sighed and shook his head. “You ever wonder what kind of god would allow evil to exist. I mean, what kind of god would allow an innocent baby to get kidnapped, raped and murdered and not do anything about it?”

  “I guess you have to ask yourself does God exist because of evil, or does evil exist because of God,” Hayashi answered. “But to answer your question, a sovereign god—”

  David looked at Hayashi like he was insane. “What the hell do you mean sovereign? For the past five years, I have witnessed innocent children kidnapped and stuffed inside of freezers. I’ve witnessed young girls raped and brutally murdered by some sick fuck that was indulging in one of their pedophiliac fantasies. I’ve even witnessed babies torn out of the womb of their mothers, with no explanation as to why. Tell me Hayashi, what part of sovereign is in that?”

  Hayashi kept driving, ignoring David’s frustration. A part of his mind drifted to another place and time; a place he was too familiar with in times like this when David would lose his cool.

  “Centuries ago in ancient Japan, in Hokkaido, there lived an honorable samurai who had a beautiful wife and daughter. While hunting during the winter by chance, he found a beautiful naked maiden with an arrow stuck through her shoulder blades. Desiring to help the maiden, he brought her back to his home, offered her food and shelter until she was nursed back to health.

  “On an opportune day while the wife was out with their daughter at the market, the maiden entered the samurai’s room. As the samurai opened his eyes, standing before him was the maiden offering herself to him as a way to repay him for his kindness. The samurai tried to resist but was overcome by lust and the desire in his heart to have her. Never before had the samurai felt such pleasure. The pleasure from the sex was so intoxicating that it became addicting like a drug.

  “Each night, the samurai would go to the maiden in a catatonic-like state to be pleasured. The more he had sex with the maiden, the more he hated and despised his wife for not being able to pleasure him as the maiden did. Driven mad and obsessed with the sex, the samurai had to have more. The maiden whispered to him a thought that took root.

  ‘If you kill your wife and daughter, we could be together forever.’

  “For days, the samurai struggled with his decision until it seemed like the only rational thing to do for them to be together. Without hesitation, the samurai arose that night before going to the maiden, took out his katana and beheaded his wife. Then, he went into the room of his daughter and did the exact same thing without hesitation or remorse. As a gift and proof of his love, he brought the heads of both his daughter and wife to the beautiful maiden. When he brought them to her, she began laughing hysterically and told the samurai she didn’t love him neither did she desire to be with him.

  “Heartbroken, the samurai dropped to his knees and began wailing, asking why. The young beautiful, maiden replied, ‘This was merely about revenge, not love.’

  “Helplessly, the samurai watched as the beautiful maiden transformed into a nine-tailed fox before him. She changed back and replied, ‘It was you that shot me with your bow and arrow in the sacred forest. Now I have my revenge. I have inflicted you with 100 times more pain than the pain you inflicted upon me.”

  David shook his head embarrassedly. For as long as they had been partners, David would hear all kinds of kaidans and mukashi banashi from Hayashi about ancient Japan before the feudal era. Sometimes, he wondered just where his mind goes when he talks or did he even realize that anyone was near him, hearing him talk to himself.

  “I fail to see what does this have to do with the sovereignty of god,” David said.

  “Then you have failed to grasp the entire concept of the story,” Hayashi said. “It was a sovereign god that banished the evil goddess to the form of a fox for her transgressions. It was a sovereign god that delivered the fox into the hands of an honorable samurai to be killed. In any culture, the purpose of good is to destroy evil. God did not fail in his sovereignty. The samurai failed in his
purpose to destroy evil.”

  David took out a picture of his wife, Myoko. David loved Myoko more than life itself and the thought of losing her was unbearable. He couldn’t understand how the samurai could kill his wife much less his daughter.

  “What happened to the samurai?” David asked.

  “When the samurai’s master found out what he had done, he sentenced him to death. But because of how faithful the samurai had been with him, the master said he could commit seppuku to restore his honor,” Hayashi responded.

  “Did he go through with the seppuku and kill himself?”

  “He tried to, but the gods cursed him with immortality for what he had done. Forever he was cursed to never be reunited with his ancestors or his loved ones and to roam the land as a ronin. A samurai without honor until he made right the wrong he committed and killed the kitsune.”

  “And what of the kitsune? Whatever happened to her?”

  Hayashi looked through his window at the city streets, passing Shinjuku and strolling down the expressway.

  “She’s waiting for an opportune time to make the heavens her own once more,” Hayashi blurted.

  “So where does that leave us mere mortals?” David asked sarcastically.

  Hayashi eyes glanced up at the blood colored moon. “For the pending evil that’s coming, we’re left being the hand of God and putting an end to it.”

  stripper slasher (ストリッパー スラッシャー)

  It was difficult telling whether she was moving around the pole or if the pole was just moving around her. She slipped around it like a silk ribbon, twisting her body around it sensuously. Her full, pouty lips were parted slightly as though she were silently moaning.

  Takashi was pleased. He smiled darkly as he rubbed at the growing bulge in his pants, enjoying every second of the show. The strain of his cock against his pants was finally too much and he unzipped, freeing himself.

  If the dancer saw him take himself out, she never even blinked. She continued dancing, flinging her jet black hair back over her shoulder, grinding against the shiny gold pole, wrapping her long legs around it and climbing to the top.

  Takashi was particularly happy with this choice. She was probably the most beautiful of all the strippers he hired. He couldn’t think of any other girl being this good or moving that sensual.

  He was lucky to have found her at all. After what he had done to a dancer last month, he had to keep his cover. It wasn’t a big deal for him, but it was an enormous pain in the ass to have to deal with all the questions from detectives poking around. They were getting close to figuring out he was, “The Stripper Slasher” but they had no evidence to prove it. Even if they did he was yakuza, which meant that he was basically untouchable.

  Bored with the peace between the two families Takashi had made a deal with Daiki, a yakuza member from another family that he could be a more proficient serial killer without getting caught. Takashi accepted his offer and so began the Shinjuku’s Kabukichō District murders. With Daiki taking on the moniker of the Monster, killing young school girls in the most demented of ways, Takashi Fukushima became the Stripper Slasher, killing strippers.

  Takashi Fukushima was the eldest son of yakuza godfather Daiichi Fukushima, who ruled a majority of Yokohama and most of Kanagawa Prefecture. Being the prince close to taking the Fukushima throne, he was never afraid of being arrested. Takashi had most of the strip joints and brothels cowering in terror, too afraid to refuse him when he came calling.

  “What am I going to do with you?” he whispered to himself, slowly beginning to stroke himself. He committed to having his way with her one way or another.

  But then what? He was in his father’s penthouse with guards posted outside both the front and back doors so she couldn’t escape, and the walls and doors were thick enough that it was almost impossible to hear anyone shrieking and begging for their lives.

  This seductress was amazing though, not afraid of surprise. She climbed to the top of the pole and opened her legs wide, slowly rotating around as she exposed her barely concealed lotus blossom to him. She smiled and then clamped her legs down tight on the pole and hung upside down, facing him.

  Her breasts were threatening to slip out of her pink half-bra, her dark nipples peeking over the edge.

  The woman sat up straight and slowly slid back to the ground. She grinded against the pole for a moment before turning to face Takashi, with her eyes piercing directly through his soul and her red lips smirking. Takashi frowned, narrowing his eyes at her as she gracefully loped towards him, finally sinking to her knees and crawling to him.

  “I didn’t give you permission to stop dancing,” Takashi said. But her eyes were enchanting and he couldn’t find the rest of his voice. He straightened a bit in surprise as she made her way between his legs, sliding her long fingers along the inside of his thighs. She wrapped her hand around his dick and pulled, giggling as he groaned and dropped his head back against the couch.

  Takashi didn’t like this at all. She was in complete control of him, showing no fear in the process. Takashi sat up, ready to grab her by the hair and jerk her away, but she lowered her head and licked his balls, swirling her hot wet tongue up his shaft and then to the head of his cock.

  She slid her mouth down over him, taking his entire length and thickness deep into her throat. She let out a small breathy sigh as she swallowed, as Takashi jerked his whole body off the couch.

  Gradually, the woman started to bob her head up and down, sucking hard on him, jerking it with her hand. With her free hand, she reached down into her tiny thong, sliding those long fingers over her clit. She moaned around his dick, bobbing her head faster as she ground against her own hand.

  Just when Takashi felt himself ready to climax, the woman jerked her head away, her hand squeezing down on the base of his cock to cut him off. She thrashed between his legs, her head whipping back as she gave a long, primal moan of ecstasy, coming hard before Takashi.

  Takashi’s eyes flared. “How dare you come before me?” he screamed. “Do you know who the fuck I am?”

  As soon as the last of the shudders faded, the stripper licked her lips and grinned mischievously as she stood, slipping away her panties and slowly crawling over him. Takashi stared up into her beautiful face in disbelief.

  “Who the hell are you?”

  Crouching over him, the woman took his wet cock in her hand and carefully slid him inside of her. Both of them gasped and moaned at the feeling, her body so hot and so tight around him. She lowered herself all the way down to the hilt and groaned, carefully lifting and lowering herself on top of Takashi.

  Takashi couldn’t do anything. He went completely limp. His mind yelled in outrage, but she felt so perfect that he had the will to fight back. He laid against the couch enjoying the moment, feeling the hard nipples of her breasts springing free of her bra and rubbing themselves against his face. He turned his head and licked at one, struggling to draw it into his mouth.

  Even as the bitch moaned in pleasure, she seemed to know that he was going to bite her and leaned back, away from him.

  Takashi felt her pussy beginning to pulse and grow wetter. He gasped in shock as her body tightened around him and seized, as she thrashed against him and shrieked, pounding her body against his hard gun, bruising them both before finally slumping against him.

  She stopped moving just as he was about to come. Outraged, Takashi grabbed her by the arms and shoved her back up right on his lap in a display of force. He found a niche and capitalized on it.

  Takashi yelped as the woman’s hand shot out and grabbed him by the jaw, brutally jerking it open. Her opposite hand planted itself against his forehead and shoved Takashi’s head back, pinning it against the back of the couch.

  The woman lowered her face to Takashi’s and opened her mouth over his.

  Takashi tried to scream as the woman sucked something out of him—everything out of him: all of his blood, viscous fluids, air, and his own soul. All sucked out o
f Takashi’s body and into the woman’s mouth.

  Finally it was done, and the woman carefully stepped back, letting the leathery shell of Takashi Fukushima slump over onto the cushions. Japan’s Stripper Slasher got what he deserved. He had gone too far in his crimes and a stripper made him pay.

  Heaving a small, bored sigh, the woman unhooked her bra and tossed it aside before soundlessly dropping down onto all fours. As she stepped forward, the woman’s body warped, reshaping itself, until a nine-tailed enlarged fox stood in the penthouse apartment.

  Yawning, the blackish-gray enflamed nogitsune trotted over to the tall Plexiglas panes that walled in the penthouse. With a snort, she easily crashed through, ignoring the sucking wind and the klaxon of alarms behind her.

  The nogitsune backed up a few feet and tore forwards, shooting through the broken window and leaping through the air. After hundreds of years the nogitsune had returned to Japan with the emergence of the crimson moon.


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