Falling Together (The Omega Haven Book 1)

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Falling Together (The Omega Haven Book 1) Page 9

by Claire Cullen

  Jake’s heels pressed against the sides of Will’s waist as he urged the Alpha on.

  “Don’t stop, Will.”

  “Not until you see stars,” Will promised, tugging on Jake’s hand, and pressing a kiss to his knuckles. He gripped Jake’s hips then, tightening his hold as he deepened his thrusts, knowing the Omega would have a few extra bruises the next day. He could feel his own release approaching, as the sweat trickled down his back, as Jake’s body rocked against him. Snaking a hand between their bodies, he engulfed Jake’s shaft in his warm hand and alternated the strokes with his thrusts. Soon, Jake was bucking against him, one hand gripping the bedsheets as if to ground himself. Will gave one last carefully aimed thrust and came hard, the orgasm forcing its way through his body. Jake followed him a moment later with a cry of pleasure. For a few moments afterward, the only sound was their fast breathing and the thump of their hearts.

  Jake’s legs released their grip on him, falling to the mattress as Will eased out of him. The Omega tugged one leg from around him and curled up on his side. His shoulders heaved, and he turned his face into the mattress.

  Will lay down behind him, wrapping his body tight around the Omega, his arms crossing Jake and holding him close.


  “It was perfect,” the Omega mumbled, and Will wasn’t sure if he was laughing or crying. “It was so perfect.”

  Jake turned in his arms, Will loosening his grip, and the Alpha was relieved to see clear eyes staring back at him. “Thank you. I’ll carry this with me, always.”

  Will rumbled something vague and comforting, tugging Jake to lie against him, the Omega’s head against his chest. It didn’t matter what tomorrow would bring. All that mattered was here and now.

  Chapter Sixteen

  He woke alone in the Alpha’s bed, feeling the ghost of Will’s hand on his back. The bed was warm next to him, Will not long up. Letting himself sink back into the comfort of the bedclothes, he didn’t follow. Lazily, he cataloged his body, from the sharp ache in his leg to the deeper ache inside him, a pleasant reminder of the night before. The memories so clear, yet so hazy. Will’s hands on him, Will’s mouth on his, the press of lips, the press of the Alpha inside him.

  Nowhere in his imagination, when he envisioned having sex for the first time, did he see Will. He’d always pictured himself with another inexperienced Alpha. Maybe both of them college kids, both of them fooling around, wanting a taste of the future. With Will, it had been different, his movements experienced, his hands certain. There was no awkwardness, no fumbling of fingers. And it had felt indescribably good.

  His imagination hadn’t touched on the reality of sex. It had been messier, sure, but knowing what his heats had been like, he’d expected that. But he just hadn’t expected it to feel that good. It would be a long time before the memory faded.

  Turning onto his back, he let his hand slide down along his stomach and lower to cup himself lightly. He would keep the memory alive, as best he could. Just thinking about it, imagining the Alpha’s body sliding against his, had him starting to harden.

  When the door to Will’s office opened, he let go and sat up. The bedroom door opened with a quiet creak, hinges in need of oil. Will stood in the doorway, his blue eyes watching Jake.

  “You’re up.”

  “Yeah, sorry. I slept longer than I meant to. What time is it?”

  The Alpha stepped into the room, and Jake struggled to read the expression on his face. He didn’t seem happy, that much was clear. Was it last night? Did he regret it? He had made his disinclination for contact with Omega clear, a raw pain still hiding beneath the surface. Or maybe it just hadn’t been that good. He was inexperienced after all.

  “It’s early still, just after seven.”

  Will continued to stare at him, Jake very conscious that Will was dressed in jeans and a t-shirt while Jake was naked, only the blankets pooled around his waist protecting his modesty.

  “I should—” He stopped, unsure what it was he was going to say. He should go? Get dressed? Shower? All good options but first he needed to know what was on Will’s mind, what had put that frown on his face.

  “Was it… was it okay, last night? I mean, I know I’d never done that before and I wasn’t really sure what I was doing, but I’d hate to think I was a complete disappointment. It was fantastic, I mean, for me at least,” he added lamely.

  Will’s frown deepened at his babbled words and Jake wanted to slink onto the mattress and hide under the bedclothes. He settled for fisting his hands in them, watching the creases form in the patterned sheets. The sound of Will’s footsteps nearing him was followed by the feel of the mattress dipping beneath his weight as the Alpha sat next to him.

  Two fingers caught his chin, tipping his head up to meet Will’s eyes. The frown was gone, replaced by a look of such heated intensity that Will could feel himself blush right to the tips of his ears.

  “You were amazing; so sexy, so trusting. I loved wringing every last ounce of pleasure out of you, until you were spent.”

  His heart skipped a beat at the Alpha’s sure words, feeling his blush become a glow, his mouth curling up in a smile.

  Will sighed, long and loud, swiping his thumb across Jake’s lips.

  “Dave has found you somewhere to go.”

  It was like he’d been doused in cold water, the warm, fuzzy feeling vanishing instantly.

  He tried to speak and had to clear his throat before he could get even one word out. “Where?”

  “It’s a sort of safe house for Omega. We’ve sent one or two there before.”

  Jake raised his eyebrows at that. Will’s history with Omega got more complicated every day.

  Will seemed to read his expression easily. “Some Omega who come to the city are like you, running from something. When there isn’t somewhere for them to go back to, and it’s not safe to just let them into the city, we look for other places to send them. This is one of those. You’ll be safe.”

  “Where will I be going?”

  “Firstly, to a house about three hours’ drive from here. You’ll stay there a few weeks. If they’ve any concerns about someone tracking you to there, they’ll move you on sooner.”

  “And after that?”

  “They’ll find somewhere you can stay permanently. Some smaller Packs to the east and north are only too happy to take in Omega. They won’t send you anywhere you’d be forced into mating, just somewhere no one is likely to look for you. You can have your baby in safety, settle there, make it a home.”

  “I feel safe here,” he argued.

  Will’s hand brushed his leg under the blanket, and Jake withdrew it with a hiss as the pressure found the wound from the previous day.

  “I think yesterday showed both of us that you’re not.”

  “When do I leave?”

  “This morning. Get up, shower, grab some breakfast and we’ll be on the road by eight.”

  There were a hundred things he wanted to say, most of them some variation of ‘can’t I stay with you?’. He knew, in his rational mind, that Will was right. There was no safety for him in the city, unattached and pregnant as he was. But his heart ached at the thought of leaving, fear seizing him down to the tips of his fingers and toes.

  Looking up at Will, he could see the determination in the Alpha’s eyes. This wasn’t a choice, wasn’t an option. This was happening.

  Pushing back the blankets, he stood, dropping his gaze to the floor. “I’ll go get ready.”

  Will’s hand cupped his cheek, his thumb caressing the heated skin. This time, Jake did pull out of his grasp, though it hurt his heart to do it.

  “I’m sorry,” Will said. “It’s for the best.”

  Jake nodded, one hand wrapped around his stomach, and circled around Will to get his clothes.

  Jake was silent in the car next to him as they drove. Dave had given up the front seat to let him stretch out his injured leg on the long journey. The radio was playing, the cheerful son
gs at odds with the somber mood in the car.

  The Omega had a look of steely determination on his face. Like he’d made up his mind to roll with the punches and do what needed to be done.

  Will was struck all over again by his strength. To break away from his Pack, to strike out on his own, to defy his sister and his Pack Alpha.

  The windows of the car were rolled down, a breeze ruffling Jake’s dark hair. His pale face had lost the red blush from earlier, but his lips still stood out, like he was freshly kissed. He forced his eyes, and mind, away from that line of thought. Kissing Jake, touching him, fucking him, had been amazing after such a long time with no one, but himself to touch. Jake had been so responsive to every brush of his hand, every shift of his hips. It had been so easy to take him apart, to watch his eyes come alive with surprise at the pleasure they shared. It was one hell of a goodbye, and much better than the cold shoulder and loud silences that had been his and Avery’s last hours together.

  The minutes rolled into hours, time passing too quickly. When they got close to their destination, Dave gave directions over Will’s shoulder. Will had always left it to Dave to bring the Omega there. Jake was different. Will wanted to see him safely to his destination, wasn’t willing to take any chances. He’d kept a close eye on the roads, looking for signs they were being followed. He’d even sent Jeff and Micah out in a decoy car first, so anyone watching Snakes would have been led on a wild goose chase.

  When they pulled up outside the old farmhouse, Will let Dave take the lead, helping get Jake’s bag from the trunk.

  Jake took the bag from him with a muttered “thanks,” following Dave up to the house.

  The door opened, a man stepping out. Dave hesitated, giving the man a second glance.

  “Morning Alan. Where’s Moira?” he asked.

  “Visiting her sister, she’ll be back tomorrow,” Alan answered. “This him?” he asked, jerking his head towards Jake.

  Dave nodded. “This is Jake.”

  Alan climbed down the steps and held his hand out. “Welcome, Jake.”

  Jake glanced at Dave, then back at Will. Will nodded, watching Jake step forward and shake the man’s hand. “We’ll get you settled in. It’s quiet right now, you’re the only Omega here.”

  Jake turned back towards them, his bag balanced on his shoulder. His brown eyes met Will’s, holding his gaze for a moment before he spoke.

  “Thank you, Will, for everything.”

  He stepped forward, balanced on his tiptoes, and pressed a kiss to Will’s cheek. The touch wasn’t lingering, Jake pulled away a second later. Will’s hand found his shoulder, squeezing firmly.

  “Stay safe, Jake. You’re smart. You can make this work.”

  That earned him a smile though it didn’t reach Jake’s eyes.

  Jake stopped to shake Dave's hand before he followed Alan inside, Will watching him disappear into the house, only turning away when Dave opened the car door.

  “Time to go, Will,” Dave called.

  “Right,” he agreed, climbing into the passenger seat since Dave had already got behind the wheel. Probably a good thing since he wasn’t sure he was in the best frame of mind to be driving.

  “Let’s go home,” he said.

  “Amen to that,” Dave replied.

  Chapter Seventeen

  Jake was shown to a bedroom with a single bed in one corner and bunk beds in the other. He tossed his bag onto the lower bunk and sat down. The room was nice, comfortable. Much more so than his room in that dingy boarding house, but not as nice as his room in Snakes.

  It wasn’t hard to imagine this room filled with Omega. There’d be laughter, camaraderie. Kind of like there’d been at Snakes. It was stupid to miss it, he hadn’t even been gone a full day. But he did miss it. It was the first time he’d spent any time around other Omega. It was the first time in months he’d spent time with other wolves and actually enjoyed it. With the way things had gone at home, he’d been alone or he’d been watched by Rick’s friends.

  Alan, who’d met them at the door, had given him a brief tour before showing him to the room. There’d be dinner later, lamb stew. He heard a voice in the distance, coming from outside. Standing, he walked towards the window, lifting the blinds, and peering into the garden. It was Alan, a phone pressed to his ear, talking animatedly to someone. He was too far away to make out the words. Not what it mattered. It wasn’t about him.

  Alan had told him how it worked and it was just like Will said; he’d stay here for a few weeks then move on to a permanent home as soon as they found somewhere suitable. Far enough away that his family wouldn’t find him. Alan didn’t know about his condition and Jake hadn’t bothered to enlighten him. He’d only be there a few weeks. And Will had assured him they’d send him somewhere they were tolerant of Omega being independent.

  Returning to the bed, he kicked off his shoes and lay down on top of the blankets. These days he got tired more easily than he should. Probably the baby, taking what it needed from him to grow. Absentmindedly, he let his hand sweep across his stomach, feeling the small bump beneath his fingers.

  He’d always wanted kids. But in his own time, under his own terms. This one was coming a lot sooner than he’d planned. He would deal with it, he had to. But he couldn’t help feeling just that bit sad to be so alone in this. No mate, no Alpha by his side to protect him and the baby. That wasn’t how things worked in the shifter world. They were decades behind humans when it came to the social convention of single parenting, especially where Omega were concerned.

  The day caught up with him, despite the hours sitting in the car doing nothing. When his eyes began to drift closed, he let them.


  The voice called him, as if from a great distance.

  “Jake?” More insistent this time. “Dinner’s ready.”

  “What?” he mumbled to himself, sitting up and trying to get his bearings. The blanket beneath him was scratchy, the smell unfamiliar. Oh, right. The safe house.

  Getting to his feet, he followed the mouth-watering smell of food to the kitchen. Alan was there, sitting at the table with another man. He smiled broadly at Jake.

  “Hi, there. Alan tells me you’ve just arrived.”

  “That’s right. I’m Jake.” He waited for an introduction.

  “I’m Craig, Alan’s cousin.”

  Alan ushered him into a seat and set a bowl of stew in front of him. Jake tucked in, the meat tender, the gravy hot. It was a little bland, like it was made by someone who didn’t quite know their way around seasoning, but Jake wasn’t going to complain about having a full stomach. His brief time on the streets had taught him to appreciate a warm meal.

  Alan and Craig made awkward sounding small talk at the table, throwing a question at Jake now and then. Jake didn’t notice anything amiss at first, until the stew had sated the worst of his hunger. For cousins, Craig and Alan seemed stilted with each other, exchanging glances every so often in a way that made Jake uncomfortable.

  Turning his attention to the end of his meal, he did his best to quell the doubts in his mind. Will had told him this was his safest option. And he trusted Will. His doubts probably had more to do with his reluctance to leave the Alpha, to leave Eden, than any real issue with the safe house. He was reading too much into the dinner table conversation. It might easily have been Jake’s presence causing a change in how the men interacted, in the way having a stranger in your midst was wont to do.

  After dinner, he helped do the dishes, drying what Alan washed.

  “Could I take a walk in the garden?” he asked as he dried the last dish. Alan gave him a sideways glance but didn’t answer straight away, so Jake elaborated. “I could do with stretching my legs after the drive, plus I kind of crashed for a while before dinner.”

  Alan nodded, an uneasy smile gracing his face. “Sure, keep to the back, out of sight of the road.”

  “I’ll come and keep you company,” Craig said from the table, where he was perusing a new

  “There’s no need—” Jake started to say, only for Craig to interrupt. “Best to be safe, eh Jake?”

  “Right, of course.” It was a safe house after all. Precautions came with the label.

  “Good lad,” Alan said, giving him a tight smile. “You two had better get going while there’s still light out.”

  “Alright,” Craig said, closing the paper, and folding it carefully. “We’ll go now, if you’re ready?”

  Jake dried his hands on the dish cloth. “Ready.”

  He followed Craig outside, glad of the burst of fresh air after the close air of the kitchen, the lingering smell of lamb fading as they got some distance from the house. Other smells took their place; grass, flowers. Was that honeysuckle? He deviated from their path, bending down to smell the sweet, fragrant blooms.

  Craig cleared his throat, tapping his foot impatiently against the grass.

  Jake straightened, flushing, and mumbled an apology, following Craig who led him through the grass that grew ever longer as they put some distance between them and the house.

  There was silence between them as they walked, Jake doing his best to keep up with Craig’s long stride. The Alpha radiated impatience. He didn’t vocalize it, but he didn’t have to. Maybe, given the whole safe house thing, he wasn’t supposed to be wandering around outside? But then why not just tell him no?

  They hit a fence, Craig turning with barely a pause in his stride. Jake followed in his wake as they circled the perimeter of the garden. Craig slowed as they neared the house. “Had enough or do you want to go around again?”

  “That was enough, thanks,” he said.


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