by James Gunn
Is divorced and marries Dr. Janet Jeppson.
Publishes Before the Golden Age.
The first issue of Isaac Asimov's Science Fiction Magazine appears.
"The Bicentennial Man" wins both a Nebula and a Hugo.
Publishes his 200th book, including the first volume of his
autobiography, In Memory Yet Green.
The second volume of his autobiography, In Joy Still Felt, is
Asimov volume 214.
Foundation's Edge is published, becomes best seller.
Foundation's Edge wins Hugo; The Robots of Dawn is published.
Has triple-bypass operation.
American Humanist Society elects him "Humanist of the Year";
he later becomes president of the Society.
Robots and Empire is published.
Asimov receives SFWA Grand Master Award; Prelude to Foundation is published.
Hospitalized for kidney infection.
Hospitalized for heart and kidney failure.
Dies April 6.
Forward the Foundation is published.
I. Asimov: A Memoir is published.
Last science fiction collection, Gold, is published.
Checklist of Works by Isaac Asimov
In the following list of short stories some of the titles of magazines in which the stories appeared have been shortened. Common designations such as "Stories" or "Science Fiction" have been omitted or abbreviations such as SF for ''Science Fiction" have been used. Below is a full listing of abbreviations.
Amazing Amazing Stories
Analog Analog Science Fiction/Science Fact
Asimov's SF Magazine Isaac Asimov's Science Fiction Magazine
Astonishing Astonishing Stories
Astounding Astounding Science Fiction
B.U. Graduate Journal Boston University Graduate Journal
F&SF The Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction
Fantastic Universe Fantastic Universe Science Fiction
Future Future Fiction (1940), Future Combined with Science Fiction Stories (1950), Future Science Fiction (after 1952)
Galaxy Galaxy Science Fiction
If If, Worlds of Science Fiction (to 1959), Worlds of If (1959-74)
Infinity Infinity Science Fiction
Marvel Marvel Science Fiction
Planet Planet Stories
Satellite Satellite Science Fiction
SF Quarterly Science Fiction Quarterly
SF Stories Science Fiction Stories
Space Space Science Fiction
Star SF Star Science Fiction
Startling Startling Stories
Stellar Stellar Science Fiction
Super Science Super Science Stories
Super SF Super-Science Fiction
Thrilling Wonder Thrilling Wonder Stories
Universe Universe Science Fiction
Venture Venture Science Fiction
The abbreviation of the early Asimov collection (many of these stories have been reprinted in later Asimov collections) in which the short story is reprinted is also given in the following list. Full titles of those collections with their abbreviations following in parentheses can be found under "Science-Fiction Short Stories and Short-Story Collections" (p. 240). The full title of the appropriate Foundation Trilogy volume or of Opus 100 is given following a short story that later appeared as part of that work.
Short Stories
"Marooned Off Vesta," Amazing, March 1939; AM, TBOIA.
"The Weapon too Dreadful To Use," Amazing, May 1939; TEA.
"Trends." Astounding, July 1939; TEA.
"Half-Breed," Astounding, February 1940; TEA.
"Ring Around the Sun," Future, March 1940; TEA.
"The Callistan Menace" ("Stowaway"), Astonishing, April 1940; TEA.
"The Magnificent Possession," Future, July 1940; TEA.
"Robbie" ("Strange Playfellow"), Super Science, September 1940; I,R.
"Homo Sol," Astounding, September 1940; TEA.
"Half-Breeds on Venus," Astonishing, December 1940; TEA.
"The Secret Sense," Cosmic Stories, March 1941; TEA.
"History," Super Science, March 1941; TEA.
"Heredity," Astonishing, April 1941; TEA.
"Reason," Astounding, April 1941; I,R.
"Liar!," Astounding, May 1941; I,R.
"Super-Neutron," Astonishing, September 1941; TEA.
"Nightfall," Astounding, September 1941; NAOS, TBOIA.
"Not Final!," Astounding, October 1941; TEA.
"Christmas on Ganymede," Startling, January 1942; TEA.
"Robot AL-76 Goes Astray," Amazing, February 1942; TROTR.
"Black Friar of the Flame," Planet, Spring 1942; TEA.
"Runaround," Astounding, March 1942; I,R.
"Time Pussy," Astounding, April 1942; TEA.
"Foundation" ("The Encyclopedists"), Astounding, May 1942; Foundation.
"Bridle and Saddle" ("The Mayors"), Astounding, June 1942; Foundation.
"Victory Unintentional," Super Science, August 1942; TROTR.
"The Hazing," Thrilling Wonder, October 1942; TEA.
"The Imaginary," Super Science, November 1942; TEA.
"Death Sentence," Astounding, November 1943; TEA.
"Catch That Rabbit," Astounding, February 1944; I,R.
"The Big and the Little" ("The Traders"), Astounding, August 1944; Foundation.
"The Wedge" ("The Merchant Princes"), Astounding, October 1944; Foundation.
"Blind Alley," Astounding, March 1945; TEA.
"Dead Hand" ("The General"), Astounding, April 1945; Foundation and Empire.
"Escape" ("Paradoxical Escape"), Astounding, August 1945; I,R.
"The Mule," Astounding, November, December 1945; Foundation and Empire.
"Evidence," Astounding, September 1946; I,R.
"Little Lost Robot," Astounding, March 1947; I,R.
"Now You See It . . ." ("Search by the Mule"), Astounding, January 1948; Second Foundation.
"No Connection," Astounding, June 1948; TEA.
"The Red Queen's Race," Astounding, January 1949; TEA.
"Mother Earth," Astounding, May 1949; TEA.
". . . And Now You Don't" ("Search by the Foundation"), Astounding, November, December 1949, January 1950; Second Foundation.
"The Evitable Conflict," Astounding, June 1950; I,R.
"Legal Rites," Weird Tales, September 1950; TEA.
"Darwinian Pool Room," Galaxy, October 1950; BJAOS.
"Green Patches," Galaxy, November 1950; NAOS.
"Day of the Hunters" ("Big Game"), Future, November 1950; BJAOS.
"The Little Man on the Subway," Fantasy Book, Vol. I, No. 6, 1950; TEA.
"Satisfaction Guaranteed," Amazing, April 1951; EIRE, TROTR.
"Hostess," Galaxy, May 1951; NAOS.
"Breeds There a Man. . .?" Astounding, June 1951; NAOS, TAGC.
"C-Chute," Galaxy, October 1951; NAOS.
"Shah Guido G," Marvel, November 1951; BJAOS.
"The Fun They Had," NEA Service, December 1951; EIRE, TBOIA.
" `In a Good Cause,' " New Tales of Space and Time, 1951; NAOS.
"Youth," Space, May 1952; TMWAOS.
"What If" Fantastic, Summer 1952; NAOS.
"The Martian Way," Galaxy, November 195Z; TMWAOS, TBOIA.
"The Deep," Galaxy, December 1952; TMWAOS.
"Button, Button," Startling, January 1953; BJAOS.
"The Monkey's Finger," Startling, February 1953; BJAOS.
"Sally," Fantastic, May-June 1953; NAOS.
"Flies," F&SF, June
1953; NAOS.
"Kid Stuff," Beyond, September 1953; EIRE.
"Belief," Astounding, October 1953; TAGC.
"Everest," Universe, December 1953; BJAOS.
" `Nobody Here But,' " Star SF, 1953; NAOS.
"Christmas on Ganymede," Wonder Stories Annual, 1953; TEA.
"Sucker Bait," Astounding, February, March 1954; TMWAOS.
"The Immortal Bard," Universe, May 1954; EIRE.
"Let's Not," B.U. Graduate Journal, December 1954; BJAOS.
"The Pause," Time To Come, 1954; BJAOS.
"It's Such a Beautiful Day," Star SF, #3, 1954; NAOS, TACC.
"The Portable Star," Thrilling Wonder, Winter 1955.
"The Singing Bell," F&SF, January 1955; AM.
"Risk," Astounding, May 1955; TROTR.
"The Last Trump," Fantastic Universe, June 1955; EIRE.
"Franchise," If, August 1955; EIRE.
"The Talking Stone," F&SF, October 1955; AM.
"Dreamworld," F&SF, November 1955; Opus 100.
"Dreaming Is a Private Thing," F&SF, December 1955; EIRE.
"The Message," F&SF, February 1956; EIRE.
"The Dead Past," Astounding, April 1956; EIRE, TBOIA.
"Hell-Fire," Fantastic Universe, May 1956; EIRE.
"Living Space," SF Stories, May 1956; EIRE.
"What's in a Name?," The Saint Detective, May-June 1956; AM.
"The Dying Night," F&SF, July 1956; NT, AM, TBOIA.
"Someday," Infinity, August 1956; EIRE.
"Pate de Foie Gras," Astounding, September 1956; AM.
"The Watery Place," Satellite, October 1956; EIRE.
"First Law," Fantastic Universe, October 1956; TROTR.
"The Last Question," SF Quarterly, November 1956; NT, TBOIA, Opus 100.
"Gimmicks Three" ("The Brazen Locked Room"), F&SF, November 1956; EIRE.
"Jokester," Infinity, December 1956; EIRE.
"Each an Explorer," Future, #30, 1956; BJAOS.
"Strikebreaker" ("Male Strikebreaker"), The Original SF Stories, January 1957; NAOS.
"The Dust of Death," Venture, January 1957; AM.
"Let's Get Together," Infinity, February 1957; TROTR.
"A Woman's Heart," Satellite, June 1957.
"Blank!" Infinity, June 1957; BJAOS.
"Does a Bee Care?" If, June 1957; BJAOS.
"Profession," Astounding, July 1957; NT.
"It's Such a Beautiful Day," Authentic SF Series, July 1957; NAOS.
"A Loint of Paw," F&SF, August 1957; AM.
"Ideas Die Hard," Galaxy, October 1957; WoC.
"I'm in Marsport Without Hilda," Venture, November 1957; NT, AM.
"Galley Slave," Galaxy, December 1957; TROTR.
"The Gentle Vultures," Super SF, December 1957; NT.
"Insert Knob A in Hole B," F&SF, December 1957; NAOS.
"Lenny," Infinity, January 1958; TROTR.
"Silly Asses," Future, February 1958; BJAOS.
"The Feeling of Power," If, February 1958; NT, Opus 100.
"All the Troubles of the World," Super SF, April 1958; NT.
"Buy Jupiter," Venture, May 1958; BJAOS.
"The Clash of Cymbals," Venture, July 1958.
"The Up-to-Date Sorceror," F&SF, July 1958; NAOS.
"The Ugly Little Boy" ("Lastborn"), Galaxy, September 1958; NT.
"S, as in Zebatinsky" ("Spell My Name with an S"), Star SF, #4. 1958; NT.
"A Statue for Father" ("Benefactor of Humanity"), Satellite, February 1959; BJAOS.
"Anniversary," Amazing, March 1959; AM, TBOIA.
"Unto the Fourth Generation," F&SF, April 1959; NAOS.
"Obituary," F&SF, August 1959; AM.
"Rain, Rain, Go Away," Fantastic Universe, September 1959; BJAOS.
"The Covenant," Fantastic, July 1960.
"What Is This Thing Called Love?" ("Playboy and the Slime God"), Amazing, March 1961; NAOS.
"The Machine That Won the War," F&SF, October 1961; NAOS.
"My Son, the Physicist," Scientific American, February 1962; NAOS.
"Star Light," Scientific American, October 1962; AM.
"Author! Author!," The Unknown 5, 1964; TEA.
"Eyes Do More Than See," F&SF, April 1965; NAOS.
"Founding Father," Galaxy, August 1965; BJAOS.
"The Billiard Ball," If, March 1967; AM, TBOIA.
"Segregationist," Abbottempo, Book 4, 1967; NAOS.
"Exile to Hell," Analog, May 1968; BJAOS.
"Key Item," F&SF, July 1968; BJAOS.
"The Proper Study," Boys' Life, September 1968; BJAOS.
"The Holmes-Ginsbook Device," If, December 1968; Opus 100.
"Feminine Intuition," F&SF, October 1969; TBMAOS.
"Waterclap," Galaxy, May 1970; TBMAOS.
"2430 A.D.," IBM Magazine, October 1970; BJAOS.
"The Greatest Asset," Analog, January 1972; BJAOS.
"Mirror Image," Analog, April 1972; TBOIA.
"Take a Match," New Dimensions II, 1972; BJAOS.
"Light Verse," Saturday Evening Post, October 1973; BJAOS.
"Thiotimoline to the Stars," Astounding, the John W. Campbell Memorial Anthology, 1973; BJAOS.