by James Gunn
New Wave, 89, 171, 180
New Worlds, 89
New York Times, The, 190
New York Times Magazine, 60
Newton, Sir Isaac, 69, 72
"Nightfall", 10, 17, 68-76, 86, 91, 105, 117, 178, 187
Nightfall (Asimov and Silverberg), 87, 190
Nightfall and Other Stories, 78, 79, 106, 107
Nine Tomorrows, 58
Niven, Larry, 191, 215
"No Connection", 76
"Nobody Here But", 87
Norby series (Isaac and Janet Asimov), 190
"Not Final!", 56, 74-75
"Now You See It. . . ." See "Search by the Mule"
Odyssey (Homer), 212
Of Worlds Beyond (Eschbach), 31
Olander, Joseph, 19, 178, 254
Old Faithful geyser, 146
O'Neill, Hugh, vii, 189
Opus 100, 1, 32, 145, 146, 162
Opus 200, 2, 32
Opus 300, 32
Origin of the Species (Darwin), 118
Original Science Fiction Stories, The, 87
Outline of History (Wells), 14
Padgett, Lewis (Henry Kuttner and C.L. Moore), 31
Paperback Library, 45
"Paradoxical Escape." See "Escape"
Paratime Police stories (Piper), 156
Patrouch, Joseph, 19, 180, 264
Pebble in the Sky, 10, 79, 92, 123, 124-30, 135, 143, 151, 195, 207, 211
Petrovichi, U.S.S.R., 4-5
Piper, H. Beam, 156
Planet Stories, 74, 121, 146
"Playboy and the Slime God." See "What Is This Thing Called Love?"
Poe, Edgar Allan, 105
Pohl, Frederik, 9, 45, 46, 88, 94, 98, 105, 123, 130, 143
Polaris (Stilson), 117
Pontius Pilate, 127
Positronic Man, The (Asimov and Silverberg), 87, 190
"Potent Stuff." See "Green Patches"
Pournelle, Jerry, 30, 191
Prashker, Betty, vii, 189
Preiss, Byron, 41
Prelude to Foundation, 190, 213-18, 221, 225
"Primate Primeval", 76
"Profession", 85, 86
Proust, Marcel, 103
"Psychohistorians, The", 23, 31, 39, 224
psychohistory, 30-33, 38, 195, 196, 198, 199, 204, 210, 213, 215-18, 221-24, 254, 260
Puppet Masters, The (Heinlein), 92
Puzzle of Life, The, 93
Queens Science Fiction League, 43
"Rabbi Ben Ezra" (Browning), 122
Races and People, 144
Ralph 124C41 + (Gernsback), 103
Reader's Digest, 266
"Reason", 44, 46, 47n, 52, 54, 64, 68, 157, 250
Red Planet (Heinlein), 145
"Red Queen's Race, The", 76
Reeve, Arthur B., 95
Rest of the Robots, The, 1, 41, 42, 44, 47, 52, 53, 55, 64, 91, 117, 119
Reynolds, Mack, 95
Rinehart, Mary Roberts, 135
"Risk", 53, 56, 62, 101
Road to Science Fiction, The (Gunn), 250
"Robbie", 10, 42, 43, 45, 46, 47n, 48, 54, 61, 64, 68, 94
"Robot AL-76 Goes Astray", 55
"Robot Dreams", 42, 63, 64
Robot Dreams, 41, 63
Robot Novels, The, 91, 118, 119, 195, 198-200
"Robot Visions", 42, 64
Robot Visions, 41, 58, 64
Robots and Empire, 64, 119, 190, 200, 206-10, 213
Robots of Dawn, The, 64, 102, 119, 190, 198-207
Roc Books, 41
Rocket Ship Galileo (Heinlein), 122
Rocket to the Morgue (Boucher), 95
"Rocking-Horse Winner, The" (Lawrence), 196
Rocky Jones, Space Ranger, 143
"Rule of Three" (Sturgeon), 79
"Runaround", 43n, 44, 47n, 48, 49, 52, 55, 64
R.U.R. (Rossum's Universal Robots) (Capek), 42, 45
"Satisfaction Guaranteed", 56, 65
Schiller, Friedrich von, 168, 170
Science Fiction by Gaslight (Moskowitz), 95
Science Fiction Hall of Fame, The, 68
Science Fiction Hall of Fame Volume II, The, 82
Science Fiction of Isaac Asimov, The (Patrouch), 19, 180
Science Fiction Quarterly, 58
Science Fiction Writers of America (SFWA), 68, 164
Science Fiction Writers of America Bulletin, 32
"Science of Science Fiction Writing, The" (Campbell), 31
Science Wonder Stories, 8
Scientific American, 87
Scribner's, 122
"Search by the Foundation", 28, 29, 30, 32, 38, 40, 77, 193, 197, 198, 199
"Search by the Mule", 27, 28, 39, 76, 256
Second Foundation, 27, 34, 35, 92, 195, 199, 257, 260, 261
"Secret Sense, The", 71
"Segregationist", 59, 64, 65
Sensuous Dirty Old Man, The, 172
Seth Low Junior College, 6, 7
Shakespeare, William, 53, 165
Shaver, Richard, 122
Shelley, Mary Wollstonecraft, 45
Sherred, T.L., 84
Silverberg, Robert, 14, 86, 87, 162-65, 190, 266
Simak, Clifford D., 18, 103, 254
Simon & Schuster, 122
Simpson, George G., 20
Skylark of Space, The (Smith), 122
Smith, Edward Elmer "Doc", 21, 30, 122, 144
"So Why Aren't We Rich?", 165
"Social Science Fiction", 31, 166, 252
Sociological Society, 31, 255
"Someday", 58, 64
Space Merchants, The (Pohl and Kornbluth), 105
Sputnik, 117, 195
Stableford, Brian, 200, 203
Stapledon, Olaf, 196
"Star, The" (Wells), 218
Star Maker (Stapledon), 196
Star Science Fiction, 87
Star Trek, 96
Stars, Like Dust, The, 79, 92, 94, 129-36, 141, 142, 143, 184, 186
Startling Stories, 76, 121
Stellar Science Fiction, 61
Stellar Two, 90
Stilson, Charles B., 117
"Stowaway", 9, 74
Strand Magazine, The, 95
"Strange Playfellow." See "Robbie"
Stranger in a Strange Land (Heinlein), 191
Street & Smith, 9, 32, 122
"Strikebreaker", 87
Stubbs, Harry. See Hal Clement
Sturgeon, Theodore, 79, 92
"Sucker Bait", 83
Super Science Stories, 10, 43, 46, 56, 74
Super-Science Fiction, 58
"Take a Match", 90, 164
Tales of the Black Widowers, 87
Talos, 45
"Tercentenary Incident, The", 61, 62
"That Thou Art Mindful of Him", 60, 62, 63, 65, 90, 204, 210
"There's Nothing Like a Good Foundation", 32, 40
Thing, The, 79
"Think!", 63, 64
Three Laws of Robotics, 15, 44, 46, 47, 48, 54, 55, 63, 108, 265
Thrilling Wonder Stories, 121
Time Crime (Piper), 156
Time magazine, 2, 146, 152
Time Patrol stories (Anderson), 156
Tolkien, J.R.R., 117, 191
Tonto, 144
"Too Bad!", 63, 64
"Traders, The", 25, 37, 39
transactional analysis, 177
"Trends", 10, 74, 82
"Trial of Adam Link, The" (Binder), 46
Triangle, 143
"True Love", 63
"Twilight" (Campbell), 102
Odyssey Two (Clarke), 191
Tyrann. See Stars, Like Dust, The
"Ugly Little Boy, The", 73, 85, 86, 253
Ugly Little Boy, The (Asimov and Silverberg), 87, 190
Universe Makers, The (Wollheim), 21, 32, 254
Unknown, 75
/> "Unto the Fourth Generation", 87
Updike, John, 22
"Up-to-Date Sorcerer, The", 87
U.S. Navy Yard (Philadelphia), 75
van Vogt, A.E., 21, 92, 98, 122, 249
Velikovsky, Immanuel, 267
Venture Science Fiction, 87
Verne, Jules, 144, 157
"Victory Unintentional", 56, 62, 75
Vonnegut, Kurt, Jr., 14
Walker, Burnham S., 136
"Wanda Seldon", 223
"Wedge, The." See "Merchant Princes, The"
Weinbaum, Stanley, 23
Wells, H.G., 14, 31, 84, 105, 118, 144, 210, 218, 255, 256
"What If", 87
"What Is This Thing Called Love?", 87
"What You Need" (Padgett), 31
"When the Air Quivered" (Meade and Eustace), 95
When Worlds Collide (Wylie and Balmer), 218
"Who Goes There?" (Campbell), 79, 262, 263
Wilcox, Don, 122
William Morris Literary Agency, 213
Williams & Wilkins, 93
Williamson, Jack, 30, 51, 122, 212
Wilson, Richard, 9
"With Folded Hands" (Williamson), 51, 61
Wolfe, Gary K., 225
Wollheim, Donald A., 9, 21, 192, 254, 255
Woolrich, Cornell, 143
World of the Dawn, The. See Robots of Dawn, The
World Science Fiction Convention, 1, 9, 10, 20, 21
Writer, The, 166
Wylie, Philip, 218
Yellowstone National Park, 146
Your Show of Shows, 143
Zealots, 127
Zeroth Law of Robotics, 102, 208, 209
About the Author
James Gunn, editor of The New Encyclopedia of Science Fiction and the six-volume anthology The Road to Science Fiction, is a retired professor of English at the University of Kansas, director of its Center for the Study of Science Fiction, and a full-time writer. He has written twelve novels and five collections of short stories, as well as Alternate Worlds: The Illustrated History of Science Fiction. He has been president of the Science Fiction Writers of America and the Science Fiction Research Association, and he has been the recipient of the Byron Caldwell Smith Award, the Pilgrim Award, and the Eaton Award. The first edition of Isaac Asimov: The Foundations of Science Fiction won the Hugo Award.