"Ron, you guys are really something. If you know what he is up to, why haven't you caught him and interrogated him?"
"You are correct sir. We are working on that, but he has help. Someone is feeding him information and we need to get on an equal basis. Then we will catch the guy."
"Goddamn it Neilson, I told you on the phone I wanted facts, here you are with the same horseshit. Remember Fort Worth? I gave in and supplied you all the information you needed and what did you do? You made the President of the United States look like a jerk. That little ordeal nearly cost the President the election. The media had a field day with it.
"Sir, I understand your feelings, but that was before I was even in charge. I was still the deputy director then."
"I should have gotten rid of all of you," Wainright said loud enough for everyone to hear.
"That may be so but it doesn't change the facts were dealing with here now. We want access to the Presidents travel plans."
"Wanting and getting are two different things. The Presidents travel plans are on a need to know basis. Right now I don't see any evidence that you need to know."
"Sir," PJ said, "If we don't get that information, the President won't stand a chance. It's not an unreasonable request. Someone supplied Wells with the information. All we want to do is get on equal grounds."
"Are you implying that someone in my office gave out the Presidents plans?"
"Well, he sure the hell got them someplace," PJ shot back.
"This meeting is over. You men get the hell out of my office."
"Gosh, and I thought the President still owned the place," Ron said, surprising everyone at the table.
Without another word, Wainright stormed out of the office.
"Well, that could have gone better. We don't seem to be very high on the list of people he likes," Sean said at last.
"What an arrogant ass," PJ said, "Is he going to throw up Fort Worth every time we meet?"
"You can count on it," Ron answered.
"What happened in Fort Worth?" Sean asked.
"You don't want to know," Ron and PJ said at the same time.
"We may have lost this skirmish but we won't give up the battle. You guys need to get Wells, Tolbert or the shooter. We need something solid before we cross swords with Wilber again," Ron told them during the ride back to the agency.
"Don't worry boys; I have a few markers I can call in. I did the politically correct thing and went through Wainwrights’ office. Now we take the gloves off and just get the job done. I'll get the list before the week is out, you mark my words."
When they arrived, Ron went straight to his office and called an old friend.
"Ralph, Ron Neilson. How in the heck are you buddy?"
"Ron. How are they hangin'?"
"Not bad. Not bad. How about you?"
"Good. Up to my ass in alligators as usual. So what is it that you want?"
"Ralph I'm hurt. No, really. I was just checking to see how you were doing."
"Yeah sure. Look Ron, I didn't just fall off the turnip truck. Cut to the chase. What do you need from me this time?"
"Nothing much."
"I hate that. Nothing much is always big trouble. What is it?"
"Just the Presidents travel plans for say, the next six months to a year."
"What? Are you out of your mind? If you want that you need to go through Wainright. You know that as well as I do."
"Well, that's kind of the problem. We went to Wainright. He threw us out."
"Sounds like that prick. Ron this is heavy stuff even by your standards."
"Ralph, someone is getting ready to assassinate the President. Wainright wants to wait for the shot before he gives us anything. I can't wait. No, won't wait that long. I have to get that list. Someone else already has it and we have to get at least even. Ralph I need your help."
"Hell, someone is always spouting off about killing the President. What's new?"
"Harmon Wells is involved. You remember him from the old days don't you?"
A long silence.
Then, "Oh shit. Are you sure? Christ Almighty. If Wells is involved you need more help than I can give you. Did you tell Wainright this?"
"He just blew us off. Now do you see my problem?"
"Alright Ron, I'll help. Do you have a secure fax that can reproduce computer generated holograph images?"
"Sure we do."
"Alright then. In exactly twenty minutes you personally be at the machine to receive the fax. I need to leave here to send it. I don't want to take a chance that they may trace it back to me."
"I'll be there. Twenty minutes."
"Ron, this is dangerous stuff. You just make sure you get Wells this time."
"Thanks Ralph. We’re even now."
"No were not. I'll always owe you. You just get the prick this time."
"We will. We will."
Twenty minutes later the fax machine delivered the promised document. No cover letter, no identification. None was needed. Ron retrieved the page and went to his office and called for PJ and Sean.
"I have the itinerary. PJ, your better at this than I am. What is this a picture of? PJ looked at the squiggles for a few seconds before answering.
"Space shuttle, America."
Ron typed in SSA to the image decoding document device, I-3D as it was known. He took the page from PJ and placed it in the carriage holder. Immediately the list appeared.
The I-3D system was the latest technology to combat piracy. The holographic image was similar to the kind you find cropping up all over the place. The image would appear to those who could master the technique. Once the picture was revealed, the I-3D came into play. You needed to type the picture code into the decoding device. Once that is accomplished, the holograph is placed in the machine and it arranges the computer generated lines in the proper sequence and then rearranges them to form the original message.
The picture without the machine is just what it appears to be. All pictures are made so that a three letter code is necessary to obtain the proper sequencing mode. Ron, PJ and Sean could now read the list just like any other, except it had a three dimensional overtone to it. The lines of type seemed to float on air.
"Holy smokes. There must be twenty five names here."
"True, but I see Louisville, Indianapolis and Phoenix listed," PJ said.
"Along with Chicago, Gary, Lexington, Cincinnati, Nashville and ten other cities in that general area,” Ron said.
"Worse,” Sean interjected, "They go as far west as Los Angeles. Boy this may add to the confusion rather than help."
"Let’s think about this. We know for sure three of the cities are listed here, right? Indianapolis and Louisville are very near to each other. He flew to Phoenix. It makes sense that he is looking at cities in the Midwest. If he had gone to California he would have flown there from Phoenix. No. He found what he was looking for someplace around those cities."
"What about Chicago? That can't be much of a drive from Indianapolis," Ron said.
"Well, it seems to me if he was looking at Chicago he would have flown there from DC, rented a car and driven down to the other cities."
"I'll buy that, for now. What about the other cities in that general area?"
"That is definitely a problem. Let’s list all the cities within a four hour drive of Indianapolis and see what we have,” PJ suggested.
The cities on the list they had just obtained were:
South Bend
St. Louis
"Man, that's still a lot of cities to check out. We have one hell of a lot of work to do," PJ said.
"Can we eliminate any of them?" Sean asked.
"Well, we ruled out Chicago. Maybe St. Louis for the same reason," PJ said.
"Yes, but our suspected shoo
ter is from St. Louis. He would know the city inside and out," reasoned Ron.
"I don't think so. He would already know the area like the back of his hand, why send a guy to do recon work in an area you know ten times better?"
"I can go along with that. That still leaves seven target cities."
"Is the President actually scheduled to go to these places?" Sean asked.
"Good question. Can you find that out Ron?"
"I'll try. Hang on a minute," he said reaching for the phone.
"Hello Ralph. Ron again. I got the list, it’s an incredible help. Does the city listed mean that the President is actually going to go there?"
"Damn Ron. My ass is on the line here. To answer your question, no. Someone, usually a senior official, is going in place of the President in many cases. That's just the official travel list for the President and staff."
"I need just the Presidents plans, Ralph."
"Sorry I can't do any more than I've done. Only Wainright and his staff know just who is actually going where. Honest Ron, you have what I have."
"Okay Ralph. Thanks again, you have been a big help."
"Great but don't call me, I'll call you," he said and hung up.
"Said to ask Wainright. He couldn't do anything more for us."
"Shit. Can we put events with the cities? Maybe that would help," PJ said.
"How in the world can Tolbert and Wells have more than us?" Sean wanted to know.
"Simple. Money. They can buy what we have to dig up. Look, who has access to this information?"
"The President, Wainright, V.P., the First Lady and any other snooping Tom, Dick and Harry in the White House. I'll venture to say there are plenty of those."
“Yeah, someone had to type the list up in the first place. Probably a different person made copies and who knows how many were in the loop,” Sean lamented.
"Great. Everybody knows but us," PJ moaned.
"Wouldn't it be a kick in the ass if it was Wainright supplying Wells with the information?"
"Not a very comforting thought," Ron said.
"Welcome back," Harmon said, "You look tired," he commented as he let Zane in the house.
"I am a little bushed. I got the information. I'm not sure you’re going to like everything I have to tell you."
"So what's new? Let’s get started. I sent for Mr. Red. He is on his way from New Mexico. The sooner you give me the report, the sooner we can get on with the operation. Would you like a drink?”
“Beer if you have one.”
“Sam Adams Oktoberfest all right?”
Harmon brought him an ice cold bottle and a glass.
“No glass, bottle’s fine.”
“Ready to start?”
"You bet. Two of the four cities offered everything we need. Phoenix is out. The number of sites isn't the problem. The security measures present too high a risk factor. The Secret Service has gotten good at protecting Presidents on golf courses. They now have a special force trained just for outings like this. They actually dig spider holes and station men in the tree lines.
Add that to the large crowd this event will attract, all at ground level, and it makes the risk factor too high in my opinion."
"Then it's out. Your opinion is always good enough for me."
"Cincinnati was eliminated as well. I found only one A+ site and two A sites. The escape routes were marginal at best. I felt uneasy with the layout, so I ruled it out as well."
"Good. Tell me about the ones that do meet our needs," Wells said, handing Zane a coaster for his beer.
"As you know, I started in Indianapolis. At first I didn't think I was going to like the set up much. After I started looking around, it became obvious I had hit pay dirt. The Speedway track offers a number of A+ sites and several A sites as well. The size of the crowd will make control, touch and go, at best for the police force. As you told me, they use mostly outside help. Few are professionally trained. Because of the nature of the SILVER-2, escape will be as easy as mixing with the mass of humanity and walking off. It has everything a shooter needs. If I were making the shot, this would be the place."
"That's quite an endorsement, coming from you."
"It's better than Dallas, and you know how much I liked that layout."
"That, and having the police in our pocket."
"True. But here we don't need them."
"Alright, give me the file," he said.
Zane handed over the thick folder.
"You will find everything you need, including sketches."
"How about Louisville?"
"Good. I found three A+ sites around the convention center. If we have the exact motorcade route then there is the possibility of several more."
"Too late for that, and too much of a risk. Stick with the convention center."
"Escape won't be much of a problem because of the distance factor. One location is around 7,000 feet out. They would never be expecting a shot from that distance."
"Don't be so sure. They will start to figure the SILVER-2 is in someone's hands. I suspect they are starting to put it together. They may not know everything yet, but you know damn well they are working on it. My source indicates that the F.B.I. and OPS3 have teamed up and are tracking down old Sniper School graduates. They know more than we would like. We have to plan on that possibility."
"That's what you do best, Harmon."
"Anyway, I take it you're satisfied that if Indianapolis doesn't suit Mr. Red, Louisville will?"
"Correct. I could check out one of the other cities if you want. Just as a precaution," Zane offered.
"I don't think that will be necessary," Wells said taking the Louisville file from Zane.
"You want me to hang around just in case?"
"No. You're out of it. You can go back to the Islands. I will have the remainder of the money transferred to your account tomorrow. You just enjoy the rest of your life," Wells said.
"Time for you to get out too Harmon. Turn the stuff over to Mr. Red and beat it out of here."
"I wish I could. It’s not quite that simple. I'll clear out as soon as I'm sure it's going to go down as planned."
"When do you meet with Mr. Red again?"
"It would better if you didn't have any further information,” Wells said.
"You're right. Then I'm out of here. I'll be at the motel until 2:00 P.M. tomorrow. I'll check out and head to the airport. I have a 5:10 flight booked. After that, you will have to find me on Cayman Broc. I intend to stay off the main Island for a few weeks. Just in case."
"Go. Enjoy. I don't think I will be seeing you again old friend. Take care," Wells said shaking his hand and patting him on the shoulder.
"May operation Elijah go as planned," Zane said saluting. He turned quickly and walked away. After Zane had left he called Mr. Red and arranged to meet him later in the evening.
Giovanni arrived after carefully making sure he was not being followed.
"Here are the files on the two cities that have been selected as most likely meeting your needs," Wells said, handing over the thick files to him.
"And? Is there a recommendation on which city is best?"
"Yes, but I want you to make up your own mind. You have fired the weapon. You know what it can do better than anyone. Read the files and chose your own location."
"And if I don't like either?"
"We start over if necessary. The deadline date remains the same however. If you cannot agree with the findings in the recon material you will need to make that clear as soon as possible. I don't foresee that happening. You're the best in the business. I have confidence you will find a way to make one of the two cities work for you."
"Alright. What about the money?"
"Half of it will be transferred tomorrow to the account number you gave me. The rest will be placed in the account once I get word of the completion of the operation. That kind of news will be around
the world within minutes."
"That's acceptable. I will need money for expenses during the next weeks as well."
"You will find ten thousand dollars in the package. A further five thousand is waiting at the American Express Office in each of the two cities. This location will be shut down after tomorrow. You know the emergency procedure to contact me if necessary," Wells said.
"The target remains the same?"
"Of course. Elijah will proceed as planned."
"Then that's it. I have what I need. I will contact you only if I cannot locate a suitable site.
'Elijah on hold', will be the indication. We will meet according to your emergency procedures after that, agreed?"
"Yes indeed. Good luck," Well said.
"I hope I won't need to depend on luck," Giovanni said.
"I know. That's why I picked you in the first place."
"Move your ass PJ," Sean said busting into the room, "We just got word that Z. Tolbert is on a flight headed to Miami. I've got a chopper inbound to take us to the airport. A Lear is standing by ready to take off. The Delta flight stops in Atlanta so we have plenty of time."
PJ and Sean headed to the roof to catch the arriving helicopter.
"You think it's really Zane Tolbert?" Sean asked.
"Hey, we gotta' go for it."
They reached the waiting jet and were airborne in a matter of minutes. As they raced towards Miami they made preliminary plans. They contacted the regional F.B.I. agency and the OPS3 division for that area and had them send a team to meet the Lear at the private hangers.
"The plan is basic," Sean told the agents once they were all assembled.
"PJ has seen Tolbert in person. A long time ago, but he thinks he will still recognize him. He will be stationed at the arrival gate. That's going to be gate C-12. I will be at the end of the corridor that leads to the main terminal. I want agent Williams, hold up your hand so we all know who you are," Sean said.
Agent Williams held up his hand.