No Rest for the Prince's Virgin

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No Rest for the Prince's Virgin Page 6

by Morgan King

  “Yes, don’t stop, just a little more.”

  Wilhelm gave her what she asked for and was rewarded with more yeses and pleases. With breath held he watched her body go taut before breaking into shudders. At that ultimate moment she cried his name. He wanted to shout out in triumph. He resisted the impulse. Just.

  Instead he tenderly brought her down to rest on the covered floor and watched her lie there, limbs loose, as he undid the ties at the front of his trousers and slid them over his hips. His cock immediately sprang forth to stand proud.

  “Oh wow.” She was looking at him now.

  He fisted his cock watching as her eyes followed the movements of his hand. He could wait no longer. “I’ll try to go slow,” he said lying down on top of her, leaning slightly to the side and lining his cock up with her pussy while it was still gripped in his hand. When the crown of his cock kissed the entrance to her pussy he removed his hand, sliding it round to hold her bottom, keeping her pulled tight to him. With his other hand he caressed strands of her hair from her face and looked deep into her eyes. This was the woman he wanted to be his wife, and for him this was the moment of making it so.

  He pushed forward. There was little give so he kept pushing, stretching her a little wider each time. He retreated a short distance to give more emphasis to his next thrust. The effort was effective, and he felt his cock surrounded right to the root in welcoming warmth. Pausing for a moment to catch his breath and assess Katrine’s response, he saw she had her eyes shut but was breathing steadily, a small smile playing about her lips.

  The accomplishment belonged to them both.

  For the first time he noticed that the palms of her hands were stroking up and down the contours of his back. Was she comforting him?

  He kissed her fiercely.


  Katrine had never felt so closely attuned to her own body and at the same time to another person. Wilhelm had started sliding in and out of her, his cock stroking along sensitive nerve endings and focusing her attention on the feeling of fullness at her centre. She lifted her legs wrapping them around his thicker ones, binding their two bodies tighter together.

  She loved the feel of controlled strength in his body, so different from hers. With each thrust her hips sank a little deeper towards the earth and her body relaxed a little more. It was all so new there was a degree of inevitable tension.

  A pause in Wilhelm’s movements caused her to open her eyes.

  “I’d like to keep going like this all night. It feels so wonderful to be inside you, but I don’t think I’ll last.”

  “It’s fine. I’m never going to forget this.”

  “Do you think you could come again for me?”

  Katrine took a second to assess her body, her state of arousal. The discomfort had eased, and she’d been starting to enjoy the physical feelings, but she hadn’t felt any building tension in her clit.

  “I don’t know.” She could come, but… “Not soon.”

  Wilhelm lifted up, and Katrine felt him sliding a hand between their bodies, the heel of his hand resting on the apex of her pelvis, a thumb pressing against her clit. He rubbed. “How about now?”

  Katrine moaned out her approval and pumped her hips to intensify the sensation that was now beginning to drive her arousal forward. Wilhelm curved his back reaching for her left breast with his mouth. Her nipple being sucked inside that warm cavern caused Katrine to speed up her movements, even when Wilhelm began to move inside her again.

  “So good,” Katrine panted. “I might just come.”

  “So fucking good!” Wilhelm grunted. “And yes, you will come.”

  He rubbed and thrust with more vigour, even though it was becoming increasingly uncoordinated. That last little bit of lacking precision was so frustrating for Katrine. In a good way. Just a bit more, in the right spot…

  Katrine dug her nails into the flesh she gripped. On one side it was Wilhelm’s hip, and on the other the flesh of his bottom that was clenched hard. He reared up with a yell and slammed his cock into her one last time. It was the flick of the trigger Katrine needed. She stared up at the powerful man so vulnerable above her and gasped her ecstasy telling him of it through her open eyes.

  Wilhelm collapsed on top of her, the warmth of his seed still spreading inside her, before he quickly rolled them onto their sides, still joined together. They lay looking at each other, no words needed.

  Katrine curled her body closer, resting her head against his chest, closing her eyes. At the moment of climax her body had been suspended in pleasure. If rational thought had been possible she would never have wanted the moment to end, and now her soul suspended in comfort had found that moment, the heart’s desire for it to be everlasting.

  May the morning never come, was Katrine’s last thought before sleep claimed her


  Wilhelm disengaged himself, before standing and scooping up his precious load. He carried her over to the bed, reverently placing her on the white sheet. He should probably go back to his own room now, but instead he climbed in and pulled the quilt over them both. He would go before the rest of the castle stirred.

  Chapter Five

  Katrine woke with lethargy ingrained in her limbs. She felt sluggish—no, more like snail-ish, snuggled under covers as she was. Movement in the room drew her attention, and she stretched her head a little further from her shell to see who it was. It was too soft a sound to be Wilhelm, who if still in the room would be trying to disturb her rather than avoid it, or so she hoped. Seeing the new bundle of neatly-folded fresh clothes near the foot of the bed, she guessed it was the presence of the chamber-maid that had drawn her from sleep.

  Part of her would like to hibernate, to go back to sleep and not emerge from the warmth and security of her bed for another few months. Her mind, though, was far too active for her to doze. Even with her body physically weary, there must be a drug in her system to make her so aware of her heart and breath and the nervousness rooted further below in her stomach.

  She wanted to see Wilhelm again. To receive some sort of reassurance from his looks, his words, or his actions that he wanted her as much as ever after their night together. Whether she could bring herself to look him in the eye though…

  If I’m not quick I might miss him at breakfast. Hot on the heels of this thought Katrine threw back the covers and instructed her body to sit up and then stand up. She was a little surprised when it listened to her.

  She gave her body a thorough wash, conscious that she might smell of the sweat and passion of sex. The thought gave her a thrill, a sense of triumph at being truly a woman, a woman loved. However, she was worried that people might spot she was no longer a virgin and didn’t want to give them any reason to suspect.

  She desperately wanted to keep this her secret, and yet a contradictory part of her nature wanted to shout it from the turrets. Her head was going to have to take some control of her heart, and this seemed the best place for it to start.

  Washed and dressed, with her hair neatly brushed (that had taken the longest), Katrine made her way to the Great Hall, sure enough of the way that she no longer needed to ask for directions. The prince was still there, seated next to his mother. In the morning light he looked less like her Wilhelm and more his people’s prince. Was it too much to hope that he could be her prince, too?

  Looking across the large room, unable even to see the colour of his eyes at this distance, Katrine admitted to herself that she didn’t ever want to walk away. She would have to return home soon, as soon as she could really. She needed to see her family, reassure them she was all right, but she wanted to come straight back to the prince. She wanted to be by his side, for that to be her rightful place at all times. She would pray for him never to have regrets because if he did she feared she would rather they both live with them the best they could, than leave her heart behind.

  Katrine was just about to slide into a space at the end of the bench nearest her when she was spotted.

  “Katrine.” The prince called loudly enough to silence the room. He then beckoned to her.

  Katrine hesitated for a moment, but she couldn’t really sit down where she was now. It would be rude and would probably give people more reason to talk about her and the prince. When she started heading towards the head table conversations resumed with no noticeable change in subject that Katrine could detect.

  There hadn’t been an empty seat next to the prince when Katrine had first entered the hall. Naturally she had observed this. It was becoming almost second nature for her eyes to find the prince when they were in the same room, and to assess his surroundings. In fact, she did it before looking to see where there might be an exit to a garderobe.

  Now he was speaking to a servant positioned behind the royal family. The boy stood straight, arms behind his back, until the prince spoke to him at which point he became a blur of motion, moving to fetch another seat and squeeze it into the space Wilhelm was creating for it, getting other people to shift their seats to make room. Katrine had hoped to be unobtrusive at breakfast. No such luck.

  The prince was still standing when she reached him. It took an amazing exertion of willpower not to walk into his arms. His hands were fisted at his sides, as if he might be having the same trouble not opening his arms to her. She could not stop the lifting of her lips as a smile stretched wide across her face. White teeth flashing, he responded with a grin. He had dimples. She’d never noticed before.

  Swept up in his smile she also nearly missed him taking hold of her hand. She didn’t miss the press of his kiss against her knuckles, or the tip of his tongue poking at the crevice between her fingers. Heat filled her cheeks. At least others would not be able to see why.

  “Good morning, my Lady.” Wilhelm’s last two words were emphasised, and accompanied by a blatant wink.

  The prince had just winked at her. Katrine virtually collapsed into her seat.

  Needing a distraction Katrine turned to the queen on the other side of her. “Good morning, Your Majesty. I hope that I may be of more assistance today.”

  The queen looked at Katrine with concern in her eyes. Katrine wasn’t sure why. Was the queen worried about the developing closeness between Katrine and her son?

  “Dear, you look as if you didn’t sleep well again last night.”

  Katrine had hoped the look of love in her eyes would hide the dark circles underneath. Clearly not. However, at least the queen was unlikely to have made such a comment if she suspected what had really gone on last night.

  “You’re right. I haven’t been sleeping well. Combined with the physical exertion of the past couple of days it must be taking its toll.”

  “Maybe you should rest more today,” the queen said kindly. “There’s always more work to be done.”

  “Never enough time to do all the things you want to,” the prince said, joining the conversation. “I think we shall be able to finish getting the main road repaired today, though. All the debris and broken bricks have been removed, and we have enough spare to fill the gaps without waiting for more to be delivered.”

  She would be able to try walking home soon. Katrine felt no joy at the thought.

  “Oh, that is good news!” The queen clapped her hands together. “And you’ll be pleased to hear I’ve already spoken to the kitchens, and they shall ensure all the workers get a much needed repast, mid-morning.”

  At least there was plenty to do to make herself useful. “I thought I would get to work in the kitchen gardens today. Helen said she would help me.”

  “That would be fantastic, dear. If I can get away at all today I will join you.” The queen had a quill in hand and was creating a very long list as she spoke.

  “I had best get on,” the prince said, rising from his seat.

  “Have a good day.” Katrine wanted to prolong their interaction even if her well wishes seemed slightly inane.

  The prince tucked an escaped lock of Katrine’s hair behind her ear. “If you find any more mint—there’s even a variety around here that smells of chocolate, I believe—pick some for me,” he spoke just to her before departing.

  The king also excused himself and left the table.

  The queen watched him go, the features of her face softened by an expression of fondness, before turning back to Katrine. “He’s smitten with you.”

  Katrine was surprised at the queen’s observation, as if they were friends sharing a confidence.

  “You do not mind?”

  “Of course not. We’ve waited many years for someone to capture his interest. For someone that seemed destined for him.”

  “But you know so little about me, and what you do know must tell you I am from a very different world.”

  “None of that matters. Love is a gift regardless of where it originates. I often think the world would be a happier place if people didn’t seek to tarnish love with their worries. My husband, the King, was not born of royalty, but it made no difference to my desire to marry him. His superior qualities were evident nonetheless.”

  “You are very wise.”

  “I have had many years to learn, and luckily for me many of them have been filled with love. I would only wish the same for my son.”

  “I would, too,” Katrine said exposing her heart.

  She took her serviette from her lap and laid it open on the table as she rose to go and locate the gardener.

  Excitement would be her constant companion while at work that morning. Katrine felt that there was hope for a future with the prince. The queen seemed truly happy at the thought that he might love her and want her for his bride.

  Katrine was thrilled at just the thought of seeing him again later that day.


  Wilhelm drew his watch from his shirt pocket, holding it between finger and thumb, trying not to tarnish it with more dirt than necessary. He used a nail to flick open the front. Twelve o’clock. He breathed a sigh of satisfaction. Finally he could call to the men to put down their tools for lunch.

  He led the way back to the castle, his pace that much quicker than anyone else’s. When he dunked his head in one of the barrels of cold water set aside for cleaning he barely felt the cold. He sluiced the water back through his hair, squeezing the excess out of the strands long enough to reach to his neck. Giving his hands a shake and a rub against his trousers, he headed for the nearest side entrance to the castle.

  When he entered he was surprised to hear his mother’s voice carrying through the corridors. It sounded as if it was coming from the direction of her back office, where she kept housekeeping records and held meetings with staff. Intrigued, he followed the sound of her raised voice. It was unlike his mother to exert her authority by showing her frustration or getting angry. By the time he drew near, Wilhelm was unable to make out any of what was being said.

  The door was slightly open, and he could no longer hear voices. He was just about to knock and enter when the door swung open, and Jennings, head of upstairs housekeeping, nearly walked straight into him. Her face was red, and she barely looked at him as she mumbled her apologies and skirted round him.

  “Problem?” Wilhelm asked as he entered the room.

  “I don’t know,” his mother said, looking tired rather than cross. “One of the maids was changing the beds in the guest bedrooms and found those stuffed under the mattress and inside the quilt cover in Katrine’s room.” She pointed to a pile of small balls, round, but unevenly so.

  “What are they?” Wilhelm asked as he picked one up to test it.

  “Dried peas, I think.”

  “Who would do such a thing? Is it part of some sort of curse or magic?” If someone was trying to hurt Katrine he would find out who and make them pay.

  “No, I don’t think so,” said his mother, who was more familiar with magical practices than he was. “I think it was someone playing a prank, hoping to ensure our visitor didn’t sleep well. Or maybe make her look silly if she complained about the bed.”

  That ma
de sense, and Wilhelm could just imagine who was to blame.

  “You don’t suspect a member of staff, then? I heard you raise your voice at Jennings.”

  “No, her maids should be trained to turn down the beds in the evening before guests retire, and if they had done so thoroughly they may have found something amiss.”

  Wilhelm raised his eyebrow at his mother.

  “Oh very well,” she said. “I took my frustration out on Jennings. There’s just too much to do at the moment, and I hate to think of one of our guests taking advantage. I’ll apologise later.”

  The queen ran a hand through her hair. “I hate to think of Katrine thinking that she is unwanted here. You may have enough of a challenge convincing her to stay as it is. Although if it is meant to be, if there is some of the magic of your blessing in her arrival, just delayed, then it will happen in time.”

  “I’m hoping I may be close to convincing her.” There was no point not being upfront with his mother. He’d never been able to keep secrets from her, and besides he wanted to be able to tell people that Katrine was going to be his wife. She would be his. He just needed her to be ready to say yes.

  “I can’t rely on magic. We know since the Fairy Goodmother’s death it has failed for others, and you’re right I don’t need complications that might make Katrine unsure. She is obviously a strong woman—look how she walked here, and is so willing to help out despite everything being so unfamiliar to her—but I also know she is vulnerable when it comes to how others see her. What do you think we should do about the peas? Say nothing?”

  “There must be some way to use them to our advantage.”

  Wilhelm liked that his mother had a devious side as well as being caring and loving. “Let’s both think on it. We had better get to lunch, or we’ll be missed.”

  His mother stood and walked ‘round her desk to him. She stretched up on tip toes to press a kiss against his cheek. He was mature enough not to mind. He smiled and took her arm to escort her to lunch.


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