Somebody Else's Husband

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Somebody Else's Husband Page 5

by Patti Doss

  Two hours until its party time, Persia also called her mom and had her mom watch her kids for a couple of hours. Then she called Rachel and Sharon. I told Persia not to tell them anything except to get a sitter for a couple of hours and meet over at my house at six o’clock sharp for a big surprise.

  We finished cooking and decorating for the party and Persia went to get dressed. I called Mike to see where he was at, and he said that he was on his way home. I was just calling because I wanted to make sure that he was not making any stops at the bank or a store because I had one more thing to do. Mike said that he was about ten minutes from the house and that he would be home shortly, so I logged onto the computer to our joint bank account and transferred all of the money, except $200, into my personal account. I would have taken it all, but I wanted to leave him enough to get a hotel room.



  Tamm was having something at her place, and she wanted me to come! Mike had already told me to stay away from him and his house, or he would destroy me, and I knew that he was not lying. But if I didn’t come, Tamm would definitely be suspicious.

  I didn’t know what to do. I had been trying to call Mike all evening, but his number was no longer working. I guess he really changed his number. I tried to contact him on FB, Twitter, Messenger, etc., but he blocked me from everything and changed his email address.

  Guess he really meant what he said. It was really over! I had really fucked up. I really did.

  I called Sharon and told her that I wanted to ride to the party with her. We were leaving the kids with Sharon’s sister, Sasha. Just as we were about to leave the house, my phone rang.

  It was Tammie! I didn’t know what to do. I did not know whether to answer it or just let it ring.

  “Aren’t you going to answer your phone?” Sharon asked.

  I answered the phone. Somehow, I expected her to cuss me out or something but she didn’t. There was no hostility or anger in her voice. She sounded as she always did when we talked on the phone.

  “Hey, Rachel! Are you going to make it to the party?”

  “Yeah. I’m riding with Sharon. We are about to leave now.”


  “See you in a few.”

  Just as I was about to hang up, she said, “Oh, Rach, I think I found that earring you were missing. I’m not sure if it is or not. Can you bring the one you have so we can see if they match or not?”

  My mind started to wander but before it took flight, I managed to ask, “Where did you find it?”

  “Oh, I found an earring outside of your house after I left. Just bring the one you have, and we can match them to see if the one I have is yours.”

  “Okay,” I said a little nervously, but from the sound of her voice, she did not know anything.

  “Okay, girl. I’ll see you in a few. Love you!”

  I replied, “I love you too girl!” and we hung up.

  Regardless of the situation, I really do love Tamm, and I never meant to hurt her. Things just got out of control. Anyway, I had to put all this behind me because it was over with Mike. Nobody knew about us. I planned to keep it that way.

  I was so quiet for the rest of the trip to Tamm’s house that Sharon asked, “Are you okay?”

  I nodded my head and replied, “Yes, I’m okay.” But deep down inside, I just wanted to tell her everything, because I knew she would not be judgmental. She always just listened, said okay and asked what I was going to do about whatever was bothering me. Sharon had always been that way. She never questioned why somebody did something or worried about the effects of it because, although she was the quiet nonjudgmental type, if she felt that you were trying to use her, she would cut you loose and never think twice about it.

  My secret was too big to share, and although I wanted to tell Sharon, I was too ashamed to tell her what I had done. I swallowed all of my wrongdoings and pretended to be happy because I did not want to ruin the evening. For once, I wanted to actually be happy for my Tammie. For once, I wanted to be the great friend to her that she had always been to me.

  Once we arrived at Tamm’s house, got out and walked to the door, my stomach was doing flips. I felt like I was walking the green mile and everything that Mike said to me - I will fuck you up. I’ll make your life a living hell - kept playing over and over in my head like a song on repeat.

  We arrived at the door, and Sharon pressed the doorbell. Persia opened the door and let us in. I was just so relieved that Tamm didn’t open the door. I was not sure if I could stand to look at her for fear that she just might see the guiltiness of my heart. Persia spoke and gave us all hugs as we all walked into the kitchen where Tamm was.

  I looked around for Mike, but he was nowhere to be found. Tamm was busy arranging the side dishes and food platters on the counter. When Tamm looked up and saw us, a smile crept on her face, but something was different about it. It was not her usual smile. It seemed like a forced smile or perhaps a devious smile.

  Maybe I’m tripping, but it seems like she knows something.

  Tamm spoke to us and hugged us. She hugged Sharon first. When she hugged me, it was different. When she hugged me, there was more space than usual between us. It felt like we were strangers hugging for the very first time.

  I was not imagining this. Something was wrong. Something just was not right.

  We stopped hugging, and Tamm went back to fixing the platters. Sharon was conversing with Persia, so I walked over the counter where different types of beverages were and poured myself a shot of Patron. Just as I was about to take a sip, Michael walked into the kitchen. His eyes met mine, and he immediately frowned up at me. I downed the shot of tequila, poured myself another one and downed that one too. I walked over to Sharon and overtly began talking to her.

  You know that feeling you get when you are being watched? I felt watched. Somebody was watching me, and it was not Mike. I looked around, and Tamm was staring directly at me with that forced smile on her face.

  My mind was playing tricks on me. She must have found out about me and Mike, but how? No, she does not know.

  I was having an entire conversation with myself in my head when I heard someone call my name. I snapped back into reality, and it was Sharon asking me something. I don’t know what she asked me. I just replied, “Yea, I hear you.”

  Just then, Sharon told everyone to get a glass of wine or whatever we wanted to drink because the party was about to begin. At that moment, I felt like I was on the Daredevil at Six Flags, about to take that first long drop. My heart fell to my feet, and I know my eyes must have looked like I had seen a ghost. I felt like I was going into shock. I didn’t know what to do. I don’t even know how I managed to continue standing because my knees felt so heavy that I thought I was falling. I grabbed me a seat on one of the bar stools around the counter and sat down.

  It was crazy how I was suddenly so guilt-stricken and nervous. I had been fucking Mike for months without this feeling. Now, I couldn’t shake it. I couldn’t outrun this. My demons had caught up with me, and now it was time for me to deal with them.



  Everyone had arrived, and it was time to start the party. Lord, I thought I was going to lose it when I saw Rachel. I think I stayed calm considering the circumstances, but that was really hard to do. It took everything in me not to fuck her ass up on sight, but that would have thrown off my whole plan. Persia did not know that it was Rachel that Mike cheated on me with and from the looks of things I don’t think Sharon knew either, but they were about to find out.

  I told everyone to go ahead and fix them a plate that we were going into the dining room to eat and then I would bring out the surprise for my husband.

  Everyone did as I asked. I wasn’t hungry, so I just sat back and watched the others, especially Rachel. She was so pale, like she had been in the house for weeks; either that or she was about to vomit. Either way, I didn’t give a fuck because her vomiting was nothing compared to
what I wanted to do to her.

  I saw her sneak peeks at my husband just like I saw him trying not to look her way. The tension between those two was so thick that even Ray Charles would have seen it. Nevertheless, he avoided the hell out of her. He would not go near her, and she was so guilty that she barely moved or talked. If I hadn’t found out this morning, then I would have been suspicious now because her actions were just giving her ass away like crazy.

  Everyone had fixed a plate and was preparing to sit at the table in the dining room. To appear as if nothing was wrong, I fixed me a small plate and joined them. For a moment, everyone was talking and interacting like we were really at a dinner party, except for the duck and goose game Rachel and Mike were playing with each other. Mike was still avoiding her. She was still sneaking peeks at him, trying to get his attention, but I let it ride.

  Hell, why not? I was done with both of their sorry asses.

  Finally, I stood up and got the show on the road. “Excuse me. I want to propose a toast to my husband.”

  Everyone refilled their glass, and I started my toast to my husband of ten years, “First I just want to say thank you to everyone that came out today, it really means a lot to me. I bet you guys are wondering what I am celebrating to have a dinner party in the middle of the week. Well, I just wanted to show my husband my appreciation for last night. A lot of you may not know, but Mike and I have been having problems for some time now but yesterday out of the blue, things started to look up. My husband planned one of the most romantic nights of my life yesterday. He sent me roses, edible fruit arrangement, we went to dinner at Carrabba’s and then I got home, and he had turned our bedroom in a romantic lair. Rose petals and candles were everywhere.” I glanced over at Rachel. She looked down like a little boy whose puppy just got ran over, but I continued on, enjoying the sick look on her face. “I’m not going to get into the details, but let’s just say it was a magical night, right honey?”

  “Yes, honey it was,” he replied. Then he got up, kissed me and sat back down.

  The look on Rachel’s face had gone from pale to green. It looked as if the food she just ate was ready to make a re-appearance, but she kept her composure as much as she could. I admired her strength, but by the end of the evening, we will see if she still has that composure.

  Anyway, back to my speech. “Everyone in this room has played a very important role in my life. You guys have always been there for Michael and I, and I just want you guys to know how much it really means to us. You guys have been there for me in ways my own family has not. Sharon, Persia, and Rachel; you guys are like sisters to me. Even though I have sisters, I don’t think even they can take your place. We have shared so much together. I have shared things with you guys that I have never even thought of sharing with my real sisters. That’s what makes our bond so strong.” I glanced over at Rachel again. She was dying a slow death, but I didn’t care if she died of a heart attack right now. I was enjoying seeing her sweat. “And even though I have a lot of nieces and nephews, I am so happy to have your kids as my nieces and nephews. We became a family. Hell, we are a family, and no matter what family is supposed to stick together, ain’t that right?”

  Everyone but Rachel responded, “Right.”

  Rachel just shook her head without even looking at me.

  “Anyway, I’m getting off the subject. Michael, baby, I just want to say from the first day I saw you, I knew I wanted to be your wife and now here it is ten years later. In the midst of our problems, I still love you today as much as I did when we first met. I have a gift for you, babe.”

  His face lit up with excitement. If he were a dog, he’d be wagging his tail.

  I quickly left the dining room and went into our den. I returned with two black cases.

  As I gave him the first one, I told him, “Go ahead and open your first gift, baby.”

  After opening the black box, he gasped, “It’s beautiful, baby! Thank you so much.” He got up again, kissed me and sat back down.

  “You’re welcome. Baby, let me help you put it on. The time should already be set.”

  I helped Michael put on his watch. I told him how great it looked on him, and then I continued on with my speech. “Michael, do you know why I bought you a watch?”

  He replied, watching me curiously, “No, I don’t. Why did you buy me a watch?”

  “I just want you to know what time it is.”

  Everybody looked as if they didn’t get it. I continued, “What time is on the watch, Mike?”

  “9:34,” he answered. “But that time is wrong.”

  “No, it’s not wrong.” Finally, I let my true feelings show. “That is the time that our marriage ended; 9:34 this morning.”

  Everyone looked at me as if I had lost my mind. Everybody except Rachel.

  Mike responded, “Huh?! What are you talking about?”

  I ignored him. “Everybody calm down I’m not finished yet.”

  Rachel caught my eye. She looked like she was about to get up and run out of there. I told her in a strong, stern tone, “Don’t even think about moving!”

  Now Persia was putting the pieces together. She looked back and forth between me and Rachel, noticing our expressions. When she looked at me, I nodded my head yes.

  Mike and Sharon were still lost.

  “Here, honey. Why you don’t open your other gift?” I handed him another black box. He opened the box reluctantly. Either he really didn’t know what was going on or he was doing a good ass job at pretending.

  Inside the box was the earring that I’d found in his car. When he saw it, he asked, “What the hell you givin’ me an earring for?”

  Either he was playing dumb, or he really was slow. Either way, he still looked lost.

  I said, “Rachel, I almost forgot. Did you bring that earring like I asked?”

  Now he was putting two and two together. His entire facial expression changed, as did Rachel’s. I grabbed the box from Michael and closed it. Persia and Sharon did not see what was in the box.

  “Give me the earring, Rachel.” She looked like all the blood had left her body. She didn’t move, so I insisted again. Only this time, I looked like I would beat her ass if she didn’t do what I said. “Give me the earring, Rachel.”

  She slowly reached in her purse and pulled out the earring. I snatched the earring from her hands. Opening the box that I had given to Mike, I snatched that earring out as well and held them both up. “PERFECT MATCH!”

  Everyone jumped at the sound of bass in my voice.

  I glared back and forth between Rachel and Mike. “NOW WHICH ONE OF YOU WANT TO EXPLAIN THIS?!”

  Nobody said anything. Persia started to speak, but nothing would come out, and Sharon was just looking and shaking her head. By now tears were welling in everybody’s eyes.

  Finally, Mike had something to say, “Baby, don’t do this, I can explain. Let’s talk about this in private.”

  I replied, “No! Why should we? We have shared a lot with the people in this room. Why not share this too, because apparently RACHEL AND I HAVE BEEN SHARING MORE THAN I EVER KNEW AND THAT’S YOU!”

  When Rachel got up to leave, I darted towards her and pushed her back in her chair. She tried to hit me, but I grabbed her and told her, “I don’t want to fight you. That’s the last thing on my mind because it’s not going to change the situation. But you created this fucking mess, so you are going to sit your ass right there, and you are going to listen!”

  She looked like she wanted to hit me, but she was not a fool. The hurt, pain, anger, rage, and betrayal I felt at that moment, I would have fucking killed her, and I think she understood that.

  Anyway, by this time the tears were falling from my eyes so bad that I was crying and screaming at the same time. Persia got up to comfort me, but I stopped her on my out, “I’m fine!”

  I went to the kitchen to get the cake out of the refrigerator. Once I was back inside of the dining room, everyone gave me a puzzling look, afraid of what I would
do next.

  I slammed the cake down in front of Mike. “I want a divorce. There is no second chance. I don’t want to know what happened, why it happened, when it happened, or how many times. All I want is for you to get your shit, which is packed up in the garage, get your car and get the fuck out of my house!”

  “Baby, I can explain…”

  “I don’t want you to explain!” Hell, by the looks on their faces, I didn’t need them too. They both looked guilty as hell. It was evident that they had done just what I assumed. “We have nothing else to talk about. Any other talking will be done through my lawyers.”

  I hated the way that he just sat there looking at me as if he couldn’t believe that I was acting this way. I was furious. I bent down and swooped up the cake. He didn’t have time to react before it was in his face and all over him. “Now GET THE FUCK OUT!”

  Persia and Sharon ran towards me to stop me from attacking him. They stood between Mike and I as he started begging and trying to explain as he wiped cake out of his eyes. All I knew is that I wanted him out of my fucking life. I kept saying, “Just leave, Mike! Get the fuck out! Get out!”

  Instead of Mike leaving, Rachel tried to get up again. I said, “Bitch, don’t you motherfucking move. I’m not done with you yet.

  “That’s enough, Tammie,” Persia told me. “Just let her go.”

  This time as Rachel got up and was heading towards the door, I didn’t stop her. However, as soon she passed by me, I hit her ass so hard that I knocked her clean out. As Persia and Sharon rushed to help her, I went upstairs to my room and locked the door.

  I heard some more commotion downstairs before I heard the sound of engines coming to life. Then I heard the front door close and lock, but somebody did not leave. I heard footsteps coming up the stairs. The footsteps were soft and gentle like a woman, so it had to be Persia or Sharon. I was hoping that Rachel was still knocked out on the dining room floor.


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