His Rogue Bear_A Hot Paranormal Fantasy Saga with witches, werewolves, and werebears

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His Rogue Bear_A Hot Paranormal Fantasy Saga with witches, werewolves, and werebears Page 17

by Vella Day

  “Come in.” She tried to smile, but the muscles around her mouth wouldn’t move.

  Ophelia looked over at Chelsea and smiled before returning her gaze to Blair. “This is the healer I mentioned—Declan Sinclair.”

  Blair held out her hand. “I can’t thank you enough for coming.”

  “I’d like to begin my work, if you don’t mind.”

  A bit distant, perhaps, but quite professional. She liked that. “Of course.”

  As soon as he looked over at Chelsea, his eyes turned a beautiful teal color. What was that about? He headed straight toward her. “You must be Chelsea, Finn’s twin.”


  “The resemblance is remarkable.”

  Chelsea’s face reddened. “I guess we do kind of look alike, though Finn’s hair is much darker.”

  “True. I’d love to chat a bit when I finish with Ronan.” He turned to Ophelia. “Shall we?”

  “The bedroom is the first door on the right,” Blair said, even though Ophelia knew where it was.

  Together, the two disappeared into the room. As much as Blair wanted to watch them, she sensed Ophelia wanted to be alone with the healer.

  “Tea! I was making you some tea.”

  Happy to have something to do, she ducked into the kitchen and put the water on to boil.

  “I can’t believe Finn’s mate’s brother is actually here.”

  “I know, right?”

  Before she and Chelsea finished their drink, the bedroom door opened and Declan and Ophelia returned. Blair jumped up, her fists clenched. “Well?”

  Declan glanced over at Chelsea and smiled. He then turned back to Blair. “Your man should be up and around soon. With Ophelia’s help, I was able to withdraw the curse. I have to say your goddess was quite powerful.”

  “Darinda sure was.” She wanted to hug the man, but when Ophelia threaded an arm around his, Blair refrained. “I can’t thank you all enough,” Blair said.

  “You’re welcome. I wish I could stay and see if Earth has changed since I was here last, but I just received a message that I am needed on Tarradon.” He looked over at Chelsea. “Maybe we’ll meet again.”

  Chelsea beamed. “I’d like that. Hopefully, I can persuade my brother to give me a tour of Tarradon.”

  “I’ll be happy to convince Finn to do so.”

  “We must go,” Ophelia said, tugging on Declan’s arm.

  Chelsea rushed up to him. “Finn is okay, isn’t he?”

  He chuckled, and Chelsea’s eyes lit up. “Your brother is fine—as is my sister. The two of them are doing very well indeed, but I can tell that he misses you terribly.”

  Chelsea clasped his other arm, and Declan’s face softened. What an interesting reaction.

  Blair pictured what it would be like to have Ronan open his eyes and look at her that way again.

  “I miss him so much. Tell him I love him,” Chelsea said.

  Declan smiled down at Chelsea, and Blair could almost see her swoon. “I will.”

  “I need to get this young man back home,” Ophelia said.

  As quickly as they came, they left. Chelsea faced her. “Wasn’t he amazing?”

  Her excitement was almost contagious. “Yes. He certainly is larger than life.”

  Chelsea giggled. “He is. I can’t tell you what just talking with someone who knows Finn means to me.” She sagged. “I wish I could make a visit. From what Finn said the last time he was here, traveling through the portal only takes a second.”

  Poor Chelsea missed him so much. “When he can, I bet he’ll invite you for a visit.”

  “I hope so.” Her voice trailed off.

  Blair wanted to spend more time with Chelsea, but she also wanted to check on Ronan. “Why don’t you go and tell your family the good news about Finn?”

  “You don’t want me to stay?”

  “You heard the man. Ronan will be up and around shortly.” She hugged Chelsea.

  “Okay, but I’ll be expecting a visit from Ronan soon.”

  She smiled. “I’ll be sure to tell him.” As soon as Chelsea left, Blair dashed into the bedroom. Because he was still out, Blair crawled into bed, ready to greet him when he awoke.

  Chapter Twenty-One


  Colorful swirls painted the back of his lids. Ronan twisted then jerked, but his body was unable to coordinate his muscles. As much as he wanted to open his eyes, they didn’t seem to be obeying his command. The aches and heaviness that had plagued him seemed to have let loose, but he would still have to fight to regain consciousness.

  Wait a minute. Blair was near! The pinks and purples were awash with tension-filled grays though, adding to his concern.

  Without trying, his bones cracked and his body transformed into his wolf.

  Now I can finally heal you, his wolf said with incredible relief.

  Thank you. Ronan was thrilled to be back among the living—sort of. Not everything was back, however—like his memory. He was confused how he was even alive. Ronan lifted his snout and then his paws. To his delight, nothing hurt. Ronan could feel his wolf working to heal him.

  When he eventually opened his eyes, he jumped up onto his paws. After a good stretch, he believed he was as good as new. The bed moved. Whoa. Blair was asleep next to him. Needing to talk to her, touch her, and love her, he shifted back into his human form.

  “Blair?” His throat was so dry, the word came out a whisper.

  She rolled over and faced him. “Ronan? Oh my, goddess.” She reached over and clicked on the nightstand light then picked up a glass of water and handed it to him.

  He guzzled half the contents. “How long have I been out?”

  She sat up and ran a hand down his face almost as if she couldn’t believe he was real. “Almost two weeks.”

  Fewer grays and more pinks poured off her. “Two weeks?” He looked down at his arms, noting that the scratches from the fight had healed. Something was amiss. He’d just shifted, and his wolf couldn’t have healed him that fast. “And you? I saw Darinda toss you against the rock. How are you feeling?”

  She didn’t seem to have any scratches or wounds of any kind, though her bear would have healed her in two weeks’ time.

  “I’m good, but I’ve been so worried about you, that’s all. Missy tried to heal you, but she only partially succeeded. We even had a shifter doctor examine you, but he too said it was up to you at that point. When you still didn’t rouse, I called Ophelia. She called in a friend, and together they were able to heal you.” Her words rushed out faster than a broken dam.

  Ronan gathered Blair in his arm. Never had anything felt so good. “It’s all so fantastic. Tell me everything that happened.”

  She detailed how after Ronan challenged Darinda to hand-to-hand combat, Ronan tried to slice off Darinda’s head.

  “I remember that much, but that’s all.”

  “She knocked the sword from your hands, and I picked it up. Just as she turned, I lifted the sword and sliced off her head.”

  “You killed her?”


  “That’s amazing. What did I do during this decapitation?”

  “You passed out.” She explained about how she contacted Missy, Zane, and Jackson, and the men had transported him home. Blair hugged him. “Oh, Ronan. I was so scared you would die.” She sniffled, and then swiped a finger under her eyes. “Darinda put a curse on you. That’s why you didn’t rouse.”

  “A curse? That explains why it took so many people to heal me.”

  “Yes. I still don’t believe I had the guts to cut off someone’s head, but she was hurting the man I love. I had to do something.”

  His love for Blair soared. He didn’t care about the rest of the story. “You love me?”

  “More than anything.”

  His whole body responded to her. The moment he inhaled, he realized he stunk something fierce. “I want to kiss you worse than anything, but if I don’t take a shower, I’ll go blind from the colors of m
y stench.”

  Blair laughed. “It’s so good to hear your voice and have you back among the living.” She inhaled and wrinkled her nose. “But yes, go.”

  “Go back to sleep. No telling how long I’ll be in there.”

  Ronan slipped into the bathroom across the hall, closed the door, and turned on the shower. Not able to wait until the water warmed, he stepped under the flow, reveling in the feeling of being alive. The fact Blair wasn’t seriously injured was even more spectacular. His biggest worry now was her state of mind. He’d killed his share of criminals, especially in his wolf form, but he’d ended a person’s life only a handful of times—and that was by gunshot. He couldn’t imagine the feeling of cutting off a person’s head. Slicing through a watermelon wasn’t the same.

  The water warmed, and he soaped up, scrubbing every inch of his body. Only after he shampooed his hair and beard did he feel human again.

  He’d just turned off the water and stepped out when the bathroom door opened. Blair appeared, naked and delicious, and his wolf howled. Every inch of his body tingled. He was back.

  “Hello,” he said as he stepped onto the mat. Her eyes widened, and her hues intensified, filling the space with lime green. “The shower’s free,” he announced.

  “I couldn’t sleep knowing you were in here naked. How do you feel? I mean, really feel? The truth.”

  “I’m one hundred percent.” Ronan pounded his chest Tarzan style, and she laughed, just as he’d hoped.

  “I wish you could have met the dragon shifter who cured you.”

  “Dragon shifter?”

  Blair stepped past him and ducked into the shower. She turned on the water, and his cock throbbed from needing her. “His name was Declan Sinclair. He’s from Tarradon, the same realm where Finn McKinnon now resides.”

  “I’m confused. Ophelia’s friend was from another realm?” Maybe he wasn’t at full speed yet.

  She explained how desperate she’d become for help. “Only Ophelia had any connections. I don’t know how she pulled it off, but a few days after I contacted her, she showed up at our doorstep with a giant of a man. Together, they removed the curse. You don’t remember any of it?”


  Blair ran the soap down her body, and Ronan could think of nothing other than mating with her once and for all. After all they had been through, there was no doubt that he and Blair were perfect for each other. She was strong, caring, and loyal. A man couldn’t ask for more.

  He pressed his face against the glass door. “Need any help?”

  “No!” She grinned. “I’m almost finished. Are you sure there are no after effects?”

  He grabbed his hard cock. “Nope. I’m rarin’ to go.”

  Blair laughed and ducked her head under the water. “I feel better, too. Your body had healed with the help of Missy and the doctor, but your mind wouldn’t let go of the darkness.”

  “I remember struggling to wake up and thinking something was holding me down.”

  “Darinda’s curse.”

  “All I can say is good riddance to that bitch. Maybe now the dark gods and goddesses will leave us alone considering how we—or rather you—handled Darinda.”

  “It was mostly you—and Zane. His shield and sword lived up to the hype.”

  Ronan nodded. “Speaking of which, where are my weapons?”

  “Zane has them.”

  That was for the best. “I doubt I’ll have any use from them again. At least I hope I won’t.”

  Blair rinsed her hair. When she turned off the water, he growled.

  “Behave,” she said. “You don’t want a relapse.”

  After pulling open the door, she stepped onto the mat, and he handed her a towel. Blair bent over and wrapped it around her head. Once she returned upright, he took a second towel and dried her back.

  “I’ve missed this,” she said.

  “Me too. I’m sorry I failed you.”

  She twisted around. “Failed me? How can you say that? You had to fight that horrible lookalike creature, and then battle Darinda when you could barely stand.” She dragged her hands down his chest. “If anything had happened to you, I would have died—literally.”

  He tapped her nose, not liking how her lime greens had totally disappeared. “How about we forget Darinda now and concentrate on us?”

  Blair smiled. “I’d like that.” She slowly removed the towel and her long hair curled delicately around her shoulders. He lifted the towel from her fingers and tossed it over the shower door.

  Ronan groaned and moved closer. He couldn’t resist smelling her wet locks. The scent created a new set of colors—greens and blues—that jacked up his libido.

  “Be good.”

  He huffed. “Not on your life.”

  When he slid the towel over her breasts, her nipples puckered. He then swung her up into his arms, and Blair laughed. “Be careful.”


  “Of hurting yourself. You’re still weak.”

  “Is that so? I plan to change your mind about that fact.” Ronan edged open the door with his foot and carefully carried a rather wet Blair across the hallway into their room.

  While he was showering, Blair had been busy changing the sheets for which he was thankful. After placing her on the bed, Ronan crawled next to her, admiring and thrilling at the love in her eyes. “I think it’s time we made this relationship official.”

  “You won’t get an argument from me.” Blair reached up and tugged on his beard. “I love you, my sword wielding wolf.”

  He smiled. “I love you more.”

  Wanting to give her all the affection and attention she deserved, he hoped he could last. Two weeks without Blair was way too long for him and his wolf.

  Once Ronan started loving her, it seemed as if his control was never as manageable as he wanted. He cradled her in his arms and kissed her. Big mistake. His cock nearly exploded, and his wolf begged for release.

  Please, not now. We need to make her ours first, he said, reprimanding his wolf.

  Then hurry.

  Hurrying would take away from the wonder of their mating. Blair dragged her fingers through his hair, and he’d never felt so alive. Every minute with her brought him such joy.

  After a thorough tongue-twisting kiss, he lifted his head. “I need to explore all of you.”

  “Be fast because I want to do the same to you. After all, I need to be sure you’re really healed.”

  “Oh, I’m healthy all right—and quite ready. Just to set the record straight, I’ve known you were my mate long before your bear woke up.”

  She smiled. “Then I will give you all the credit for finding her.”

  After crawling on top of Blair, Ronan slid down the bed until his lips were at breast height. Even in his state of near death, he’d dreamed of tasting her again. The first suck had him soaring and his wolf rejoicing. When Blair arched her back and offered herself to him, he could barely keep from plunging into her. His desire for her knew no bounds. She was everything he could want, and he vowed to protect her until his last breath.

  “Blair…,” he whispered as he drew a taut peak into his mouth. His blue sparks rained down on them.

  She reached up, grabbed at one, but failed at capturing the light. “I love these.”

  If only they were physical, he’d give her a boatload. “That’s my way of showing you how much I want you.”

  Her nails dug into his shoulders, encouraging him.

  Take her now, his wolf shouted.

  This mating is about her as much as it is about us, he ground back.

  “I wish I had them too,” Blair answered, “so you can see how incredibly turned on I am.”

  He looked up and smiled. “Trust me, I can tell. Your colors are more magnificent than my blue sparks. Your greens and rose colors tell me how much you want me.”

  “I’m glad,” she panted.

  “Then let me see if I can excite you further.”

  “It’s not possible,”
she whispered.

  After he feasted on her breasts, he dropped lower. Her colors intensified and swirled around her. Once they mated, he hoped she would be able to experience his colorful visions too. Then she’d see what happened at the moment of their union. No light show he’d ever seen would match the array of different hues that would surround them or the spectacular range of colors when they both came together.

  Ronan spread her legs, and her colors abounded. His first swipe put him so on edge, he prayed for control. Fighting for Blair and then being away from her for so long pushed him to the max.

  Blair wrapped her legs around his back and clutched the sheets. Her near scream of delight had him flicking his tongue faster.

  “Ronan, please. It’s my turn now!”

  He could never deny her anything. Blair unwrapped her legs and gently pushed him onto his back. What was about to come would surely blow his mind—assuming his cock didn’t blow first.

  Chapter Twenty-Two


  Blair had never been happier, excited, or more content in her life. Their child had lived through the ordeal with Darinda, the man she loved more than anything was alive and well, and now they would mate.

  “I need to taste you too,” she said.

  Before Ronan had the chance to object, she rose up on her knees, leaned over, and grabbed his hard shaft.

  “Wait,” he called. “Stretch onto your side.”

  In a flash, he was twisted around so they could feast on each other at the same time. As much as she loved to receive as many licks as he could give, she found it hard to concentrate. Ronan was a master of seduction. His tongue went to work, and he then dragged the back of his hand over her hip in a slow sensual manner. The intense sensation made her fist squeeze his cock tighter. He moaned, and she pumped her hand up and down.


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