Shakespeare's Kings

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Shakespeare's Kings Page 43

by John Julius Norwich

  Presageth nought, yet inly beautified

  With bounty's riches and fair hidden pride:

  For, where the golden ore doth buried He,

  The ground, undeck'ed with nature's tapestry,

  Seems barren, sere, unfertile, fruidess, dry;

  And where the upper turf of earth doth boast

  His pride, perfumes and parti-colour'd cost,

  Delve there, and find this issue and their pride

  To spring from ordure and corruption's side.

  But, to make up my all too long compare,

  These ragged walls no testimony are

  What is within; but, like a cloak, doth hide,

  From weather's waste, the under-garnish'd pride.

  More gracious than my terms can let thee be,

  Intreat thyself to stay a while with me.

  K. ED. [Aside] As wise as fair; what fond fit can be heard

  When wisdom keeps the gate as beauty's guard? -

  Countess, albeit my business urgeth me,

  It shall attend while I attend on thee. -

  Come on, my lords, here will I host to-night.



  The same. Gardens of the Castle. Enter Lodwick

  LOD. I might perceive his eye in her eye lost,

  His ear to drink her sweet tongue's utterance;

  And changing passion, like inconstant clouds

  That rack upon the carriage of the winds,

  (II, i) Increase and die in his disturbed cheeks.

  Lo, when she blush'd, even then did he look pale,

  As if her cheeks, by some enchanted power,

  Attracted had the cherry blood from his:

  Anon, with reverent fear when she grew pale,

  His cheeks put on their scarlet ornaments,

  But no more like her oriental red,

  Than brick to coral or live things to dead.

  Why did he then thus counterfeit her looks?

  If she did blush, 'twas tender modest shame,

  Being in the sacred presence of a king;

  If he did blush, 'twas red immodest shame,

  To vail his eyes amiss, being a king:

  If she look'd pale, 'twas silly woman's fear,

  To bear herself in presence of a king:

  If he look'd pale, it was with guilty fear,

  To dote amiss, being a mighty king:

  Then, Scottish wars, farewell! I fear, 'twill prove

  A ling'ring English siege of peevish love.

  Here comes his highness, walking all alone.

  Enter King Edward

  K. ED. She is grown more fairer far since I came hither;

  Her voice more silver every word than other,

  Her wit more fluent: what a strange discourse

  Unfolded she of David and his Scots!

  'Even thus,' quoth she, 'he spake,' — and then spoke broad,

  With epithets and accents of the Scot;

  But somewhat better than the Scot could speak:

  'And thus,' quoth she, - and answer'd then herself;

  For who could speak like her? but she herself

  Breathes from the wall an angel's note from heaven

  Of sweet defiance to her barbarous foes.

  When she would talk of peace, methinks, her tongue

  Commanded war to prison; when of war,

  It waken'd Caesar from his Roman grave,

  To hear war beautified by her discourse.

  Wisdom is foolishness, but in her tongue,

  Beauty a slander, but in her fair face:

  There is no summer, but in her cheerful looks,

  Nor frosty winter, but in her disdain.

  I cannot blame the Scots that did besiege her,

  For she is all the treasure of our land;

  But call them cowards, that they ran away,

  (II, i) Having so rich and fair a cause to stay. -

  Art thou there, Lodwick? give me ink and paper.

  LOD. I will, my liege.

  K. ED. And bid the lords hold on their play at chess,

  For we will walk and meditate alone.

  LOD. I will, my sovereign.


  K. ED. This fellow is well read in poetry

  And hath a lusty and persuasive spirit:

  I will acquaint him with my passion;

  Which he shall shadow with a veil of lawn,

  Through which the queen of beauty's queens shall see.

  Herself the ground of my infirmity. —

  Enter Lodwick

  Hast thou pen, ink, and paper ready, Lodwick?

  LOD. Ready, my liege. K. ED. Then in the summer arbour sit by me,

  Make it our council-house, or cabinet;

  Since green our thoughts, green be the conventicle

  Where we will ease us by disburd'ning them.

  Now, Lodwick, invocate some golden muse

  To bring thee hither an enchanted pen

  That may, for sighs, set down true sighs indeed;

  Talking of grief, to make thee ready groan;

  And, when thou writ'st of tears, encouch the word,

  Before and after, with such sweet laments,

  That it may raise drops in a Tartar's eye,

  And make a flint-heart Scythian pitiful:

  For so much moving hath a poet's pen;

  Then, if thou be a poet, move thou so,

  And be enriched by thy sovereign's love.

  For, if the touch of sweet concordant strings

  Could force attendance in the ears of hell;

  How much more shall the strains of poet's wit

  Beguile and ravish soft and human minds?

  LOD. TO whom, my lord, shall I direct my style?

  K. ED. To one that shames the fair and sots the wise;

  Whose body is an abstract or a brief,

  Contains each general virtue in the world.

  Better than beautiful, thou must begin;

  Devise for fair a fairer word than fair;

  And every ornament, that thou wouldst praise,

  Fly it a pitch above the soar of praise:

  (II, i) For flattery fear thou not to be convicted;

  For, were thy admiration ten times more,

  Ten times ten thousand more the worth exceeds,

  Of that thou art to praise, thy praise's worth.

  Begin, I will to contemplate the while:

  Forget not to set down, how passionate,

  How heart-sick, and how full of languishment,

  Her beauty makes me.

  LOD. Write I to a woman?

  K. ED. What beauty else could triumph over me;

  Or who, but women, do our love-lays greet?

  What, think'st thou I did bid thee praise a horse?

  LOD. Of what condition or estate she is,

  'Twere requisite that I should know, my lord.

  K. ED. Of such estate, that hers is as a throne,

  And my estate the footstool where she treads:

  Then may'st thou judge what her condition is,

  By the proportion of her mightiness.

  Write on, while I peruse her in my thoughts.

  Her voice to music, or the nightingale:

  To music every summer-leaping swain

  Compares his sun-burnt lover when she speaks:

  And why should I speak of the nightingale?

  The nightingale sings of adulterate wrong;

  And that, compar'd, is too satirical:

  For sin, though sin, would not be so esteem'd;

  But, rather, virtue sin, sin virtue deem'd.

  Her hair, far sorter than the silkworm's twist,

  Like to flattering glass, doth make more fair

  The yellow amber: 'like a flattering glass'

  Comes in too soon; for, writing of her eyes,

  I'll say, that like a glass they catch the sun,

  And thence the hot reflection doth rebound

  Against my breast, and burn
s my heart within.

  Ah, what a world of descant makes my soul

  Upon this voluntary ground of love!

  -Come, Lodwick, hast thou turn'd thy ink to gold?

  If not, write but in letters capital

  My mistress' name, and it will gild thy paper.

  Read, lord, read;

  Fill thou the empty hollows of mine ears

  With the sweet hearing of thy poetry.

  LOD. I have not to a period brought her praise.

  K. ED. Her praise is as my love, both infinite,

  (II, i) Which apprehend such violent extremes

  That they disdain an ending period.

  Her beauty hath no match but my affection;

  Hers more than most, mine most, and more than more:

  Hers more to praise than tell the sea by drops;

  Nay, more, than drop the massy earth by sands,

  And, sand by sand, print them in memory:

  Then wherefore talk'st thou of a period,

  To that which craves unended admiration?

  Read, let us hear.

  LOD. 'More fair and chaste than is the queen of shades,' -

  K. ED. That line hath two faults, gross and palpable:

  Compar'st thou her to the pale queen of night,

  Who, being set in dark, seems therefore light?

  What is she, when the suns lifts up his head,

  But like a fading taper, dim and dead?

  My love shall brave the eye of heaven at noon,

  And, being unmask'd, outshine the golden sun.

  LOD. What is the other fault, my sovereign lord?

  K. ED. Read o'er the line again.

  LOD. 'More fair and chaste,' -

  K. ED. I did not bid thee talk of chastity,

  To ransack so the treasure of her mind;

  For I had rather have her chas'd, than chaste.

  Out with the moon-line, I will none of it,

  And let me have her liken'd to the sun:

  Say, she hath thrice more splendour than the sun,

  That her perfections emulates the sun,

  That she breeds sweets as plenteous as the sun,

  That she doth thaw cold winter like the sun,

  That she doth cheer fresh summer like the sun,

  That she doth dazzle gazers like the sun:

  And, in this application to the sun,

  Bid her free and general as the sun;

  Who smiles upon the basest weed that grows,

  As lovingly as on the fragrant rose.

  Let's see what follows that same moon-light line.

  LOD. 'More fair and chaste than is the queen of shades;

  More bold in constancy' -

  K. ED. In constancy! than who?

  LOD. — ' than Judith was.'

  K. ED. O monstrous line! Put in the next a sword,

  And I shall woo her to cut off my head.

  Blot, blot, good Lodwick!

  Let us hear the next.

  (II, i) LOD. There's all that yet is done.

  K. ED. I thank thee then, thou hast done little ill;

  But what is done, is passing passing ill.

  No, let the captain talk of boist'rous war;

  The prisoner, of immured dark constraint;

  The sick man best sets down the pangs of death;

  The man that starves, the sweetness of a feast;

  The frozen soul, the benefit of fire;

  And every grief, his happy opposite:

  Love cannot sound well, but in lovers' tongues;

  Give me the pen and paper, I will write. -

  Enter Countess But, soft, here comes the treasurer of my spirit.

  -Lodwick, thou know'st not how to draw a Battle;

  These wings, these flankers, and these squadrons

  Argue in thee defective discipline:

  Thou shouldst have plac'd this here, this other here.

  COUNT. Pardon my boldness, my thrice-gracious lords;

  Let my intrusion here be call'd my duty,

  That comes to see my sovereign how he fares.

  K. ED. Go, draw the same, I tell thee in what form.

  LOD. I go.


  COUNT. Sorry I am, to see my liege so sad:

  What may thy subject do, to drive from thee

  Thy gloomy consort, sullen melancholy?

  K. ED. Ah, lady, I am blunt, and cannot straw

  The flowers of solace in a ground of shame:

  Since I came hither, countess, I am wrong'd.

  COUNT. Now, God forbid, that any in my house

  Should think my sovereign wrong! Thrice-gentle king,

  Acquaint me with your cause of discontent.

  K. ED. How near then shall I be to remedy?

  COUNT. As near, my liege, as all my woman's power

  Can pawn itself to buy thy remedy.

  K. ED. If thou speak'st true, then have I my redress:

  Engage thy power to redeem my joys,

  And I am joyful, countess; else, I die.

  COUNT. I will, my liege.

  K. ED. Swear, countess, that thou wilt.

  COUNT. By Heaven, I will.

  K. ED. Then take thyself a little way aside,

  And tell thyself, a king doth dote on thee:

  (II, i) Say that within thy power [it] doth He

  To make him happy, and that thou hast sworn

  To give him all the joy within thy power:

  Do this; and tell me, when I shall be happy.

  COUNT. All this is done, my thrice-dread sovereign:

  That power of love, that I have power to give,

  Thou hast with all devout obedience;

  Employ me how thou wilt in proof thereof.

  K. ED. Thou hear'st me say, that I do dote on thee.

  COUNT. If on my beauty, take it if thou canst;

  Though little, I do prize it ten times less:

  If on my virtue, take it if thou canst;

  For virtue's store by giving doth augment:

  Be it on what it will, that I can give

  And thou canst take away, inherit it.

  K. ED. It is thy beauty that I would enjoy.

  COUNT. O, were it painted, I would wipe if off

  And dispossess myself, to give it thee.

  But, sovereign, it is solder'd to my life;

  Take one, and both; for, like an humble shadow,

  It haunts the sunshine of my summer's life.

  K. ED. But thou may'st leave it me, to sport withal.

  COUNT. AS easy may my intellectual soul

  Be lent away, and yet my body live,

  As lend my body, palace to my soul,

  Away from her, and yet retain my soul.

  My body is her bower, her court, her abbey,

  And she an angel, pure, divine, unspotted;

  If I should leave her house, my lord, to thee,

  I kill my poor soul, and my poor soul me.

  K. ED. Didst thou not swear, to give me what I would?

  COUNT. I did, my liege; so, what you would, I could.

  K. ED. I wish no more of thee than thou may'st give,

  Nor beg I do not, but I rather buy;

  That is, thy love; and, for that love of thine,

  In rich exchange, I tender to thee mine.

  COUNT. But that your lips were sacred, my lord,

  You would profane the holy name of love.

  That love, you offer me, you cannot give,

  For Caesar owes that tribute to his queen:

  That love, you beg of me, I cannot give,

  For Sara owes that duty to her lord.

  He that doth clip or counterfeit your stamp

  Shall die, my lord: and will your sacred self

  (II, i) Commit high treason against the King of Heaven,

  To stamp his image in forbidden metal,

  Forgetting your allegiance and your oath?

  In violating marriage' sacred law,

  You break a greater honour
than yourself:

  To be a king, is of a younger house

  Than to be married; your progenitor,

  Sole-reigning Adam on the universe,

  By God was honour'd for a married man,

  But not by him anointed for a king.

  It is a penalty to break your statutes,

  Though not enacted with your highness' hand:

  How much more, to infringe the holy act

  Made by the mouth of God, seal'd with his hand?

  I know, my sovereign — in my husband's love,

  Who now doth loyal service in his wars

  -Doth but to try the wife of Salisbury,

  Whether she will hear a wanton's tale, or no;

  Lest being therein guilty by my stay,

  From that, not from my liege, I turn away.


  K. ED. Whether is her beauty by her words divine,

  Or are her words sweet chaplains to her beauty?

  Like as the wind doth beautify a sail,

  And as a sail becomes the unseen wind,

  So do her words her beauty, beauty words.

  O, that I were a honey-gathering bee,

  To bear the comb of virtue from his flower;

  And not a poison-sucking envious spider,

  To turn the juice I take to deadly venom!

  Religion is austere, and beauty gende;

  Too strict a guardian for so fair a ward.

  - O, that she were, as is the air, to me!

  Why, so she is; for, when I would embrace her,

  This do I, and catch nothing but myself.

  I must enjoy her; for I cannot beat,

  With reason and reproof, fond love away.

  Enter Warwick Here comes her father:

  I will work with him,

  To bear my colours in this field of love.

  WAR. HOW is it, that my sovereign is so sad?

  May I with pardon know your highness' grief,

  And that my old endeavour will remove it,

  (II, i) It shall not cumber long your majesty.

  K. ED. A kind and voluntary gift thou proffer'st,

  That I was forward to have begg'd of thee.

  But, O thou world, great nurse of flattery,

  Why dost thou tip men's tongues with golden words

  And peise their deeds with weight of heavy lead,

  That fair performance cannot follow promise?

  O, that a man might hold the heart's close book,

  And choke the lavish tongue when it doth utter

  The breath of falsehood not character'd there!

  WAR. Far be it from the honour of my age

  That I should owe bright gold and render lead!


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