Seeing White

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Seeing White Page 17

by Charlotte E Hart

  “Cute. I’m really feeling the sisterly love,” he said, chuckling. “No wonder Conner likes you.”

  “How do you know about-”

  He cut her off. He was far too preoccupied with the woman in his bed to carry on with pleasantries at this time of day. “Have a good day Belle. I’ll let her know you care.”

  Putting the phone down, he smirked and thought of his friend. He was asking for trouble with that one. He moved to grab the coffee glass and realised that another one had appeared beside it. He frowned and wondered how it had got there. He was either going mad or had subconsciously got another glass ready for her. Was that possible? Could he actually be thinking along the lines of this being normal somehow? It really wasn’t. Nothing like this was normal for him.

  It was fucking odd.

  He frowned at the thought and put the glass back in the cupboard. His glass suddenly seemed lonely so he opened the cupboard again and put her glass back beside his. All sorts of images flashed through his mind as he gazed at the two glasses side by side, one of which disturbed him to the point of exasperation. He sighed then abruptly looked to the kitchen door as if sensing her. She wasn’t there but regardless, the odd pull still was. Growling at himself, he moved his glass to the machine and hit the button as he stared at hers. He needed coffee. He’d get over this shit soon enough. Whatever it was, it was fucking with his head, or she was.

  Chapter 12


  F eeling very well rested, I open my eyelids hesitantly and let the first rays of the day seep in as I begin to remember where I am. Alex White’s bed no less. I push my legs towards the bottom of the bed and feel the footboard - the very same footboard I was bent over last night, in various different ways.

  Smiling to myself, I let the sheets wrap around my body and turn to find the man I slept with. Or not. Where is he? I take a minute to get my bearings and lazily look around the room. I didn’t have any thoughts about the interior design of Mr White’s bedroom last night, as I was far too busy being seduced within it. I giggle at the thought. As if I could have concentrated on anything else when he was near me anyway.

  The room is very large, more like a suite actually, and I gaze around it with my mouth agape. I don’t know why I expected anything less really, but it’s positively stunning, not unlike the man himself. It doesn’t take me long to notice my dress draped across the stylish chair in the corner, almost perfectly matching the colour of the wall, and my brow rises at the coincidence of it. It’s almost like fate - ridiculous, but not completely unheard of. I shake my head at myself and look around the room again.

  There are two doors at the end of the room, past the sofa and coffee table that sit under the bay window, with another set of double doors to the side of the room. The whole scene oozes indulgence with its manly dark furnishings and gilt picture frames. Long, heavy curtains hang to the floor and pool elegantly, accentuating the skirting boards and picture rails, which contrast against the deep teal paintwork. The two chandeliers that hang low in the room twinkle with heavy crystal drops and seem to give that air of sophistication that only a chandelier can create. It’s probably been done by some high-end designer to create that old feel. The result is very effective indeed, and very Alex. It’s definitely more warming in feel than the apartment, although the apartment did seem to suit his business aura - cold and calculated. It makes me wonder how many versions of him exist, because the man I spent most of the evening with wasn’t like the man in the boardroom the other day at all. The word changeable comes to mind instantly.

  Hoping one of the rooms is a bathroom, I hop out of the bed and move toward it, wondering what on earth I should wear. I snatch his shirt off the chair and shrug into it. His spicy scent lingers under my nose and wraps around me like a vice grip, enveloping me somehow. I go to the first door and find it locked so move onto the second. The door swings open and I glance around at the black and white marble bathroom. It probably cost more than our entire apartment. The black bath is so big it would fit four at a squeeze. What does a man do with a bath that big? However, it does look really rather inviting and I seriously consider it before shaking my head. I desperately need to pee and brush my teeth so I close the door behind me, do what I need to do and then start to search through cupboards to find toothpaste. I get lucky - right drawer first time, although I can’t help wondering what’s in all the other drawers and I feel my fingers itching to take a quick peek. No, Beth. Be good, Beth. Ha, that’s laughable. Good Beth was apparently on holiday last night, because good Beth would have got her backside home and not acted like a damn floozy by staying the night with a man she hardly knew.

  Squirting some onto my finger, I spy his toothbrush and figure he’s had his mouth on most of me anyway so what’s the problem in using his brush. Grabbing it, I very quickly brush and rinse, then glance at myself in the mirror. I am distraught and quite disturbed. How on earth am I going to face him like this? My hair is a tragedy and most of my make-up has worn off. My face is red raw from so much kissing and I didn’t have the forethought to bring any make-up, because clearly I wasn’t staying last night, was I? Idiot Beth.

  I look very much like that disaster of a woman you see falling from a club at three in the morning - the one you can’t help laughing at because she’s such a wreck, but secretly you envy her because she probably had the best night of her life. Yep, that’s me. Very slightly inebriated and most definitely had the best night of my life.

  I may look like death warmed up but there’s a twinkle in my eye that I haven’t seen before, maybe ever, and I like it. Even if I am a complete hussy. I can’t believe I stayed here last night. What I’ll get from the girls is anyone’s guess, and the fact that we didn’t use any protection was just stupid. I’m definitely going to be getting shit for that, but the stilted conversation about condoms had made me feel stupidly at ease for some reason. Ask him about the paperwork, Beth.

  Mind you, anyone who has paperwork about this sort of thing is probably clean, aren’t they? Stupid Beth.

  “Are you on the pill?” he said, his fingers torturing me slowly for the god knows how many’th time. I was pretty much about to explode.

  “Yes,” I screamed - exploding.

  “I’m clean, I can prove it if you want,” he said, moving his head back between my legs and swirling his tongue at me again. “I want you bare, to feel the heat of you on me, to sink into you with nothing in my fucking way.” I was pretty much delirious with pleasure at the time.

  “Oh god. Yes,” was my rather breathy answer. “Clean, yes... No problems there. How can you prove it?” I managed to ask as he clamped his teeth down on my very sensitive sweet spot, causing me to arch my back into his mouth and almost instantaneously orgasm.

  “Paperwork. Health checks,” he muttered, moving his way up my body and finding his way to my neck. He hovered over me like a devil ready for more torture, sliding his hand beneath my backside to lift my hips. “Too much to lose.” He growled into my neck again and licked his lips. “Let me in, Elizabeth. I want you.”

  “Okay,” is all I managed to get out before he pushed his way in and blew my mind away from me... again.

  Ask him about the damned paperwork.

  Smiling to myself and shaking my head, I watch my eyes dancing in the mirror and imagine the moment when he first kissed me in the study and what transpired in there. Wow. And apparently I’m the first woman to have slept with him in his home, too. Double wow.

  I look at the huge shower and sigh. That would feel too good to walk away from. He’s not here anyway so I’m sure he won’t mind. I’m going to have to face him soon and lord knows what the next conversation will be, so I damn well want to feel refreshed and ready for him. God, he might have changed his mind. I hadn’t thought of that. Am I going to find him just so he can throw me out?

  I’m definitely having a shower.

  After turning and twisting various knobs, I finally work out how to work the enormous shower. I step u
nder the waterfall, letting the warmth flood over my hair and body, and grab at the shampoo to massage it into my hair. The scent is clean and fresh with a hint of lemon or lime. Whatever it is, it’s heaven, and I breathe it in like it’s wild flowers on a sunny day.

  I’m not sure how long I stand here letting the water cleanse me, my mind wandering through the events of last night, but God, it starts the trembling up again. He was breath-taking. I couldn’t have asked for a more skilled lover. He gave me endless orgasms and was both masterful and gentle. I saw no perverse angle or anything that scared me, and felt completely comfortable in my own skin regardless of his chat downstairs. Okay he does have a tendency for being a little heavy-handed, but given that I actually enjoyed his authority over me, I don’t see that as a problem at all.

  I’m not really sure how he managed it, but I’d never been so reckless before. I was so aroused by him that I threw everything into him. He quite literally opened me up to anything and somehow forced me to abandon every inhibition I’ve ever had. After his revelations about what his particular preferences were, I remember being worried that it wasn’t going to be enough for him, that I wouldn’t be enough for him, but he didn’t do anything to scare me off in the slightest. I narrow my eyes at my own naivety and think about the locked door in the bedroom. No man holds up handcuffs and then doesn’t think about using them, and then it hits me as I realise that those hands weren’t working at full capacity last night at all. Oh.

  Suddenly a breeze enters the room and I instantly sense him near me again. It’s odd but I seem to feel his presence as if he’s calling to me somehow. The shivers run down my spine first and I rub anxiously at my arms and then abruptly feel my breathing change. My stomach starts its relentless churning and my nerves cause my legs to liquefy again as I lick my lips at the thought of him.

  “Good morning,” he says, sliding open the shower door and walking in. Oh god, the most perfect specimen of naked masculinity just walked into the shower and said good morning, and I’m seriously not tipsy enough to be calm about this. Shit. My eyes hit the floor instantly.

  “Morning,” I reply quietly, trying desperately to convince my legs to keep holding me up and not knowing where the hell to look.

  “Are you looking at the floor again, Elizabeth? I thought we discussed this.” My head shoots up in reply. Mr. In Control is apparently here this morning and not taking any shit.

  “No, I was just...” His face stops me in my tracks. Pure sex is pouring off him in waves as he raises an eyebrow, pushes me backwards a little and steps under the water.

  “Still so self-conscious - beautiful but insecure,” he says to no one in particular, chuckling and grabbing me to him. “We’ll have to work harder on that.”

  He is not in the least bit shy or embarrassed as he moves around me and caresses anything he wants, his body glistening under the water as muscles twist to various positions around me. The confidence soon starts to make me feel entirely different, almost awkward and inexperienced in his presence. I close my eyes and let him do what he wants, anyway, enjoying the sensation as he takes my breast into his mouth and bites at my nipples. This is a different Alex from last night, far more selfish and controlling. I sense instantly that I may well be meeting some of his preferences this morning, as he handles me roughly. I wince a little, which results in him chuckling again. He’s no longer whispering sweet nothings in my ear or helping me relax into the moment. No, he’s demanding I give in and allow him what he wants. This seems to be about me complying to a different version of him, and much as my brain might be struggling, my slut’s jumping all over him.

  Stretching his hand up to my throat, he grabs me and drives me back to the wall forcefully, moving his other hand down to my sex. I stiffen slightly, suddenly unsure how his frame of mind is going to change the sexual dynamic. I was happy with a bit of rough but this mood is making me nervous and edgy somehow, as if I’m giving him carte blanche to go for anything.

  “Open up those legs, Elizabeth,” he says firmly, moving across to my other breast and biting down harder. “Or maybe you want me to make you?”

  “Oh god,” I pant in reply as for some unknown reason, I instantly obey and spread my legs for him at the jolt of pain.

  “Good,” he says, almost to himself as his teeth soften slightly.

  He drags his lips back up my body towards my mouth, pushing his body weight into me, and grinding himself onto me as he teases me with his hand. Panting hard and holding onto his shoulders for support, I begin to beg for him to touch me harder there or faster, I really couldn’t care less. Begging? How does he make me beg?

  “Please, Alex, I need to... Oh, please.”

  He lifts his head to meet mine and stares into my eyes. A feral look flicks across his features almost as if he hasn’t seen me, yet quite unnervingly he still seems somehow completely in control of himself and me. I gasp at the vision and watch him, realising I can see it now, that part of him that houses his intriguing preferences is here in front of me. His eyes seem to have changed in colour to a darker blue and as his pupils dilate further, his eyes begin to look almost black.

  “What do you need, Elizabeth? Tell me now or I’ll do what I want and you’ll do as you’re fucking told.” He growls at me, his fingers still drawing over my sex slowly. “I won’t hold back much longer.” I honestly can’t speak. Who says that sort of thing? So I just gaze back at him with my mouth parted, panting again and waiting for whatever he’s about to deliver.

  Forcing my legs further apart with his thigh, he thrusts two fingers inside me immediately. I gasp and stare into his eyes, as he presses his thumb to my sensitive spot and begins to push his hand back and forth into a hard rhythm. It’s vigorous and with no restraint, splitting me open for him, and his other hand begins tightening around my throat. I can’t speak, once again I can hardly breathe, and oddly, I find myself enjoying the feeling of being held in position, almost used as a tool for his desire. He is absolutely in control of me and I’m flying high as his fingers work me faster.

  His body moves fluidly as if he’s done this a million times, his unyielding hands holding me completely in place as he pushes me with ease towards exactly what we’re both craving. If this is him showing me more, it’s beyond exhilarating and so erotic that I can’t imagine ever feeling this kind of lust again.

  “Is this what you need? Are you going to come all over my hand?” He groans as he grasps my throat again and stretches my neck upwards. “Do it soon because I’m going to fuck you so hard you hurt. Do you understand me, Elizabeth? I can’t wait to sink into you again and fuck you raw.”

  Yep, that does it. I throw my head back and, “Oh god, yes... Alex... Fuck...” My scream echoes in the glass cubicle around us as I call his name over and over again and waves of pleasure roll across me. He doesn’t give me a chance to look into his eyes or snatch a breath before he’s lifting me toward him purposely.

  “Don’t let go of me,” he says, growling again, a sneer passing across his mouth.

  I grab onto him and wrap my legs around his waist. He groans with pleasure as he lowers me slowly, giving me at least a little time to get used to his size, stretching me wide. I gasp and groan at the sensation as he begins to move with brutally hard and fast strokes. Each thrust is punishing, forcing me back against the wall for more leverage. I can feel the tiles bruising me but I couldn’t care less. I’m adoring his need for me. It makes me feel potent and sexy, lost or found. He’s slamming into me so deep that it’s almost painful, but oh so good. Each thrust is forcing me down harder on him and I can feel the familiar build of my orgasm again so urge him on faster. I’ve never experienced anything like this sort of sexual pain, or pleasure, or whatever it is. It’s blindingly good and I’m not thinking again, just feeling and letting him guide me forward.

  “Yes, Alex. Yes... Harder, please.”

  I’m tearing and scratching my nails into his back like a wild banshee. I have no idea where the hell this has come fr
om but I’m not holding it back because it’s euphoric, mind bending. My mind fogs as my body takes over completely at the pure adrenalin that’s coursing through every inch of me. Pain. Pleasure. Brutality and aggressive handling. It all seems to wind me into a frenzy of need.

  His grip on my throat tightens as he grasps for control and I feel my insides start to explode, tightening around him and contracting hard. The swell of him inside sends me spiralling into the first waves of bliss.

  “No, Elizabeth, stop,” he snarls at me. Stop? Sod that. I can’t stop. I’m about to come again, hard, and I couldn’t damn well stop if he ordered me to.

  “God, yes. Alex,” I cry, wave after wave of pleasure rippling through me to my core. My back arches forward into him, stars flashing before me as I release my built up tension and bite down on his shoulder.

  “Oh, Christ. Yes. Fuck,” he shouts, his come pouring into me with a force I’ve never felt as he leans his head into my shoulder.

  He grabs me tight to him, shaking and panting and still grinding himself into me, releasing the last of his seed with growls of approval and groans of pleasure. My mouth hovers over his neck, still biting as if I can’t get enough of his taste inside me. He groans, turning his head to give me better access, so I rake my nails across his back again and soften my teeth to gentle nipping. I have no idea where this siren has come from but I seem to be getting on quite well with her and he seems reasonably enamoured so I carry on, softly biting and running my tongue over his skin as we calm our breathing.

  His face eventually shifts towards me and nudges my head backwards.

  “Perfect,” he whispers as he leans me against the wall and brushes his lips over mine gently.

  He grabs hold of my bottom lip and sucks it into his mouth then gently pushes me into the most heart-melting kiss I think I’ve ever had. Soft, strong lips meander their way around my mouth, his tongue quietly seeking mine and teasing me as he releases my throat and travels his hand to the back of my neck. The move pulls me in closer, connecting us again, as he pulses deep inside me. God it feels good. Warm. Safe. I’ve never felt this before, this comfort in a man, this coupling.


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