Seeing White

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Seeing White Page 22

by Charlotte E Hart

  He resumed his gaze out of the window and thought of Elizabeth. He really knew nothing about her. He’d been so busy wanting to consume her that he’d forgotten to find out what she liked or what music she listened to. Realisation hit him that he actually wanted to know. He really wanted to know, not because it would allow him to manipulate her, but because he was genuinely interested. Flowers, he wanted to get her some flowers but hadn’t got a clue what she would like.

  He pressed the button to open the window between himself and Andrews.

  “Andrews, what flowers do you suppose a woman like Elizabeth Scott would like?” Andrews raised his eyebrow in the rear-view mirror.

  “You’re asking me, sir?” he asked incredulously.

  “Yes, you’re a man of the world and you’ve seen her a few times. I normally buy a woman the most expensive thing there is but that just doesn’t seem to cut it at the moment.”

  “She seems to be a woman who would prefer some sentiment, sir. Perhaps some wild flowers picked from the top of a mountain. Showing her how far you would go for her favour.”

  “I never knew you were such a romantic,” he replied, chuckling.

  “I’m not, sir. I read a lot. But I fear you might have to be to retain such a woman,” he replied quietly.

  “Mmm, quite.”

  Alex closed the window between them and felt a stab of fear and panic hit him with force. Andrews was absolutely right, and while he could probably get by on wit, charm and sheer sexual dominance for a while, he knew the inevitable would come. She would expect more and he was unnerved enough already. She could be the one to consume him and hold his idea of a heart if he let her. He could feel it already, the slight loss of control and the confusion building within him. Could he be Alexander White and her lover at the same time? Was it possible to be so dispassionate about his world and yet passionate with someone at the same time? He had so much to show her and so much to keep her away from. He really hadn’t prepared himself for this shit.


  He walked through the door at Barrington’s Jewellers and was hit with Sarah’s beaming face at once, her long blonde hair hanging over her shoulder and her Scandinavian, deep blue eyes glinting at him. She walked towards him with a green bag swinging from her fingertips and a seductive twinkle in her eye.

  “Sarah, as always you look wonderful.”

  “Wonderful? Alexander, that is not the type of compliment I expect from you. You make me sound like my mother, for God’s sake.” She smiled, putting her hand on his chest.

  He stilled. He’d never found her touch unacceptable before. In fact, he’d rather enjoyed it given the cock twitching that normally ensued. But now, for some reason it felt awkward, wrong somehow. Taking a step back as quietly as he could while continuing to beam at her, he headed to the back room to pay for his purchase. Sarah DeVille was not someone to piss off. She could be very obstructive when she chose to be and she knew far too many people.

  “Alexander, are you okay? You look slightly odd,” she queried.

  “Yes, very well actually. I feel enlightened.”

  “Really? Well she must be quite a treat for you.” She sneered very slightly. Jealous? That wasn’t what he expected from her.

  “A treat is one way of putting it, I suppose.” He laughed and continued to play. “So how are you, Sarah? How’s Henry? I haven’t seen him for a while.” He quirked an eyebrow at her. She huffed and turned to take payment.

  “Must you talk about him? You know how he bores me. Really, Alexander, that type of entertainment is beneath you,” she said with more venom than he’d heard before.

  “He’s my friend and your husband. I think it’s perfectly normal to talk about him, and really, Sarah, why are you so hard on him? It was only one mistake after all.” He tried for empathy, probably failing. He knew damn well there’d been a lot more than one mistake.

  She swivelled so fast he barely moved in time, but caught her hand before it slapped his face. Throwing her hand away and moving backward a few steps he glared at her until he saw weakness crease her forehead.

  “What the fuck was that? Did you just try to slap me when I’m about to sign off fifty thousand pounds on a bloody necklace?” He felt like exploding at her but calmed himself as he stared at her angry blue eyes and waited.

  “Oh, Alexander, for God’s sake, when will you see it? Grow up and stop playing your silly games, because I can assure you, he is not. This is not a game to him. It is a rite of passage. He is not your friend. I’ve been waiting for you to figure it out, thinking you were smart enough, but maybe he really is that good. And he most definitely does not love me,” she said quietly so she wouldn’t alert any of the other shop girls.

  “What are you talking about, Sarah?” he asked in complete amazement.

  “I’ve said enough. You will have to do the rest yourself. I’ve already pulled all the strings I can to help you. He’s suspicious of everything I do because he knows how I feel.” She looked to the floor and sighed.

  “Sarah, I don’t understand what you’re saying to me.” He felt his anger and irritation at his own fucking incompetence building. What the hell was she talking about?

  “Alexander White, you have a war coming and you can’t even see it. Whatever or whoever it is that you’ve been doing, stop it now. You don’t have the time for distractions or sentimentality. You need to be exactly the bastard you are if you’re to find a way through this. He will not relent until you are crushed. Do you understand me now?” She stared in his eyes with such humility it shook him.

  He took a moment to assimilate what she had just said. He felt the venom and bile rise in his throat and swayed slightly. His friend, one of the few he thought he could trust, was trying to ruin him? Why?

  Eventually, when he had regained some focus and switched off the allegiance button inside him that he felt for Henry, he turned to Sarah. Why she’d fucking told him this was unfathomable but having directed his fury at a new target, he was at least able to soften himself for her.

  “Thank you, Sarah. I don’t know why you’ve told me this, but I am grateful. You’ve given me time and therefore power,” he said, lookeding her over again for deceit. There wasn’t any he could see so he conceded the actuality that she was telling the truth, as shit as that might be.

  “I’ve told you this because I hate him, and because I… I don’t hate you,” she said, a beautiful smile lighting up her face.

  Then he saw it. He’d never known before that she felt that way about him. She’d never shown him, but then she never would have. Even if she had done, he wouldn’t have accepted it. It still would have just been a game to him because people’s feelings had always been part of a bigger plan for him. She stared into his eyes, waiting. For what? A positive response? He simply watched her crumble as he processed the information again. Beautiful as she was, she was not of interest and however her feelings might be, they were not his problem, never fucking had been.

  Moving toward her, he wrapped his arms around her in a comforting gesture, hoping to somehow make her feel better, not that he cared that much. He just needed her to think he did a little. And for all his indifference, he disliked these moments. They made him feel guilty - not a feeling he liked very much. She melted into him and inhaled deeply.

  “I... I shouldn’t have told you that,” she stammered. No, she shouldn’t, but it could be reasonably useful at some point. Actually, maybe he should fuck her now. That would piss Henry off when he eventually dropped it into conversation.

  “You know I don’t feel the same way, don’t you?” He whispered the question, softly kissing her cheek. She clung on for a moment longer and then stepped backward out of his arms, wiping at her eyes.

  “Of course I know. You, Alexander, will need someone better than me to free you of your demons. I expect you may have just found her. But please believe me, you must put her aside for now. You will need everything you have to deal with him.” She almost begged to be heard. It appear
ed she really meant it. What the hell was Henry planning? He nodded and smiled, reaching out a hand to her face. She immediately stepped away and scowled at him.

  “Don’t. We have talked, but we won’t be talking about this again.” Her face was impassive and regal again. Gone was the emotion, and the crystalline cold face switched back on. His respect for her tripled.

  “Okay, Sarah. Thank you again for your help.” He smiled, feeling slightly pissed at himself for some reason. Soul-tearing brown eyes flying into his brain soon made him realise why. Nasty fucking games and damned emotions didn’t mix. Fuck. Sarah nodded at him and led him to the door.

  “Will we be seeing you at Henry’s birthday party?” she asked with a wry smile.

  “I think you know the answer to that question, Sarah.” He smiled at her one last time then felt his gaze became cold and distant. She noticed and smiled back at his mask in approval.

  “We’ll see you there then. Oh, and thank you for the invitation to the Addison’s Ball. We’d be happy to come.” She turned and walked back into the shop, never looking back at him. As cold as fucking ice. He knew he’d never see her so weak again, probably never see her smile as radiantly either. Well, unless he needed something from her and had to pretend.

  Staring at the door for a time, he listened to his heart beating slowly. He had some shit to sort out and quickly. Fuck, who was involved in this and who could he trust now? Fuck. Fuck. Anger and resentment filled his thoughts as he stormed to the car and grabbed at his phone.

  How the fuck was he going to deal with this now? Much as Sarah’s advice was probably spot on, there was no way he was giving up on Elizabeth. He was too involved to let her slip through his fingers because of his own stupidity. Trust and honesty between friends, that’s what Henry had asked of him when the big deals started rolling in. What a complete dickhead he had been. How long had Henry been laughing at him and scheming? And what for? Fucking bastard.

  No, he would have to find a way to build up the defences around himself for a while longer, to keep her out of this situation until he could give her what she would need from him in the long run. He wouldn’t lose her. He simply couldn’t.

  Taking a deep breath, he thumbed through his phone, found Crantins number and called them. He ordered a bouquet of wild flowers with yellow roses thrown in and said he’d pick them up in ten minutes.

  “Andrews, drive to Crantins and then to the park by Scott’s. I need a little time to think.”

  “Is everything okay, sir?” he asked calmly in that normal military voice of his.

  “No, Andrews, it‘s not, but it will be. Sarah’s just made me aware of a few things,” he replied with malice and irritation in his tone.

  “Anything I can do or need to be aware of?” Andrews questioned. He looked at the man and wondered how much he might need from him this time. He’d always been there, never questioned a thing, and Christ, he’d been through some shit. Not that he knew about his past, but he’d certainly seen enough to suspect he wasn’t just a businessman. He’d push the man’s buttons if and when they were needed and Andrews would do his job swiftly and effectively. He briefly wondered if he’d kill for his employer. That would solve the Henry issue. He clearly had done in his previous employment. Fuck it, maybe he’d just do that himself.

  “Probably. I’ll let you know when I’ve worked out what the hell I’m going to do next.”

  He closed the window and reached into the small bar beside him, then, loading a glass with cognac, drank swiftly so he could pour another one, drank that one too and poured again.

  How could his day have gone from light-hearted to abysmal in an hour? Henry was his friend, goddammit. The fucking bastard was trying to demolish everything he had, for what? He had no idea. However, if that was the way the little shit wanted to play then that was fine by him. He’d bring hell down on Henry if that’s what he wanted.

  This really would be a war to remember.

  He needed to find out who was on his side and who wasn’t. Tate? Would he be friend or foe? No denying he was a sneaky bastard; that’s why Alex paid him so well, but he was also exceptionally intelligent. He would probably wait and see where the balance of power lay and then make a decision as to who his allegiance was with. Well, that wouldn’t be good enough. Tate would have to prove his loyalty long before that.

  He lifted his phone and called the one true friend he had.

  “Alex, dude, what’s going on?” Conner drawled.

  “Are you high?” he clipped angrily. The man was a cocktail most of the time.

  “No, man, just chilling out in the sun.”

  “What? Where are you?”

  “Rome, in this cute little cafe, drinking the best fucking coffee on the planet and watching all the lovely ladies walking by. You should be here man it’s-”

  Alex cut him off as more frustration fuelled the already loaded rage. “If you’re going to use my fucking house, you could at least have asked me. Are you on your own or do you have a skanky brothel with you?” he seethed, loading his glass again and staring out of the window.

  “Christ, man, what’s up your arse? You sound way too tense. Yes, I’m on my own, you dick, and don’t fucking shout at me. You know how it pisses me off,” Conner replied, lowering his tone to his trademark irritated level. Alex rolled his eyes, the man had never scared him, no one had.


  “I need to talk. I’m annoyed. I’ll be there in the morning, so if you’re going to have a fuck fest, get the place cleaned up and the girls out by ten.”

  “Jesus, okay. Touchy much?”

  “Bye, Conner.”

  “See you in the morning, Mr. White. I’m sure looking forward to it, you cranky old shit.”

  Rome, his place of solace, of some sort of peace, and just what he needed to find his way through this new conundrum.

  He’d owned the apartments on Via Veneto for a few years. When he’d landed a huge deal, he bought it as a quiet place to just be himself and slow down to some degree. He loved the buzz and the relaxed nature of the Romans, and the historic mood of the city seemed to soothe him in a way that no other place did. His social circle didn’t mingle there too much. They chose Monte Carlo or some other such intolerable place to flash themselves around, so he wouldn’t have to deal with too much crap, although there was always some. Thank God Conner had the foresight to need a break because it would have been the last thing on his mind, but now just the thought of being there was tempering the storm brewing under his skin.

  Thumbing through his phone again, he sent a quick email to Louisa to tell her to ready the jet for him for the morning. She responded within ten minutes to tell him it had all been arranged.

  Frowning, he looked at his drink and sighed. He couldn’t remember the last time he’d had some time off. That in itself was fucking appalling.

  Chapter 15


  H aving thrown most of the contents of the Jenkins’ salmon mousse into the bin because of its texture, I silently scream at myself. For God’s sake, what the hell is wrong with me? Obviously Mr. White is what’s wrong with me. Not one phone call since Sunday night, not a damn text, nothing. God, he really is the arsehole I thought he was. I don’t know why I thought any different to be honest. If he was going to be so sodding predictable though, why did he have to make me feel so bloody good about myself?

  I’ve got to pull myself together. We have a party to cater in about six hours and I’m not even half way through the meal. Okay, so it’s only for ten people but it still needs to be perfect. Thank God I’m not serving tonight. I’d more than likely throw it at someone, I’m that sodding mad. The thought instantly brings strawberry mousse to mind so I snarl at myself and clank some more pots and pans around.

  Moving the mixing bowl across to the sink, I stupidly stub my toe on the table leg and drop it on the floor.

  “Fuck, fuck, fuck!” I shout at the top of my lungs. God that felt good.

  Teresa comes r
unning into the kitchen, brandishing a pastry knife and looking panicked. I’m not sure what the hell she thinks she’s going to do with it.

  “Christ, Beth, what’s going on? Are you okay?”

  “Fine, I’m just a bloody idiot, that’s what I am,” I spit out, slumping down onto the floor with my head in my hands.

  “What’s the matter, honey? Man trouble?” Teresa asks, sympathy radiating across her face. I so want to slap it off her for some unknown reason.

  “Oh god, what have I done, Teresa? I’ve been such a fool.” Tears are pricking my eyes and I know I’m about to bawl all over her. “I thought he genuinely liked me.”

  “Honey, he does like you. Just because he hasn’t phoned for a few days, you can’t go beating yourself up. He’s probably in Korea or some other strange place. Give him a chance. He’ll show up soon enough like a white knight. Excuse the pun,” she soothes, calmly stroking my hair.

  “Why no phone call then? Is it so hard to just message me?” I ask, trying desperately to hold back the tears that are now spilling out.

  “Men like Alexander White don’t think like that, sweetie. He never has to answer to anyone. I don’t doubt he’s thinking about you though,” she says, smiling at me. What the hell would she know? Nice as she’s trying to be, the man’s just a bastard who has had his fun.

  Sniffing up my tears, I pull myself onto my feet again and raise my chin.

  “Well, that isn’t good enough for me. If he wants some sort of relationship then he’ll have to try a bit sodding harder than that.”

  “Good for you, girl. That’ll show the little fucking shit. I don’t care how much money the man’s got, he’s not entitled to treat you like you’re not worthy. Who the fuck does he think he is? Dickhead. And what right-minded man has a friend like Conner anyway?” Belle chimes in from the doorway, smiling. “I mean, honestly, if that’s who he’s got as a role model, I’m not surprised he’s being a knob. Fools, the pair of them. Unfortunately, Conner has a very large cock so I’ll have to honour him with my presence again, but it’ll definitely be at my request, not his.”


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