Seeing White

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Seeing White Page 36

by Charlotte E Hart

  “Sir, it’s good to see you back,” she says. He looks up at me and smiles. It’s one of his breath-taking, knee disabling, panty dropping smiles so obviously my core clenches and I look back down at the woman. Christ, is that what he wants from me? I can’t do that, can I? Do I even want to?

  The moment his fingers touch her head in what appears to be the normal greeting around here, my answer hits me square in the gut. I definitely won’t be saying no to anything he wants from me this evening because that one touch on another woman was enough to draw every inch of jealously I have out of me. It’s time to embrace whatever it is he sees in me and let him guide me towards wherever it is he’s going to take me.

  Chapter 22


  H e watched intently as her sexy arse swayed its way along the corridor toward the doors of the club, those incredibly long legs gliding across the floor and that indecently short dress clinging to every curve on her body. He groaned and adjusted himself as his eyes lingered on her slender arm linked with his friend’s as Pascal looked at her as if he were about to devour her.

  He should be concentrating on other matters but his head was so wrapped up in his dick and his unreasonable emotions that he just had to bring her here. He would bind her, maybe suspend her, and have her in every way he could think of. Then he could get the ridiculous notion of something more out of his mind. Who was he bloody kidding? If that was the case, he wouldn’t have cuffed her. He would have shared her with Pascal. He’d shared them all with Pascal and then tossed them aside to the rest of the mob after they’d both had their fun. She really had no idea who she was talking to and what depravity he was capable of. Good job to be honest. If she did know, she definitely wouldn’t want to spend any time with Pascal at all, or himself for that matter.

  His introduction to Pascal had been through a mutual acquaintance, someone of dubious intent that Alex no longer had much contact with, but that first meeting had been enlightening to say the least. Watching a man like Pascal tear open a woman with nothing more than a teaspoon and a candle in a small kitchen in Venice had been the most fascinating and absorbing moment of his life. He’d quietly gazed from the corner as the man had smirked through her open legs at him and asked him if he wanted to learn how to “enhance his appreciation of life.” He’d nodded in reply and so it had begun.

  Pascal had become his mentor in the D/s scene and he’d still never seen a better master of his art. Only once had he received a lashing to learn how it felt to be submissive, and it had been at the hands of Pascal. It was a night that he remembered vividly, and a night that he would not be revisiting any time soon. It had been necessary at the time and even vaguely enticing in a remote sort of way, but it was Pascal that would switch for the right person. Alex knew he most definitely would not.

  He fiddled with his shirt collar and looked down at his unusually shaking hands. Noticing his cuffs, he smiled and shook out his hands. He had been given the cufflinks three years ago when Pascal had watched him reduce three subs to a beautifully begging disaster of tears with nothing more than a meter length of rope and his voice.

  “Finish them,” Pascal had said as he pulled up a chair in the centre of the empty room. “You have thirty minutes. Make me proud.”

  So finish them he did, thoroughly.

  All of them had pleaded with Pascal to make him stop, and when his laughter had receded, Pascal had eventually let them leave. That had been enough to gain him lifetime entry to any club in their world and the title of Master. What that actually meant in the real world was still a fucking mystery but it had given him some semblance of order and a new introduction to the meaning of discipline. His brain had been given a way to organise itself and thankfully that meant he’d been taught a way to restrain his emotional response, which was usually violent or explosive to say the least. He chuckled as a memory drifted through his mind.

  “You are the most entertaining of dominants, dear boy, but you really must work on your ferocity. Let it go. You see, you are entirely too pleasant in your demeanour and I know you have more to give than that. Perhaps you will do better with me at your feet. You will find that I do not break as easily as them,” he’d said as he smiled and dropped to the floor in front of him.

  Now, three years on, the only difference between the two of their more sadistic tendencies was that Pascal wouldn’t stop when they screamed safe words at him, a trait he hadn’t allowed Alex to follow. He had taught him to respect and treat his women with a care he never concerned himself with. Why the man had enforced such respect when he had so little was still a quandary but he imagined he would find the answer one day when Pascal allowed him in fully. The man was an enigma, with no sense of concern for himself or compassion for the world. Alex knew for a fact that Pascal didn’t even have a safe word of his own.

  “What is the point of a word, dear boy, when you place yourself in the hands of someone you trust with your life? If that one person can’t see your end in sight then they might as well finish you themselves. Never put yourself in the hands of someone you do not trust implicitly. They will more than likely be your demise,” he’d said as he looked up at him.

  “But what if-”

  “Get on with it, Alexander. I want to know how you feel on my skin. It is time you learnt to express yourself a little more honestly.”

  He smirked at the memories and looked across at the pair of them again. He’d never brought a cuffed woman here. In fact, he’d never been quite as possessive about a woman before, period. Of course, no one ever touched what was his without his permission, but he’d actually threatened Pascal when he got close to her. When he’d thrown that beloved cane to the floor and faced off with him, the intensity of his own emotions had surprised both of them. He knew how much that cane meant to his friend and it hadn’t even registered until it was too late. He’d have to apologize for that mistake later. Damn, he hated apologizing, especially to his egotistical and narcissistic friend.

  Pascal’s reaction to the diamonds sparkling on her wrist had been both amusing and worrying. Alex had put them there for a very specific reason. The rules that Pascal himself had in all his clubs. The glance over the man’s shoulder told Alex that they would certainly be having a conversation about it at some point. Thankfully, the slight nod was enough to tell Alex that he would keep his hands off Elizabeth, for the time being anyway. How long that would last was questionable but it should be enough for tonight at least. He had no idea what the conversation would consist of, given that he didn’t understand the sentiment himself, but rules were rules.




  He frowned to himself and wondered if perhaps she would test the strength of their friendship. Pascal was not known for his lasting alliances and often walked over anything and anyone to get what he wanted, and he very much wanted Elizabeth. He’d known the man for a long time and saw his reaction instantly. If he was honest, he’d known he’d be in trouble before he even got to Eden. He knew Pascal would be as intrigued by her as he was. He could only hope that years of trust and friendship would make Pascal behave himself. If not, it would get very bloody in seconds. He had no doubt of it because he was willing to fight for her, even if it was his friend, and Pascal, well Pascal was a law unto himself and he wouldn’t think twice about fighting just for the fun of it.

  Still amused by his own reaction to her, he lifted his head again to see that perfect, angelic smile radiantly glowing at Pascal as he led her through the doors and towards the stairs. What was she going to think of this world, part of his world? Every inch of her begged for this, begged him to take control and show her what she was made of, and he intended to do exactly that this evening. As she pushed him to open up his soul, he would push her to give in to him more.

  He hovered at the top of the balcony and watched as she descended to the bar with Pascal. Su
ch beauty and grace, she outshone every woman in the place and he gazed in awe at her ability to stand out in a room full of practically naked women. Every part of him wanted her to be his, but each time she challenged him, it opened up yet another irrational emotion. He could feel them flowing through him, the same ones he’d kept buried for so long. Joy, delight, amusement and hints of a feeling he’d long since buried all hopes of. Unfortunately, with that came all the other ones - pain, anger, fear and shame, feelings he’d hoped never to revisit or have to deal with.

  He focused on her face, took a deep breath and dragged his hand along the iron railing as he headed for them. Several people nodded at him and at least six women were on their knees before he’d even met their faces. Not one of them held any interest, only her.

  The heat and comforting smell of evocative enthusiasm hit him as he gazed at the dance floor beneath him for a few seconds. The dull thud of the bass beat pulsed through his body and his shoulders stiffened in response to the situation around him. The classic salacious and brazenly explicit visions that surrounded the area focused his mind back to the reality of where he was. The grinding of the floor beneath him and writhing bodies being manhandled into various scenes or situations sent shivers of control to his brain and he rubbed his neck in anticipation, chuckling as he pushed through the crowd towards the stairs.

  He watched for her reactions to the sights around her. She was soaking it in like a seasoned professional and showed no sign of nervousness or fear. Clearly she’d had just enough alcohol to feel calm around the fucking absurd situation he’d put her in. Even the dance floor full of naked depravity and debauchery didn’t seem to faze her. What she did appear to notice were the doors. Her eyes kept flicking toward the eighteen different doors that circled the floor. He chuckled at what was behind them and pondered her reaction to their interiors. Would she be enlightened by her enthusiasm or confused by it? Perhaps it’s just what she needed.

  A shameless and sweet looking sub was kneeling next to her feet, looking peacefully to the floor while Draven Creed stroked her hair and talked to Pascal. For fuck’s sake, Draven and Pascal. Could this night start off with any more lethal challengers than those two? Noticing Draven’s eyes slowly study her body and draw across her face, he instantly felt his hackles rise in response, which was odd in itself. So sneering, he headed straight towards them. It was time to let others know who this woman was here with and the best way to do that was fiercely and with intent. He’d never bothered before, but then he’d never been interested enough to cuff anyone before.

  Watching as the bastard completely ignored the bracelet and moved his body and hands towards Elizabeth, he knew he wouldn’t get there in time to stop him touching her. Hate, panic and something deeper rolled through him as he saw her reaction to the impending fingers. She immediately looked uncomfortable and tense, afraid even. Gone was the calm she portrayed and something like repulsion darted across her features as she backed away and into Pascal. He simply grinned and wrapped his arm around her waist, pulling her arse into his dick. Bastard.

  Rage bubbled its way to the surface and before he thought about the whys, he shoved and pushed at the crowd with force, trying to clear a path to her. He needed to get to her, needed to defend her, needed to feel her against him alone. Elizabeth.

  He inwardly begged Pascal to do something to help her, or him. He wasn’t fucking sure but as if sensing him, Pascal looked up and smiled broadly, nodding that imperceptible nod they had always used together. The cane was raised before he could blink, the wood of it smacking Draven hard around the head before he reached her face. The result was a very fucking irate Draven, raising his nearly seven-foot frame over Pascal in a bid for vengeance. It was enough to fuel the ferocity inside further, and seeing her pinned to the bar behind Pascal, looking scared to death with the little sub cowering into the side of her was all it took.

  He didn’t think, just reacted as the rage reached his fists and he got close enough. He sent a punch straight at Draven’s face, knocking him to the floor before he got a chance to defend himself. The bastard deserved nothing less. He was an undisciplined fucker anyway.

  “Do not fucking touch her,” he stated, glaring down at the dick’s shocked face and pushing his boot into Draven’s throat. There weren’t any other words in his head. That was all there was, because the thought of another man’s hands anywhere near her felt like a knife in his heart. Not the normal irritation of something touching what was his, no, this was different somehow, possessive, almost protective.

  He frowned at his own thoughts and shook his head as he felt a hand on his shoulder pulling him backwards. That familiar feeling of trust at Pascal’s presence swept through him and he turned to find him smiling with that ever-evil glint hardening behind his eyes.

  “Dear boy, you took your time. I thought I might have to claim she was mine, and fight again or some such nonsense. I am honoured that you would do battle for me but that is enough now. I think you have made your point quite effectively.”

  “It wasn’t for you, Pascal,” he snarled, still too confused by his own thoughts to communicate any further. He turned back to the threat instead, who was now getting up, and stiffened again ready for more.

  Draven’s head turned to him as he rose to his feet, clutching at the back of his head. “She’s yours?” he questioned in surprise. “I thought she was Pascal’s.”

  “Yes, she’s mine,” he said as he turned to look at her. “Don’t make me show you how much she means to me, because I will, with fucking enthusiasm if I have to.” Her beautiful eyes widened at his statement and his heart damn near exploded as she beamed at him. Everything else in the room disappeared from view. It was just her and these new feelings he appeared to be having. What the hell they were was mystifying.

  He pushed past Pascal to kiss her. He had to kiss her. Never had he wanted to own something so badly, to show the world what he had found. Her face softened as his hands found the back of her neck and drew her toward him. Her warm mouth met his, flooding him with lust and desire as she melted beneath him, and he found himself locked in this moment with her. Wanting her, fuck he wanted her. He’d drag her to one of the rooms now, if he thought he could get away with it, and show her everything she meant to him. Need and something intensely emotional flowed through his body as he held her close and realised this was it for him. It was a moment there was no turning back from, a moment she’d caused him to embrace a feeling in. Never had he felt so close to something so utterly mind blowing and powerfully disabling in his life. In the midst of all that surrounded them, he realised that he was actually showing these people that it was him that had been found, perhaps even saved.

  He moved his hands down to her waist, pulling her towards him and her fingers found their way to his face, softly stroking his throat as she began moaning into his mouth. God he loved her touch. It cornered his edges and soothed his version of a soul somehow. He wanted nothing more than to get her in a bed and show her the very heart of him, for what it was worth. She could have it all.

  Sudden realisation dawned. This was all wrong. He didn’t want her here, well he did, but just not at this time. It was too soon and conflicting. This scene around them of immorality and Machiavellian behaviour was strangely too sordid for her, unjust and untrue somehow. She warranted more than this for some reason. Not that he didn’t want to play with her. He did, but just not with all these people nearby. All the Draven’s leering made his feelings distasteful somehow. Fuck, why had he brought her here? One potential touch from another man had elicited everything he was struggling to understand about himself. He needed to get them out of here.

  He leaned away from her and gazed into her lust driven eyes, eyes so honest they screamed for affection and love.

  “Well, my dear boy, that was quite the declaration of love if I have ever seen one.” Pascal chuckled from the side. “I see now why you cuffed her, Alexander. I assume you probably did not know until this moment, though. Hmm?
” The man smiled and nodded at her. Alex wasn’t even sure if he liked his bloody eyes on her anymore.

  He pulled her closer to him and felt the puzzled frown crease his brow, as his eyes drifted towards Pascal’s and narrowed slightly. Love? Really? How the man would understand the emotion was incomprehensible.

  “We need to leave, Elizabeth. I’ve changed my mind about being here,” he said quietly, moving his eyes back to her.

  She gazed at him for a while and softly blinked her eyes, the sexiest of smiles spreading across her face as she moved into him again. The storm inside of him calmed almost instantly for some unknown reason, puzzling him further.

  “Why would you want to leave when you have so much to show me, Alex? I want to feel more of what you have to offer me. Teach me,” she whispered, her lips lingering over his neck and sending a message straight to his cock. “I want to see all of the man I’m falling for. Show me who you are.”

  He stared at his friend over her shoulder and stroked her silken hair as he silently asked how the hell he was supposed to proceed. How did he continue what he had started now that these feelings were involved? Why the fuck he thought Pascal would have the answers was beyond him. The man had never seen a day’s love with anyone.

  “Alexander, you are sometimes so infuriating. Be yourself, dear boy. I know you remember who you are. Do not take it away from her. It will not work unless you give it everything you have. Believe me, I know,” Pascal said as a look of sadness swept over his face. He abruptly tapped his cane on the floor after a second or two and smiled again. “Now, your suite is ready if you want it. Enjoy. That is all I will say on the matter. I cannot be seen to engage in this scandalous display of emotion a moment longer. It will ruin my façade and any future plans I have to humiliate someone.”


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