Eternal Promise (Between Worlds Book 3)

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Eternal Promise (Between Worlds Book 3) Page 19

by Talia Jager

  “Maybe you should. Go to Hawaii or something.”

  “Maybe. We need to put the stone back in some temple first.”

  “After that then.” She paused. “Just don’t forget about me.”


  I fell asleep for an hour tops. Azura woke us up and said, “Rise and shine! It’s time to get ready.”

  It seemed ridiculous getting ready in the dark, but we had to be ready with the stones at dawn.

  “Would you like something to eat?” Azura asked.

  “No, thank you. I’m too nervous.”

  “I can help with that.” She disappeared and came back quickly with a small bottle. She dabbed something on her finger and placed it behind my ear. “Just a faery oil that will help with your anxiety.”

  A sense of calmness washed over me. “Thanks.”

  “Violet will be up shortly. I’ll get everybody else moving.”

  I rubbed my eyes and stretched out my wings before jumping in the shower just to rinse off. I didn’t get my hair wet. For the first time since I put Kallan’s necklace on, I took it off.

  Dressed in a robe, I walked back to my room where I could hear Sierra and Violet laughing.

  You holding up okay? Kallan’s sweet voice popped up in my head.

  Yes. It’s time for me to get ready.

  You’ll let me know if you need anything?

  Of course. See you soon.

  Violet waved me in. “Quickly.”

  “I’ll go find Nessa and get ready,” Sierra said, walking out the door.

  Violet guided me into a chair in front of my mirror, stood in back of me, and took the curlers out. Taking just a small part of my hair, she put in a headband braid. “Wearing a braid on your wedding day is a symbol of power and luck.” Then she pulled the hair on the sides of my head back and pinned it. She picked up a strand of flowers and weaved it into the curls she left flowing down the back of my hair.

  Sierra stepped into my room dressed in a strapless teal dress with a high to low bottom and a sweetheart neckline. Her hands flew to her mouth. “Oh, Rylie! Your hair is perfect.”

  “Thank you. You look gorgeous.”

  “Nessa did an awesome job on me.” Sierra twirled so I could see everything. She had flowers throughout her hair too.

  “Time to get dressed.” Violet helped me step into the soft-pink dress and pulled it up. There were no straps and the back was low to fit around my wings. The dress had cascading layers. The train was transparent pink and rosettes were bunched in the middle of my back as well as spread out down the train.

  “My work here is done,” Violet said. “I’ll see you downstairs.”

  “Thank you.”

  “You’re welcome.”

  Violet shut the door behind her. I stared at myself in the mirror. Even though, I hadn’t changed much physically, I almost didn’t recognize the girl staring back. I turned from the mirror and looked at Sierra. “I think I’m in shock. Is this really happening?”

  Sierra smiled. “It is. You are getting your happily ever after.”

  “I am.” I held out my hands and she took them. “Thank you for being my best friend and for sticking by my side.”

  “Always.” She squeezed my hands. “Rylie, you really are heart-stopping beautiful.”

  I laughed. “Thanks.”

  “Can I take a pic on my phone?”


  Sierra stood next to me and held out her phone. We smiled and she snapped the picture. Standing there next to her made everything seem so right. Foreheads together and eyes closed, I said, “I love you, ya know?”

  “I know. I love you too.”

  There was a knock at the door. “Come in,” I called.

  Both my moms walked in and their faces lit up. “You look absolutely beautiful,” Azura said.

  “Stunning,” Mom agreed. “I have your something new.” She handed me a good-sized jewelry box. Inside was a stunning handcrafted sterling silver torc with white moonstones, diamonds, and pink Swarovski crystal teardrops.

  “Oh…Mom…it’s gorgeous.”

  Mom beamed and put it around my neck. “Perfect.”

  Azura said, “I have something for you as well. These are a tradition to wear on your wedding day.” She handed me a box.

  I opened it and found two black and blue strings of beads with a sun in the middle of each. I wasn’t quite sure what they were. “Where do I wear them?”

  Azura took one out and bent down to my feet. “They’re barefoot sandals.” She slipped the small circle around my second toe and clasped the big part around my ankle. “The sun represents the light faery magick.”

  “These are so neat. And it’s my something blue.”

  Sierra interrupted, “I’m going to slip downstairs and check on things.”

  I knew she was just giving me time with my moms. I faced them and said, “Thank you both so much.”

  Azura smiled, tears in her eyes, and said, “You look exquisite. I’m so proud of you, everything you’ve done, and everything you will do.”

  “You don’t know what I’ll do.”

  “It doesn’t matter. I know you have a good heart and whatever you do will be for the good of things.”

  “Thank you for having faith in me.”

  “I can see how much you and Kallan love each other. Hold on to that love. “Cherish it.”

  “I will.”

  “I’ll take care of getting the stones to the ceremony.” Azura kissed me on the cheek and left me alone with my mom, who was sitting on my bed looking around my room.

  “This room is perfect for you,” she said.


  “You would have loved growing up here.”

  “I loved growing up with you and Dad.”

  Mom smiled. “I’m so happy for you, Rylie. Don’t think that I’m not. I’m sad that you’ve grown up so fast and that I won’t see you much—”

  “You can see me whenever you want.”

  Her eyes filled with tears. “You truly are beautiful, especially with those wings. I love being able to see you like this.” She reached out and took my hands. “I’m going to give you some motherly advice. Although I never thought I’d be saying these things so soon.”

  I smiled and waited for her to tell me what she had to say.

  “Live freely, don’t let others control you. Don’t put your dreams aside for anyone else. You are just as important as the rest of us. Love deeply, completely, with all your heart. Find the good in people. Don’t hate. And don’t forget to laugh.”

  A tear fell down my cheek and I nodded. “I’ll remember.”

  “You can always come home. You understand that?”

  “Yes.” I threw my arms around her. “I love you, Mom.”

  “I love you too. Don’t mess up your hair.”

  Laughing, I sat back and wiped the tears away. “This feels like a dream.”

  There was another knock at the door. Sierra peeked her head in. “Ready?”

  I took a long, shuddering breath. I had no doubts about marrying Kallan. I just had the jitters. “Is it time?”

  “Yes. Something about getting finished before the sun rises.”

  Nodding, I stood up and glanced in the mirror. “Ready.”

  Sierra ran in and grabbed my train. “After you,” she said.

  I followed my mother out of my room and down the stairs. Both my grandmothers, my aunts, cousins, and Sierra filled the living room. The blood rushed to my cheeks.

  “So…how am I getting to the waterfalls?” I asked.


  “Cool.” I nodded. “Is there anything I need to do before we go?”

  “No. E
verything is ready.”

  I walked outside and found Abrax waiting for me.

  “No way!” Sierra shouted from behind. “That’s a…flying horse!”

  “Wanna ride him with me?”

  “For real?”

  “Yeah, for real.”


  “Climb on.”

  “How am I going to sit with the dress?”


  “What if I fall?”

  “You won’t.”

  Abrax bowed down just enough so that Sierra and I could get on. “Go slow, boy.”

  Abrax neighed and took off into the sky.

  The look on Sierra’s face was priceless. She looked like a kid on Christmas morning. The ride there wasn’t long at all. Lanterns hung from the trees. We were over the falls, which was flowing abundantly again. The light from the moon was bright enough for us to see. “Rylie, this place is more than I could have imagined.”

  “First time I saw it, I knew I had to get married here.”

  Abrax circled around and I saw an army of light and dark guards surrounding the area. My winged horse landed and we got off and smoothed down our dresses.

  “This is it,” I said to my best friend. “I’m going to be married soon.”

  Chapter Twenty

  The wagons pulled up and Azura and my wide-eyed parents jumped off. My dad looked confused, frightened, and angry, but then his eyes rested on me and all those feelings were replaced with love. I could see it in his eyes. I could feel it when he embraced me. “You are the most beautiful thing I’ve ever seen,” he whispered. “I know I’ve been tough on you and well, just a cranky old jerk, but it was because I love you so much.”

  “I know, Dad.”

  “You…I…I’m so proud of you, baby. I’m so proud to be your dad.”

  “I’ll always be your little girl.”

  “You’re damn right. I will never stop loving you and if Kallan ever mistreats you, he will answer to me.”

  “He won’t.”

  He kissed my forehead. “I’ll be right back. I’m going to walk your mother to her seat.” He walked off, leaving me with Sierra.

  A harp started playing. It was the only music Kallan and I wanted. I peeked over to where the music was coming from and saw Drake playing the instrument. The guests included both dark and light faeries, elves, Cyclops, dwarves, piskies, and other woodland animals. Never in a million years when I had dreamed of my wedding, did I imagine this, but it was perfect.

  I blew out a long breath to try and stop my body from shaking.

  “Hey. You okay?”

  “Yes. No. Nervous.”

  “Take a deep breath.” Sierra faced me and demonstrated. I followed along. “You love him?”


  “When you walk up that aisle, look at him, and feel his love.”

  That helped. “Thanks.”

  My mom sat next to Azura and an empty chair that my dad would sit in after he walked me down the aisle. I looked on the ground. There wasn’t exactly an aisle. That needed to be fixed. I squatted down and placed my hands on the ground. Closing my eyes, I visualized two lines of flowers making an aisle to where Kallan stood.

  When I opened my eyes, there were two rows of glowing pink flowers all the way to the sagart who was going to marry us. Kallan wasn’t there yet.

  A new song started and I watched Kallan walk from the side and stand in front of the sagart. He looked handsome dressed in black suit pants, a teal button-up shirt, and a black vest. The colors of his shirt and my dress matched our wings. He looked right at me and both our wings fluttered.

  So beautiful… Kallan whispered in my head.

  Two of my young cousins danced up the aisle I created, dropping flowers along the way. Then Violet and Nessa walked up and stood to the side. Sierra looked back at me and winked and then she glided up the aisle.

  The music changed again. Dad offered me his arm and I linked mine through his. “Ready?”


  Together we walked up the aisle. My eyes were on Kallan and only Kallan. The smile on his face made my heart soar. I didn’t even realize we had come to a stop until my dad whispered in my ear. “I have to let go now.”

  I glanced over at him and smiled. “I love you, Dad. Always.”

  “I love you too, Rylie.” He placed my hand in Kallan’s and said to him, “Treat her right. Love her. Don’t hurt her.”

  “Yes sir. I love her more than words can say.”

  Dad nodded, shook his other hand, kissed me on the cheek, and sat down next to Mom. He took her hand and smiled at me. The music stopped and Drake took his place next to Kallan.

  I turned my gaze to the beautiful man standing next to me.

  The sagart smiled at us both and nodded his head. Then he began, “The fey aligns with the elements. Air, fire, water, and earth. May this union be blessed with the gifts of air, for openness, communication of the heart, and to purify the mind and body. May this union be blessed with fire, for energy, passion, and creativity. May you love each other even in the darkest of times. May this union be blessed with water, for you to feel emotion and trust one another. And may this union be blessed with earth, providing sustenance, fertility, and security.”

  The words were different than any other I had ever heard, but I loved them.

  “Oleander, Kallan, will you please join hands to participate in handfasting, an ancient tradition of tying the bride and groom’s hands together.”

  Kallan took my hand.

  The sagart placed a pink ribbon around our hands and wrists and said, “With these ribbons, I bind Oleander and Kallan to the vows they make to each other.” He held up three more ribbons, two silver and one pink. Three piskies flew down and took them and continued to bind our hands. “These are the hands of your best friend full of love for you as you promise to love each other today, tomorrow, and forever. These hands will work with each other to build a future, passionately love you, cherish you, and comfort you. These hands will hold you when you’re scared or hurt. They will wipe away your tears of happiness or sorrow. These hands will hold your children.”

  Inside my chest, my heart was racing.

  “The knots of this binding are not formed by these physical ribbons, but by your vows. You hold your future in these hands. May your marriage be blessed and may you never be parted from one another.”

  “Kallan and Oleander, as your hands are bound together now, so are your lives and spirits. Like the stars above you should be a constant source of light and like the earth below, you should be a firm foundation from which to grow.”

  The elder then pulled one ribbon and all four were carried up into the air.

  “Do you wish to say anything to each other?”

  Kallan nodded and stared into my eyes. “When I first met you, you drove me crazy. Looking back I think it was because I had fallen in love with you already. Every day since, I’ve loved you more. You’re my beginning, my middle, my end. Mian mo chroí. I will spend the rest of my days making you happy.”

  Tears were rolling down my cheeks and I swallowed before softly speaking, “My heart knew it loved you before my mind had a chance to process it all. I love you as gentle as a soft wind tousling your hair and as fierce as a hurricane. I promise to love you for eternity.”

  The sagart held one ring in each hand. “Will you honor and respect each other?”

  Together we answered, “We will.”

  “Will you share each other’s pain and seek to ease it?”

  “We will.”

  “Will you love each other unconditionally and for always?”

  “We will.”

  “You will now seal the vows you share with each other by exchanging rings
. The circle of the ring symbolizes eternity.” He handed us the rings.

  Kallan took my hand and gently placed a rose gold diamond flower wedding ring on my finger.

  I placed a rose gold ring on his finger.

  “Kallan and Oleander, I now pronounce you married.”

  Kallan gently touched his lips to mine. The passion increased and the kiss became more intense until he pulled away just in time to see piskies flying quickly around us leaving a glittery dust behind. He had a sparkle in his eye and a smile on his lips that melted my heart. I couldn’t believe I was married to the man in front of me. I. Was. Married!

  The sun was just starting to peek over the horizon. The sagart began talking again. “Let the faery stone that once joined our land together be whole again just as the Aurorian and the dark prince have been united.” He motioned to the two stones. “Now.”

  Kallan and I picked them up and touched our halves of the stone together. The last rays from the light of the moon and the first rays of the sun touched the stone. Suddenly a bright white light shone out of the stone, causing me to squint. It got brighter and brighter and then the ground rumbled. The stone vibrated in my hands and sent out something that could only be explained as a whoosh.

  Immediately the colors of the faery realm were more vibrant. The smells were more potent. The flowers were humming louder. The land was once again united. Even my body could tell the difference. I felt alive, warm, and happy, but I’m sure most of that was due to being married.

  I examined the stone. It was whole. There was no evidence that it had ever been broken in two.

  Azura stood and faced us. “Please kneel.”

  Even though I was confused, I obeyed and knelt down.

  Azura raised a dainty tiara made of tiny golden leaves and flowers. “The Aurorian crown. Given to the Aurorian on her wedding day.” She placed the crown on my head. “Lead the fey well.”

  I stood up and answered, “I will.” And then more quietly, so only she would hear, I said, “Thank you, Mamaí.”


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