Love's Trusting (The Love's Series)

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Love's Trusting (The Love's Series) Page 22

by Jordan, Maryann

  “Suzy girl, don’t you move. Is there a shop nearby?”

  Looking around she replied, “Yeah, a coffee shop is a few doors up the street. Kofie’s Koffee.”

  “Go there and stay. I’ll be there in about fifteen minutes. I do not want you going to that apartment by yourself.”

  Agreeing, she had just ordered her cup of herbal tea when BJ walked in. She saw him first and couldn’t help but notice how his eyes searched around until they landed on her. No one else but her. A flashback to her seeing him walk in her mother’s bakery washed over her, filling her senses with the smells of home and him.

  Several minutes later they knocked on Mr. Marcelli’s door. His expression at seeing Suzanne was similar to Mr. Charleston’s, but his eyes grew wide at the presence of BJ filling the doorway behind her. As she quickly explained the change in the clinic’s ownership, he also was sad to see them move away.

  She introduced BJ as her boyfriend who just wanted her safe in the neighborhood, which seemed to fill Mr. Marcelli with relief.

  “I am glad you’re with her. The neighborhood is usually safe, but…” his voice trailed off.

  “Has your nephew been back to see you lately?” Suzanne asked.

  Mr. Marcelli’s eyes glanced at hers and then over to BJ’s tight face. “He…I…uh, no. What I mean to say is…no.” The silence in the room was only broken by the panting of Chaucer. Mr. Marcelli hung his head, shaking it slightly. Heaving a huge sigh, he looked up at Suzanne with tears in his eyes. “You must forgive an old man. I am so ashamed.”

  She walked over and placed her hand on his arm in reassurance. “What’s wrong, Mr. Marcelli? You can tell us. We can help.”

  He hesitated then bent over to rub Chaucer’s ears and looked up at the couple standing before him. “I don’t have a nephew. I don’t know that man’s name but I do know he’s dangerous.”

  “What was he doing here?” she probed gently.

  He stood and clasped his gnarled hands in front of him. “He came to warn me that someone from Dr. Donavan’s clinic might be trying to snoop about the attack on my poor Chaucer. He had just said that he would hate for my words to cause any harm to come to one of you.”

  Her sudden intake of breath was matched by the anger she could feel at her back. Mr. Marcelli’s eyes darted between hers and BJ’s angry visage.

  “It was pure coincidence that he was here when you stopped by.” Mr. Marcelli’s voice shook, “I was so scared, Ms. Suzanne. And after you left, he threatened me to stay quiet.”

  “What was his threat?” BJ’s question rumbled from deep in his chest, his fists clenched at his sides.

  “He said he would go after you Ms. Suzanne, and I believed him. The man is evil. I’ve never seen such evil.”

  A string of cursing erupted from BJ and she turned to try to calm him. He had pulled his phone out and quickly made a call. “Lily? Get some pictures of Marcel Washington’s known associates. Anyone you can pull up. Send them to my phone. Yeah, thanks.”

  Suzanne and Mr. Marcelli stood quietly as BJ placed another call. “Matt? With Suzanne. Got a problem. Meet us at the clinic. We may finally have a lead on Marcel. Make it look like a visit to see Annie.”

  Just then BJ’s phone chirped indicating a message was coming in. Looking down to see that they were coming from Lily, he said, “Damn, she’s good.”

  Turning the phone around, he began showing Mr. Marcelli several pictures. On the third one, he gasped. “That’s him. That’s the one.”

  As BJ turned the phone around to Suzanne, she carefully looked at the picture before nodding. She lifted her eyes to BJ’s saying, “Yeah. That’s the man who was here.”

  Turning to Mr. Marcelli, BJ said, “Okay. Here’s how this is going to go. If anyone asks why we were here, you just tell them the truth, and that is that Ms. Suzanne was here to tell you about a new vet taking over the practice. She’s been doing this for the past couple of days, so it’s believable. If anyone asks why I was here with her, you can say that we told you it was because she wasn’t feeling well and wanted her boyfriend nearby. That’s it. You don’t know anything else. We’re getting ready to leave and as we open the door, make it sound good. Okay?”

  Mr. Marcelli nodded his agreement as he walked them to the door. “It was so nice of you to come see me Ms. Suzanne. Chaucer and I will miss you at the clinic when we visit.”

  “I will miss you too, Mr. Marcelli. Thank you for letting me come say goodbye,” she said, her voice shaking, as BJ reached down to hold her hand.

  As the door closed behind her, BJ led them down the stairs and out into the street. A discreet scan revealed a black SUV parked on the corner. “Kiss me and then smile,” he said, as he pulled her around for a kiss.

  “What?” Suzanne asked, too stunned to think quickly. His kiss took over and she melted against his body.

  He pulled back ever so slightly to whisper, “I think we’re being watched. Smile as we head over to the car.”

  Gifting him with a glorious smile, that only he could see did not reach her eyes, they walked hand in hand back to his vehicle. Driving to the clinic, he saw the SUV pull away from the curb but noticed it did not follow them.

  At the clinic, they greeted Matt and Shane as though the meeting was nothing more than old friends getting together. As they moved to the back of the clinic, Suzanne took Annie and Leon aside to explain the situation. Matt and Shane went into the small office with BJ for his report.

  Shane looked down at the picture. “Jesus fuck. Jorge fuckin’ Hernadez.”

  “You know him?” BJ asked.

  “When I was undercover, we knew of him. He worked his way up in a rival gang’s organization. Word was he was ruthless. Something’s totally wired screwy in him. He’d just as soon kill someone as look at ’em.”

  The men were quiet for a moment, then BJ asked, “What do you have on him? Anything that can stick? This fucker has seen Suzanne. Talked to her. Jesus, he’s threatened her!”

  “Stay with her. In fact, stay here until Annie closes and see her home. The clinic is closed for the next three days anyway for the holidays. We’re heading back to meet with the chief. But BJ? We want him and we want him officially tied to Marcel. And we want to shut them down.”

  Before BJ could explode, Matt jumped in. “We get it, man. We’re not going to put Suzanne at risk, so you gotta stay with her. But give us a chance to bring them all down. Arresting Jorge because he threatened an old man isn’t going to even put him in jail for one night. We gotta play this smart.”

  BJ clenched his fists, dropping his head. He knew they were right. They had to take these fuckers down. But I gotta keep her safe. Her and the baby.

  Lifting his head, he nodded. “Okay. As soon as Annie closes up I’ll see her home, and then I’m heading to Tony’s with Suzanne. I want to report to him and let them know what is happening.”

  With that agreement, the men left the office and proceeded to their destinations. Matt and Shane held a meeting at the police station, focusing the investigation squarely on Marcel’s organization now that positive identification of Jorge had been made. Shane called Tony to arrange a conference call so the police could hear while Tony was talking to Suzanne.

  Once Annie was in her home safely, BJ drove Suzanne to the security agency. This time, Tony had Suzanne sit in on the meeting. BJ described the dark SUV, adding, “I know they saw me make them. They didn’t follow, but they left quickly. And I never got close enough to see the goddamn plates.”

  “Don’t beat yourself up,” Tony said. “They’ve already ditched that vehicle or just changed plates on it. In fact, they probably rotate plates regularly, so the police would never find them.” He turned his attention to Suzanne, who had been sitting quietly. “Honey,” he said gently. “Have you ever noticed anyone following you?”

  Looking around at the faces of Tony’s crew, all filled with concern, she answered, “Not really. I…it’s just that…I don’t know.” Realizing that she was not
being clear, she began again. “I try to be careful when I’m out. Follow all the normal rules for a female, like running during the daytime, having my keys out when I am getting ready to get to my door, things like that. But I don’t stare around me at all times to see if someone is out there. My brain just doesn’t work that way.”

  The group was quiet as they could see she was deep in thought. BJ started to say something, but the shake of Tony’s head held him silent. Glancing down at her sitting next to him, he could see that she was working the problem.

  Looking back up, she continued, “I remember the night of the dog attack. There was a whistle that called the dogs back and as I looked to the end of the alley, there was a dark SUV that the last dog jumped into. I also remember seeing a dark SUV near the Johnson’s house. It stood out because it was so new looking and most of the cars in that neighborhood were older. It never occurred to me that it could be following me. I…I mean lots of people have dark SUVs.” Twisting to look up into BJ’s face, she asked, “Why would someone want to follow me?”

  BJ threw his arm around her protectively and pulled her close. “Baby, we don’t have all the answers, but you’re not leaving my sight. You got that?”

  Gabe, Vinny, Jobe, and Lily looked at the couple with concern, before turning their attention back to Tony.

  “It may be because you simply fell into the dog fighting situation. With the animals that came to the clinic. With the boys. With you befriending the Johnsons afterward. With you calling the ER clinic.”

  Suzanne’s eyes grew wide. “But I was never trying to investigate. I just wanted to do my job. Well, at first. Then I met the boys and just wanted to help them.”

  “We know that, sweetheart,” Matt assured her, listening into the conference. “But that’s put you on their radar.”

  Shane spoke up next. “We just met with our task force here and the chief. We can now focus on Marcel’s organization and places of business. Both legal and where we think his illegal activities are. BJ, stay with Suzanne as we try to tighten the noose around their necks.”

  The conference went on for several more minutes, but Suzanne was no longer paying attention. Her mind was racing, thoughts swirling around faster than she could process. The clients who had been threatened. The clinic being watched. Dwayne and Chuckie. The look in Jorge’s eyes when he spoke to her.

  “Baby? Baby?” a voice sounded in her ear. Startled, she jumped as she saw that the meeting was breaking up.

  “I want to get you home. We’re taking the next three days and not leaving our apartment except to visit Fairfield,” BJ promised. Seeing that she was still shaken, he assisted her up from her chair and led her out of the room. Hugs from their friends along with Merry Christmas wishes filled the air.

  She just wished her heart felt as light as the holiday season, but a sense of impending doom settled around her.

  Chapter 21

  The next day, the apartment was filled with the sounds of Christmas music as she and BJ settled in to enjoy the day. They were driving to Fairfield on Christmas day to see their families and let them know about the baby. The gloom of the previous day seemed far away, as though it had been a bad dream that was now chased away by the sunshine.

  That evening, as they sat under the tree, she excitedly lay several brightly wrapped packages in front of BJ. “It was hard to know what to get you,” she said apologetically. “So, I got a couple of things that I hoped you would like.”

  He looked at the woman sitting cross-legged in front of him. Long, silky black hair pulled back with a dark green headband, showcasing her blue eyes peering at him anxiously. Flawless skin, with just a hint of blush on her cheeks. Black yoga pants paired with an emerald green top – which he tried to not focus on because the thought of her luscious ass and perfect breasts would make all other gifts pale in comparison.

  Leaning in to kiss her lips, he admitted, “All I want is sitting right in front of me.” Gifted with her brilliant smile once again, he couldn’t believe his good fortune. “All I’ve ever wanted is you.”

  Dropping her head, a blush spreading across her face, she felt the tears spring to her eyes. “Go on. Open them,” she encouraged gently.

  He proceeded to open his gifts, enjoying each one. A few items of clothing. A new watch. And a wallet. Smiling, she encouraged him to open it. Inside were five tickets to the Richland professional basketball game. He looked up in surprise.

  Laughing, she said, “Grab some friends next month and have a good time.”

  Leaning over, he kissed her lips enthusiastically. Licking the seam, he plunged in as her mouth opened to his. She tasted of apple cider and cinnamon. Earthy. Heady. Delicious. Sliding his arms around her body, he gently pulled her closer until she was straddling his lap, her breasts pressed against his chest. Pulling back, he gave her a quick kiss before twisting his body around to look under the tree.

  “Now where can your present be? I’m sure I had it here,” he said, pretending to look around puzzled.

  Giggling, she pushed against his chest. “Well, if you can’t find it, I’ll just go clean up the kitchen and pout by myself.”

  Before she could move, he growled, “Oh no you don’t, baby girl,” stilling her movements with his hands. Then lifting his eyes upward to a tree branch just above their heads, he exclaimed, “What’s this?”

  Her eyes sought where his hand went, noticing a pretty angel ornament on the tree. “I don’t remember that being there.”

  The angel was delicate china, with soft feathers for its wings. Above its head sat a halo. Or rather two halos. As he brought the ornament closer, she could see that one halo belonged to the angel. The other halo was actually a…

  Plucking the second halo from the angel’s head, BJ held a diamond ring in his hand. A white gold band held a large center diamond, encircled with numerous diamonds.

  Staring into the eyes that had enraptured him for as long as he could remember, he held the diamond out to her. “Suzanne McDonald. Will you do me the greatest honor in the world and become my wife?”

  Tears streamed down her face. Her hand shook as she held it out for him to slip the ring on. Time was repeating itself only this time it was better. Stronger. Ready to face life, whatever uncertainties may come. Staring down at the perfect ring on her finger, she couldn’t stop the tears that flowed unchecked down her cheeks.

  “Well?” he prodded.

  “Yes, yes, a thousand times yes,” she cried, throwing her arms around his neck and pulling him down for a kiss.

  They fell backwards on the rug. Clothing was soon tossed aside, as were all inhibitions. Making love under the Christmas tree with the twinkling lights reflecting off of their bodies, their passion exploded and hours later found them fast asleep in their bed.

  * * *

  The early morning drive to Fairfield on Christmas Day was much different than the trip they had made earlier in the fall. A light sprinkling of snow blanketed the horizon and Suzanne leaned back in her seat watching the beautiful countryside go by. Glancing down at her left hand, she couldn’t help but admire the sparkling diamond that now rested there. The sunlight caught the facets and colorful prisms danced all around her hand.

  BJ looked to the side seeing her staring at her new ring. Pride filled his chest as he once again thought of how lucky he was to have a second chance at love with this woman. He then saw her right hand slide over and rest on her stomach. And a baby. Jesus, I’m a lucky fuck. His mind flashed to the warnings from Tony and the situation surrounding Suzanne back in Richland – No. Not today. Today is Christmas, family, good news, and good times.

  “Are you nervous?” her voice broke into his musings. Glancing into her sparkling eyes, he smiled. “Nah. It’s gonna be all good. You okay with everything?”

  Taking a deep breath, she nodded. “Yeah, it’s going to be fun.”

  “So where are we starting? My parents or yours?”

  “Mom said yesterday to head to their house. They were going t
o host a Christmas morning brunch and invite your parents and grandparents over. They’re also having Laurie’s dad and stepmom come over as well, since Rob and Laurie will be there with the kids. They put a big tree out in the barn and said we could all have presents there.”

  “Hmmm, wonder what Santa’s gonna bring you since you’ve been such a good little girl this year,” he joked.

  Holding her hand up with the diamond catching the light, she laughed saying, “All I want is you and this baby. So, Santa’s already been to see me.”

  BJ reached out and grabbed her hand, pulling it to his lips. Placing a soft kiss on each fingertip, he then kissed the ring. “Together always, baby. Trust me.”

  They pulled into her parents’ driveway and drove around to the back where they parked in a row next to several other vehicles. Bernie was already pushing a small cart, carrying out what looked like some steaming platters. They waved as BJ assisted her from the SUV and hustled into the barn out of the cold.

  It didn’t take long for her ring to catch someone’s eye and the congratulations flowed. Everyone crowded around to admire the beautiful setting on her hand. BJ caught a look between the mothers and he knew that Wendy and Bernie had gone instantly into wedding planning. The women had maneuvered Suzanne over to one side, so he took the opportunity to walk over to Mac, giving his dad a quick nod first.

  “Mac, I didn’t get a chance to ask you for your daughter’s hand, but I’m doing it now. I’ve loved your daughter for as long as I can remember and I want you to know that’s never changed. We’re older now and ready to face whatever happens in life together.”

  “I appreciate that, Brad. I was ready to welcome you into the family four years ago and that still stands.” Reaching out to shake the younger man’s hand, he held it tightly as he leaned in. “I liked you as a child and a young man. I never minded my daughter dating you when ya’ll were younger. I hated that you had to get engaged when she got pregnant, but I was never upset that it was you that she was going to marry.” Mac stopped for just a moment, thinking on his words. “She’s my only baby girl, Brad. When you two broke up, it felt like I’d lost my daughter for a long time. She didn’t come home as much and when we would see her, the sadness in her was…well, it ’bought broke this old man’s heart. But I look at her now,” he said looking to the side at Suzanne surrounded by friends as she beamed, “and I see happiness. So son, welcome to the family.”


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