Love's Trusting (The Love's Series)

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Love's Trusting (The Love's Series) Page 25

by Jordan, Maryann

  “After everything I ever did for you?” she screamed.

  “I thought you had class. That was what first attracted me to you, but you have none. I’m not having a junkie for a mistress. It seems that even Jorge is getting his own piece of class after seeing the likes of you parade around.”

  The voices were lower and Sherrie had to strain to try to hear what was being said.

  The man’s voice rang out again. “He’s going after your sister’s beautiful friend. The one that works at the vet clinic. We need to make sure she stays silent and Jorge’s rewarding himself with her.”

  Sherrie could hear the sounds of scuffling as her sister screeched, “Get away from me.” A door slammed and she couldn’t hear her sister anymore. She heard the man’s voice on the phone.

  “Yeah. Get my pilot up. I’m taking a trip and I’ll have a passenger for the private jet. A woman. Let me know when we can take off. I’ll need about an hour at least to get ready and then it’s about a thirty minute drive to the airport.”

  Oh Jesus. Is he talking about me? He’s taking me somewhere? And Jorge has Suzanne. Oh Jesus, help me, I’ve got to get out of here!

  She could hear him talking to another man. “Is everything ready for tonight? Good. Jorge has set up a fake fight and I’ve had that leaked. The police’ll be raiding an empty warehouse.” There was a pause and then a chuckle. “Yes, well the real one will be a surprise as well. I’ll be in the air by that time. I have a trip to take and can’t miss it. Right, see that it all goes as planned.”

  Sherrie’s head pounded; whether from the drugs or fear she couldn’t be sure. Turning to look at the bedroom windows, she quickly crossed over to them. She realized that they were actually French doors that led out to a balcony. Determined to escape no matter what, she tried the doors only to find them locked.

  “You don’t want to try that, my dear,” a voice came from behind.

  Whirling around, she came face to face with who she assumed was Marcel. Tall, dark. Cold, calculating eyes. He smiled, showing his pure white teeth and her heart pounded in fear, her chest heaving with each breath she took.

  “What…what do you want with me? You can’t do this, you know. You can’t kidnap someone and get away with it.”

  “In a few hours, you and I will be on a plane. We’re leaving this place and starting over somewhere. You’ll live like a queen with the money I’ve made.”

  “I…what?” she asked. Her anger taking over her fear. “I’m not going anywhere with you. And if you do succeed to kidnap me somewhere, I’ll certainly not stay.”

  “You are beautiful.” His eyes swept the length of her. “Not as stacked as your sister. Not as tall, either. But you’ve got class. I like that,” he said walking toward her. “It’s going to be a pleasure being with you.”

  Before she could reply, his phone rang. Turning to leave the room, he said over his shoulder, “Do not attempt to leave. Those windows are secure; you won’t get very far. And it would make me very…displeased.”

  She watched the door close behind him and began to shake. Oh God, Charisse. What have you done?

  * * *

  Suzanne and Phil pulled up to the Safe Haven House. It was only about five thirty p.m., but the winter darkness had already set in.

  “Thank’s for driving me, Phil. I’ll call Brad again to have him pick me up.”

  “No way. You get the boys and I’ll take you wherever you need to go,” he replied.

  She was already out of the car and leaned down to answer. She hated to take him up on his offer but hadn’t been able to get through to BJ. “I hate for you to go out of your way,” she said, chewing on her lip in thought.

  “Look, it’s no problem. I’ll make sure you get where you are supposed to –” He looked over her shoulder but before he could call out, a man approached Suzanne from behind and pulled her away from the car, slamming the door at the same time.

  Phil jumped out of the driver’s side yelling but was tased from behind. His body jolted and then he slumped to the ground. Suzanne watched in horror as his body fell but then she felt her muscles tense in pain before unconsciousness hit her as well.

  The outside lights from the Safe Haven came on, but before someone could come out to see what was happening, Suzanne was dragged to a waiting car and its driver sped off.

  * * *

  BJ and Gabe pulled up to the modest home of Dr. Marker. The door was opened before they could knock and the distinguished elderly gentleman stood pensively looking at them.

  “Gentlemen, may I help you?” he asked.

  “Dr. Marker, we’d like to ask you some questions about your nephews,” Gabe replied after he had identified him and BJ. “May we come in?”

  Dr. Marker glanced between the two large men standing in front of him, wariness in his eyes. “What is this about?”

  “We’re concerned about some activities that both of them may be involved in and we think it leads back to you, sir. As I told you, we’re not from the police but are working with the police in investigating some activities that we think your nephews may be involved in.”

  Dr. Marker’s bravado held on only momentarily before his face crumpled and he hid his face in his hands. Gabe and BJ allowed him a chance to gain his composure and then followed him inside of his house.

  Sitting in his small living room, they felt large on the small sofa but focused on the man in the chair in front of a roaring fireplace. While the fireplace gave off heat, it seemed to be the only source of heat in the house.

  Dr. Marker looked at them and sighed heavily. “Have you ever suffered an addiction gentlemen? A need that grows so strong that you don’t know if you can breathe without it.” Without waiting for them to answer, he continued, “Well sirs, I have. I’ve had it so long, I don’t even remember what life was like before it consumed me.”

  The snapping of the fire was the only sound in the room, before Dr. Marker sighed heavily again. “No, that’s not true.”

  “What’s not true?” BJ asked gently, noting the older gentleman looked suddenly haggard.

  Looking up at the two of them, he answered. “That I don’t remember what life was like before the addiction. I had a wife. We were unable to have children and when my sister and her husband were killed in a car accident, we gladly took their two boys in to raise.”

  “Ralph and Charles?” Gabe prodded.

  Nodding his head, Dr. Marker allowed himself a small smile in memory. “Yes, they were good boys and we had a good life.”

  “What happened?”

  “I began gambling. At first it was just a simple pastime. Betting on a football game. Betting on other sports. It started so slow,” he said, shaking his head. “So slow.”

  Again, the fire crackling filled the silence. “My veterinarian practice certainly made money, but I became consumed with what the extra money could buy. A huge house, vacations, an exclusive country-club membership. The more I won, the more I would gamble. And then when I lost, panic would set in. My wife begged me to stop. Sometimes I gambled away the house payment, car payments…,” he said, continuing to shake his head as though he couldn’t believe that he was talking about himself.

  “Then, I did the unforgivable. I lost myself completely.”

  “What happened, Dr. Marker?”

  “I was called to help with a dog that had been in a fight. I had never been to a dog fight and when I saw how injured the animal was, I was horrified. But I patched him up and the owner was so grateful that he paid me a huge sum. I know now that it was not only for the care I provided but it was also hush money. I also now see it as a form of gambling. I would treat some of the animals coming in and keep my mouth shut to the authorities and I made a lot of money.”

  He hung his head just as a huge sob tore from his body. Shaking with tears for a few minutes, the three men sat quietly. Taking a handkerchief from his pocket, Dr. Marker wiped his tears and nose.

  “My wife of forty years died two years ago of cancer.
It seems as though everything began to fall apart then. What money I made, I gambled…and lost. I lost my large house and had to sell my practice. I opened the ER Vet clinic, but it was at times a front for keeping the local dog fighting community treated and hidden from the authorities. Although,” he added looking up, “it was a legitimate business and we did a lot of good for the community and saved a lot of pet’s lives.”

  “So you hired Ralph and Dr. Ketchum to assist you in your illegal activities?”

  “Dr. Ketchum? Phil?” Dr. Marker asked in confusion. “He was never a part of this. He’s a legitimate veterinarian who knew nothing about Ralph and me hiding the attack reports.”

  Gabe and BJ looked at each other in surprise. BJ clarified, “So Dr. Ketchum was not the one hiding or destroying the reports that were supposed to go to the Animal Control?”

  Shaking his head once again, Dr. Marker said, “No. Ralph kept most of them from him. If there was one that went through, there was a contact in Animal Control that would receive it and destroy it on their end.”

  “What about your other nephew Charles?”

  “Ahh, Charles. He’s very smart. A software engineer that can design anything,” Dr. Marker replied with pride.

  “How did they get involved with your activities?”

  With that question, Dr. Marker’s face fell once again, making him look much older than his years. Sighing again, he replied, “The boys knew that I was in financial trouble. They both wanted to help and since I was no longer able to help them financially, they were more than happy to jump in. Ralph had no real career path so hiring him to work at the clinic served both of our purposes. And Charles? He began working for the man who ran the dog fights and from what I understand, makes a lot of money doing it.”

  “You pulled your nephews into your world? The world you admit destroyed your life?” BJ asked incredulously.

  “I didn’t know what else to do. Don’t you see?” Dr. Marker pleaded. “While I never attended a fight myself, I received some warnings when I began to lose a great deal of money. Both boys offered to help and well…,” his voice trailed off. Looking back up he said, “With Charles involved in some way with the fights and Ralph having knowledge of some of the dogs, I was back to making money betting again. It seemed so…harmless,” he said, wringing his hands.

  “You should know that both of your nephews are being questioned by the police and will most likely be arrested. You will also be questioned as well.”

  At that, Dr. Marker’s eyes filled with tears again. “Oh no. I never meant for the boys to be this involved.”

  “They’re adults. They made their choices and they’ll suffer the consequences. Just as you will,” Gabe said forcefully as he and BJ stood to leave. BJ was already on the phone to Lily and Gabe quickly called Shane.

  Within hours, Ralphie had been questioned and arrested as well as the two Animal Control officers who admitted to destroying evidence.

  Chapter 24

  Jorge pulled up to a small building near one of the warehouses on the river. It was quiet, but that was to be expected. One of his jobs was to get to the fight location long before anyone else to make sure it was secure. And as the first of the crew would come, he was to oversee every step of the process. Turning, he pulled Suzanne out of the back seat wanting to get her inside as quickly possible. She was conscious but with a gag in her mouth and her hands and ankles taped, she was unable to put up much resistance.

  “Come on in, doll baby. I’ve got to get things set up for tonight and then you and I won’t have any interruptions.”

  He carried her into the dark space, turning on only a few light. “Mr. Hernandez?” a voice came from the other side of the pit.

  Jorge noted the old dog trainer with several cages next to him. The dogs were muzzled, but ever alert.

  “I brung ’em just like you said. Brought your dog, Devil’s Spawn, as well as a couple of others I thought would do really well.”

  Jorge set Suzanne down on a metal folding chair and walked over to the dogs. He looked on with pride at the dog he had specifically trained for this occasion. “Anyone know you were bringing him?”

  “Oh no, sir. No one knows about him. He’s a right smart fighter. He’ll make you a lot a’ money tonight, I’m sure of it. He’ll sit here real tame like and then come out ready to kill.”

  Nodding, Jorge handed over a large roll of money. “You can leave, but come back in time to take him back to the farm when the fight is over. I still don’t want anyone to associate my name with his right now.”

  The old man nervously glanced around at Suzanne and then bobbed his head as he slunk back to his truck.

  Continuing to flip on a few more lights, Jorge prepared the area for the first of the workers to arrive. Glancing at his watch, he couldn’t help but grin – the diversionary tactics of leaking out information to the police informants about another fight setting would be perfect. By the time the police arrived and figured out they had been duped, the real streamed fight would have taken place and the money made.

  He looked over to Suzanne sitting in the chair staring daggers at him. Grinning he stalked toward her. Keeping away from her feet, he squatted in front of her.

  “I’ve watched you a long time, beauty.” He trailed a finger down her cheek and lifted her chin so that her eyes would meet his. “Keeping an eye on you was no problem at all.”

  Her eyes grew wide at that admission.

  “Oh yeah, doll baby. I’ve been watching you ever since those little fuckers brought their dog to the clinic where you work and you took them home.”

  Her eyes grew wider as he leaned closer kissing her bottom lip, even with the gag in place. He took it between his teeth and pulled her lip out before letting it go. She tried to twist her head away, but her grabbed her hair and pulled it tightly back until she thought her neck would snap.

  “You think you’re too good for me, bitch. You’ve had that big man between your legs and think your pussy’s too good for me. Well, baby when I get finished, you’ll not only belong to me, you’ll be branded for me.” He leaned in for another kiss, licking her swollen lips while sliding his hand in her shirt squeezing her breasts. “Oh yeah, doll. You and me are gonna have some fun.” As his hand slid lower it stilled on her slightly protruding stomach.

  He jerked back, looking down at her in surprise. “Pregnant?” Throwing his head back, he roared with laughter. “This’ll make that security boyfriend of yours absolutely crazy. What a perfect revenge for all the shit he and his cop friends have caused.”

  Continuing to laugh, he stood and moved over to the door, waiting for the first of the crew to appear. Looking at his watch, he pulled out his phone to place some calls.

  * * *

  Charisse stood in her small apartment, looking around as anger poured off of her. Jorge promised. He’d promised that Marcel would take her back. Jesus, I’m such an idiot. Why did I ever listen to him? She flopped down on her sofa, her mind racing. Running her blood-red, manicured nails through her hair, she thought of Sherrie. As angry as she could get at her sister for not understanding her choices, she couldn’t help but think of them as children playing together. We were so close. In high school, Sherrie had been the smart one. The good one. She remembered the first time she scored under the high school bleachers. She’d wanted to buy more pot but had spent all of her money. And the seller took one look at her huge tits and offered to let her have the bag for a quick fuck. It had been so easy.

  She couldn’t remember the faces of the constant line of men after him, but she remembered that first one. His face, void of any emotion as he pounded into her finally throwing his head back as he came. He zipped his pants up and tossed the bag of marijuana at her saying if she’d do that some more, he’d keep her supplied.

  She leaned her head over and held it in her hands as she forced the memories to the back of her mind. Even though her sister was younger, Sherrie had always tried to protect her. Sighing deeply, Charisse stoo
d up and walked into the bathroom, staring at the reflection in the mirror. Oh my God, what have I done? I just sold my sister into a life of depravity. Oh Jesus.

  Rushing out of her building, she knew she had to go to Marcel. Somehow convince him that he was wrong. That what he was doing was never going to work. Somehow, she had to try to save her sister.

  * * *

  The S.W.A.T. team was in place. Matt and Shane were ready. The police chief walked over to them, finalizing the details.

  “This place it too quiet,” Shane said, his eyes narrowed in suspicion as the S.W.A.T team rushed the old warehouse. The call quickly came back that it was empty except for one woman. Hurrying in, Matt and Shane approached the lone woman being escorted down the stairs.

  Shaking her beautiful blonde head, she cursed, “I should’ve know that slick shit would pull something like this sometime.”

  “What are you doing here?” questioned Matt.

  The statuesque bombshell eyed him speculatively before answering. “I’m here for the same reason you are, big boy. I’m looking for Marcel Washington.”

  “You’re Charisse,” Shane stated, already knowing who she was from the surveillance photos on Marcel. “Marcel’s woman.”

  Giving an undignified snort, Charisse shot him a glare. “Was. Was Marcel’s woman. He tossed me aside like yesterday’s garbage.” She stood silently for a moment deep in thought before giving a huge sigh. “Look, I came here to talk to Marcel. Don’t know where he went but I will tell you he kidnapped a woman. My sister.” Leaning in, poking a long, manicured nail into Shane’s chest, she continued, “And I want that son of a bitch taken down. He fucked with me and I may have led him to my sister, but I won’t go down like that. I want him the fuck away from her!”

  “Where does he have her?” Matt bit out with Shane already on the phone.

  Charisse pursed her lips before answering. “He did have her at his house, but I’m sure she’s no longer there.” Suddenly tears sprang into her eyes at the enormity of what she had done and a sob ripped from her. “Oh Jesus, I sold my sister into his hands. You gotta find her,” she pleaded.


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