Love's Trusting (The Love's Series)

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Love's Trusting (The Love's Series) Page 27

by Jordan, Maryann

  Devil’s Spawn smelled the blood on Suzanne and his fight training to kill caused the huge dog to tear at his cage. Growling fiercely, the dog bared his fangs as he fought to get loose.

  The police eyed the dog warily, before Matt spoke again. “Don’t do this man. It doesn’t have to end this way.”

  “You think I haven’t figured out Marcel set me up? Everything I did for that prick and he set me up as his fall guy. Hell no. I’m nobody’s fall guy. Look at this. You can’t shoot me without the bullet going straight through her. You come after me, my knife ends her life and cuts straight into big man’s baby. And that dog that’s ready for blood? One click of my finger and he’s out of the cage and on her before you can stop either of us.”

  BJ focused on Suzanne, meeting her eyes. He saw her body begin to shake as tears rolled down her already tear-streaked face. Hang on, baby. I promise…promise I’ll get you out of this. He willed his thoughts to channel straight into her soul and noted when a light flickered in her eyes as though she knew exactly what he was saying.

  With an earpiece set to the frequency of the police, he could hear the S.W.A.T. team leader setting up the snipers – one for Jorge and one for the dog. Refusing to look anywhere else but at Suzanne, he prayed the others around him did their jobs.

  Jorge leaned in closer to Suzanne’s ear and whispered, “My whole fuckin’ life was living on the streets until I made it into Marcel’s camp. All I wanted was one thing that was clean and pure and mine. I saw you, beauty, and that’s what I wanted. I could’ve given you the world. Now, we can go out together.” With that his knife made another small cut on her abdomen. Her eyes wide in terror searched out BJ’s again.

  A slight sound to the side had Jorge jerking his head around, pressing on the remote at the same time. Devil’s Spawn shot out of the cage leaping the few feet in the air onto Suzanne, it’s mouth open and fangs bared as it hurled itself onto her.

  A muffled scream erupted from Suzanne as she saw the beast within inches of her body, saliva flinging from its mouth and eyes boring into hers as it went for the kill.

  Several shots rang out simultaneously, one hitting Jorge in the head spraying blood all over Suzanne as her body was caught between his and the bloodied dog that lay partially on her legs, his head shot as well.

  BJ bolted over to her, unable to discern what blood was hers and what belonged to Jorge or the dog. She continued to cry as Gabe stepped over Jorge’s body to quickly release her hands and feet, allowing her to slump forward into BJ’s arms. He quickly picked her up and sprinted away from the carnage. Gabe, right there with him, reached around and deftly sliced off the gag from her mouth.

  BJ fought the EMTs, who tried to get him to place her in the ambulance, but climbed in himself while not letting her go. They headed to the hospital as the others climbed into their vehicles to follow. Shane called Annie to let her know Suzanne was alive and told her to stop by Tony’s to pick up Lily and head to the hospital.

  Gabe placed a call and found out that Tony’s team was successful. Reporting to Matt and Shane, he said that Tony was already at the hospital with Sherrie.

  Glancing back at the carnage in the middle of the pit, Gabe flashed back to his days as an Army medic. Shaking his head, he walked out into the clear, cold night meeting up with the others, and headed toward the hospital. Giving no more thought to the dead, his focus was on his friends and the living.

  Looking down at the bloodied woman lying in his arms, BJ felt tears stream down his face. Terrified she was losing the baby, he wondered how she would survive another loss. “Baby, I’m here,” he said, rocking her in his arms. The EMTs worked around him, convincing him to place her on the stretcher while allowing him to stay right by her head. He pushed her hair from her face and grabbed a towel and tried to wipe some of the blood from her forehead.

  “It’s okay baby, whatever happens, I’ll still be here. We’ll face it together. We’ll always face it together. Trust me.”

  * * *

  The hospital waiting room was filled with concerned friends and family. Once at the hospital, the staff would not let BJ go back with Suzanne until he explained that he was the fiancé and the father of her baby.

  To his relief, when she was finally cleaned, they found that the majority of blood was from Jorge or the dog and not hers. There were still multiple lacerations, some requiring stitches. Bruises in the shape of fingers were on her neck and upper arms.

  “Doctor, there’s vaginal bleeding from the patient,” a nurse’s voice rang out.

  BJ jerked his eyes downward from her face and saw the nurse between Suzanne’s legs look up in concern.

  The ER obstetrician was called and BJ was whisked away and taken back to the waiting room. Beginning to put up a fight, Gabe grabbed him by his arms and held on to him.

  “Let ’em do their job, man. Hold on. Just hold on.”

  BJ slumped into a chair, feeling as though his legs were going to give out. Lily left Matt’s side and sat next to him. “BJ, we’re all here,” she said between tears, reaching over to hold his hand.

  Annie, tears already falling, felt a sob rip from her. Shane, sitting next to her with his hand on her swollen stomach, pulled her closer. “Babe, gotta get a grip. This isn’t helping Suzanne and it’s not good for our baby.” At that, she tucked her face into his chest and let his warmth soothe over her.

  Jobe and Vinny sat in the room, having heard about the take-down from Gabe, each wondering what hell Suzanne must have endured.

  Tony sat to the side. He had checked on the condition of Sherrie when he arrived at the hospital, finding that she had been treated for bruises and cuts and was soon to be released. She had been interviewed by the police, where she told them all she knew about Jorge.

  As the doors to the ER treatment rooms opened, everyone’s eyes looked up but disappointment filled as it was not a doctor coming to tell them about Suzanne. Tony’s eyes however, stayed on the person walking into the room. Sherrie. Pale, bruised, terrified. Her eyes glanced around the room before landing on Tony’s. Blushing, she looked away as she began to walk toward the outer door. Tony stood and quickly walked over to block her path.

  She was forced to lean her head way back as he was so much taller than she. Licking her chapped and still swollen lips, she nervously asked, “How is she? Suzanne? I heard she was here.”

  “They’re still checking her out. Maybe losing the baby,” Tony answered in his usual clipped tone but focusing on her blue eyes.

  Pulling in her lips, her eyes filled with tears as she began to sidestep him to leave.

  “You should stay. You’re a friend,” he added.

  Her eyes glanced around the room nervously. Slowly she shook her head as a tear escaped and slid down her pale cheek. “No. I…I don’t belong. I…,” her sad voice drifted off. Taking a deep breath, she began to leave again.

  “Do you have a ride home? Are you okay to go home by yourself?” he asked, suddenly not wanting to lose the contact.

  Giving him a sad smile she replied, “I’ve been alone for a long time. I’m used to it.” With that she stepped to the automatic doors and began to walk through. Turning, she looked into his caramel eyes one last time. “Give Suzanne my love. And tell her…I’m sorry.” With that she disappeared into the night.

  Tony stood for a moment, the desire to follow warring with the need to stay. Shaking his head, he turned and went to the seat next to BJ.

  The ER doctor then came out and called for Brad Evans. He stared for a second before feeling Lily squeeze his hand and he jumped to his feet. Following the doctor through the doors, he spared a glance at the room behind him filled with friends and feeling the vibes of hope flooding the room.

  They walked into the ER bay where Suzanne lay still and quiet. Turning to the doctor with questions in his head, he just stared numbly.

  “Her wounds were mostly superficial and only a few required stitches. There was no head injury. We have her mildly sedated since her he
artrate was fast and blood pressure was elevated. We believe that is due to the trauma of what she experienced. We’ll move her to a room upstairs and you can be with her. As soon as she awakes, we’ll have the hospital psychologist speak with her.”

  “And the preganacy? The baby?” BJ asked haltingly.

  The doctor smiled and said, “Right now, everything is fine.”

  BJ’s eyes jerked to the doctor’s face in question.

  Nodding, the doctor continued, “There was some minor vaginal bleeding. It’s stopped. An ultrasound was completed and the fetal heartbeats are strong.”

  BJ stood stoic, letting the words of the doctor slowly sink into his consciousness. She’s going to be fine. The heartbeats are fine. Heartbeats? What the fuck?

  His eyes jerked back to the face of the smiling doctor who nodded to BJ’s unspoken question.

  “Yes, Mr. Evans. You are going to be the proud father of twins.” The doctor left the room, leaving BJ leaning over the bed staring at the woman he had loved his whole life.

  Brushing the hair from her forehead, he planted a sweet kiss on her lips. “Baby, we’re gonna have twins. You gotta get well and you gotta get strong. And I’m gonna spend the rest of my life taking care of you and our children. You and me, Suzy girl. Always.”

  Her eyes fluttered open and she gave him a lazy, slightly sedated smile as she looked into the face that had filled her dreams forever. “Twins?” she whispered.

  He only nodded, finding that he was unable to speak. He kissed her once more before the nurses prepared to move her to a room in the hospital. Taking a quick moment to rush back to the waiting room, he announced his news to the ever growing crowd that now included Suzanne’s parents, Bernie and Mac, as well as her brother and his wife, Rob and Laurie.

  From her bed down the hall, Suzanne could hear the roar of cheers coming from the distance. Smiling, she placed her hand on her slightly swollen abdomen. “Babies,” she whispered as a tear slid down her face just before she slid back into a peaceful sleep.

  Chapter 26

  (2 months later)

  “I now pronounce you man and wife. You may kiss your bride.”

  This time the words of the minister were said over Suzanne and BJ and had barely left his mouth before BJ took her mouth in a kiss felt down to her toes. The clapping from the assembly of friends and family had her blushing as her eyes took in the man standing before her. The only man she had ever loved. The man now her husband.

  The wedding ceremony had only lasted a short while and the pictures were finally finished. The large barn that had held many holiday gatherings was now decorated with flowers and streamers in ivory and pink. The guests had finished their meal and the bride and groom had just finished their first dance as man and wife. As their friends swarmed around on the dance floor, BJ led Suzanne off to the side to have a chance to get off of her feet. They sat with Shane and Annie, who at two months further along in her pregnancy was no bigger than Suzanne. Shane, uncharacteristically nervous, hovered over Annie who finally told him to go find some men to hang out with if he couldn’t leave her alone.

  “Not doing it babe.”

  Annie huffed as she said, “Shane, I’m pregnant, not an invalid.”

  “Both of you women have worked too hard to get the new clinic up and running and I’m not taking any chances. So sit back, relax, and get used to being pampered,” he retorted.

  Hearing laughter behind them, Leon and his wife came over to congratulate the bride. Soon the tables around them were full of their friends. Matt and Lily, recently married themselves, along with Gabe, Vinny and Jobe and their dates rounded out their table.

  Pamela, Dwayne and Chuckie walked over giving the couple a hug. They had found a new apartment in a nice neighborhood with a park nearby and the boys had adapted well. The boys blushed as Suzanne ruffled their hair and exclaimed, “You two are so handsome!” BJ offered his handshake to them and Suzanne could not help but notice the boys standing a little taller with huge smiles on their faces. She and Pamela smiled at each other knowing that with all of Tony’s men around, the boys would not lack for male role models.

  Suzanne’s little niece, the flower girl, came bounding around the table and threw herself in Suzanne’s lap. “Caroline!” her mother admonished. “Be careful.” Rob scooped up his daughter as he leaned down and kissed his sister’s cheek. “Love you, Suzy,” he said, as she tearfully looked into her big brother’s face knowing he accepted BJ into the family.

  Sherrie walked over, a nervous smile on her face as she was greeted enthusiastically by Suzanne. Sherrie still felt guilty about her part in what happened to them but with Suzanne’s help, she was coming to terms with what all she had tried to do to help her sister. After Suzanne had been released from the hospital, one of the first calls she made was to Sherrie. The two friends met and began the first of weekly get-togethers. It took Sherrie awhile to move forward from the poor choices her sister had made that fateful day, but she finally began to understand that they were her sister’s choices, not hers. Suzanne held no animosity toward her and with time, she learned to forgive herself. She had not seen her sister since that day and doubted if she ever would again.

  The others at the table welcomed Sherrie as well, but as her eyes slid over to Tony’s she noticed that while his warm eyes were on her, he never made an attempt to talk to her. Nodding slightly, she made her excuses to leave early, promising to have lunch soon with the new bride. Slipping out of the side door, she allowed herself a glance backwards only to find Tony still staring at her, a slight nod from him as her only acknowledgement.

  The DJ called for the next dance and Suzanne was helped to her feet by BJ, who kissed her soundly. Mac puffed his chest out as he walked to the center of the floor taking Suzanne by the hand for the father-daughter dance. He led her in a circle, showing off his pride and joy before taking her in his arms to the sounds of I Loved Her First by Heartland. Her ebony hair was swept up in soft curls falling down her back with her lace veil floating around. At five months along with twins, her wedding dress allowed for her expanded body and soft layers of silk and lace swirled around her as they danced.

  Looking into the blue Irish eyes of his only daughter, Mac felt the tears come. “You know you’ll always be my little lass,” he said, trying to keep the smile on his face.

  Suzanne, losing the battle to the tears, replied, “I know, daddy.”

  They both glanced to the side to see BJ standing next to his parents, an arm around both of them swaying to the music as well. BJ’s grandparents stood next to them, arms around each other. Helen’s expression was one that she knew this day would come.

  “He’s a good man,” Mac admitted. “I’ve known him since the day he was born.” He chuckled as they continued to move back and forth across the dance floor. “In fact when you were born, Bill and Wendy and your mom and me all decided that you two should grow up together and get married.”

  “I love him daddy and he loves me too. I think we always have.”

  As the music came to a stop, Mac kissed his daughter’s cheek and led her over to where BJ was standing. Tall, strong, looking handsome in his black tuxedo. Mac placed her hand into BJ’s outstretched one and held both of theirs for just a moment. “Take care of her, Brad,” Mac said.

  “Always,” came the heartfelt answer. As BJ took his bride back to the floor to gently sway her to the music, loving the feel of her in his arms, he continued, “You can trust in that.”


  (Five years later)

  BJ gently rocked his body into Suzanne’s as they lay in the bed early on a Sunday morning. He held his hands on her abdomen, swollen with his child, as he took her from behind. Ever aware of her comfort, he had placed a pillow between her knees. Her pregnancy hormones had her usually coming quickly and today was no exception. Her pussy clamped down on his cock and he felt the baby move slightly against his hands. Knowing that they were about to enter the time when they would stop having sex be
fore this child came, he savored the feeling of her warm body pulling on his.

  With a few more strokes he felt his balls tighten and he held her firmly as he poured himself into her, allowing her to clutch him greedily. He slid one hand up to cup her enlarged breast as the other hand continued to massage her stomach. Leaning around, he kissed her mouth as she met his lips.

  Hearing the rumblings from the room across the hall, BJ reluctantly pulled out, laughing as she mewed from the loss of contact. “Gotta get the twins,” he said. “You lay here for a minute and I’ll get them.”

  She pulled herself out of bed and grabbed her robe from across the footboard. Before she knew it blond-headed James and dark-haired Katherine bounded into the room, followed closely by their father with socks still in his hands. The children jumped into the bed with their mom, careful to hug her without pouncing on her stomach. They quickly kissed her good morning and then leaned down to kiss her belly, saying good morning to their soon-to-be born brother.

  Looking up at BJ with the socks that had never made it on to their children’s feet, she laughed as she held out her hand. He tossed her James’ while he grabbed Katherine’s feet and tickled her as she squealed with delight. She slipped her son’s socks on, then sent him on his way to comb his hair and brush his teeth. Katherine bounded from the bed, ready to do whatever her brother did as well.

  BJ leaned over and gently pulled Suzanne to her feet. A mother of twin four-year olds and soon to be mother of another baby…and still the most beautiful woman I have ever seen. “Suzy girl, do you feel like going to the picnic today?”

  She knew her fatigue showed and smiled indulgently at her husband. She reached up to smooth her hand over his stubbled jaw, loving the feel of it under her fingers. “Yeah,” she replied softly. “I wouldn’t miss it for anything.”

  It was the annual pet adoption fair that Annie’s clinic held every year and it became time for all of their friends to gather, help with the animals and then culminate in a huge barbecue picnic. Besides Annie and Shane, Matt and Lily and their friends from Tony’s would all be there. Good food. Good friends. And family.


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