Trial By Fire (Rainbow Cove Book 1)

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Trial By Fire (Rainbow Cove Book 1) Page 10

by Jet MacLeod

  She picked up the phone and dialed the number to the bar. She knew it was closed but she hoped that Leigh would be there. She knew that Leigh was working the books to make sure that they had enough to open their show bar “Distraxxtion.” It was enough that Leigh had been there for her throughout the years and a good friend. She was happy to have her as a partner in business. But, right now, Reagan needed her advice on what she should do with Grace.

  “RL’s Closet,” Leigh said answering the phone.

  “Leigh, good, it’s you,” Reagan answered.

  “What’s up?”

  “I need your help with something.”

  “Like?” Leigh asked.

  “A woman,” Reagan answered.

  “A woman? Don’t tell me, it is Grace, isn’t it? What’d she do, now?” Leigh questioned.

  “Nothing that I didn’t ask for, but that is beside the point at the moment.”

  “I don’t see how, but okay, explain,” Leigh stated.

  “Well, it is like this, and don’t laugh. I kinda kissed her the other night. And, then, well, she kissed me. I am taking her out tonight, but I don’t know where to take her. Got any ideas?”

  “Whoa, slow down and rewind. You kissed her. She kissed you and now y’all are going out tonight. Did I miss something?’ Leigh asked.

  “Nope, that’s all of it,” Reagan answered.

  “And, what about that thing with her parents? Or, the fact you had to take her home because she was piss drunk? So, what the hell happened? I know I missed something somewhere, or did you conveniently leave something out?” Leigh demanded.

  “Well, not really.”

  “Spill it.”

  “She lives right next door.”

  “So, what?” Leigh asked.

  “She is the one that took care of me that night someone tried to get in,” Reagan stated.


  “And, what?”

  “Don’t tell me that you fell for her because she is a cop. That would be too much. Reagan, do you know what you are doing?” Leigh asked.

  “Nope, and for once, I don’t care.”

  “Well, don’t we sound so sure of our self all of the sudden? Okay, I guess I’ll help you but, if this blows up in your face, then don’t day I didn’t warn you. What do you need?”

  “I need to know where to take her. I have no clue. You’re better at the scene then I am, so can you help me?” Reagan asked.

  “You obviously don’t know me. But, let’s see what we can do. What is it that you hope to accomplish by taking her out tonight?” Leigh asked in response.

  “I just want her to realize that I like her, a lot. I want her to realize that I am not that same crazy, shy, freaky Goth-girl from high school. I want to prove to her that I am in her league,” Reagan answered.

  “If she can’t already see that, then she isn’t in your league, now,” Leigh said.

  “Leigh, you aren’t helping.”

  “Okay, okay, you want something glitzy and glam or just good and nice?”

  “I don’t know, what do you think?” Reagan asked.

  “I am not the one that is in love with her,” Leigh stated.

  Reagan didn’t respond out loud. She was taken aback by Leigh’s words but somewhere deep inside her she knew it was the truth. She sighed into the phone, knowing there was nothing that she could do to deny it.

  “Do you have an idea or do I need to go elsewhere?” Reagan asked, a little angry.

  “Keep your pants on, I’m thinking. Okay, what about Dianne’s on Devine or the Melting Pot? One of those sounds good. That is what I guess I would do,” Leigh answered.

  “Hmm, can’t say that I ever been to either one of them, but I’m willing to give it a shot. What about Japanese? Would that work?” Reagan asked.

  “Do you know if she likes ethnic foods?”

  “No, not really, I could ask though,” Reagan answered.

  “Then, would that spoil the surprise,” Leigh suggested.

  “I guess you’re right, but what does Dianne’s serve?” Reagan asked.

  “Food,” Leigh stated, without thinking.

  “Smart ass,” Reagan said.

  “Well, you asked.”

  “You know, I must like you a lot to keep you around,” Reagan said.

  “You’d better, because who else would run the bars?” Leigh questioned.

  “I have no idea, but okay. Dianne’s sounds good, I guess. I just don’t know what I am going to wear. It might be a little more than I want to do, you know.”

  “Depends on what time you go,” Leigh answered.

  “What about seven-ish?”

  “Just dress semi-casual but slightly dressy,” Leigh stated.

  “Now that was an answer,” Reagan teased.

  “You asked, I told you. Now, go home and primp yourself like I know you are going to do. Call Dianne’s and set it up. And, try not to have too much fun, kiddo,” Leigh replied.

  “Who you calling, ‘Kiddo’?”

  “You, short round,” Leigh said, laughing.

  “Paybacks, just remember paybacks,” Reagan said.

  “I am shaking behind the bar as we speak,” Leigh said sarcastically.

  “I will get you. Count on it, Leigh. I will get you back.”

  “I am so scared. Now, go, and get your girl. And, try not to be overly loving, make her want more. Keep her on the edge and then you will have her,” Leigh added.

  “Like that ever works,” Reagan stated.

  “Does for me,” Leigh answered.

  “Talk at you later,” Reagan said.

  “Back at ya, baby,” Leigh replied, ringing off.

  “She is so going to get it. But, first things first, Gracie Lynn O’Shea.”

  Grace sat at her desk. French had brought back the coffee and already left for the day. Grace sat there pondering two things: the case and what Reagan was up to for them for dinner. She wasn’t sure she was getting anywhere with her thinking when she looked up at the clock on the wall and saw that is was six p.m. She looked across her desk and had decided that she hadn’t made any more leeway with the case then she had that morning, and she wasn’t going to make any more tonight. She cleaned up the mess that the files and folders and other materials pertaining to the case were making on her desk. She put them all neatly back into the case box.

  She glanced at the clock again. It was six fifteen. Damn, she though, I need to hurry if I am going to change out these clothes and take a shower. Grace rushed down the hall to the female officer’s locker room. She tore off her clothes and ran to the shower. She felt dirty and wanted to scrub away all the filth that was in her mind. She took a quick shower and was in front of the mirrors doing her hair in less than ten minutes. She amazed herself. It didn’t matter that she had short spiky hair on top of her six foot frame. It took time to arrange it just right and then there was the decision of what to wear.

  Grace rushed back to her locker. She knew that she didn’t have much in it by the way of clothes, but she though that there had to be something better to wear then what she had come in that morning. She pushed back her dress uniform and everyday uniform to the side. She looked at the grey wool suit and cream colored blouse and decided that it was too hot to wear. She pushed her sweats out of the way and kept coming back to the jeans that hung up. She grabbed them and decided they would have to do. She selected her red collared button up shirt and the black blazer, her old fall back detective suit, and finished prepping for her date with Reagan.

  Gracie looked at herself in the mirror of her locker and smiled. She shook her head at herself. She knew that Reagan was going to like it.

  “Well, hello, sexy, missed you,” she mussed at her reflection, “It is about time that you got back on the wagon. Just don’t act like a player with this one. Don’t fuck it up this time!”

  Grace shut her locker, with her gun and badge inside. She decided that tonight it was just going to be Reagan and her. The cops and robbers would hav
e to wait. She adjusted her cell phone in its case and headed for the front door. She glanced at her watch as she walked past the squad room and towards the parking lot. It was just six fifty-five.

  “Good job, you still got five minutes,” she told herself.

  She walked out the front door, just in time for Reagan to pull up. Grace arched an eye brow in her direction and headed to the car. She got in and knew that tonight of all nights, she was at the mercy of her driver, Reagan. This was Reagan’s night to be in charge and for Gracie that was the biggest turn on. She smiled at Reagan as she pulled out of the parking lot and into the night.

  Chapter Fifteen

  It was late and Reagan had dropped Grace off at the station house. She’d left Grace there to drive home on her own, with her thoughts after their date. Gracie waved Reagan off and got in her F150 to start the trek home. She had to admit to herself that she had a stupid grin on her face, but she didn’t care.

  The drive home was uneventful, as usual. Gracie backed into her drive. She had only been a few minutes behind Reagan on the way to the Cove, but Reagan was already changed from her business suit and was waiting for Grace on her front porch. Grace glanced at her watch and then up at Reagan.

  “You okay?” Grace asked.

  “No, and yes.”

  “Um, okay. Do you care to explain that one to me? Or, I am going to have to guess?”

  “No, I am not okay. And, yes, I am okay now that you are here. Is that better?”

  “Sort of, what happened?” Gracie asked.

  “Well, I don’t know. I just don’t feel comfortable at my house. I feel violated still and I was wondering –“ Reagan started.

  “If I would spend the night, tonight?” Grace asked, knowingly.

  “No, and yes.”

  “You are full of riddles tonight.”

  “I am sorry," Reagan said, “I was wondering if I could stay here, with you tonight. If, it isn’t too much trouble. I wouldn’t want to put you out.”

  Grace shook her head. Of course, it would be trouble and Reagan knew it. Gracie could only be thankful that Reagan couldn’t read minds, because if Reagan could, she wouldn’t have asked to sleepover. Grace wasn’t sure that she would be able to behave herself if Reagan was in her own home, but she knew that she would try if it would make Reagan feel safer.

  “Come on in,” Grace stated.

  It wasn’t a split second decision but it seemed like it to Grace. She was up the stairs of her porch and the house motioning Reagan inside and up the stairs to the guest bed room, before she realized that she had made the decision. There was something in the back of Grace’s mind that wouldn’t allow her to leave Reagan outside or leave Reagan alone, feeling unsafe. Grace chalked it up to her being a cop, but she had to sit back and think about it before she realized that was only part of her reasoning behind the gesture. The other part was a purely physical one and something that was almost becoming a need when it came to Reagan. Grace wasn’t sure that she liked that or the fact that Reagan would be spending the night in her home, but the feelings that she had for Reagan out-weighed any doubts that she had about the situation.

  “This is the guest room. Feel free to use it. Towels are in the hall closet if you want to take a shower, later. If you need anything, ask. I am going to go to my study and have a beer. Feel free to look around and make yourself at home,” Grace said.

  She watched Reagan eyes turn from frightened to loving in a split second as she told Reagan that she could make herself at home. She knew that meant a lot to Reagan. She wanted Reagan to feel welcome and not like a stranger spending the night.

  Grace was still upset by the way she had treated things before between them. She was mad at herself for letting her anger beat her sympathy, but she had to admit that even in her anger she still did allow Reagan to spend the night at the house with her. Albeit, it was on the couch, but she didn’t put Reagan out on her ear like she wanted to so badly.

  “Thanks,” Reagan replied.

  She lay down on the bed and let the softness overcome her. She removed her pants and shimmied under the blankets. Reagan could smell Grace in them. It didn’t matter if Grace had never slept in that bed. The entire house smelled like her. It was part of the calming effect that Grace had on Reagan. It was Gracie’s smell. It was like cookies, vanilla cookies and it reminded Reagan of her mother.

  “Bless you, mom,” Reagan said out loud.

  She knew that no one could hear her. She didn’t care. She was glad to feel safe again after so many years. She was glad to have someone else that cared for her besides her Grandmother and Catherine. She loved them both dearly but it wasn’t the same feeling that she got from Gracie and that was the feeling that she was craving.

  Grace went into her study to think. The only think on her mind, however, was the woman at the top of the stairs in her guest room. All Grace wanted to do was go upstairs and lay in the bed with her. She knew this might help Reagan but she was scared of what she might do if she actually did it. Gracie had to admit to herself that she had more than appropriate feelings for Reagan and getting in bed with her tonight, especially after their date, would be dangerous.

  She switched on her computer and linked it with the one at work. She decided that if she tried to work on the case that maybe she would calm her libido and she wouldn’t follow her wanton need to go climb in bed with Reagan. Grace could only hope that it would work. She wasn’t sure she would trust herself if Reagan came downstairs. She shook her head trying to make the fantasies go away and focused on her notes on the screen.

  She still couldn’t come up with anything. She knew that the rapist/killer had come from the water but that was about it. The profiler she’d sent notes off to, also, agreed with assessment of the killer’s background and motives for the acts. She just couldn’t get over the number of stab wounds. Forty was a lot, even for over kill, and it was grotesquely personal. This guy was an animal and she wanted to nail him soon. She could only hope that something else would come up from something that CSU ran and it would be the break that they needed.

  Reagan awoke. The darkness of night crept through the windows with the scant moonlight that shone into the room. She was sweating. She was cold and afraid. She couldn’t help that dreams had followed her to Grace’s house. It was something that she hadn’t expected. She decided that she needed to light a candle to someone above. Maybe then, she would be able to sleep through an entire night without a nightmare.

  She got out of bed. She crept to the end of the stairs. She saw the light coming from the study and decided to go check on Gracie. She went back to the guest room and grabbed a robe that she found in the guest bath door. She put it on before making her way downstairs and to the study.

  She peeked around the door, carefully, trying not to break Gracie’s concentration. She found Grace asleep in front of her computer. Grace’s hand propped up her head and she slept. Reagan smiled, amused. She didn’t know why but she figured this was how Grace spent many of her nights. She quietly walked over to Grace.

  Grace’s eyes popped open at the sound of footfalls on the hardwood floor. Her eyes were bright blue and the emotion behind them frightened Reagan. She was more afraid that she had done something to upset Grace.

  “You okay?” Grace asked.

  “Fine, you?” Reagan replied.

  “Tired, but I have to solve this case. It is just a lot of bull shit at the moment and I am trying to make sense of it all. Did you need something?”

  “No, well, maybe a glass of water. I woke up and was thirsty. I saw your light on and decided that I needed to check on you,” Reagan lied.

  “Do you want me to get it for you?” Grace questioned, rising to her full six feet, “Or, do you just want me to tell you where to get it? It doesn’t matter to me.”

  “Just tell me,” Reagan said.

  “Go down the hall and to the kitchen. The glasses are on the left side on the sink. Just get whatever one you want. There is juice in the fridge
, too, if you would rather have that. Just get whatever you want, it won’t bother me,” Grace stated.

  “Okay,” Reagan said and padded her way into the kitchen.

  Grace closed out all of her files on the computer and resigned to go to bed. She had to admit that if Reagan hadn’t come and woken her she would have found herself, dozed on her desk in the morning. She grabbed her glass and headed to the kitchen behind Reagan.

  Grace walked straight to the fridge and refilled her glass with the grape juice that she found inside. She saw that Reagan had chosen water to quench her thirst. Grace sucked down the grape juice and washed her glass out in the sink. While she did this, she watched Reagan sip her water, quietly. Grace thought she must have it bad when the mere sight of Reagan drinking was making her hot. She turned to Reagan, smelling Reagan’s slight scent, and smiled.

  “I am going to bed,” Gracie announced.

  “Good idea. I should get back to bed. I have a big meeting in the morning. I would hate to not be ready for it just because I couldn’t sleep or rather didn’t sleep,” Reagan said.

  “If you can’t sleep, come get me. I’ll stay up with you. I have tomorrow off and it won’t bother me, okay?” Grace offered.

  “That’s nice of you, but I won’t keep you up just because I can’t sleep. That doesn’t seem fair. I’ll work through it just like I always do. Goodnight, Gracie,” Reagan said, putting her glass in the sink and heading for the stairs.

  “Goodnight, Reagan,” Grace called after Reagan, while she was gripping the counter.

  Grace reminded herself to get a hold of herself. Tonight was not the night that she needed to lose it when it came to Reagan. It wouldn’t look good and she knew that she would eventually end up hurting Reagan and possibly herself if she got carried away. She shook her head and headed up to her own room. She passed by the guest room and saw that Reagan had gone back to bed. Grace smiled at the blob in the bed and went to bed herself.


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