Alexa's Warrior Mate (Guardian Warrior Mates, Prophecy of Salvation Book 1)

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Alexa's Warrior Mate (Guardian Warrior Mates, Prophecy of Salvation Book 1) Page 2

by Bernard, Lynnette

  He stepped back then and looked over his brood. Each and every one of them was perfection in his eyes. From Alexa, the oldest, to Gaiya, the youngest, they were strong, educated, honest women with compassion and kindness to complement their skills as the soldiers he had trained them to be. They would need all of those things to survive during these difficult times of unrest in order to fulfill the destiny that only they were meant to fulfill.

  Callie stepped forward and took the bag from him. She slung it across her shoulder to hang it across her back, settling it carefully so that it did not interfere with the weapons that she wore at her hips.

  “Daria, do you have the book?” her father asked her as he backed up so that he stood in the threshold of the hatchway.

  “I do,” she answered quickly, patting the duffle bag that she held.

  “And I have the discs, Dad,” Evie told him as she stored them and the tech device that was needed to read them, beneath her assigned seat within the ship.

  “Good,” Lucas said more to himself than to his daughters. “Francie, don’t forget to check the arsenal when you land. Be sure that the pulse weapons are charged. No one leaves this ship unless they’re armed.”

  “Yes, Dad,” Francie answered immediately. “Gaiya will help me.”

  Lucas nodded and took another step backward, his broad body filling the hatchway. “If all goes well, you’ll arrive at your destination in five months. It may take longer if you have to use evasive maneuvers to hide from anyone you think might be following you. You have enough Mulvane crystals to keep you fueled until then.”

  He hesitated then, needing to tell his girls how much he cared, but afraid that he would be too emotional and cause them to lose focus. His intelligent thoughts warred with his heart. He could not allow them to leave without telling them.

  “I love you all so much,” he said quietly. “Your mother and I will always watch over you.”

  “Daddy,” Gaiya whispered, unable to keep the tears from escaping.

  “Be sure to seek out the man that your mother saw in her vision,” Lucas said firmly, needing all of them to focus and remain strong. “He will see to your safety. Be careful that he is the one. Check the book for the signs. It will be evident to you if he is not. Lexi, you hold the key to this.”

  Lexi nodded, not really sure how she would be the one to know what she was supposed to know. Her mother had told her before she had died that it would be obvious, and that she didn’t have to worry. A single meeting would be all that it would take. Actually, her mother had said a single contact, but Lexi didn’t understand that explanation any better.

  A blast of pulse fire startled them all. Her father turned toward the assault, raising his weapon and firing before running down the gangway. Lexi’s heart hammered within her chest as she saw her father facing the attack alone. She wanted to go and help him, knowing that she and her sisters had the skills to protect him. They had been trained to fight and were more than capable of protecting themselves and their father, but their father’s direct order to remain behind in order to ensure their escape was something that none of them would disobey. If they did, it would mean the destruction of the many worlds that they were destined to save.

  “Go!” Lucas shouted as he aimed and shot his pulse weapon at the oncoming team of guards. He turned and fired at the control panel that operated the bay door. It lowered slowly in jerky movements.

  Frustration filled him. The door wasn’t closing fast enough. He aimed at the console to his right, knowing that he had to destroy it in order to keep his family safe. Once that console was out of commission, the door to the docking bay would be sealed for good. Shooting at the panel, he smiled in satisfaction as it exploded in a bright display of destruction. Now, he had to take care of the militia that was advancing on him.

  Lexi had to keep herself from crying out as she saw her father run directly toward the men who were threatening their escape. He was an experienced soldier and was able to avoid the barrage of pulse fire as he destroyed the control for the bay door, but a direct shot from one of the guard’s pulse weapon caught him in the left side, throwing him to the ground.

  The women watched in horror as their father pulled himself up with the help of the wall of the control booth to the left of the loading ramp. Lexi knew that her father’s determination to get inside and upload the virus into the system to destroy any chance of their ship being tracked was the reason he was able to ignore the injury that he had sustained.

  Bree started to run toward their father, but Lexi pulled at her arm to stop her. Bree nearly dropped her daughter Hanna, but Lexi scooped her niece into her arms and activated the sensor that closed the hatchway. She turned to look at her sisters with determination.

  “Get strapped in,” she told them calmly, handing Hanna back to Bree before making her way to the pilot seat and strapping in.

  Within seconds, the ship was powered up. The massive energy of the thrusters propelled them up and out of the bay and into the atmosphere. It was only a matter of seconds before they were heading toward the destination that had already been programmed into the computer of their ship.

  “We have to help him,” Bree said, voicing the feeling that each of them was experiencing.

  Lexi looked out the port window to the rapidly retreating world. She saw the explosion that was registering on the control panel before her and knew that her father had been successful in shielding their escape. She also knew the moment their father’s life force ceased to exist. The absence of it lay heavy within her heart.

  The silence in the spacecraft was unbearable. Each sister was deep in thought and overwhelmed with sadness. Lexi leaned back and rubbed her neck tiredly. The weight of the responsibility that she carried very nearly crushed her, but she had to go on. It was their destiny to travel to Altavesta, and it was her responsibility to see that they all achieved that destiny.

  Their mother and father had prepared them for this moment from the time they had been young children. They were the ones who were destined to save many worlds.


  She had no clue.

  Chapter 1

  The serenity of the lagoon was broken only by the rhythmic strokes of the lone swimmer. The man who swam did so with precision and strength that spoke of determination and power. He swam naked, his clothing left, unheeded, at the water’s edge. There was no need for concern for his safety.

  He knew his men surrounded the secluded area. He had no doubt that each man who served him, did so willingly and loyally, prepared to defend him with their lives if need be. But he would not allow that sacrifice to ever be made for him. He was a worthy opponent to any who dared challenge him. His skills and his strength were matched by no other. So was the magic within him.

  The corded muscles of his arms flexed with each stroke as he continued to swim laps around the lagoon, bringing him back to the sandy beach over and over again. Only when his arms ached from use, did he slow. Despite the exhaustion of his body, his mind would not be silenced. No matter what he did or how he occupied himself, the same thought echoed within him—a thought he had done his best to push aside. He ceased his swimming, easing back and allowing the clear blue water to buoy him for a rare moment of relaxation.

  Sebastian Mathieson’s mind was filled with the thoughts that had been plaguing him. He thought about the dreams that he had been having. They had increased in both length and intensity and had been consistent in waking him for the past few nights.

  In each dream, he saw the figure of a woman. Her face had been obscured, but her height and coloring were not. He saw that she was tall, had beautiful light brown hair that fell to her shoulders, and she wore a white blouse with full sleeves.

  He had heard her laughter. That was something that he had enjoyed very much. Hearing her laugh had sent ripples of joy through him. It made his heart light—something that he did not experience much in his life. He hoped that he was seeing the woman who was meant to be his. The way this woman�
�s presence filled him with happiness made him experience a small spark of hope that she would be the catalyst to the arrival of something good in his life. Mayhap she was meant to be his life mate.

  Being king of Altavesta and leader of the Guardian Warriors, he had not had much time to enjoy life. He had duties to attend to and people to protect. He and his warriors protected not only their own world, but the many neighboring worlds that were their friends and allies.

  His father had been the one to reach out to those other worlds. Sebastian aspired to be like his father, and he did his best to remain open and accepting of all new worlds that looked to Altavesta for protection. There were many threatening factions out there who were guilty of horrific acts of brutality. Sebastian and his men had freed many people who had been enslaved and denied their basic rights.

  It was becoming increasingly more difficult to keep watch over everyone. The magic within Sebastian was great, but even he was tiring and needed help. He did not think he had it within him to continue at the pace he was living. There was no time to breathe and no time to replenish his strength. This moment of respite at the lagoon had been a stolen moment away from his obligations.

  His men were waiting patiently for him to return to the temporary camp that had been set up at the suggestion of his youngest brother Tristen who had experienced a vision telling him that Sebastian needed to be there. He always trusted Tristen’s visions. Those visions had saved countless lives.

  Sebastian also relied on the feelings of his best friend and commander of their warriors. Torin had sensed that something was about to happen on their world. He also had an uncanny ability to sense life around him, which came in handy when they were exploring new worlds before revealing themselves in order to determine the integrity of the people there.

  Most of the time, the people of those new worlds had been good and worthy people who were invited to become a part of the community of planets that Sebastian and his warriors watched over. Sometimes, the opposite had been revealed. Were it not for Torin’s ability to sense life around them, they would have been ambushed and killed.

  Sebastian remained on his back and swam lazily with slow, even strokes. He turned his head slightly as he swam, surveying the calm lagoon as he made his way around it. He sighed heavily. He wished that he could appreciate the beauty of their world more often.

  The sky was filled with clouds that painted it blue, pink, and purple with wisps of white. In the distance, he could see the great valley that lay before the high rocks where the castle had been built so many generations before. It had been modernized, yet it still held the rustic charm of days gone by.

  He much preferred to wear the red and blue tartan over the comfortable trousers that was traditional for his family whenever he was home on Altavesta. Yes, he wore the more suitable garb of a warrior when he brought his men to new worlds or led them into battle, but he enjoyed the old fashioned clothing of their people. His men were of the same mind, wearing their different color tartans that represented their families when they were on their home world. They even carried the broad swords that their fathers had carried. The modern weapons they also armed themselves with were discretely tucked into the waistbands of their trousers and tartans or within the leathers of their tall boots.

  Sebastian knew that his men were waiting for him to finish his swim and come out of the water, but he did not want to give up this stolen moment of peace just yet. There were so many things that he still needed to think about. He knew his swim in the lagoon was the best way to help him keep calm and work through his thoughts.

  Submerging beneath the water, Sebastian allowed it to refresh and soothe him before pushing above the surface and allowing his entire body to relax and float. His mind was filled with so many thoughts. He nearly yelled out in frustration. He did not want to think about anything for just a moment. He needed the escape. Just one moment of peace would do wonders for his mental health. Once relaxed and refreshed, he would be able to be the strong and powerful leader that he needed to be in order to keep everyone safe.

  He cared about his people. He held great strength as a warrior. His magic was significant. He was a good and just king. His subjects and warriors would not know it by looking at him, but he was also sad and felt isolated. He felt guilt that he held such thoughts. He had a loving family with supportive brothers. His warriors were honorable. He considered them brothers-in-arms. He should not feel sadness or loneliness. Yet he did.

  The one thought that was first and foremost in his mind was the desire he had of finding his true life mate. He had not able to look for the woman who would be his and give him the comfort and the love that he craved. His life of duty was an isolating one. Although he had resolved himself to the fact that he would spend his life without love, he could not help but want to find the woman who was meant for him. He craved to experience her love and feel the beauty of her gentle touch.

  His brothers had encouraged him to take a journey throughout their kingdom to reach out and make the connection with the women who lived there. Only in that connection would he find her—the woman who was meant to share his future and raise a family with. But he was unable to make that journey. He had responsibilities that took precedence over his desires. His personal life was of no matter. He had to protect his people from those that threatened their world.

  He accepted that he would never be fortunate enough to find himself part of a destined bonding. He would not find comfort within the arms of the woman that the heavens foretold would be his. There would be no joy, no ecstasy, no love, and no children. As much as he wanted those things to be a part of his future, he had to accept that there was nothing in his future except duties, the necessary fighting that would protect his people and the worlds they watched over, and loneliness. There was no woman waiting for him to give him peace and love. That type of happiness was not his destiny.

  He dipped his head below the water’s surface again, taking pleasure in the feel of the warmth of it. It was just the right temperature to cool him, yet not so cold as to make him uncomfortable. Pushing himself upward, he broke the surface and smoothed his long hair back from his face. He looked out at the horizon and sighed, enjoying the beauty of his world. Clouds drifted lazily across the sky that was awash in color, filling him with a sense of beauty and melancholy at the same time.

  He stood slowly, wading toward the shore and stopping when the water was just below his chest. His dark blond hair hung to his shoulders. He wiped at his face slowly, pushing the water from his eyes and cheeks, brushing aside his thoughts of sadness and loneliness at the same time. He sighed tiredly, not wanting to relinquish his brief escape from his duties and responsibilities.

  It was then that he saw the movement on the beach before him. He remained calm. Whatever was causing that movement did not precipitate the rush of his men to come forward to protect him. That fact was telling. He stood his ground and waited while the brush rimming the edge of the beach parted and a woman walked toward the water. She carried a small child. It was obvious that she led the small band of women who followed a few paces behind her.

  She was tall, with light brown hair that fell in gentle curls to just below her shoulders. She was clad in soft, brown pants and wore a delicate white blouse with full sleeves that were gathered at each elbow with small golden buckles. She wore a black vest over the blouse that was laced together with golden ribbons, making it conform to her full breasts and narrow waist, and accenting the feminine flare of her hips. His body tightened in arousal immediately.

  As he faced the group of women, he was glad that the water reached to just below his chest so that the hardness of his shaft was hidden from them. He was confused by his sudden urge to grab the woman holding the child and love her with an intense passion that he had never felt for any woman before. Everything within him screamed at him to go to her and claim her as his.

  “I think he might be the one,” Lexi said softly as they walked toward the water.

Happiness lit her eyes. She had been watching the powerful body of the golden man as his determined strokes propelled him through the water before her. It had taken her some time to evaluate the situation from the hidden position that she and her siblings had taken in the fertile foliage surrounding the lagoon.

  Bree had used her gift to reach out to the man in the water as well as the men who were within the small cove of trees who were obviously guarding the lone swimmer. She had felt only honor and protective instincts. Their father had told them to trust Bree’s gift. That’s what Lexi was doing now. They came to a mutual decision to approach the man in the water.

  Holding her niece securely within her arms, she stepped in front of her sisters and stood before him as he stood chest-high in the water. She faced him squarely with a look of determination in her eyes and a sword in her hand. She would not allow him to harm any of them. It didn’t matter that Bree had said they could trust him. Lexi wasn’t about to chance the safety of her family.

  “I’ve been watching you swim,” she called out to him.

  “Have you?” he called back, amusement evident in his voice. He was pleased by her honesty.

  “Yes,” she told him calmly. “I’m not certain if you can help us, but it’s obvious by the number of men who guard you that you must be someone of importance in this world.”

  Sebastian looked at the foliage behind the women and saw his men standing there. They pushed through the thick shrubbery as they silently took their places behind the women. He noticed that each of them was staring intently at the group of strangers and was suddenly concerned for the females. Pressing the magic within him out in a gentle wave, he surrounded the women and searched their hearts. He sensed no threat from the women despite the fact that each of them was armed.

  He saw Torin step forward, reaching for the blade that hung from the scabbard at his waist. The warriors that flanked Torin saw the movement of their commander’s hand and reached for the hilts of their own blades. Something close to panic gripped Sebastian. He could not allow these women to be harmed or frightened. He held his hand up to halt his men’s movements. They held their position without question.


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